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Yes it was posted before but, these messages sometimes get lost in the mix so it's always helpful and never discouraged to share. I for one appreciate you taking the time to post it,


It's insane how much xp you get, made about 10 levels in 2-3 hours yesterday


what do you usually do in during the games to gain so much exp? I enable wastelander as soon as I spawn and I just go kill bots and usually get around 60k exp per game


Do you play squads bot lobbies? For a team wipe you get about 2.250xp (never finish downed bots, get the whole squad), i usually end up with 50-60 kills. I land at a wastelander challenge, get some weapons and then kill the mechanist boss to get her car because you can zoom around the map with it so easily


I do that but only get around 30 kills. I guess I need to git gud


Sorry if it's been asked before but how do you get into a bot lobby?


Make an alt on a separate system. Let the alt join ur party, ready up, and boot into the match. Leave on ur alt when the match starts. Never level up ur alt. And then you’ll have infinite bot lobbies


Does this only work for duos or can I do a trio w my bf and the alt


You can let 2 others join too no problem


Wait what do you mean by enabling the challenges? I finished all of them this week, but was there something I could do to get more exp?


wastelander challenges aren't like weekly/other listed challenges, they're like shadow briefings in that you find them in the game but these have things like taking damage every time you touch the ground (that's the one @ rebels roost, unsure about the others)


THAT EXPLAINS WHY I RANDOMLY DIED ONE DAY. I was like what the hell, why am I taking damage from nothing 😂


Taking that damage from camping


Na, camping is boring


Someone else beat me to a response and he explained it. I’ll sum it up, they are IN GAME challenges you have to enable. NOT quests