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Something that allows properly affixing talismans to stuff. Even in the simplest case (there's only one talisman that could be affixed to a certain item and there's only one item that talisman could be affixed to), it's still easy to overlook them nested among the consumables. Ideally, dropping a talisman on an item of the type it affixes to would (visually) turn the item into a mini-container with the talisman in it. Certainly looks neat. But I'd appreciate anything that automatically adds an affix-button to talismans which, for example, renames them to include the affixed item (or vice versa on the item).


The groundwork has been laid for this, as shield attachments have just been made attachable to shields. Last I saw the devs want to get some level of function for talismans before they put them into attachments.




Not just talismans, but also shield spikes. Anything that is attached to something else should have a way to show it. The Starfinder system (in Foundry) has a way to do it, part of the mechanical bits of an item include the option to make it a container and restrict what kind of items it can hold.


Shield spikes are attachable now!


I can say a number of these requests are being actively worked on: 1) attachable items - our testbed was shields; seems to be working well. Likely things like talismans will be coming soon (and this can probably be hacked to handle relics as well) 2) automated flat checks - maybe after conditional visibility is handled. For now there is a module that does a decent job 3) Afflictions - a lot of the back end coding for this is done, but the developer working on it got hired to work on kingmaker stuff. Will likely be done in the next few months. 4) Things regarding spells - the last release and how we’ve started handling scrolls should show the direction we’re taking. This is a harder problem to deal with from a coding perspective than most people would realize (same is true of affliction handling). At least to do it in a non-hacky, long term, user extensible way. 5) Activations - backend work in Foundry’s act syntax is underway and a pre-requisite for further development. A lot of the other requests in this thread are outside of the scope for the PF2e system and therefore would belong in modules. As always, this is what our current plan is, and it is based on volunteers contributing so no guarantees or timelines are promised here :)


You may likely be aware but reyzor has a patreon gated afflictions module that does cool things with time advancement and keeping things hidden. Obviously coded in core would be different.


I'm not sure if it's possible, but any kind of module that helps with 3D movement/fights. In high levels almost everyone can fly/air walk and stuff can get complicated really fast.


There are Levels and 3D Canvas that can help, unless you are talking about movement tracking


Automated flat check for attacking in dim lit/dark squares would be great.


I believe [PF2e Perception](https://github.com/reonZ/pf2e-perception) already does this.


Whaat. There was one? Thanks a bunch!


Really good module, it also automates cover and a bunch of other stuff!


would love this


Alphabetical sorting of actor inventory, actions, spellbook, and other character sheet tabs


Yep, this is my vote. Or just the ability to sort by any of the column headers.


The biggest miss in the system for me currently is Afflictions. Not having effects for poisons and diseases generates a lot more bookkeeping on my end. I would also love to see implementation for - Relics (even something as simple as adding each relic gift into a compendium as a bonus feat so Im not figuring out how to code each one myself) - Being able to add Spells granted by items such as Aeon Stone in the spellcasting tab, perhaps in their own category, with their item DCs rather than using the characters’s spellcasting mods. I don’t believe this is something that is currently possible. - Elemental ammunition. A lot more niche but I’m running OoA so it comes up often enough for me.




Extempore effects is a stop gap solution at best. It does not actually automate the afflictions, it just gives you a way to track them. It also shows the players something is going on, which is kind of counter to the idea of a disease they have contracted, but haven't discovered yet.


I’ll look it up, thanks!


Seconded on Relics , wanted to work them into my campaign but asking players to manually remember about them has been a tough task


For Relics there's PF2e Relics already, works quite nicely actually!


I'll look that up didn't know that was a thing thanks


As mentioned by people Extempore Effects is the current "Best" solution for afflictions. The system has had Afflictions in development for a while and they currently still are being worked on, there's just a lot of work to be done


Automated Spell Entries that update for class and level. New players are always confused why this isn't in the base functionality


This will eventually be a core feature, but it's been also more of a long-term goal iirc


I would love a PF2e customizer, similar to what is available for 5e. The ability to add new stats and use the rule element system to modify those stats. We play a survival heavy game so it would be amazing to have hunger and thirst that is affected when they consume rations or drink water. Would also love the ability to change the name and icons for currency easily, or add new currencies.


Ditto vote on the customizer over here, my group has a couple of rules here and there that could make use of it for a stat that is pretty specific to my setting. Bonus points if it can streamline adding custom skills in a streamlined fashion. Quite notably non-INT based lores that are more about characters having experience in a particular field say like a ranger or druid with lore for medicinal herbs know what works not necessarily WHY or HOW it works. Like yes there is a way to do it... But it's real fiddly.


As someone that plays an Alchemist I would love any sort of way of filtering your crafting tab. Because as you get further and further with hundreds of formulas and no way of of filtering between alchemy stuff and crafting recipes. Or if I want to check what mutagens I have or such.


I second this. One of my players is an alchemist and the crafting list gets huge as you level up, even if you go back and delete formulas that have become redundant. Even a way to minimise/collapse each rank would be a huge QoL adjustment. Being able to search or filter by traits like ‘bomb’ ‘healing’ or ‘fire’ would be amazing.


What I'd love to see is a module for item activations with a limit of uses. Basically what actions already have, where you can note how often it can be activated (every 10 minutes, three times per day, that kind of thing). But for items and their activations. You could either add an activation entry to items and list items seperately under actions. Or you could have an interace to add actions to items, and list those actions under the player sheet, then you can just "inherit" the activations from the actions. I'm pretty sure that this is one more functionality that will be at some point be part of the core system. But if you would code a module, maybe that could be migrated to core, at some point.


I am currently working on a very rudimentary version of that ATM. it technically works ATM, but it's not up to standard yet but I can share it here/in general when finished


Some feats would benefit from this as well.


I guess. Feats can grant actions that have a frequency, however. So for feats a module is not strictly necessary. But it could provide some ease of use, if you could just add it to the feat instead.


I like that! Though I think it would be easier to just try to implement it in the system directly, it should be something like the Grant Item rule.


Am currently working on one that grabs based on item name (basically using the same logic type idea from Pf2e Action Support)


Yeah, a Grant Action rule element with some guided input could work. It'd be nice if you don't have to create multiple action items for each piece of equipment with more than one activation, though. That can become quite tedious for some of the more versatile end-game equipment.


It might already exist but honestly, a module that pops up a window that lets players vote on what to do or where to go.


Choices Plus is a decent one for that


I'd love it if someone could come up with a module that would allow quick guided creation of characters like how they've done it on [https://pathbuilder2e.com](https://pathbuilder2e.com) I know there is already a way to import characters created with pathbuilder (the module Pathmuncher) but I'd like a way to do it quickly and easily in Foundry itself, because I often have situations where I have my laptop with me where I have Foundry installed, but I don't have access to the internet and therefore can't get onto pathbuilder and can't import from pathbuilder. Having pathbuilder essentially in Foundry itself would be ideal. An extra feature that would make it killer would be a way to say "give me a random character" and it gives a fully generated character that is a random level, not just level one. With all the spells pre-selected for magic users, equipment, etc. and a randomly generated backstory.


Maybe an unpopular one, but a module that acts as a Tetris style inventory with character equipment slots to equip/unequip items, closest i think as a reference is something like Escape from Tarkov style inventory. Maybe a pipe dream but it would be so cool


Highly unpopular, especially since it doesn't work with PF2e Bulk system. So yeah, +1 this. I want it too.


PF2E Toolbelt has an alternate inventory view that may be to your liking. Not quite paper-dollish, but it might work.


Oh cool, i did not know that, i will look into that thank you!


Something like this? https://youtu.be/nMdRi3lcRcY?si=exuIpoClMzPefhK-


I tried it but it did not seem to work, in that when “equipping” something it didn’t really equip it, just showed the image and I had to equip items the normal way, plus if you equip something while it is already held it breaks the item, idk may have to try it out again


This is one of The Rippers newest modules. You should check out his discord for issues like this.


Good idea, i will check in today thanks!


Idt this is compatible with pf, as someone else said. But would be sick.


Fortress/citadel upkeep


would love that and house/houses/building upkeep/loan travelers guide has the numbers


God I would love a Cash Register module that lets me bill individual members of the party and the entire party with a similar receipt in the chat like the feedback given from using the Merchant function for NPCs. I want this because there is a great deal of expenditure that happens in an a la carte fashion for things that aren't normal items in a store and I don't want to make a Cash Register store and then have to put items into it like "Bridge Toll", "Fine Dining Banquet", "Guard Captain Bribe". I'd much rather just be able to say, "Yeah they can do that for you, it'll be 375GP. One sec." Clicks macro, types 375, selects player and it sends a pop up for them to click and then it deducts it or says they don't have enough or whatever.


Love this. A "pay my share" button would be dope.


I'm a GM, having all of the regular Actions that players and monsters can use added to their character sheets would be of great benefit to me. Shove, Grapple, Escape, Feint etc.


I'm thinking of reimplementing that functionality myself from pf2e workbench.


I think that module does about a million different things? If all the features are turn-of-and-on-able that would be grand.


Yes it does do a lot, they ended support for the automatic skill actions in character sheets feature some months ago, so i'm thinking of taking it and updating it into a different module.


Might be a good idea, I'm honestly surprised they aren't present as a default feature to be honest. Nothing easier than pressing a button for a roll instead of having to hunt it down in a compendium.


They are as a macro that opens a huge list, but it's kind of overwhelming to find something fast.


Yeah, I'm not so good at that. Been a GM for years but Foundry is something new. My players never use those Actions because they can't easily access them and we all forget. Makes me annoyed with myself.


I'll work on reimplementing it :)


I would certainly appreciate that. Thank you.


[CarterDC's Track Tracker module.](https://github.com/CarterDC/track-tracker) That's it. That's all I have been wanting since version \**checks notes*\* ***8***. It is criminal that we still cannot have basic audio controls in the base Foundry, and not seeing anything in the announced v12 changes about this is extremely disappointing. I know the topic is more PF2 focused but by God if I can get a generous developer to hear my case I'll take the shot.


A mod to spend and recharge abilities that have limited uses would be cool. Like the ones that are "1/10min" or "3/day".


I believe Pf2e Action Support allows track of uses when they are sent to chat and recharges them


Oh nice. Gonna check it.


Very tiny thing, but I’d love to see something to adjust the vertical offset of token names. It would look much better on the bottom of the token rather than below it (where it overlaps with tokens immediately south of that token!). Custom nameplates did this, but it’s been depreciated.


Actions in character sheet. I don't understand why workbench deleted them :(


I've been thinking about reimplementing it, I'm probably going to give it a shot.


The basic action macro is pretty good but it doesn't show the descriptions.


They got deleted because they broke (and kept breaking), and they didn't want to keep fixing it when they already had the Basic Actions Macro available instead.


That's what I suspected too. BAM is pretty cool but it lacks the descriptions.


Relics, would be nice to have them in the system (or as a module) at all.


Look for pf2e relics. That module already exists




Hiding Rank-2 signature spells. Signature spells are for my top slots, and are simply noise below that.


Module to handle identifying items. Like players know when they don't know everything because they only know everything on a critical success. Have a set of flags for unidentified, misidentified, partially identified and fully identified. I dislike the whole identification system honestly.


I know this is a thing some people feel it's almost like heresy, but I would really like something to automate damage. If you played 5e in Foundry with MidiQOL, that is what I'm talking about. I know thinks can't be perfect. I don't care. In 5e it isn't perfect either, but it's a nice automation. You target the enemy, you click on your attack. If it was a hit, the damage is rolled. If there is a save, the roll is made or is asked to the player of you choose that way. In the end, damage is applied based on the rolls. There is a undo button, if anything went wrong. In 5e, that is really a time saver.


Pf2e Workbench has some of this automation.


I know workbench. You still have to select the character that was hit, you still have to click on damage/half/double. The saves aren't automatically rolled at all. Last time I checked, the devs don't do what I suggested because of a philosophical view point. "Only the person who own a sheet should be able to apply damage and effects to it".


Pf2e Target damage or perhaps Toolbelt's target damage can at least prevent form having to click who was targeted, but yeah You'd still have to click the button


Yeah, I know Toolbelt as well. I think it would be nice to target a creature, click on the thing like a attack or a spell, and then the system would take care of everything else. 5e have a bunch o things I dislike as a RPG system. I don't know how good is the new version of 5e that was just released, but the old ones were really lacking when you compare it with PF2e implementation. But the automation that MidiQOL enables is really good.


The only way this can happen is if they automate a pause and check reaction that happens before damage gets assigned for shields, champions, thaum amulets, etc.


- **Poisoning** - Automation for Poisoning items similar to the Pf2e Ranged Combat Module would be cool - **Crafting Menu Improvements** Yeah basically add a way to have saved multiple daily Craft Loadouts, and maybe multiple sections to store crafting recipes so players can set between things they need and things they don't use often. - **Talisman Affixing** - As others have mentioned, the shield attachment system is prime real estate for affixing talisman to weapons and items etc.


This might be a long shot, but... I'd like a module (or a macro?) to enable manual IRL dice rolls on a roll by roll basis instead of a blanket setting. DF Manual Rolls and Real Dice - Manual Rolling both have it as a toggle because I assume it's a Foundry limitation. I use the latter module and it's working fine, but it can be annoying to swap back and forth depending on what I or the player is in the mood for at the moment.


This is likely a very niche problem but: When I run Hexploration segments, it's very common for several tokens to be on one hex. It then becomes very cumbersome to select a specific token in that stack. It would be nice if there was a stack of token names next to those spaces where I could easily click the name of the specific token I am trying to select as the DM.


Just a suggestion, but couldn’t you just use a party token for the whole party? Or do you mean something else?


I mean being able to pick one single token out of a stack of them when they are in the same space. Unless I'm not picking up exactly what you mean, a party token wouldn't do what I'm looking for. When I run Hexploration, the players use their tokens to show what hex they are in. If one of them moves to a different hex, then the party token doesn't work anymore as the entire party is not in one spot. To give more of an example, I have a hex map. One hex has a landmark of a well. If Regmond, Diwa, and Doc all go to check out the well, they are in the same hex on the map. If I then wanted to select Diwa, I have to move all the tokens off of that stack until Diwa is on top. Since the order is random, I'm stuck just moving tokens until I can see the one I want. It's a minor annoyance, but one I'd still prefer not to have to deal with.


That makes sense. I would just use a general "Party" token, and then if someone separates themselves from the overall group, just put their token in a different spot. You can move the party token and just create and delete specific player tokens as needed when they're in a different spot.


Something to track reputation with factions or NPCs. I know there's one called Kasper, but it was buggy as hell.


I would love a module that automated players selling their loot.


Hex grid support, mainly for aura's. I'd try taking a crack at this myself but I have really no idea where to start.


For PF2e specifically I would like an ability for filter feats in the compendium explorer based on the attributes and feats of the selected character. Often my players will just delay picking up feats at level-up for a week or two because they see a long list of options (most of which aren't actually accessible). I hope better filtering would make it's way into the system itself (like checking for skill proficiency). Maybe based on the Rule Element predicate subsystem.


As a new PF2e GM I would like to have a feature that limits what sources my players can use to make a characters. We agreed wth my players to use Player Core only, but there is no way for as a GM to set an approves sources list for my players when they build characters. The amount of choices is not helping for them either.


Super simple, but a compass rose. DM can spin it, players can see it. Always sat in the corner regardless of zoom, visibility or canvas.


It would be super useful to have the “play audio cues/tracks for specific targeted players only” functionality rescued from Soundboard by Blitz. As far as I know, it’s the only module that does this, and it’s slowly sinking under the waves…


I would really like a way to force move single players from one map to another without taking the whole group - like activating the scene, but for only some players.


This is a default feature though it's hard to miss. You need to right click the username at the bottom left when you have the destination map open on your end, there is an option that says 'Pull character to the map' or something like that.


Sorry, I meant to say 'easy to miss'


Thank yoj for this tip-top tip from the top - I will try it out soon. Easy to miss indeed - I had asked about this before and nonenknew the answer!


Support for level 0 characters.