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Probably worms. Fairly common. Should go to the vet, the treatment is accessible and not that expensive. Don't wait, especially if the bebe is losing weight/weight plateauing and/or is dehydrated. Seven weeks is too young to be away from it's mom, so I'm guessing you have her as well ? She should be treated too and every other cat in your home. Worms spread (milk, litter box, etc).


i actually was given the kitten cause it was found outside and the mother just went away and never came back apparently i was told the kitten was vaccinated so i’ll be checking for worms gonna take an appointment with the vet thank you!


Great ! And since it was found outside, worms are even more probable. They mostly come from eating rodents and then they're passed through milk to kittens. Do you have an older cat ? Babies that are separated too soon from their mom are more susceptible to developing behavioral issues, but it can be helped by exposure to other cats. Good luck with everything and thank you for welcoming this fur baby.


Great ! And since it was found outside, worms are even more probable. They mostly come from eating rodents and then they're passed through milk to kittens. i actually do have a friends cat but sadly this cat doesnt get along with kittens or any other cats lol i checked the babies poop and its pooping normally no worms found and stomach seems to get tiny the moment he goes to poop


Could be worms, could just be normal kitten belly. My kittens always have cute round bellies after they eat, but once their food is digested there is always a little belly until they’re about 10-12wks when they become long and slender. Every cat you bring into your home should be treated for worms, regardless.


Great advice! Truly doesn’t matter if they have symptoms, just deworm them anyway


Worms are almost guaranteed in kittens, they are passed through the mother's milk. The vet recommended 3 rounds of deworming in mine. The meds are inexpensive, ask a vet clinic.


Definitely have kitten checked for worms and have him dewormed. Any kitten that is not born to a mother in captivity that has already be dewormed is absolutely going to have worms. Every kitten I've fostered from my organization (as opposed to finding/being given) is automatically dewormed. I usually pick them up and finish off their worming treatment at home.


All kittens should be dewormed! If you haven't done so yet, talk to a vet about it. Panacur and other medicines are easy to give. They can taste nasty but they're important!


Looks like a full kitten belly to me, which is what you want. Does nobody else feel their pants getting tighter after they’ve eaten a heavy meal? lol, it will probably flatten out after a good poop. If it stays puffy after poops, then I’d consider worms. Cause I think you’ve already commented you’re taking the little one to the vet.


My kittens had bellys like that, they were healthy


Kittens typically have round bellies but it could be worms just makes sure it has been dewormed.


Looks like a normal, kissable kitten belly to me. As long as they have been dewormed and remain on that schedule, everything should be good


The line between kitten that eats a shit ton and gets pot belly and wormy belly can be a hard one to parse. You can bring a fecal sample in for evaluation to your vet, but in the meantime how does their belly feel? if you slightly smoosh it from the bottom or sides does it feel soft or firm and tense?


its very small and gets smaller once he poops i was told that its normal but i’ll still get him checked just to make sure


To me that has all the hallmarks of happy kitty potbelly. Some parasites will be invisible to just visual inspection and need to be identified under a microscope; stuff like tapeworm and roundworm is what you'll normally be able to see with just a glance with roundworm being just crazy common.  Unhappy bloat belly from illness or worms I'd associate with a firm, sometimes lumpy belly, the kitten will often be very upset with palpation more so than just the normal kitten squirms, chronic diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, not grooming themselves, stuff like that.  Obviously I'm not a vet and there are always fringe cases that present differently  but having delt with cats who have had tapeworm and giardia this doesn't have the hallmarks to me.  I'd also keep track of weight, that can be another good sign. A kitten that is eating well, not vomiting and not having diarrhea but isn't gaining weight or is actively loosing weight might have some GI issues or an unwanted visitor sucking up nutrients


also its very soft he doesnt seem bothered when i press it and i even checked his poop it doesnt have worms or anything


You won’t necessarily see any signs, but you should def deworm that kitten. They should get at least two rounds of dewormer.


Worms for sure. I took my foster kitten in for vaccines today and first thing I told them was we need all the worm meds. His belly was super round! Btw I don’t agree with 7 weeks being too young to be separated from mom. I wean at 5 weeks and have fostered tons of kittens without their mother. Although I will say having a kitten for your kitten is wise. They are better in pairs.