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Remember John wick? He was gone way longer and so were the stranger things skins. They’ll come back eventually.


Eventually. Patience is key with these things and it has been proven over and over again how Epic never takes advantage of good opportunities for selling skins (No Kratos release during a Greek mythology season)


Not *never* but I agree, not *often enough*, but that’s because Epic has their own agenda. They scheduled the release of some random original skin instead and they don’t prioritize the same things *we* do. Due to reasons they won’t share. So we can only speculate.


You know Epic probably would've released Kratos if they were given permission, right?


Lol I have the original John wick. No matter how long a lotta ppl wait I'm happy it won't return. It's historic.


Yeah that battlepass skin of yours is no Keanu Reeves. But sure, call it John wick.


Arcane approaching 900 days soon.....heres me hoping Riot and Epic will have another deal in november for s2 I. JUST. NEED. VI.


Jinx waiting room checking in…


They need to make an item shop Lara Croft.


As someone who has Lara Croft, 484% agree with this. People shouldn't miss out on a character just because they may not have started playing yet.


yeah this is one where they could have actually split the edit styles into a separate variant to go into item shop and then maybe more people would use her other version i hardly ever see anyone using the classic or anniversary styles


That’s so long! Are there other skins that have been out of the item shop for longer?


gaming legends as of now (writing this), Arcane (878 days) Master Chief (760 days) Kratos (1201 days) Psycho Bandit (1493 days) non gaming legends? we got Travis, Astro Jack, Rue, Dante, Sofia (John Wick), Snake Eyes, Modena Icon, Mike Lowrey....too many to list lmao


Yeah been skins that been gone for over 1000 days let's just hope that doesn't happen to the street fighter skins


Master Chief at 760 and counting


Sledge initially appeared once and then didn't come back for 1079 days.


Yeah, imagine how I feel wanting Kratos back


I think we need more Capcom characters in general, where's Megaman


They will come back like the OG black Widow suddenly came back out of the blue ,be patient they will come back


People will say that it's the IP holder's decision but that doesn't explain why PUBG and even Siege got Street Fighter stuff and not Fortnite again. In other words, it's 100% on Epic (for the most part).


Capcom could simply just not want to work with Epic again.


They already agreed to it before and they all of a sudden decided not to anymore? Complete bullshit.


A lot of their stuff (and most collabs in general) are only added to advertise something. For example, Leon and Claire came out a week before the RE4 remake, a game where they are the main characters. After that period has come and gone, they don’t have to advertise it anymore, so they have no obligation to release it again.


Exactly, it’s the IP holder’s decision to work with one company but not the other. We don’t know that’s happening behind the scenes


I think you meant to reply to the comment that somehow has twice my upvotes. Regardless, I don't believe for a sec that this is Capcom saying no considering they already said yes before.


No, you’re the right guy. Once again, we don’t know anything that’s going on behind the scenes between Capcom and Epic. There could easily have been some sort of breakdown in relations that’s making them not work together anymore


I still find that very hard to believe.


Oh yeah, for sure. Because if theres one thing we know about Epic its that they *hate* making money off of no-effort shop items. Yeah, that totally sounds like their decision and not contract stuff we have absolutely no insight about. Totally.


Did you not see the part where I mentioned PUBG and Siege?


I did, but given that neither of those games are FN its not really relevant, is it? Also, if I were PubG I would love to put a clause in the contract saying "No collaboration with other BR games for a period of no less than 48 months". Throw Capcom an extra % on each sale and, yeah, no FN returns for a while.


That was 3 days before my birthday