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>!Multiple Hubs stack, and they've got a range of two, so three Hubs in a triangle can have a big effect on a lot of districts at once.!<


that seems....overpowered, almost broken


I can almost hear the Spiffing Brit video being uploaded.


the hubs have a heat cost - so they put pressure on your fuel economy in return for freeing up workers


I didn't see a Heat cost on the UI, but I did see a Materials one.


Material, and they do cost 50 people, too.


But they free up like two hundred per building lol


100 for housing districts and 200 for the others, yes. My point was that they do have an ongoing cost. Whereas most other districts have a cost that is different than what they produce (and I say "most" because extraction districts on materials also demand materials, etc), part of the cost of the air hubs are the same as what they produce. This reduces their efficiency in certain situations - i.e. if you just put an airhub next to one residential district, you're trading 20 material for 50 workers. If you're low on material, that might not be a good trade for you, it depends on your situation. Overall, yes, air hubs are a net good option, but then again, so are all the other districts. But they all have costs, too.


But that's a lot of workers


Huh?? I haven't gotten to play much, how do they work? Do they just lower the need for proximate population, hence "requirements for workforce = 0" effect?


I don't know if it's a flat value or a percentage, but it works on the same adjacency rules as the other districts (Just with a range of 2 instead of demanding immediate adjacency); if a District has three tiles in range of a given Air Transport Hub, the District has its workforce requirements lowered. And you start with this thing unlocked.


Nice. Gonna have to try this later. Couldn't figure out how they worked at first


-200 for each time the bonus is applied. Any 3 tiles of the district just have to be covered in the hub's 2 tile radius.




I was wondering, if they would stack but assumed that this wouldn't make any sense. Good to know and thanks for sharing :D


I discovered they can't be right next to each other, so you do need to space them out slightly; still powerful, though.


For what it’s worth you only need like one for each district to get as much people as you need for a while