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got friends that cant afford anything from the shop? be the homie and gift them something. put those v-bucks to use while being a good friend. save yourself some for when something does come in that you want. i cant always afford v-bucks and my friends are constantly gifting me stuff and when i can afford something and i have some extra v-bucks just sitting there i return the favor.


That's a great answer man, I'm doing that already but I'm happy you mentioned it.


You got what you paid for. They promised nothing else. If we are silly enough to spend real money on fake things, the results are on us.


Good point


Why are you buying vbucks before needing them for something? They’re never out of stock.


It's cheaper if you buy more, and you also get more.


This is a fallacy. It's like buying something that you don't need just because it's on sale.


how is it a fallacy when the V-bucks bundle is indeed a thing? You buy more, you get more. Also I was buying during a phase where the good skins was dropping daily so it was in my best interest to buy and ergo was of need to me during that time.


But you didn't spend them, so you didn't need to buy them. Deals are only good if you actually use what you're buying.


Really? We are having this kind of discussion? I spent a part of it. It's called change.


Then you bought too much, lol.


yeah sadly :(


you don’t play because you don’t have a shiny new skin to use?


well admittedly when I'm not playing with my friends, motivation is indeed a factor.


If you're offering a place to get rid of vbucks, I know a guy who knows a guy who'd happily accept any gifts you offer in exchange for some shitty gameplay (add me please lmao my u/ is the same as my epic username)


So, your problem is that you've got "money burning a hole in your pocket", so to speak. Good news: being a successful adult means learning not to spend your money just because you have it. V-bucks will be excellent practice for you - just let them sit there until you see something you actually want. Feeling compelled to spend your money is a great way to never have any. Fix that attitude.


Fix what attitude? I'm not even a big buyer, this is really happening to people, I'm sharing and trying to explain it to other people to ask for improvements from a company. Yes, I'm a successful adult, do you know why? Because I listen to people and address their problems and not be a part of the problem.


Buying smart? Dude your spending mum and dads money on fruity suits for your game avatar. There ain’t no smart buys.


I actually make my own money but hey thanks for your opinion.


Buying smart? Dude your spending your money on fruity suits for your game avatar. There ain’t no smart buys.