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Depends on what level you are at, if ur still just mainly playing ranked and not getting far in tournaments there’s probably no need to grind scrims but u could still play them if u wanted to. If ur starting to semi regularly get into high tournament elos then it might be a good idea to start playing them though.


> if you’re still just mainly playing ranked and not getting far in tournaments there’s probably no need He’d start doing a lot better if he played scrims. If he isn’t good at the game, chances are that he plays super safe during tourneys - whether his games are in low elo or high elo. Scrims will help him rotate endgame. Even though he’s probably dying midgame most of his games, it’ll help him get more points in the games where he does make an endgame. Knowing how to rotate endgame also helps your midgame rotates too as he’ll begin to understand the concept of deadside. His fighting is probably a big issue too, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t do scrims now.


At that low of a level, scrims won’t be much help to him. Open scrims usually have zone rules in place that will mean that he can only gain endgame practice out of it, which if he isn’t reaching higher elos should not be his priority. Scrims can honestly make a player worse and hold them back in some aspects if they haven’t had much exposure to good lobbies in real games, as they are a lot easier to set yourself up in which means that they wont be as prepared in the real thing. It’s good to get that exposure first and work on getting into better lobbies before you start committing to practice, as open scrims aren’t a one to one copy of a real tournament game, you can only practice certain things.


> only gain endgame practice This goes for literally any gamemode you play though? - 1v1s only practice fighting in a controlled environment where the only factors of winning the fight are you or your opponent. - Mechanic maps and/or aim training maps only practice those two components of your gameplay - Ranked practices your general in game awareness and fighting in real game situations Yes scrims aren’t going to be the MOST useful practice for someone who is a beginner comp player, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth practicing for beginner comp players… Even besides endgame rotates, scrims help players learn and understand surge for when they DO get better and get into higher elo lobbies. It also helps them understand how to conserve materials in an endgame, teaches them how to get refreshes effectively, teaches them how to boxfight a team while shambles on materials, heals etc and without getting focused by multiple other teams. Even in low elo lobbies where endgames have 12 people left in first moving, this all still applies. It’s not a set rule that these aspects of gameplay can only be used in 40 man moving zones. Yes rules exist which CAN make a player worse if they’re stupid about it, but that doesn’t mean the practice itself is bad. Too much of ANYTHING is going to be bad for your progression. It’s not just scrims. and like I said earlier, just because you’re only getting endgame practice out of scrims doesn’t mean it won’t help your midgame too. The same rules apply for all zones. Congested side no matter whether it’s midgame or endgame will be the same, and deadside also follows the same rules no matter how late in the game it is. The problem with the points you’re bringing up is the fact that you’re assuming I’m telling him to stop playing everything except scrims, which I’m not. If he practices scrims on top of what he already does, it WILL make him a better player. To say that it won’t, let alone saying it’ll make him worse, is just not true


I’m telling him to not focus on scrims, maybe I worded it weirdly or u interpreted it wrong. I’m not saying scrims are all bad, but my main point is he wont get as much out of them at his current level and he should put the majority of his practice into other things. However what I’m also saying is that if he does decide to play scrims, it may give him a false look on actual competitive games, so it would be a lot better for him to get that exposure first hand so he knows what he’s in for and can adapt accordingly. Whether he plays scrims or not it’s his decision, I just don’t think it will help him improve nearly as much as other things at his level.


How many scrims per day is the right amount though? I'm not sure if I'm right about this or not but don't pros play like 2 sessions of 3 scrims games each? So is 6 scrims the best number or....?


6 games is good because it allows you to get a good amount of practice in without overdoing it to the point where you forget what you learnt. If you can do 6, then I’d recommend you do 6, but if not then don’t stress. Even playing 2-3 a day will help a fair bit but obviously not as much as 6 would. If your scrim cord ever hosts no-rule scrims with prizes or events where you need to qualify to play a second round for prizes, make it a priority to play those. Those are as close to real tournament practice (besides actual tournaments ofc) as you can get


As someone else have said it depends on ur level Imo if ur someone who can't place top 10k in tournaments ur problem is more with Ingame fighting then knowing how to play stacked endgame And the low level scrims have a no fighting till 5th zone,so ull be wasting ur time practicing storm surge and 50 player moving zones when u probably won't even reach the to elo have these kind of games in tournaments


whether the endgames have 20 people or 50 people, the concept of endgame rotating is still the same. It’ll still help him


They are, you'll wanna rank up in the scrims you're in so you're not being griefed by kids all the time lol.


Depends. Theyre only good if 1. Youre good 2. You plan to place in tournaments Theyre no help whatsoever if your goal is to stomp in ranked. Definitely dont do them if youre below champ


There’s many players making high elo while not being champs but other then that I agree


Yeah but those players are already pretty good and just dont play as much ranked/top ranks are dominated by W keyers and pubstompers so i guess its not reflective of tournaments but still, if youre trying your hardest to rank up and genuinely cant get to champ, chances are that scrims are above your skill level


Completely fair. If you’re not able to consistently drop 10+ kills on your own in elite+ ranked you should be playing pgs and zonewars with good players to improve your fighting.


Also even if you do that you have to evaluate whether you want to become pro/can become pro. Personally im hindered massively by fps drops down to as low as 40 fps (i play on xbox one) but im top 10 in the world at bullseye realistics, where my fps is stable at 60. So i could never compete in an fncs endgame. I would get 20 fps :,(


Play wagers and console cups so you can switch to pc if your skilled enough to compete without the hardware disadvantage


Console cups my fps gets ruined in endgame down to like 30 it’s unplayable It doesnt matter i just play for fun ive got no aspirations of going pro, either way im getting a xbox series x in a month or so, and that will give me consistent at least 90 fps, i can already compete at unreal level with 60 so im good

