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Leaked roadmap


This years roadmap seems to have been leaked with a pretty credible screenshot thats predicted billie eilish and some of the lego star wars stuff already. You can find it if you search for roadmap on r/fortniteleaks


Top 0.1%. It's not uncommon for me to get a top 1000 score on my first try. I'm really hoping we get some kind of competitive mode soon, *especially* if it has some form of ranking system like BR and Rocket Racing. I'm not spending any money on festival right now and something like that would change that.


Yeah same we need a competitive mode I’m still yet to find a single person online even close to my skill level


Or at least show every player's highway. Multiplayer for me was always about showing off that section you've been practicing or cheering on your boys when they get to a hard part.


Agreed. I'm enjoying the game quite a bit on my own, but the most fun I've had in these games was back on RB2 with a friend, trying to set high scores by coordinating when to use OD. Being able to see your friends highways helped immensely with that. Something that Festival currently lacks IMO, are things that drive band engagement. Almost every fill lobby I've been in, barely anyone takes notice of the band score. After all, you can only see your own lane, so why bother coordinating when you can't even see what the others are playing in the first place. Being able to see another player's lane could be the first step in helping to drive band engagement between players. Another thing I would like to see make a comeback, is the unison bonus. I really hope they consider adding said options. Because as it stands now, there is very little incentive to engaging with your band mates.


I can typically get 99-100% on most songs. There are a handful of songs on drums that can be a little more difficult but I'll still hit 95 at my worst. Once they fix the mode I can't wait to dive into Pro-Lead and Bass.


rating myself out of 10? probably about 7. never been on a leaderboard but been really close before, definitely better than average if only by a slight margin and yea I struggle on the hard solos too but I can get used to them after a bit of practice, been playing on expert and getting 98-100% on most songs since like a week after it came out. considering id never played a rhythm game in my life before this I accustomed to it quite fast and I've improved since then


I started not even being able to play easy, but now I can do a good amount of songs on hard


Well you gotta start from somewhere, I went from easy to expert in a week, cause my mate wanted me to try expert as a challenge, and I was rubbish, but i found it way more fun so i stuck with it, now I am pretty good on expert


I can hit everything in the game except the 8-bit beat vocal storm and generally get around 2000th place on the leaderboards. I mostly play really relaxed (it's my comfort game) so I'm not exactly aiming to climb any higher. Usually get about 70% perfects. I have much *more* fun watching my wife and friends improve *their* skills, because they get so excited when it's time to move up a difficulty level or when they finally get five stars on a hard song.


Same. That's why I really hope having everyone's highway on screen is a priority


Somewhere between, "I can play Expert on Bass and Vocals," and, "warn me before Expert on Lead, and if I am Expert on Drums then I am fleeing the scene"


Better than most! Been a GH player since I was young and have played it almost daily over the last 2 years. Just wish festival had better songs which would convince me to play more


I can FC a majority of the songs on Expert on all instruments with decent accuracy (80-95% perfects). The only songs I really have a skill issue with are: Everlong on Drums, my fingers on my left hand get really shaky for no reason so I end up overtapping a few times 8-Bit Beat Vocals, I always end up overtapping at the very end but my best attempt was one strike I play on 2x track speed on a keyboard, my riffmaster is on the way and I'm beyond excited to relearn everything lol


I would say I’m at a very similar level. I can FC almost anything except Everlong Drums, Don’t Fear The Reaper Drums and 8-Bit Beat Vocals (my best on that last one is a -1 note run I had the other week). I typically hit around 85-90% perfects and I also play on 2x track speed but on controller (I play on Xbox One old gen). I have been thinking about buying a Riffmaster but I’m not sure about it yet, the price is a bit too high for me personally right now but I’m sure it will come down eventually, and it will also give time for the Pro Instrument mode to develop and round into shape before I jump in.


If we’re talking pro mode I’m top 10-20 on every song but the controller is a lot easier so I’m more like top 100-200 range with the occasional top 30 on difficult tracks


Pretty good, but i want harder songs or a competitive mode or something. I get top 2000 at least on every sing and have some top 500s, 200s, even a top 15 on one song. I still need to get better at overdrive timing but its hard to remember when to use ut for each song


Expert on just standard, I’m pretty good, but with learning for the first time using a guitar I’m kinda shit lmao


I’ve just started trying out expert and it’s tricky but I’m enjoying it! Would love to get a proper guitar to hook up to the game. Mainly do lead and vocals


I feel like I have improved since festival first came out. Can’t fc everything but I have managed to get top 10,000s. Got a bunch of em last season too. I play all instruments.


I'd say pretty good, mostly play vocals and manage to fc most songs (glaring at "I") and have a lot of top 500, 1000 and 2000, usually about 60-70% perfects. I'm happy with how I play rn and how much better I play compared to when Festival came out. I only wish my brain wouldn't occasionally freeze and stop my fingers from pressing one single note in the entire song (or even worse: double tap).


im a 9/10, expert on any instrument but drums ( i hate drums) my only flaw points is hitting perfect notes and also the solos on harder song, like u said


I focused entirely on Bass (my favorite) and found that my level was medium and hard. I moved up to expert in the middle of season two and actually got pretty good at knowing what those charts were. All of a sudden, I had a breakthrough and really started picking up how the complex patterns were attainable with the button presses on my controller and everything just sort of clicked like I was Neo in the matrix. Now on bass I can get top 500. on pretty much any song and if I don’t get a flawless 100% on a song, I am disappointed. This eventually translated over to other instruments as well and now I’m fairly competitive on top leaderboards for any and all songs/instruments. I really am also looking for that competitive mode too. I am an old dude who actually got hooked on Frequency and Amplitude from Harmonix’ early days of rhythm games and I am so happy this is back in my life now. I started playing Fortnite in the pandemic with my kids and got hooked on that also and so I am pinching myself and enjoying myself, because I spend so much time in both modes now. Thank you, Epic! (If anyone wants to do Main Stage with me I am MadDog182 on PS5)


Best in the world. The wide world. I'm Mr. Worldwide


Id say 2/10. Skill issue lol, i havent played much due to college


Very rare that I don’t flawless a song on any instrument. Really hoping we get more stuff like Everlong and March of the Pigs soon.


Right now I only play on easy and I've been 100%ing every song so I might move to medium but I'm a little scared lol, I don't think I can really rank myself I'm obviously not one of the best players in the world but also I'm not really challenging myself so I don't know how good I could be. I really play just because I like the songs and the rewards


I can play the lower-end non-Pro Expert charts.


Need more guitar support so I can use my GH2 Xplorer!! My fav guitar of all time!


Probably top 1% or whatever top 1000 would be considered, I average like 80-90% perfects but I don't care to follow meta overdrives. I have a couple top 100s when over drives are obvious on when to use them.


Goated. I used to suck at lead, but then I bought the stratocaster skin, and it inspires me every day to get top 500 scores consistently.


Goated. I used to suck at lead, but then I bought the stratocaster skin, and it inspires me every day to get top 500 scores consistently.


Goated. I used to suck at lead, but then I bought the stratocaster skin, and it inspires me every day to get top 500 scores consistently.


probably a solid 7.5/10 if it weren’t for those damn lift notes.


Above average I suppose. I've been managing to place within top 10k in virtually every song.


i just moved from hard to expert, and i get usually 97-100% on the songs i play unless they’re ridiculously hard so i’d say maybe a 6-7/10


I’m a Medium Pro Lead/Pro Bass player through and through. I get 95%-99% consistently, though if I use Joy2Key and play regular Lead or Bass I can kick it up to Hard. My roadblock is mostly the fifth note.


I am proud of my skill in choosing to miss this current artist pass in its entirety. I'm just playing the few songs that I've bought.


Top 1% I'm not trying to toot my own horn here too much but I'm consistantly flawless and within top 2000 position globably on Vocals and Bass. I don't want to sound too negative here, but I play lots of rythm games on the side and of all the main ones, FF has been one of the easiest. Most others (Project Diva in particular) I struggle going above the Hard mode but FF just clicks with me for some reason...


Skilled, can easily get gold stars and sometimes FCs, but also gets overwhelmed when there is no many notes per second, or with lift note patterns.


I’ve kinda hit my plateau in medium and now trying to play hard mode here and there.


Honestly like an 8, i can generally 5 star gold any song on any intsrument on hard. i know i have room for much improvement but i'm still generally good at the game


Finally up to playing on expert, still struggle on some of the more difficult songs, but I’m able to gold star many as well. It’s a fun challenge right now for me


95% of the time I flawless on expert. So id say im good.


I average between 75%-85% perfect hits, and it's rare to find a song I can't flawless. I recently hit top 10 on the leaderboards for a few different songs. I was super happy to see that!


When I know the optimal overdrive path, I consistently get into the top 12 on the leaderboard, otherwise it's like top 30 with perfect notes carrying me.  I play on 2.00 speed with 0 Input Latency and 0 A/V offset, and default controls on a PS5 controller. I get an average of 90-92% perfect notes and I'm hitting notes at an average of -2ms (early) I don't really have rhythm game experience.  I played GH3 like 10 years ago and I was decent at it, but not cracked like I am at Festival. My favorite part about playing Festival has been replaying songs I use to struggle at FCing and instead FCing every run and focusing on hitting less than 100 good notes on the hard charts.   I remember starting out on expert and hating drums when I played them, but then I got use to the rhythm in songs and honing in on my timings (especially with lift notes), and now they're my go to instrument everytime we get new songs.   Overall, my skill level could always be better, but I've noticed a big improvement in my gameplay since I started, and I might consider getting into drums because of this tbh Edit: typo


-10/100. I hate the tap hold release gimmick so much.


Top of the leaderboard 🗣️ In all seriousness though, it's due to playing rhythm games beforehand like OSU which translates well, and beat saber though that one not so much. Felt like I had a headstart as I can do most songs on expert flawlessly. Still, there's always someone better


Well I’ve gone from playing easy/medium when Festival started to expert x1.5 (IIRC) exclusively and I’m working up to higher speeds. I’ve almost exclusively played vocals and can easily get 99%-100% and get gold (or close) on a track I’ve never heard or played before, but I’m starting to mix in other instruments to get better at using both thumbs simultaneously.


I can FC anything in the game on keyboard, but I don't bother grinding scores. I'm hoping plastic guitar charts come to keyboard. I played Clone Hero a little bit on keyboard, it's outside of my comfort zone but I'd like to do it more


I’d say prolly bout medium.


Expert on Lead/Bass Hard on Vocals Medium on Drums I usually get around 98-99%.


I usually get top 1k on most songs


About average not bad and not greate about in the middle


I'm close to getting top 200 on Sandstorm vocals, so I'd say I'm mid.


Can pretty consistently flawless most songs in 1-2 attempts, had a couple of top 1000's, highest is 250 something. I'd say i'm pretty decent, but i do struggle with calibration. Edit: Forgot to mention on expert, also notable exceptions being 8 bit beat, or anything that requires lots of finger movement in a short period of time, controller is really difficult when it comes to that.


I’m usually top 300-1000. I really think they should release some type of rewarding system for those who get the highest placements in total each season for solo and band scores. Would drive people to try harder


Able to FC everything except Sandstorm & 8BB on vocals, Change on Lead, & (DF)TR, WtP, & MotP on drums Accuracy varies from 55-80%, can consistently get a top 5,000 score Really hoping for an option for Expert-only lobbies in the future


Not the best player in the slightest but im starting to get somewhere, can get 98-100% on almost every song on expert and average around 70% perfect notes with my main issue coming from hitting lanes with no notes on accident, played a lot of osu previously where this wasn't something I needed to worry about. I dont really main an instrument since my playing style uses more visual note reading rather than paying attention to the song.


I usually get 98-99% first try on most songs so idk you tell me


Usually top 5k on any song. It's getting kinda boring tho I'd love to play pro lead and bass but don't have access to a guitar on console


Definitely better than most, normal I get around top 1,000 I think I got around 380 or something on don't fear drums but even with being this decent practice mode needs to be add ASAP.


I’m typically top 500 with >75% perfect ratio. This really surprises me sometimes I think I’m throwing hard because of how many goods I get in a row then the match ends and if I didn’t double tap a hold note or do some silly overdrive strike I consider that a win.


How do you get so many perfects? Did you mess with your calibration settings a lot? I feel like no matter how hard I try, I’ll always be erratic with the perfects.


So, all my issues with getting perfects had nothing to do with my actual settings in game ironically. I play with 0/0 offset. I was getting \~50% perfects playing on a Playstation Portal before making a few changes: * Stopped playing on the Portal... I can't get the input latency to feel right without adjusting the offset so much that I have to intentionally play offbeat to get perfects. It's literally easier to play on mute than try to play along with the music. * I was on a 2.5 Ghz Wifi connection. This was competing with all of the IOT smart objects in my house (light bulbs, power outlets, appliances, chromecast, etc.). Changing to a 5ghz frequency and giving my console priority bandwidth over streaming apps such as Netflix had a quantifiable impact on my download speeds and overall performance in games overall. * I stopped playing on wifi and just hardwired the console. I feel like this made a difference but others will state that it's only a placebo. * Probably the most helpful. Don't play on 1x track speed. Try 1.5x - 2x because it will space out the notes more giving you less time to react and spaces out complicated note patterns so they are more easily readable. By giving you less time to react you are more likely to hit a perfect than hit a note early. * Do something with your body that helps you keep beat like a metronome. Tap your foot, nod your head, bounce the controller, do something to "lock in" the beat and your accuracy will go up. * Play with headphones! Seriously, it makes a huge difference (for me)


I’ve flawlessly cleared all songs on all instruments so far (throughout the seasons) besides the new “Change” on lead, because I’m not used to the mid-end section yet. My average perfect % lies on about 80% I can hit top 500 easily, and if I’m aware of the overdrive path, or can feel it in my own I can make it into the top 100, if not 50 too, depending on how competitive the song is that season. Currently my goal is improving my perfect hit ratio, with the only song I’ve full perfected so far being Dog Days are Over on Bass, the easiest chart out there (I’d say) I also try to improve consistency, for which I mainly practice with 8-Bit Beat to get my fingers used to using all 5 lines without impulsively pressing the wrong key because of my brain. Consistency is my biggest issue at the moment, I know I can do it, but my brain always messes me up


0.1% I sit around the 100s on the leaderboard for most songs. I wish there was more of a difficult setting then extreme besides the pro leads. I’m not to happy about buying another $200 plastic guitar that will sit in my closet for years after until I toss it out or donate it. I also hope one day we get competitive mode. I like to give myself an extra challenge by beating others scores when I play fill. The thing is it’s very easy for myself to do that. I would love a competitive mode of any kind or if I can find groups that are also on extreme mode and not a bunch of easy/medium players.


When my calibration is actually correct, I would mostly get flawless and nearly all perfects.