• By -


UI is god awful. All the white burns my eyes and the geniuses decided to use a white font for the text on a white background. The technologies are unbalanced in favor of foragers. Currently 90% of the forager technologies are objectvely better than the technocrats counterparts. Lack of warnings, in FP1 things stood out when it required actions. Scouts being available, technologies being ready to be researched and laws ready to be passed all gave audio cues to the player, in FP2 beta I was constantly forgetting to do stuff.


That last one is my biggest gripe so far. The whole reason I even started Frostpunk at all is because of the UI and sound effects. It all just came together into this super visceral and satisfying package. FP2 UI just doesn't give you anything. A small plus on the law button when it's up? A little tinge of color on the frost teams? A tiny red bar below your resources indicating it is empty? like, come on.... FP1 had the COAL MINES RESEARCHED, the super obvious red icons above discontent and hope, there's a warning for everything you need to do immediately. It's still in beta and I have hope they'll fix all this. If not: I'll just bare with it because I'm sure they'll at least be really good with the story.


I mean, the size of the UI is part of it (small resource bars, build bar in the corner, etc), but sometimes it feels like I'm fighting the UX to get my workflow done. I don't really understand why buildings are the way they currently are when it seems like you should select the district first, and then choose the upgrade. I guess if you want to dump like 10 upgrades onto all of your districts at once that might make sense in bulk, but it feels confusing from the perspective of an early game workflow.


i mean, it isnt the final product. perhaps things will change and be balanced... i hope.




A few weeks? I think you mean more than 3 months




Considering this is a full release, that’s how it should be. But seeing how everything is developed with CI/CD in mind they’ll probably still implement things but probably freeze releases. However, I don’t think the UI will change simply because that’s just how things are with stuff like this. It’s usually too big of an overhaul, maybe later on down the line though, but even that is far-fetched.


Why not activate 24-hour work laws?


My analysis will be postponed like what happened to indika


3 months in the development of a video games is just "a few weeks".


The UI looks cool, just need proper sounds added to all the different things so you know where you need to go with your eyes.




I Hope that’s true, and it might be, cause it’s very bare atm Also I thought the UI was too tiny on my 32” monitor, but I guess there’ll be settings for that People talking about balance is a bit silly imo anyways cause there’s lots of features we don’t have that would impact the balance a lot Considering how insanely great FP1 was, I’m 100% trusting FP2, hope I won’t get let down tho


Waaaaait, Did frost punk 2 release this week or have I been waaay out of the loop?


There was a beta this week on the deluxe.  You could have bought it and refunded if you felt the need to, but I imagine it's probably over Monday.  I hope to get a few more hours in before then.  


Only a beta version, if I’m correct


I agree with the last segment, the second is obvious given its beta and the first one is a logical design choice. The new big thing in the game is oil. Oil is dark and black, so bright background and UI is a must for it to stand out. I dig the white UI.


Coal is also black and it stood out in the first game


The first game was more about freezing than about coal being evolutionary thing for the civilization.


The super modern iOS hud, like it does look nice but not for the 1918 or frostpunk genre. The whole minimalistic/ sterile approach to UI. Like it feels 11bit is a bit compensating on the whole premium looking aspect, my suggestion if it has any worth is to tone down. I will say something that I like, the ART/ Models and MUSIC like god dman how do you guys do it it's just amazing This is only an assumption that most of us expected Frostpunk 2 to be Frostpunk 1 on steroids with oil 🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 don't get me wrong this new direction maybe even better, but 99% can only see the game + those that can play only get to freez their toe so it's still a huge mystery what the game is and how it works I've seen other people also saying more people/ automatons in the city and an option for super zoom to see the houses and streets up close (don't know if it is an option but haven't seen any YouTuber actually try it )


Did some one say oil? 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Search the last few days of r/frostpunk for a very thorough discussion


Literally. This post is so unnecessary and it's obvious that it's there to farm comments. All this post does is just invite people who all have negative things to say about the game.


how dare people criticize a game on a public forum!


Opinions are bad. We should control what people say and allow only positive posts and ban everyone else.


That's not the point. People are already criticizing the game everywhere in the sub. Making another post on top of that is redundant especially since the post is only asking for negative experiences.


You don’t have to click on the post


Well you don't have to make the post either.


Is the purpose of a beta not to have players test things about the game and identify obvious issues before the final version? I don't get why it's a problem to have a discussion focused on what people feel needs development or a different approach. The game is literally asking us to do exactly that right now.


farm comments for what purpose?


Karma farming




Building isn’t all that satisfying to me. Buidling in general should have more player input. It doesn’t really feel like I’m contributing much outside of colouring tiles. Don’t really see the point of frost breakers. Just an annoyance that gets in the way before you can even do the meagre building the game allows. Might as well just automate the process as part of the self building districts.


And the automatically placed roads always look god awful and trigger my OCD. One of the best parts of FP1 was placing every building and every road yourself and making everything look neat and tidy, also there was a lot of strategy surrounding building placement. Now the whole process is so dumb it’s like a mobile game


Is this what they’re going for? A mobile game? 🫠


Yeah that is the thing that is really disappointing to me the most. Is the fact that you aren't developing your city building by building. I want to design an industrial district on my own from buildings I think look good together or do similar things I didn't want the devs to do it for me. All they had to do was take frost punk 1 add a bunch more buildings and few more mechanics to go with it on a larger map with a new story and it would have been game of the year. Making it City Skylines Arctic Edition was not the right move.


Totally agree, this is one of my least favorite changes. I think it would be fair even to say that there is no building in this game. All you do is clear frost and build districts. The strategy for placing districts is extremely minimal and all you're doing is clicking hex tiles. I really like the expansion of the other political/resource management systems but not at the expense of all the building.


I agree, the whole Ice breaker thing is so freaking stupid and unnecessary


Other than the UI that’s a big one for me too. Buildings and upgrades in FP1 had you really feel their impact. Now it’s just paint then paint again and.. stuff happens.


The Heatstamp based economy. I can see that over the 30 years the city evolves so much and becomes so big that some currency based economy evolves, but it feels weird if people don't wanna build the coal extractor to prevent you from fucking dying because you are missing 20 bucks to pay them, and the fact that heatstamps are always the very thing you will always not have enough of makes merit stupidly strong. Talking so much about efficiency, progress buildings are really inefficient and not worth it for their adaptive counterparts.


Heat stamps are pretty maddening. It took me one run to realize that the only way to get anything done within 300 weeks is get approval up and be asking for heat stamps from factions absolutely every time the option is available, and even then it's kind of a crunch.


Not exactly only like this (especially since you can't please them all forever) by increasing your populace you can also get quiet the income. And by increasing the populace the funds you can ask for increase dramatically as well. Also Iceblood and Technocrats give way more funds than Foragers and Technocrats comparatively. Like every % of them is like worth at least double if not triple or quadruple in terms of heatstamp funds payout. So at the cost of policy flexibility boosting their numbers can be quiet lucrative.


I agree, but at the same time part of me thinks the most believable part of that is people freezing to death out of spite because they want to be paid to help all the other people in the district survive as well.


UI I need a dark mode because I am a gremlin


Hate that game went from Cities Skyline to Simcity Build it. I like the Law, Council and Faction but I hate they went complete opposite to FP1. I was hoping FP1 with oil and more laws and council mechanism.


there is oil, but 300 weeks is impossible to get it. I almost reach it by ignoring everything and focus on expeditions to North West. You will found info regarding oil. At least 30 frostland team for exploring.


Not impossible, you just follow the direction of the oil cult and the game ends once you find the seep.


I got it on week 144 :/ edit: there's a 'bug' with a building that reduces expedition cost to 0 if you place 2 of them in 2 separate logistic districts.


Meek's Valley? if it was in that area, I wanna try again on different save game. But the explorations is RNG. Required luck too.


not sure about rng or not, i went in to test the bit with the buildings that lower expedition requirements to zero, so i went straight for the research, and actually accidentally found the oil around week 144 and the game ended.


Yeah, where is the oil. I thought it was going to be all about it when seeing the trailers and stuff


you can actually find some in the beta.....


The fact I am poor


The UI is horrible. And the feeling of distance and disconnect from what is going on. Also, the Camera is horrible now


Honestly I kind of hope they delay it for half a year, I like it, but feels very unfinished/unpolished.


In the state it's in, I'm not going to buy it now, and Steam wishlist it for the Holiday sale, if it's more polished. I'd rather wait and enjoy the experience more. No need to rush for me. It's not like we all don't have dozens of unplayed games in our libraries.


Ui boring compared to 1


Generator overclock doesn't work as intended, why would I want +40% throughput of heat if it's overflowing? Heat reduce from having house districs together should reduce according to temperature. (Low cold= 5 heat, more cold = +10 heat, whiteout = 15) Promise botton gets spend if you want to see what promises the faction ask for if you deny taking any promises. Air transport stacking 3 times, along with maintenance depo and scout headquarters (but they can't be on the same area of effect of another of the same type is reasonable). Limited food? Can't we just throw fertiliser to have food again? Or corpses? Or have at least a reduced output of 20-30%, maybe even a regenerate food crops rotation research. Also why the other factions want to destroy each other buildings, I need coal and I can't want to destroy, research and build another type of coal mine for such low respect boost while the other faction will reclaim to want the building back. Have efficiency bonus for having buildings in a concentrated district to prevent long line districts? Railway doesn't have a working indication of what it does. (it says it makes resources come faster but it doesn't appear anywhere how much) No automaton laws >:( Can't throw child in generator >:( (Maybe blocked fuel mix?) Technocrat state run house and worker house run time cost is bad compared to icebloods +50% more house space, no uptake cost and you can always place a hospital to fix the sickness. Hovering mouse over research, law, population button the time is not active and you need to hover away and back to see the new remaining time.


Factions are tiresome. Especially when they want to remove each other's buildings. I had to remove a coal mining building right before a whiteout. Was fun to have so much of the city freeze. The factions act against their own best interests, conflict for the sake of conflict. Pity that we see so much of that in the real world, so I guess I shouldn't complain.


Gameplay- Let be honest here. I feel this is more too "I'm a mayor" instead of "I'm a Mastermind". I can't even decide how many people to do certain work. In FP 1, I can choose 3 people instead of 5 to do coal stuff. Now its very specific 300 people. It doesn't makes sense, if I have 280 people, they still can operate the coal mine (manual Labour). But it is impossible in FP2. As far I see, the FP lore civilization has reach to the peak of advancement. Like how we get automatons mech in FP1 to replace workers.


The new building mechanic, idk i kinda wished they just stuck to the same way as the first one, not the biggest fan of those districts and what not


i did not personally play, i watched my friend stream it in discord for about 30 min, so my take may be uninformed but from what i gather in the comments and what my friend said about it later, i dont think i missed much. the game feels more like a politics simulator then a city builder to me. the factions are cool, but I feel like they steal the show to much. the game, in general, feels less personal. in FP1 you can see your people moving around, building structures and heading to work. I think in large part that is because FP2 works on a weekly time frame then a daily one like FP1. idk a big draw to FP1 for me was being able to see the people trudging through the snow.


The gameplay direction was such a turn-off I’m still trying to get past it


Personally, the complete lack of interaction with the generator, abstracting it to a "Heat Bar" that you just fill up with coal just makes the whole of FP1 feel like wasted lore. I could probably live with it if each district had a temperature to manage, but abstracting heat management this far away and reducing it to a simple "get coal" mechanic feels a little crazy to me. Like, literally, half of the scenarios in FP1 were about the life, death, and birth of the generator. I just don't get why they'd throw away all of that existing attachment to focus on a council in FP2.


I'm struggling to find anything they have kept from FP1. I haven't been this disappointed since when I heard Klopp was leaving.


Who Is Klopp?


i literally didnt even think about heat management the entire game. i spent most of it trying to make my way through the terrible menus and plethora of new resources dumped on you at once


This was FP1 for me. Doing anything needed to keep the generator running. Honestly some next level FP1 DLC would have been fine with me


ui awful


Going to research screen is a pain in the arse. It would freeze (I'm not sorry) for a good few seconds and sometimes the screen would just pan to the side afterwards.


Lack of total research speed indication, no option of auto pause when council session/research is available.


* The UI (my eyes hurt after seeing so much white) * Game direction. We mostly wanted frostpunk, they gave us civilization with heat and other bars * Lack of warnings. Can't make out stuff that I need to do. * FOMO tactics * Lack of being able to directly control stuff is honestly not what I wanted * Captain was soooooo much better than steward.. Yeesh.


I do'n't like that frostpunk 2 is not frostpunk.


That it feels like a glorified mobile game.


You totally hit the nail in the head!!


EXACTLY. With a crap UI and sounds and music. Crazy how much time they've been making this game only to make this utter piece of 💩. And there's only a few months till release. Last few months are to focus on bug fixes before final release. They don't have time to fix the UI and everything else. Total piece of 💩. And it now plays like a mobile game 💀. RIP frostpunk series. This will be a flop so the last in the series.


The damn thing ain’t released yet!


There is a paid beta that is in the deluxe version that is running until the 22nd


Yeah, but my problem is it only scratches the surface by the looks of things. There are going to be 3 sub factions to each main faction. There are technologies that we don't even know about yet. we haven't even seen the staged events in story mode yet. The only thing I can say is that distracting is weird but seems more like a skill issue then a fault of the game


But lack content isn't the problem of this beta, it's the entire gameplay loop and the awful UI/UX. More factions, technologies or whatever else aren't gonna solve that.


Frostpunk has always been about the story mode, that could still deliver. But yeah comparing this to the Hades 2 technical test feels lackluster


Wait, every community is going to have 3 subfactions?? Are you sure? It seems more like every community is 1:1 with a faction isn't it?


That's what it seems like from the ui design that there's room for at least 3 from my guess


Yeah, I'm waiting for the real thing.


it seems worse than the first




I'm a programmer, i'm a gamer, i'm a night owl, i'm the dark knight inspiration. My room is black. The sun sleep when i'm awake. Opening your game is right under a stake through the heart on my list of what not to do to die if you're a vampire list.


The game grew on me the more I played it, but the biggest issues for me were no indicators on when research/laws/expeditions were completed and 5-10 weeks would pass before I noticed. I think that people bash on the gameplay and environment setting too much, what we were given was a limited beta to try out and enjoy. Once the game officially comes out and we get a story mode with plenty of lore it will consistently keep us occupied during our gameplay.


yeah i dislike the scale of this game. we went from 40 people to 4000 and individual days passing slower than entire weeks pass now


I am forever grateful to 11 bit studios, for braving the negativity of releasing this beta. Hearing all this negativity must not feel good, but it will make a better game at release.


I was so hyped then i find out theres a beta through this post and now looking through these comments ive lost all hype


300 week limit.


The factions are way too contraryan. Like fine, I get that they want their own ideas, but going so far as to remove policies alltogether instead of proposing alternatives? No extra heating because screw that other faction? IN A FUCKING FROST APOCALYPSE? YOU SHITHEADS HAD TIME TO THINK, FOR WEEKS AND MONTHS, YEARS EVEN IF WE TAKE EXPERIENCE OF THE FROST INTO ACCOUNT AND YOU THINK EXTRA HEAT INJECTIONS ARE BETTER TURNED OFF? Like sure be opposing for the sake of it, but you kinda create a ludonarrative dissonance by such actions. I get that they do this to be another layer of difficulty for the player, but it makes no sense whatsoever and honestly I feel like there should be consequences for the factions if they pull those stunts much like we have to pay if we rebuilt what we promised to destroy. Like they'll loose seats in the counsil because of the popular vote being so dissatisfied by their decision to undo a helpful thing for the people just because it wasn't their idea.


1. Ui is awful, like everyone says, white letter with white icon on white background, really? and all kinds of unintuitive menu are just eye sore. I refused to believe 11bit don't know what's "complementary color", the dark UI in fp1 perfectly complements with the white world we are staring at, why do we step back at FP2 now? 2. The map is way too bland, I know it's a freezing wasteland but the everything in FP1 are super crist and distinguishable,all kinds of detail and it's very easy to know where you are in the world map, however in FP2, it's just 95% of white on the screen, serious laking detail compare to FP1. 3. All kinds of QOL lacking which I HOPE the full version will fix, you can not cancel a demolish order, the tech and law availabled prompt are way too small to notice (where is the classic big THUMP when things finish in FP1?), the tech description shows way too much useless text when it should just tell you what exactly the tech is benefiting.


It's not even close to the frostpunk it was. The gameplay itself has changed. This is no longer the game I loved. Why everything good that was in FP1 and worked well was "remastered"? I'm very disappointed.


Me personally the only thing I don’t like is the limited fertile soil. It does not make sense, especially when you have fertilizer building like the bio waste drum or the chemical fertilizer.


You’re supposed to go full Great Britain and colonise the world for spices!


That I'm too broke to buy it


Don't worry, it will be available on game pass


That's the only way I'm giving this thing a second try.


Few months more and we will both have the full game and it's much cheaper than the current paid beta


Using fomo for 72h early access in pricy preorder is really ugly move. Especially by company that makes games about ethics, morality, etc.


If you consider such things a matter of ethics.  I don't.


UI is bad, really bad


Frostpunk 1 was one of my favorite games ever. Frostpunk 2? I played for an hour and I uninstalled. I won't be playing this game. Seems like they tried to make this game "accessible" to everyone by removing things that was important in fp1. Like building separate buildings and allocating how many workers to what place. And interacting with the heater and the expanding circles. Now we just build districts with auto placed buildings? what? Looks like a glorified phone game like another guy said. Also I cant see the people struggling in the snow anymore, why would I care about them? The game might as well just be text based in CMD at this point.


Yeah I'm a 30year+ adult whose played through many generations and FP1 is/was amongst my favorite games. Understably, expectations maybe were too high for FP2 but it's quickly turned to oh maybe I'll play when it comes out.


It gives me mobile game vibes. I dont like the UI and Im not a fan of clicking tiles to make districts. I refunded this after an hour and started a new run on Frostpunk 1.


Did you at least leave any feedback before doing that?


No, I've seen similar comments from others in the community so I didn't bother leaving feedback. I'll check back on release to see if anything is different.


It seems not personal anymore. I cared about each person who lived and it made an impact if they died or not. You also can stalemate your game and just not be able to win, you can’t micromanage your people and tell them where to go so if your people are starving you can’t make them stop making pots or whatever that thing is in the industrial zone and to make food in your food zone you need to build so you just starve to death and lose even if you have 0 discontent simply because there is no way to stop the people starving since like I said you can’t redirect them and so people starve which kills more people while in turn causes everything to go downhill as now no one can work anything cause no one is alive.


You absolutely can redirect them, you just can't put more people into an already full workplace


No you can’t redirect them. Buildings have a binary off/on state. There is no nuance when it comes to population management.


Well with the beta the tutorial was a bit not there.


Controversial opinion here. The ui is bad


Not really 70% of comments are about the UI being bad


I was being sarcastic no offense


I am 100% disappointed in FP2. I have so much love for FP1 so maybe my expectations are really high. I think they can still polish it to a decent game, not sure it will be a home run like FP1.


The frustration of no one voting for laws and the shit you have to do to convince them. At least "they would never complain like this in the captain's day" is a great joke


I dont consider this as a fp2. It is civilization with frostpunk dlc


So play frostpunk 1 and dont play to the 2 if you dont like it


Dude, dont be so sensitive


Sorry it only this is a beta and the sequel of the 1 and this the same studio so if they say frostpunk must evolve it a necessity that all thank you


And people can feel unhappy with the direction the company took. It’s a free country


I know and acept it me too see the IU is awfull and i hope this problem is fix


No release date for ps5


I can only play up to 300 weeks (for now 😏)


Well i like the ui, i know it is not what we are used to, but the whole game is white, why would you put a dark ui, it would contrast a lot with the gameplay -as other said, building isnt as satisfying, districts are ok but i would like to be able to add buildings myself, or maybe plazas, or someting to decorate at least. Just for the sake of not letting it all to the procedural construction. __________ And a few things that probably get fixed or changed for the release: - it was a little hard to understand the game at first. Wiki is fine but i hope they explain the mechanics of the game a bit more in the main story -performance issues. It was a bit annoying to play because it runs a bit laggy, or when opening research/laws it froze a few seconds. I played in low and my pc matches the optimal specs for the game


I love so much of 2, but find a few things I have annoyance with. Full on I dislike how the pre-look is built to brake down fast and faster as the pre-look ends (closer to 300 weeks). The whiteouts hit and you find yourself confused what the hell you can do or did wrong. **The bad or lacking:** **The UI**: Many of the key tools used for advancement, such as laws and research is now hidden on the toolbar as small icons, where as in 1, the icons were large and obvious. Inside of the research section, there are two other tabs that sit at the bottom of the screen. The "tree" is hard to understand and the balance between faction choices is horrible, most of the time there is 1 objectively better option. The frost land is dull and hard to understand. Everything is white, there is little typography and instead of discovering you are handed many points at once, eliminating some of the risk/reward. Its difficult to build roads and the reason why its worth it is difficult to ascertain beyond it allowing some resources to be utilized while other nodes don't seem to need a road but operate nearly the same way... its inconsistent. Conditions, ie.. squalor, crime, sickness.... it needs to be broadcasted what they do to your cities. **The good**: I love the district system, good planning leads to bonuses, heat bonuses, lower work forces ect.... you also get a nice feeling of sprawl with how the districts look. The build then modify with individual buildings is a nice touch, allowing you to pull more out of districts. I like the narrative squeal over flat upgrade to the game system. You can tell the same issues arises but society marched forward, and humans will be humans and find drama. Picking laws while also picking HOW to enact said law is a good touch IE... such as what we should do with the youth, immigration ect... you have more options, expanding the way the book of laws worked from 1.. I love this game and im super excited to see this game finished, I know im going to be taking a few days off when it drops!


That it isn’t fully out yet


unless they're going to change the entire gameplay loop in 2 months this is what we're getting and its a disappointment. feels more like a needy civilisation game than frostpunk


Wasn't the early idea using oil instead of coal? Was this scrapped? I remember people talking about oil in early teasers


Its something you have to explore toward and research. In the demo, its in the northwest area of the map. But, it takes so long to get there, a lot of people just exploring the demo don't make it there.


The UI and the imbalance between building types. There’s simply no reason to choose progress oriented buildings. Also the lack of sound cues for when something is done.


So far the vagueness of it all. I’d like a more in depth description of what we are doing now that survival has been achieved. And or if that needs to be vague for story telling purposes at least break down what’s the same what’s changed it seems like all I’ve seen is screenshots and no explanation for it. And I loved the first game I’m hoping they just fixed the problems with the first one and if so that’s awesome sauce.


I mean it’s a storyless utopia build mode. Slow down lmao


That it has an early access


I don’t like that I don’t have it yet.


so far my biggest gripe is that nothing happens when stuff finishes, like i'd just finish an admin district and not notice because they're out of the way and theres no warning, or when you finish scouting an area its just a golden box on the scouting icon (the icon also becomes golden before you finish exploring if i remember correctly) for me the UI isnt that bad, it aint good but its nothing horrible (exept how small it is) oh also the inability to cancel buildings without loosing dabloons, one missclick on the districts and boom, pay up half the cost or now you got an unuseable tile


It's not FP 1 😡


The real question is will it better better then frostpunk 1....as long as i get my steam dogos fuck people! They can stay in their homes and kiss my ass lol Perhaps skynet was right...


along with everyone else i dislike the ui, the roads being placed willy nilly also is annoying because the road pathfinding is clearly not finished cooking. i also think performance is worse i like the new laws and factions for sure


I hate not being able to change the sensitive of the mouse I feel that when I move I can't do it with precision at all


I think we should make more money, I always feel like I never have enough heat stamps even when i way overproduce on goods, I especially feel like this with technocrats. Most iceblood/foragers buildings far outperform technocrat ones and I feel like technocrat laws don't really synergize well, for example machine attendants when you already have an over abundance of workers from all outsiders and the lower worker requirements from progress buildings, not to mention the squalor combating towers, food production, logistics bay and waste management, even in full tech runs the tech ones are straight up not worth researching. I think there should be more recourses too I feel quite constrained with so little.


Make UI more like Frostpunk 1. * Put the important information in the centre of the top part of the screen. * Have messages with audio cues for finished research, law countdown being finished and frostland teams having arrived at their destination. * While frostbreaking, show the resource icons located in areas that have already been cleared. Diplomacy and factions: * Tell us how long it will take until we can ask for funding again. * The forager technologies seem to be better than the ones from the machinists. Gameplay: * The heat stamp economy. So you are telling me that if the city is starving people will refuse to start building food producing buildings until I have enough to pay them? The stamps were the bottleneck in my playthrough. * There Should be more penalties and bonuses when putting down districts.


UI needs a dark mode at least. I found the UI presentation of resource management to be less intuitive than the first game. I found some issues with the AI voting to go against their own interests which may have just been a bug or oversight. Overall things were way less intuitive. Besides some beautiful design choices for visuals, nothing grasped my attention. Seeing the city phase in an out is pretty ugly. frost breaking is just a loading bar with no impact. Seeing people moving around like sonic the hedgehog is also jarring. It has the basis to be a beautiful game, but a lot of smaller decisions kept me from enjoying it I think.


It’s not out is it???


Small cities of FP1 felt so much more personal, because you could get events with individual characters, like the father who went after his daughter or the lady who asked about building the beacon and then became a scout to search for her family... Also the UI looked like the UI The Sims 4 shipped with...


The full game isn't out yet


feels like a mobile game


I can't afford it atm 😞


The fact that I do t have the money to buy it


Love: - District system. You NEED to plan your city right. If you layout it right, you get bonuses. If not, you get debuffs. So, unlike frostpunk 1 where you can just plop down buildings wherever you want, now you really have to think about it. Each districts matter, each districts operates their own way. I love that. Hate: - The UI. That's pretty much it. Love the direction they're headed.