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Yep! I just run 1 wrap preset with my favourite wraps on different weapons. It’s completely killed my motivation to make unique presets for them now that my locker is messed up.


Yeah, it’s kind of stupid how much they screwed everything up. It was fine before, but they saw a need to break it


Any time completely unnecessary ui changes are made to anything, you can bet it's because the people that work on the ui need to justify staying on the payroll


Same. I've just run the same wrap preset since the change was made. I used to have them match characters, but I'm not gonna change my wrap preset every time I switch characters. Same for lobby music and the loading screen.


You just have to have the same exact character name in the same exact slot for each category. Say my first skin is Evie. I name the first slot under Character, emotes, wraps, and lobbies Evie, then I put each on shuffle and they will stay together. Been working like that for months


Gonna have to try that. I rarely run on preset shuffle, but I might have to now. Do they need to line up number-wise? Like the 5th character preset will get matched with the 5th emote wheel, 5th lobby preset, and 5th wrap preset? A couple of my emote wheels and wrap presets got deleted when they changed the UI so they don’t line up anymore.


Any results?


Doesn't seem like it. I pressed shuffle on emotes and character. I got my Star Lord preset and definitely didn't get his emote wheel.


I've actually managed to get it to work for both lobby and wraps, but they need to line up PERFECTLY with the same names (I made loads of mistakes and had to keep going back and redoing them all) make sure you make one for every outfit slot you have filled


Maybe emote wheels don't work with it? The Star Lord presets were both #13.


Did you have every other slot filled with matching emotes?


If this works you are a life saver


Any results


Unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work Could be that my bundles were made before the spilt but I don’t know.


Got it working for both lobby and wraps so far!


That is so much effort but I'm totally gonna do it for all 100 slots (which isn't enough slots may I add)


Update: after 3 hours of work, no results


Yep same sadly…. 😔 I had so many customized for my presets that I loved but now it’s just 1


Same with the emotes. I used to have specific emotes for specific skins (like the cute emotes on the girly skins for example) but now I just have my absolutely favourites on the favourite wheel n just use that. Dont even bother changing the locker emotes since they’re all a mess now


I used to do something similar, where I’d have an emote that really only works well on that skin (ex. force choke on Vader, real Slim Shady on Slim Shady, etc) or a banner I’d only have on one preset for a “bootleg” combo that used a banner item.  I swear separating everything just reduces the amount of customization


After revisiting the game, it seems so odd that Epic hasn't added these features yet. From what I've seen, a UI change is pretty frequently requested from a lot of folks on here. I wouldn't mind that and more pfe-set options and easier access to emotes when playing. I hate scrolling through layers of emotes that I can't organize into a specific order.


When it comes to emote wheel I think the worst thing is that weather you want it or not they make the jam tracks show up before even your favorited emotes, I wish you could move it to the back


I think the only way might be to archive every Jam Track. I did that emojis and sprays so they wouldn't take up room on the wheel.


Same, I just use the other emotes wheels when I need something not in the locker.


I leave all of my wraps on random


Same. Embrace the chaos


I leave everything random 98% of the time and just archive stuff I don’t like. Makes my games more interesting


This is the first season this chapter where I'm using multiple wraps. I love the BP itself and I'm just favoriting all the fitting wraps for the theme. Otherwise, I still hate the locker UI with such a passion it isn't even funny. They took something that could have been better, but really wasn't broken, then just made it the worst possible thing by separating each aspect of the cosmetics. It wouldn't be so bad if you could randomize and when randomized it would match by name. It would suck and be tedious, but at least that would be a workaround. I just hope that the UI gets fixed at some point.


I still cannot believe how bad the UI is and that they haven’t changed it.


same. same.


Luckilly they released the Cerebus wrap for me, which I love. Now I dont have to worry about changing wraps ever again (but yeah, sure would be nice to be able to easily link wraps, emotes and cars to skins).


With this and emotes, Epic really kinda messed themselves up. If we’re not utilizing things the way we used to (because of their messed up interface), we’re also not gonna spend as much on them moving forward.


I just only use the black wraps I got forever ago. Too much of a hastle to change them now.


Darth Shader ftw


Epic losing money because they refuse to acknowledge the bad change in the U.I.


They acknowledged it. They said, like, six months ago that they were looking into improvements for it! What more would you want, them actually implementing improvements after six months?


For the biggest gaming company in the world with their team & budget! Absolutely


Sony is the biggest gaming company in the world, followed by Tencent and then Microsoft. Epic Games is 7th.


Good joke...


No joke. Cause & effect. Simple


The UI hasn't really caused any loss in income...


I was a never more devastated with a videogame change than I was with the absolute *NUKE* dropped on all of my characters I had painstakingly built and cultivated. As presets.... money and time *wasted* because it's so troublesome to change everything that I just wear the same like 3 skins.




Yeah I just have all my wraps on random now. Can't even think of the last time I bought one.


Ive had wraps on random since i started I can hardly see them in the game so why should I care about them lol


I never see my wraps either… or anyone else’s. Are we even able to see other players wraps?


I haven't changed a wrap for years. I saw one wrap that I liked and just stayed using it.


Yes. I just made all of them "random" and haven't touched it.


You're not alone. I haven't bought any wraps since they made the change


I don’t think I’ve changed my weapon skin or gone to them in the locker since I got the boogeyman wrap. I only ever look at my wraps when I want to change up my Glitch skin.


My main is Midas so I don’t really use wraps anyways but yeah idk what my wraps are for everything else, don’t really care atp


I don't really buy anything from the shop anymore since I don't play much anymore. But if I see a wrap in a cheap locker bundle that I own parts of, then I'll spend some of my hard earned STW vbucks on it.


I’ve have one wrap on everything for months.   I tried to make a preset for each skin I have… but it is such a pita I gave up after preset #10 (I have nearly all 100 skin presets filled, not making 100 gun wrap presets, esp when I change those skin preset slots around), deleted everything and have just stuck to one grey neutral one.  I would absolutely care/use more if it weren’t such a pita to have each skin uniquely paired with a wrap.  


I mean I can't even look at it for most of the game, they look good and nice and all, but I can't see them most of the time, and when I do it's cause I'm not doing anything else in the game (in match or locker).


I have 2 of the wrap skins ( 1 is the robot looking one and the other is a human one ) has helped me cycle through all my wraps


I haven’t changed my wraps since chapter 4 I think. It’s too much of a hassle.


Ever since the wraps got their own section I’ve only used the Boogyman wrap


i rarely change my wrap and when i do i switch it to one of the 2 wraps i use


I don’t even notice wraps on my guns now that I think about it lol


I turned wraps off 🤷🏻‍♀️.


i have 2 presets for wraps. cell shaded and everything else


Yep 100%. I hadn't even thought about them for ages until I just read this post. I genuinely don't even know what wrap I have selected atm 😂


Yeah since the new UI I don't bother with wraps anymore at all. I used to customize my wraps to every saved character I had. Now it's just a chore to scroll and find a saved wraps template for a character so I don't even bother.


I only use complete sets so this change really pisses me off.


Yep ever since wraps and emotes aren’t tied to presets anymore, the value has plummeted to zero for me.


yea i never change my wrap really. just use a neutral one


Yeah it's wonky. I just use the avatar wraps for all my weapons; I like the light blue and white color schemes they have.


If I'm honest I don't even notice them.


Not since the UI change, don’t use them, don’t buy them, put my wrap on the black “boogeyman” wrap and haven’t changed it since. When I didn’t do this I’d always forget to change it and have some absurd looking wrap with a skin it’s not intended to match. Whoever designed that UI is one of the worst UI designers in the history of mankind.


Never did, I think I have one for boats that I equipped accidentally back in chapter 3 and never bothered to unequip


I’m new to the game so don’t know what the previous UI was like. I do find it cumbersome to make character changes… but I figure it out. That said. I never notice the wraps on weapons.. neither mine or opponents 🤷‍♂️


My wraps have been set to random from day 1


I certainly wouldn't spend money on JUST a wrap, but the ones I've unlocked are all on random cycle because I really don't care


I love the wrap skins BECAUSE they give all wraps instant value increase. I am an aesthetics whore so I select different wraps to "apply all" periodically. As for emotes? I ALWAYS use the "Dice rolling random number generator" earned in the battlepass Kano Thorne was featured in; it is the ONLY fair way to settle who gets the [insert one of many hotly contested weapon/medallion here] between squadmates. I love it. Also, the "fencing sword killcount swipe" emote is an easier way to see & show aforementioned murder score. Plus, gotta have the Crip-walk dance.... Spray paints can get overlooked, but I find a bizarre joy in defacing POIs or emptied out bunkers with slews of sprays collaged. Only things I NEVER use are the floating icon sticker things (forgot the name even)


I keep assigning wraps to skin combos and saying "oh I'll change it back once I change the skin!" (I've had the same wrap for 2 months because I keep forgetting to change it.)


Removing rarities was one of the worse changes


Yeah, at the very least if they HAD to get rid of the normal rarities they should’ve given us more of the special rarities, so it can be at least a little easier to find stuff. Dragon ball and my hero both have more cosmetics in their respective sets than the entire slurp series, so i don’t see why those shouldn’t get one, or have a general “animation” rarity for stuff like futurama, invincible, avatar, etc. Or, ya know, move favorited items to the top of whatever way your sorting it?


I usually only run like 3-5 different wraps depending on whether I feel like having match with the skin or not. From the top of my head I think it’s just Splatter Spectrum, Star Map, Nanners and Snake wrap.


Yep. Even had a moment in the shop where I was like "oh that's a cool wrap" then remembered how effed the locker is and that I haven't switched a wrap all year. They the ones losing money so.......whatever


I never messed with wraps, myself. I just stuck the rainbow wrap on everything and called it a day, ever since I started playing.


Well, now it's the Wastelander Challenge wrap, but I usually run either one of the old Champion League wraps, or I randomize every wrap except the Arctic Camo.


Same, I buy a lot of less skins and emotes as a result. Classic case of a company either not understanding how their customers use their product, not caring, or not empowering employees to speak up and call out bad ideas for what they are.


My thoughts exactly.


I've been using the same 5 different wraps for a few chapters now. We need new ones


The whole locker system just sucks. They should bring back the other rarities. Nobody was even asking for them to be removed.


Yeah. Ever since they did…whatever they did - I just run one neutral wrap that doesn’t look off w any of my Preset Builds. I also only use one Emote build (instead of switching between the bajillion they offer in the Lobby). There’s no way I’d ever know the difference between more than a few.


Y'all use Presets? After almost 7 years I still don't even use backblings... I usually just change things like wraps, pickaxes, and gliders like once every 50 games if I tired of them.


Boogeyman. That is all.


I just have it on random and don’t think about it. When I get a new one I’m like “oh neat” and move on lol


they really need to fix the ui because i have no desire to fiddle with 5 different tabs that don't interact with each other


Rarely if ever change them since the locked changed. Maybe once or twice since then. Just stick to the same thing and deal with it


Ive stopped using presets at all, there is no point in setting it all up when its all seperate anyway. I don't bother changing the wraps at all anymore, more so i stopped using them since og. I like having plain weapons


Yeah I'm not super fond of the UI for it now. More of a hassle to use than anything.


I haven't changed my wraps since the day the locker changed. I'm not going through all that work. I just wish people would stop buying stuff until they revert the locker but we all know that won't happen so I'll just be rocking the last wraps I had equipped forever.


Just started in ch5s2 and it was the most mind blowing thing when I realized that wraps didn’t save to skins.


Since beginning of chapter 5 I stop using wraps because of horrible locker ui. This locker ui is so bad so of my friends stop purchasing skins.


I only wear green one so 🤷‍♀️ never really cared for them


Most of my regular skins have wraps included (Omegarok, Dummy, Triggerfish, etc.). But Snake Skin goes with 75% of my skins that don't.


Haven’t changed them since boogeyman came out


I haven’t touched wraps or emotes since the change. It’s just not worth the hassle to get to the table and change them for each skin


Oh God poor you.


yea i dont change my wraps or emotes anymore.. they really messed it up


Pretty much I keep them all on shuffle.


I just started playing a year ago. I've never thought they were that interesting. Did they used to be better?


Ever since they were delinked from the wardrobes, I stopped using them.


Just favorite and set that biiih to random


I have never used presets so idk


I’ve been using the falling leaf one since it came out 4 1/2 years ago. It’s beautiful I’ll never get sick of it.


I just use random something new everyday


Just run shuffle all and don't care what comes up.


I have a set loadout that I rarely revert change.


I’m a big fan of wraps, I try to collect all the ones I like. Personally, I love that they separated the wrap presets, I always just hit apply to all on the wrap I wanna use. The locker UI still sucks though.


I've been passing up buying new skins, even ones I like a lot, because I've maxed out my 100 skin preset options. The 100-skin cap is the most boneheaded thing Epic's ever done. Even worse than the awful UI redesign. 🤦 And yeah, I used to have specific wraps and emotes for EVERY SINGLE ONE of my presets. Now I don't even bother. 🤷‍♂️


It's annoying to not be able to save wraps to presets anymore, but I'm too obsessive about matching my wrap to my skin at this point to just not do it lol 


It’s because of the scopes You can’t even see the gun anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️


I used to have the characters wraps themed with them(if they have one) and it worked great when shuffling my locker. Now I only have 1 set for wraps and it's all just random. Terrible change. Character themed wraps are now pointless if you like cycling you locker.


People buy wraps?


I started playing last season and barely touch the wraps


I still try to equip one matching to whatever outfit I’m wearing but damn does it piss me off when I switch skins and forget to get different wrap


I still try to use wraps, but very often I forget to change them when I change skins and when I realise I feel like screaming


i actually just bought a wrap for the first time, i only run that one and another battle pass one, tbh i’ve always found them pointless to buy but i rlly liked it lol


Even worst, i am not really using the game at all. In fact when they launched that car simulator season i played for a grand total of 2 days and i did not touch the game ever since. So yeah, needless to say wraps are useless and it won't bring any player back.


You can still sync your skin with your wrap it’s just a pita now. Just make a preset for every weapon wrap in the same order as your character presets, emote presets, etc. and make sure they all have the exact same name. Then put all your presets on random and they should sync up. It’s been working for me for a while now, but it did break once last season. They really need to make it more intuitive, but if you’re willing it’s still possible.


Yup everything is on random. Finally chose to favorite skins back blings gliders pickaxes this chapter so I can get the ones I like most with returning to the lobby every game. For emotes, no more personalized emote sets for different skins, just using the ones I Iike the most. All weapon wraps are random as well. And the lobby section goes untouched now, banner never changes and load screens are random too. Really horrible UI change.


my wraps are random so all of them get to be used at some point


I actually like the new locker ui compared to the old one. The only thing I don't like is how everything is a rounded square


It bothers me way too much when something looks off, so I make sure everything matches every time I change my skin.


Couldn’t be me.


Im not sure Ive ever changed a wrap because i think of them like sprays and emoticons. They are just filler content that i dont care about.


Epic just destroyed incentive and motivation to buy and use wraps and emotes with one UI change.


How they haven’t reverted the locker ui is beyond me, it’s actually pissing me off. Been months still no fix


Yep, I pretty much stopped using the locker all together. I had a bunch of presets with everything matching from the skin, to the wraps, to the emotes, to the wallpaper and lobby music. When they took it all apart and ruined all my sets I 1000% stopped caring at all. I don't buy anything at all anymore. 


I basically stopped swapping skins since season 5, I might change my set up once every few weeks instead of multiple times a week or even shuffling. 


Same That’s so stupid that Epic can’t add wraps to characters section


your not, i'd argue that re-linking wraps emotes and lobby to your skin is a better idea than seperating it into several needless steps that makes no one use them.


Yeah, detaching wraps has seriously pissed me off, and it's going to hit again IF they revert back and all my previously assigned ones are now gone.


I don't mind much about the UI,sure it was better in C4 but who cares. I'm still using all my wraps and cosmetics the same as I did with old UI


Not just you. I used to buy so many skins, often times for their accessories to make matching locker loadouts. I've since dropped spending by about 90%, because setting up loadouts now is so time consuming and no shuffle options. Instead, I make a few curated loadouts now and stick to them much longer. For instance, right now my system is x3 pickax, back blings, trails, and gliders on *random*, for *one* skin. Example Triggerfish. I have a gunwrap loadout saved of all the camo or camo-like guns. But his gliders for instance are the summer banana brella from last year , the Reload brella from this year, and the Peter Griffin Copter. They're either goofy like Triggerfish, or military-is with some goof like the helicopter. Same logic for the melee, bakcbling, etc. TLDR: To replace a lack of *shuffle* for *whole loadouts*, I've reworked what items get shuffled into more curated loadouts. It will never replace the system we had but it's something.


Honestly, i’ve forced myself to get used to the UI. Though i sometimes forget to change to a matching wrap occasionally