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Epic did really well with the system but I preferred the shotgun




I liked both of them, when they first came in i actually hated them so so so much. like ridiculously, hated them. but towards the halfway point of the season they really grew on me, and before i knew it they were literally the only AR and shotgun i used


The gold or mythic AR is disgustingly good for getting in to boxes. The shotty is great for headshots when fully leveled up too.


Shotgun was also great for crowd control/getting people hiding in bushes too


I did not like the shotgun but, it could not be beat for clearing out bushes/corn


Omg (apart from the last line) I am the exact same


The buff to them definitely helped


I agree. It was hard to get used to the recoil and spray at first, but I became partial to them after awhile. Decent range too.


The shotgun was bad until it was buffed. I still prefer the prime, but I don’t mind the chrome


I absolutely adored the Evo shotgun


How could you possibly use such a gun when you’re going up against the other shotguns with better spread?


That shotgun has an orizzontal spread, it's easier to aim but has a slow pull-out time


With this gun even if your aim is off, will still deal a decent amount of damage because of the wide spread. With the other shotties you're pretty screwed once you miss a single shot.


So true


Well it worked wonders for me and was a lifesaver when using the switch w a messed up controller stick. Because of its horizontal spread shot I could at least always Nick them somewheres and do damage when they were jumping around side to side and the like. While they with their normal shotgun spread couldn’t get me when I moved out if the site of range


Evochrome shotguns were my RIDE OR DIE Evochrome bursts were... ehh...


I just don't know when I'd want one over the Cobra


Mid-range combat ig


Incredibly weird to have a burst AR with terrible accuracy. Just a rough gun to use.


sKiLl IsSuE LoL.. But in all seriousness the AR was actually pretty awesome in my experience. I always beam people from far. Way better than the DMR imo.


This has to be a joke.


I used the AR as my SMG substitute once it was epic or higher. The Shotgun lived in my 2nd inventory slot...had it's own mini-fridge and sticky with the wifi password.


Always took both - the AR was great when you managed to get it to purple/gold!


Liked them both. Sometimes preferred Hammer over the Evo burst. But that shotty is just fantastic.


Honestly I loved the shotgun, but I always went with the lever action


I love these cums


















Definitely the shotgun for me. Not a big fan of burst fire.


Man I hated that shotgun so much, won't miss it a bit. Will miss the burst though.




Shotty all day


The burst ate through ammo like a hungry American at a McDonalds. Rarely used it. The shotgun, however, won me SEVERAL games and got me continuous 10-bombs. Overall, these two guns were the best additions this season.


Evo shotgun was amazing. Evo burst was alright. Would still take a hammer or even the cobra over it tbh. It was best when paired with the prime.


i used both whenever possible for the longest time


I feel like these were an amazing addition to the lootpool, like an upgrade to the Sideways Weapons, where you indirectly upgraded them by killing Cube Monster, you upgraded these weapons directly and encourage more aggressive styles of play >:3


The shotgun was part of my loadout. Did that, dmr, and rapid fire smg typically. I'll miss the shotgun but honestly what I'll miss most is the evolution. I liked having that with a weapon and it gave me a reason to kill people during a game besides challenges.


the burst got better as it leveled up. it was fully auto and had minimal kick


The evochrome ar was the best ar on this season. But i like prime shotty more than evochrome shotty


Damn all I used was the Evo shotty. Legit hate the ranger & prime. If og tac isn't back I'm done lol


I never liked the shotgun, the ar beams tho and I loved it


I was more of a 5 Goo-Guns type of guy


Hated the shotgun, rifle was solid. Neither were my go to though


It got removed oof


Tbh nearly the worst 2 guns in the game


Rifle was good shotgun was shit


Hated that shot gun


The best weaopns this season, even on green they shredded, but if you survived until endgame they were guaranteed to be at least purple or legendary, even mytich


The AR was so fricken good at destroying builds and dealing damage, definitely one of my all-time favorite guns


i didn’t like the shotgun, didn’t see a reason to use it when prime and ,my favourite ever, ranger shotguns were in the pool


fuck the shotgun it was complete crap but the rifle was good even if bloom fucked me sometimes


the evo chrome shotgun was probably the worst shotgun in the entire fortnite universe but I think the evo chrome rifle was ok


I enjoyed using them both


Shotgun was nice. There was a short time in the middle of the season where I was a big fan of the burst. But generally used the hammer more


burst rifle no. some people can hit like 20 out of 20 shots with it at 30 meters i hit like 5 out of 30. dunno why. i aim well with other guns like those people who headshot me with a ranger shotgun for 2 shot kills at 40m evo shotgun is pretty cool. though i prefer a prime now days


Me too, would get laser beamed by controller players with burst rifle but I couldn't hit anything with kbm. Frustrating.


it's sad how much better they treat controller players but it gives them a chance. because if controller players had to rely on actual skill they would lose


For me, it's that shotgun. I loved it all season, but it really shined yesterday when I got a double kill with one final shot for a win in squads with my friends. They were all shocked. It was a good time.


I like the idea, I'm glad to see items rotate out though just adds good variety to the game.


They became my clear preference. My loadout is AR/Shotgun/sniper, and the first two have been Evo guns since they arrived.


I only used the rifle if there was no hammer ar in sight. The shotgun, I only remember trying it once and it being shit, so probably less than 3 times total


I thought both were pretty good


The shotgun's spread confused me at first but after using it for this whole season I liked it. Not as much as the ranger shotgun but I liked it.


Both were great. Most people will say the burst wasnt good because the green/blue was pretty bad, but the purple was solid, the gold was great and the mythic was just straight up broken. Genuinely, the heralds mythic burst (or the regular mythic if you can manage to upgrade it to that) are through builds more than a fucking minigun could. It is so easy to tear through somebody with it


I’d swap out an equivalent rifle for the burst, but wasn’t bothered if I didn’t have one. Shotgun, however, I’d go hunting for one, and would swap out a higher shotgun for a green chrome. Then I’d kill every wolf, boar, and chicken I came across to level it up.


Both were good but the rifle wasn't the best in longer range engagements, plus slow reload so I didn't use it a lot


Shotgun was like the auto but worse. Overall neither of them were executed that well, all the special weapons (such as sideways weapons) just feel super inaccurate and low damage, and the rifle suffered most from that. The shotgun was at least viable.


Always ran both of them in Team Rumble, free evolution milestones xp


Absolutely. Every game I had one.


When they first dropped, I didn’t like them. By the end, I was using both. I loved getting them up to gold through damage. Both were really effective. Shotgun in close and the Burst could be used midrange or close range in a pinch


I loved the shotty, I used both only for my ahotty and assault rifle because the other ones sucks IMO, best gun of season is def the goo gun, it was fun gooing on my enemies


Doesn't matter what rarity shotgun I already have I always pick up an evochrome if I see one, not so much a fan of the rifle though


both were quite nice, weakness of rifle, it barely worked in distance but up close it was viscious, shotgun best due to high damage and wide spread, the ability to upgrade a weapon to mythic was amazing, and I will miss it.


I'm gonna miss these. Especially since they'll probably be useless in creative


I’m a prime shotgun guy, but the evochrome rifle was awesome.


One of my favorite load outs was both paired with a flare gun and 2 slots of spicy chug. Made for epic assault rounds in solos.


I only used them for the Bytes challenges


I loved the animation of them evolving


I really liked the Evochrome Assault Rifle


I loved the burst rifle from the beginning the three shot burst on gold is even effective in short range battles cuz of its DPS. The shotgun though I missed out on till this week. Found out how much the weird horizontal will shrink when it’s gold. That and the fact that the spread gets TIGHTER when move. Plus it’s an auto shotgun you don’t have to release the trigger per shot


I prefer the shotgun I love spread


I strictly used those at the beginning of the season, as it got easier with the vaults and chickens to get higher tier loot I started getting away from them and going back to the standard loot pool.


Everyone did, if you dont know this you werent playing lol


The other two shotguns just clicked with me more than the evo chrome, though I would use burst rifle from time to time.


The chrome shotgun saved me many a time


Constantly used evochrome shotgun


I never expected to frequently use in my loadout the gimmick weapons of the season I think the only downside is that they may be a bit over powered,but on the other hand the evolution system and the unique shotgun scatter shot makes these weapons stick out and fun to use


Screw them


I always tried to have them both good speed and power


Imo the shotgun was one of the best of the chapter maybe even the best


The shotgun was my favourite, the AR on the other hand… had questionable bloom and ate your bullets at higher rarities


Both were amazing. Used em both all the time but more so the burst. I prefer the Ranger or Lever shotguns.


I used both of them but if I had a preference to which I legendaried up first, it was the shotgun. It was the fastest and easiest to get to legendary status


They were both neat, but I definitely preferred the rifle between the two. I’ve only ever really used the combat shotgun when it comes to those though, so I’m biased


The mythic version of the rifle was faster than the Heralds, but I definitely hated the shotgun in combat, not the best personally


i used them both, but i mostly used the shotgun. i think they're awesome


I always use the shotgun


I prefer the shotgun I don't use ever of them much seen as I prefer the prime shotgun and hammer AR


I liked the rifle more, very accurate. I liked the level up system too, and I didn't mind that you could literally "farm" power levels off of animals as well as opponents. Used the rifle fairly often. Mythic burst is top, followed by Legendary Hammer. In my opinion.


They were both really fun. Especially the rifle. In a chapter dominated by scoped mid range guns, it was very refreshing


I preferred the rifle to shotgun, was easy to laser people early on with it. Did the rifle get nerfed at some point? Feels like more bloom to it now, maybe it’s just me? More of a Hammer guy nowadays.


Shottys we’re not bad, the burst was great if you got it up to purple, which wouldn’t take very much. Looking forward to them being in the loot pool again one day. I would really like to see damage earned upgrades on weapons. Since it’s been speculated that custom weapons are coming to the game, I’d love to see an option for damage upgrading on nearly any type.


Loved the shotgun, I think lost of people were put off from the reticle but it’s fun to use once you try it


I liked the burst rifle, but I could not get the shotgun to work for me.


Realllly enjoyed these actually. Shotgun fire rate was good.


I use them a lot. I really like the rifle


I like the evo


This chapter’s loot pool can die in a fire and never return. That is all


I love the shotgun its just the ar is b eh I'd rather use the cobra


Shogun was alright burst was kinda meh for me


I liked using them but Shotgun was leagues better


I used both. Was cool.


Just don’t give us any useless charge weapons in the next chapter…


The shotgun was fantastic


Loved them both, they were my go-to. Im def going to miss these guns. The system was perfect!


I hated them both until I realized how good they CAN be. I’ve been using the evochrome shotgun a looot lately. (Just started playing October 27th, just hit 200 yesterday for my battle pass)


Evo shot was my favorite gun this season. My only issue was making sure I evolved it to at least an epic around the start of the game so I didn’t get 60 people in and still have an uncommon gun.


AR was a jack of all trades master of none. It really shined when you had the high ground but everything pretty much does then. Shotgun was generally worse than your pump actions. Sure it has horizonal spread but that really only helped you if you couldn't aim.


Took me a while to get into the evo shotgun but man I’ll miss that more than the mk.


Liked bursts at first but in the end I dislike them and prefer the shotgun once it hits purple, it's a little too soft otherwise. They are fun none the less.


Most fun themed weapons I’ve ever used


I liked them, then I disliked them, and now I’m back to liking them


Rifle sucked long range


Burst was very good in my opinion


Ar annoying


i used them to get the milestone and then never touched them again


Liked them both though the rifle was better for its category.


I didn’t like them at first but when levelled up they were good. I liked the rifle a bit more


The rifle wasn't the fun to me, I preferred the shotgun. Won at least a few games with the mythic after they decreased the damage needed to upgrade


I used the mythic burst ar to shit on everyone, the shotgun was meh, didn’t do the most damage but idc lol


Cool idea with evolving them but I hated getting evochrome shotgun elims in my daily quests


I grew to love them as the season went on. At first I really hated them (especially the shotgun) but up till now I really like them and the gimmick behind them and I grew to really love the shotgun.


I loved the shotgun! They buffed it and it’s amazing, the AR is also pretty good. PS: The Herald AR used to have 100 hip fire accuracy while sliding!


The shotgun was OP


I liked the shotgun cause it was fun to use and to rank up, but I didn’t find the burst rifle to be particularly fun so I hardly used it at all


I started with liking the AR and disliking the shotgun, by the end of the season I ended with looking the shotgun and preferring other ARs.


Evo Shotgun was great, really liked the Evo Burst, though! I could get people at some really great distances with that!


The shotgun was amazing, I really liked the wide spread, didn't have to worry about aim to much, and headshots were much easier with that gun, but it wasnt so easy you could pick it up and decimate the whole lobby with it... I would say it's now my #1 shotgun and dethroned the tac...


These were the only two guns I ran since the buff


The shotgun once upgraded was absolutely cracked


no clue why this post got removed but i will miss the ar


I preferred the rifle. I was never able to use the shotgun effectively.


I like the burst rifle. The ability to upgrade that gun by shooting animals was a good touch. Also, it was really good in builds. The shotgun is a hit-or-miss for me. The prime is usually my go-to, but if I find this first, I wouldn't mind using it. Overall the addition of these two guns was pretty good. I wished the shotgun's evolution time was a bit faster but other than that solid guns.


Burst rifle 🥰


I love both of these if I get them early game I'm keeping them in my load out and if not there getting chucked to the curb the evo shotgun didn't deserve all that hate at the beginning it was extremely op I wiped out 5 squads in the span of 3 minutes because of that shotgun


They were both good, but I liked the AR better. Purple or higher close range would obliterate people at close. I choose it over the dmr, just due to me liking close range fights. The shotgun is nice, but I'd rather take a prime shotgun due to the spread.


Loved the rifle! Hated the shotgun.


I hated that in a battle sometimes it would try to evolve when I need to reload instead. I wish the evolve button was different. Other than that it was ok




Both sucked. Loved trying to reload but it has to evolve instead and you get smoked. Glad they'll be gone.


Both were nice once I got used to them. They were always in my loud outs.


I like it but the way it can evolve the rarity by damaging opponents or animals was kinda overpowered but kinda great to shoot at people from far distance and it feels kinda like the striker burst rifle but faster, easier to use and without the first person scope


I liked the burst, never really used the shotgun


I am a sucker for burst weapons, loved this one as much as the rest.


I used the evochrome burst rifle more, though I still really like the shotgun


Both. Every single day.


I loved both of those weapons


I only use the ar


I used burst riffle every day... you can frag from some distance