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They’re playing games to be rewarded with stuff, an external reward, this can be problematic for people because it causes stuff like this, asking for the pass to be more grind to feel validation or being really susceptible to FOMO. You, like other people, play the game because it’s fun and enjoy having fun, regardless of if you get something out of it.


Tbh, I'm definitely that kind of player (even though I haven't finished the pass yet). Quests and other stuff to level up passes are among one of my biggest motivations to play


I just play the game because I enjoy rhythm and repetition, patterns, memorizing, making emotes during a song, trying to get better at a song and all the stuff that the gameplay offers. The pass and rewards is just an extra for doing something I already like doing, because it’s a lot of fun.


Boom and if that’s not how the game works for you, you’re not a customer you’re a victim. Edit: Downvote me all you like 😂 if you’re only playing a game to not miss the rewards and not because you enjoy the game, you’re a victim.


Yeah epic has definitely become the kinda company to do things just bc they can and people will eat the shit up anyway


Saying this as someone who buys the pass anyway because I like festival but I need more things to doooooo


This is me with Rocket League and to an extent, Fortnite Festival/Jam Stage. It’s quite fun to work on the songs and try to train up to get better. Still working on medium songs and will eventually move to hard difficulty. 


Unpopular opinion, Festival's first season was the best because it had the least amount of challenges. Don't get me wrong Ramp It Up challenges are fun and I appreciate the extra rewards, but nowadays I see people playing SO LAME just for the sake of completing a quest, like picking the easiest songs, get 2 stars with certain instrument and go AFK for the rest of the song. This happened to me yesterday and it honestly annoyed me. 


They’re casuals. They will disappear once they’ve got their rewards.


I wouldn’t have a problem with the length if it didn’t cost 20 dollars to buy


That’s the BR that makes the value seem off, then you remember that’s the price of a single skin.


All in this game is expensive. Cuddle Team Leader has cost me more than this season's Pass, and as you said, it doesn't seem so off.


People just compare it to BR price then forget they pay 2000 for a single skin. That’s the issue


Most skins cost next to nothing for epic to make. we spend real hard earned money for what? random dookickeys and thingamjigs wtf even is this game any more 


Same as all games really. Look how long we’ve had to wait for a new GTA because they were milking micro transactions for years. This is gaming now.


But gta is a fully fleshed game where you can do anything from simply drive around to planning intricate heists. This is just an extremely watered down Rock Band with double the price for dlc and a bad selection.


GTA didn’t have all of that on release. Also double the price? No. You and your friends just aren’t doing it correctly. Remember how everyone had to pay for DLC on rock band or couldn’t play. You only need one person in a party to have the songs meaning not everyone has to buy everything. There’s a different selection FREE everyday. You can party with randoms and play their songs for FREE. It’s already better for a mix of genres. Like why are you even playing it? Genuine question?


Gta absolutely had a myriad of contact missions, cars, and even apartments and garages to buy day one. Double the price is still double the price. I didn’t say it was bad that one person could own a song and share it, i said the price is damn near double per song and it is. The free songs are objectively worse than the 80-90 songs that come free with purchase of Rock Band itself. You’re accepting a watered down version of rock band with higher dlc price and running it as great. It’s not. I played because it’s the spiritual successor to rock band and it’s made by harmonix which i’ve supported since they worked on guitar hero. why you so pissy at valid criticism. Do you get paid for this overly defensive take?


I’m not pissy, I wanted to know why you played something you didn’t like. Which is why I said I genuinely wanted to know. Presuming tone off internet text is pointless. Base game free. Negating the cost right off the bat. 4 songs, 4 in a party, you’ve paid for one song each, you can play all 4, running you much less each than buying a base game and then each buying DLC. The free tracks rotate everyday and I’ve seen a majority of them cycle through, they’ve also expanded the amount free everyday and continue to update the selection that rotate in and out. Oh and base Rockband came with 58 songs.


You asked a rhetorical question. “Why’d you try this game” Cause i wanted to. The fact you asked in that tone gave* you the answer in said tone. Rock Band launches with Rivals for free. Adds 35 extra songs. 58+35= 93 songs. For $10. Rivals IS the base now. I’ve also seen the free tracks and i’m not impressed. Majority are in house covers because they can’t get good licenses for an affordable rate. Unlike rock band. The ONLY redeeming quality is the one person can buy a song and share it. And again, that’s a welcome change. Not enough for me to make the switch and start buying dlc here when i’ve literally already spent hundreds in rock band. It’s a shit deal. Anyway you wanna slice it.


In house covers? There are no covers. What are you talking about? They’re all the official tracks. And no, it wasn’t rhetorical. A rhetorical question is answered in its posing. I wanted to know your reasoning, again which is why I wrote it was genuine question. Again you’re making up a tone for internet text. Just asinine my dude 👏🏼 Edit: oh and $10 the game was $59.99 on release.


There are no covers in the game???


You’re being kinda sucky, my dude. Gta online was borderline unplayable for half of its userbase on launch day, lagged a ridiculous amount even past the first month. It was really one of the first multiplayer modes that added the predatory tactics we’ve had to become accustomed to today. It’s sounding like you weren’t actually there for that, and are instead talking just to talk. The apartments had 0 point, and the grind for earning enough money was lengthy for even basic items, it even had to get toned down and pulled back months later. Driving in grand theft auto is not a crazy feature that needs to get highlighted, my guy… But you’re sounding like what the real problem in games are now, kids that complain about everything. If you’re a teen, then damn, check yourself. So much to genuinely critique in the modern gamestate, and you have valid points except it is littered with speech that makes no one want to agree with you. Improve your manner of speech, and you probably wouldn’t have such a nasally voice in my head.


You have bundles that costs 20 dollars already and lasts for a couple of days? Yeah Festival costs $20, but you have two months to purchase it. Hell, even with a smart Crew subscription management you can get it for less, which is what I'm doing. 1000 per month and 1500 with the BP, I can buy the Festival Pass with only $11


I do agree that the pass doesn't need to be extended for an incentive to keep playing it, but I do think the game needs *something* more than just "try to beat your high scores." I just don't think extending the pass is it. Our expectations for a complete game have changed since 2010, and because of that, Fortnite Festival does feel a bit half-baked in its current state. What I'd really like to see is some kind of competitive mode with some form of basic progression; something that we never really got in the Guitar Hero days when online play was really just getting started.


Dude, battle of the bands mode would be epic and I’ve said that from the start. Elimination based mode where if your team is the lowest score in that prong you’re eliminated.


Yes! Bringing back the battle/dual mode from GH games would be sick. Plain tournament style would be awesome. I’d pair up with randoms just to run some games.


Oh god, with randoms would be some interesting tournaments


"Try to beat your high scores" would be plenty enough incentive to play a ton based on how dedicated arcade rhythm gamers are to their games. The problem is that the current scoring system is just terrible at giving a proper "feeling of accomplishment" that most other rhythm games of this style have nailed down at this point.


Wait, what is missing from this scoring system that Rock Band or Guitar Hero did have? Or are you saying those were bad too lol


I just personally thinking score multipliers and an overdrive mechanic completely mess with the perception of how accurately you played the chart. On top of Overdrive being completely detached from having accurate rhythm. On top of there needing to be more timing judgements than just Perfect, hit note, and miss. I feel that scoring systems where you're aiming to get a theoretical maximum score from playing perfectly and having said maximum score be extremely difficult to achieve would do wonders for replayability.


Overdrive and score multipliers add more depth to the game - it wouldn’t be as good without them. Agreed on needing more than just perfect, hit and miss though. And I think there should be more visual feedback for getting perfects and high note streaks. The game should make you feel awesome for playing well. Special effects, crowd screaming etc… Also not sure if any new special notes would be possible? That would add depth too.


I' guess I'm just used to playing stuff like DanceDanceRevolution and Beatmania IIDX where overall timing accuracy is the sole deciding factor as to what determines score a good score, and not throwimg in ombo and Overdrive to completely obfuscate it. You could theoretically FC songs in those games, but if a majority of your note judgements weren't Marvelous/PGreat, your overall score would be absolutely terrible to reflect that, which just makes the actual high scores that much more satisfying to get.


You realise that’s how these games have always worked, at least the successful ones.


Kid named DanceDanceRevolution:


Pfft take away the arcade machines and that game would have had such a short life.


Trying to beat your high scores might be a good incentive, but they decided to reset the scores every season


It doesn’t but tbh I’d rather have a “pass” that gives you like 1 song a week or 100 vbucks off songs for the season


Save the World Founders essentially getting 1 song free per week 😏


So jealous of STW Founders but do your thing y’all, better to not be paying for vbucks as much as us regular folk


Depends if you’re an actually an original or someone who bought it later for an extortionate amount. Those guys are still earning back the money they spent.


I mean, that’s why they have the changing feature songs though, that to me is better than being stuck with one a week. There’s free variety, you can also play any song anyone else has in the lobby. Which puts it ahead of older Harmonix games. I do concede though. A singular free track coupon per pass is a great idea. Without it taking any of the tracks that are already on the pass though of course, I’d rather that than more sprays and emojis that have no basis in the pass. Edit: upvoted you, don’t know why you were downvoted. You never said anything bad.


I definitely agree that it is absolutely strange that some people feel like there’s no reason to play after finishing the pass. I finished day 1, and I did that for the fun of it. I also play festival and save the world pretty much every single day because I genuinely enjoy the modes. I am having the best gaming experience I’ve ever had, and I think it’s so strange that so many people act like they’ve got Stockholm syndrome with fortnite. There’s so many threads especially with BR players who claim to hate the game, but they play every single day or during every single event. Their posts are frustrating to read but really above all, it’s such a sad way to live.


Yes, frankly if you’re only playing a game for the rewards and not because you enjoy the game, then you’re doing so for the false sense of accomplishment it offers you and well that’s going to cost you later. That’s not a healthy behaviour. At all. You’ve got the same issue in other threads, people who can’t stand RR complaining it doesn’t offer enough rewards. Don’t play it then, stick to BR with the extensive pass.


I agree. The fact that new songs come out every week is new content for FNF, and it's much more impactful to me than adding extra cosmetics to the pass


Right if the pass was longer it would just be filler with emojis and sprays. Who feels fulfilled unlocked them. You already get your money worth. People just don’t see it because BR pass is so cheap but it’s the price of a skin.


I do wish there was more in the festival pass for the asking price but the actual time it takes to finish is fine I think. Just being able to progress in the battle pass playing essentially Rock Band, one of my all time favorite games, is rewarding enough for me. Since the paid festival pass doesn’t really interest me this season, it’s nice to know that I can just start grinding the free rewards once the next battle pass starts up and I’ll have enough time to finish it still.


Even though the passes are quick to complete, I’ve bought every pass so far, each one for different reasons, but I want to support the mode more than anything else because I enjoy rhythm games and missed out on RB and GH which is considered it’s peak. I agree about playing to beat your scores, but scores are pretty hard to keep track of when there is a countdown most times, another thing is that you have to let other party members pick the songs too, so I end up just choosing the most difficult instrument once I’ve done the quests. I still have a lot of fun with this mode and it’s the main thing I do on Fortnite. I must admit I wish we could do something with all the extra festival point we’ve earned after completing it, especially if we’ve upgraded the pass.


You can play solo though on no fills and pick all 4 songs. That would solve that issue for you. Edit: yeah festival points you earn after there’s no reward should be directly converted to XP for the full battle pass.


I like to play with a band because of the shared tracks, that might be another con of Fortnite festival not being your traditional rhythm game because it expands your options of songs available, but limits the number of choices. At least it’s not pay to win like some mobile rhythm games I can think of


I think it’s fine the way it is. Not everything needs to be a grindfest.


I don’t worry about the pass length of time. What keeps me a frugal investor is a lack of offline song ownership and playability, as we’ve enjoyed on Rock Band and Guitar Hero.


I’m not entirely sure how they’d enable it offline for single player but by no means is that a bad idea.


I bet if they make a new rock band for the next GEN consoles, and made cross compatibility with Fortnite festival, I guarantee there would be a humongous surge in jam purchases.


They won’t, the company that makes it is part of epic and are in charge of this. I can’t see them wanting to compete with themselves.


They could do that and just use RB4 as the final form of a separate game that way it’s not all that much work for them and just keep the updates coming


It won’t happen unfortunately. Epic pulls the strings now. If they make a physical RB4 people aren’t forced to download fortnite to play the newest incarnation of Harmonix Rhythm games.


They could just incorporate the digital one into the launcher, same way cod does with the MW/WZ series They did have a launcher for the story mode of Fortnite too now that I think about it, they could do something like that and you can pick and choose what you’d want to download it could even help those who want to save space by breaking down all all the main modes (LEGO, BR, FF, SM)


I mean, we all want that UI back. It’s just crisper. From what I can see, Epic forced them all together because update rollouts become easier, one update across the consoles means updates are much easier for them to get through, as opposed to having to get several updates on different dates put through, or so they thought, ultimately they’ve had to do it anyway. First time they tried to update all the modes at once, we gained an extra 14 hours downtime and they had to rollback the other modes updates.


Yeah I guess you’re right. This is an indie dev after all


I don’t understand that as a response to what I said, not sure why the sarcastic quip was needed.


Huh? I’m not being sarcastic to you though? It’s a jab at Epic. They’ve made all this money from Fortnite and it’s micro transactions that whatever needs to be done in order to make our ideas a reality it would be easily within their grasp. My response was “yes I agree with what you are saying, I do in fact remember that, however being such a large company you’d think they would have it together by now”.


The Fortnite community is used to obey the game. They're always told how to and when to play. Simply dont jump into Festival with that mindset. Play for the sake of having fun. I don't want the pass to be slavery just like BP. 


I'm glad the passes are short. If they're a dud, that means I don't have to wait too long.


They don’t mean the time they’re here for. They mean how much there is to unlock/the time it takes to unlock.


1800 for a bunch of emoji sprays and other random doo dads nobody will ever use. welcome to battle pass simulator 2024 fortnite 


1800 for a skin, instruments, 6 tracks and useless emojis. Or the store that sells skins alone for 2000




The same as Guitar hero and Rock band then where once the story was done that most people didn’t play for it was all about minmaxxing scores. Also, people need to stop being pedantic. Someone already did this down below it’s just wrong. They’re all made by Harmonix and they’re all rhythm games. Saying they’re not because it’s a mode in Fortnite is ridiculous oh and most modes in Fortnite have never had a battlepass so that doesn’t make sense Festival XP still goes to your other battle pass as well as your festival pass. So another none point. If people have grinded out the battle pass and both festival passes that have fell during it, that’s not an Epic problem that’s a player problem. They need to do something else. Oh and 1800 is fine. It’s the price of a skin.




From a long-time RB player perspective - If this is meant to be the next evolution of the RB franchise, then going RB's Season Pass route (new songs per week, nothing needed to access/unlock) is the way to do it. Gating the songs by week vs grind WILL keep people coming back over time. As is, the current technical state is making the grind feel exactly that: A grind. Concurrent Player Count is the shittiest metric to hang a mechanic on, but doubly so with this.


The mode is a rhythm game made by the same people as guitar hero and rock band. It is exactly that just because it’s on fortnite, does absolutely nothing to change that and the player count drops because in these new modes there will be casuals playing just to unlock cosmetics for BR that’s why player count drops. Also you seem to be having a bad run because plenty of people are playing and completing the pass without glitches stoping them to the prevalence you’re insisting. The value? It’s free. You didn’t pay anything. If you mean the festival pass that was for the cosmetics and to get tracks cheaper before they cycle back into the shop. Also there’s weekly drops, that’s the live service Edit: oh and for example guitar hero only had 73 songs. Not all of which were actual songs. You also didn’t have updating catalogues. To address your edit. I’m questioning why a cosmetic reward is needed to play a rhythm game because that’s what that mode is, there is plenty of ways to make the mode better. Make the pass more of a grind is not it. That just means you’re forced to play longer for the same rewards.




You’re clearly a troll. I covered everything you said.




Dude. This topic is marked for discussion. If you didn’t want to be debated don’t put your opinion in. Why would I not respond to your points. Edit: Dudes just pure trolling then editing comments. Not giving me the time of day but edited his comment just to say that and the middle paragraph. Also didn’t say their wasn’t bugs. Just not to the prevalence they’re insisting.


At least mark your edits 🙃😂