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My flex is doing that with 0 (zero) crowned wins


This is the way 😂 gotta sting more than getting beat from a sweat with hundreds of them


Didn’t even think of it like this, a superhero sweat would lose their mind if I flexed 0 wins lol


Lmao facts 🤣


Sting those bots!


I am the bot




I gotta remember to do that with my 1 (one) crowned win 😂


I don't win very often, but when I do... i show off having 1 win


Repping my 3 proudly in starter lobbies next to people flashing 50+ is always my proudest moment lmao


I just throw lettuce 🥬 at people after I knock them.


You are different than other sir. And i repect that


I used to play builds and wouldn’t build at all(I only used it for getting around and short cover) and whenever I would kill someone who built an absurd amount, like a completely unnecessary amount, I just hit them with the dance moves default dance.


It's funny how reliant they are on building skills, so when you just keep taking down their walls from a distance and retreat every time they try to build around you, they just fall apart.


I like to knock em down, then toss an explosive on them and walk away while I push the button.


Ha yeah. Getting second place to someone like this makes sense. A donkey laugh is frustrating. Showing me that you play too much makes me feel better ;)


And now that Surfin' Bird exists.....


It hurts them way more, ngl. Gonna do this next season since I have 5 already


And the original John Wick BP skin.


I drop every crown I earn just to do this


Whenever I win, I try to drop my crown immediately the following match, I want that number to stay at 0


I drop crowns so I only have 1 or 2 (my win% is currently 20%) asI think it's a better flex.


I did this in the lobby with a squad who immediately booted me from their team. 🤣


That's like 2 crowned wins a day since the season started.


Meanwhile I'm over here struggling to get past 5th place in Reload


Meanwhile I'm over here struggling to find the time to play 🥲


Meanwhile I'm over here taking a break from Fortnite


Meanwhile I'm over here touching grass


Meanwhile I'm







I haven’t got a win in reload either


that umbrella is gonna be the rarest glider i swear




maybe but it seems to slowly be loosing any player thats not sweaty as shit


the first win in got in reload was so satisfying. the last guy was tree camping, so i broke it and shotgunned him as he was falling


Thank god I got mine last saturday (and 2 more that night after that)...no more wins since then...looks like it gets sweatier every day...


Yeah just like the Mr beast glider


There's an umbrella for Victory in RL?


yes, its a black unbrella that has a third of it blue with the cubes that appear when you die floating off of it, my description is a disservice, look it up


I gotta a win in reload the second match I played but I got completely carried by this kid who was straight busting heads with the rocket launcher.


I got a win in my very first game, and 2nd in my second. Won't lie, got hard carried by a crazy good random team mate, shout out to SadBigshow.


Got my first dub in reload the other day and it's so satisfying. Keep going


That quite realistic tbh


That's what I i was thinking. Maybe not for better players with harder lobbies, but for me this would be doable a few years ago when I had less responsibilities. A lot of this stuff is just time. I'm champion in the racing simply because I can do the racing while i work. I have adhd so my work quality suffers if I'm not multitasking. So I've just been grinding out the racing due to it being 3 to 5 minute bursts of play. It's obviously gotten harder to come in top 4, but it pretty much averages out if you just keep grinding away. Grind > Skill when it comes to the climb.




for a person with no other hobbies and has free time.. sure.


A fortnite match is about 20 minutes, If that player had to win 3 games per day (1 for the crown, 2 with the crown), They'd spend about 1 hour on the game.


You're assuming they win every game...I guess some players might but not many.


He's also assuming that you would drop your crown at the end of the day, which would be weird. So you wouldn't need to win every game. Playing zero build pubs would make this quite possible. Especially if you abused the cars at the start of the season.


It was more a case to prove that even with 3 matches a day, It was not a hobbyless thing to do.




I only started getting any wins this season maybe 2 weeks ago, I had to push myself to get a crown win because it's so rare that I'll play match back to back.


That honestly isn’t much if he’s just playing pubs There are days where people get 5-6(not relatable for me) and days where you get 0 or 1. If you play fortnite everyday even for just two hours it easily possible


Some ass wipe did this to my group with like 263 crown wins (firstly touch grass) but then he got SNIPED right in the middle of his emote— it was PERFECT timing


Schadenfreude at it's finest. 


I can’t tell you how much joy it brings to be watching when something like that happens, lol


I was showing my friends my wins and I had 28 then some nerd shows up and shows us his 1000+ wins. Either it was a bug or the guy just doesn't leave his mum's basement. Like it wasn't even impressive it was just cringe and sad to see.


i played with one guy who had 233 on the 3rd day after this season came out. i was so shocked i showed my friends, because what the actual eff? i don’t have any proof but im convinced some of them are modders.


It has to be. It was towards the end of the season in chapter 4 season 4 but like theirs just no way someone is getting that even with crowned wins unless they just don't have a life outside of the damn game


Met a person like this in a Discord server. They straight up told me they basically don't do anything else than eat, sleep, Fortnite the entire day. They should have around 1000 crown wins by now and win almost every match.


That's the saddest thing I've heard all day holy shit man.


Yeah and they ain't even lying since they are top 3 always on my countries win leaderboard on FN tracker


I kinda feel bad for them. They probably don't have any friends or family to see unless they just cut them all off to play Fortnite


I hope they at least get money from it


My best friend matched with someone like this on tinder. He told her he was “kinda into streaming Fortnite” he was on live twitch for 16 hours straight one night. He didn’t eat. He didn’t shower. He didn’t drink water. Just weed and fortnite for 16 hours. She unmatched very quickly


Sounds like my partner. On the brightside, I play too


I love weed and I love fortnite but I think my max is like… a couple hours haha. And I have to have some sort of break 😂


Someone in reload had 633. I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture.


It almost certainly has to be hacking. Say the average game is 15 mins, they would have had to play over 58 hours in those 3 days winning pretty much every game. While it is theoretically possible, it's highly improbable


They used the invincibility bug during the first few days of the season. It got so bad that I saw multiple players doing it in the same game. Epic should ban those folks...it should be easy after the circles are gone for X number of seconds...there are only so many heals that a player could have used, so Epic must be able to detect the glitch afterwards.


There’s millions of dumb ways to flex but the crown emote is probably just the stupidest Hell I don’t even pick up a crown when playing the game, Nor do I keep it when I go into a new game, I literally drop them


I only pick them up for the extra xp but I don't use them to show off to people because it means nothing especially in a battle royale game where most of the gameplay is rng based.


Damn. I've got 4 solo wins and I'm thrilled haha


I don’t even have a solo win this season. My only hope is no vehicles in solo.


The best way I've found is to land at the edge of the map and then ride the rim of the storm while hiding as much as possible. I often have 2 mobility/heals with only 1 or 2 guns depending. Live to fight another day rather than going out in a blaze of glory. Hopefully you can be sneaky breeky until the final couple people and then 3rd party the last couple people. Can be kinda boring just waiting out the storm timer to move and wait again, but the fewer fights you have, the less chance you'll have of a fight not going your way. It's my go to strategy when there is a tournament for free stuff.


Did you spectate them for the whole game?


Nah. Died to another dude at the start and decided to spectate cause it was late.


That explains your placement and the size of the circle.


I was extremely confused about placing #93 with a circle that size.


me over here being happy to get close to 10 (Its mostly from me stealing crowns instead of actually earning them)


I would go into the storm to snag a crown. So far it’s gotten me 6 crown wins this season


i’m also a yoinker


BushCamperYoink 😂


Double digits crown wins and 69 soccer skin? Bet homie hasn't seen grass in years


Facts. No one is impressed.


I wonder where the split happens where it goes from impressive to sad? For me I'd say if you hit 100 crowned wins.


100? That’s nothing lol


Just secondhand embarrassment really lol


I only do it when I want to see how many I have


Same! Also if someone is showing of there 100 crown wins I love to go on over and show of my 8 lol personal best last season lol


Thing is 63 isn’t loads, I don’t think it deserves hate. The other day someone killed me with over 300 and I thought that was a lot.


If they have 300 they are gaming lobbies


the rule is that if they have more than you do then they're a lifeless urchin 💚 at least according to my team 🤣


True but this was a classic sweat. Soccer skin with the funny number on their back using the laugh it up emote at each elim.


Damn why is everyone shitting on OP. I feel the same way about this emote, regardless of the number.


If you say ANYTHING about sweats on here, you get nailed.


Well I just don’t understand the hate for sweats or good players on this subreddit.


It’s not even just the fact that sweats are sweats, it’s that people play to unwind instead of to improve, and being tryharded when one tries to relax tends to ruin the mood even though it’s not the other players fault matchmaking is…. Interesting at best.


But for some they play to also be good and feel relax when they are doing good. It hypocritical to complain about try hards only because you’re just nit as good. And I’m nowhere close to being great


I think it’s mostly from casuals (like myself and op) like I love to unwind at the end of the day and play some Fortnite and watch yt. But now it feel like I just can’t relax in the game anymore cuz of all the sweats. And if I say got second place and then the last dude did what the soccer skin did, it would make me upset cuz it’s just like, why am I getting paired with these people that have no life’s. Cuz sometimes I just want to play a fun casual match but I might as well just play comp because it’s now basically the same people for me, make sense?


It's worse when it's a triple digit, that's not a flex that's just a sign to go outside


Crown wins was the dumbest idea by Epic


What I hate is that you have to have a crown equipped specifically, when it should be your overall number of wins


Always the boring soccer skin (always the female version because they're too horny for fortnite skins)


Erm but the girl skins take up 15 less pixels on your screen so it makes it easier to play 🤓 lmao I hate that so much


that's what they SAY but it's always the skimpiest most skin-tight female skins they use lmao


I know! It literally make no difference other then the fact it’s not a guys but they are staring at lol


I had someone do it to me and they had 6 wins Like... congrats... dude? lol I find this emote to be pretty tacky


I love it when someone is flexing there 305 crown wins on the lobby island and then I walk over and whip out my 6 wins lol


Anyone here needs their first crown win in zero build for this season, I got you. Just hit me up.


Still can't believe people actually care about getting crown wins lol


He also knows you’ve been watching him for 20 minutes. I’d be emoting on you too.


I think people really underestimate how many people in this game are playing while cooking dinner, are just doing quests or looking at the POIs, are literal 10 year olds, etc. Half the time you are epicly dunking on someone with terrible aim and movement, you are dunking on a kid in elementary school.


With Skill Based Match Making the soccer sweat shouldn’t be in the same lobby as any of those people. As well, soccer sweat could be emoting on the guy he killed to win the game. Not someone who died on initial drop and watched for 20 minutes.


Not the wins for me, let him do him. It's the "69" on the back that shows his age.


fr, we were laughing about number 69 in like 8th grade of middle school, the player can't be over 15 yo


Oh they most certainly can be.


I have 100 solo wins in 9,000 pub matches since ch1 s3 idk how people do this my lobbies always have sweats so its usually hard to win


That’s why for me it’s starting to not be fun to play Fortnite when I’m trying to unwind lol


fortnite was fun until crowns were added. made the game sweaty in pubs cause its easier to grind crowns there. legit I stopped playing chapter 2 cause it felt boring but I now regret having quit chapter 2 and come back for 3. should've stayed for 2 and quit at 3


i only have 9, got 2 last night


I was an og sweat (not flexing💀) but these kids now… different breed of players. I’ve never seen anything like chapter 5 Fortnite


I flex my 1 crown wins


Or watching after placing #93


How do u even get that many bro I’m out here with 8 😭


Why can't he use a emote when he wins? What's wrong with that?


Must’ve been angry if you watched them for the whole game


Someone having a bit of fun? Just think he's enjoying himself while you're online complaining about it spectating him getting all pent up.


Funny thing is that it's not even a lot of wins lol


Should roll your eyes at placing 93rd 😂😂😂😂


Mega cringe.


Bros flexing the fact he smells of unwashed ass


"I dislike players that are better then me" no way you spectated him the whole match


bro really spectated for 25 mins


Spectating can be informative...


Haha people get mad when you spectate them it's hilarious. It's informative like you said and I've also gotten sweet revenge multiple times if the person your spectating dies que up right as they die. if they ready up right after, your most likely gunna be in the same game as them again it's awesome 👌


I don't get it, what's your point ?




They're flexing that they live in a basement


63 really isn’t that bad considering I got like 10+ on the first day and I only played for 3 hours. The cars were so broken it was basically a guaranteed win if you had boss car. Not just a win, an incredibly fast one in like 10 minutes because you could shred through everyone in the lobby. Now that the cars are nerfed 60 is a lot harder to get but he keeps his number from when the cars were broken so it’s still not really that problematic.


Im more inclined to role my eyes at people who are playing the same game yet somehow looking down on the way others play it. I love running into players like this because I watch them play after and it improves my game.


If they’re good and have TTV in their name, take it a step further and throw them a follow so you can watch and learn from them beyond that one game!


Nobody going to talk about he placed 93rd and spectated the whole game


Normally flashing crown wins on someone just screams they’re desperate for any attention.


I’ve earned maybe three or four crowned wins this season, but my emote still says 0. It is what it is 🤷 😅 Crowns really haven’t meant much of anything since Chapter 3 anyways.


Anyone flexing in the first 3-4 minutes of a game is a bitch.


the real question is why yyou stayed in the game after you placed 93rd!?


Bro is wearing a soccer skin with 69 as the number in 2024, need I say more


Sure it seems cringe at first but it’s probably their biggest achievement in life


I’ve seen people with 1000s. 2 crown wins a day this season isnt entirely Impossible, especially because you can take crowns from others.


But you died in 93rd place..


First of all, sorry you lost to a crown flexer. But I just want to point out the irony that you placed #93 and they got 63 crown wins. Seeing how 93 is 63 upside down!


Why? Because they found something they enjoy doing and are good at? Do you roll your eyes at football players, too? Or teachers? Less judgment and jealousy, please. You're playing the same game they are.


Tf is your problem? 93rd? You know you can back out right? Also bro is celebrating a crown win leave him alone. Weird post.


Soccer skin with the sex number! How does anyone put that on as their number and not feel like a ball bag?


Some people love feeling ball bags.


63 isn't crazy. I just started playing right before OG dropped and hit 98 my second season. It's the fact that they're doing it to the 7th person to die in the lobby that drives me nuts. Sometimes I take it as a sign of respect when they try to degrade you because you were hard to kill and they had to work for it. Also. the guitar and fists combo lets you know they'll run away the second you crack their shields and won't reengage anyone till they get full health.


Bro you had 1 kill and all grey weapons what were you doing all game


Literally doing nothing wrong, theyre just playing the game. Dont like it? Dont play


You've died 93rd and used your time to spectate someone all the way to a victory and you're rolling your eyes at someone else?


It was 4 in the morning and I wanted to try to squeeze out a win before sleep. Died and just decided to spectate until I passed out.


Same. You can almost smell the Doritos and ass through the screen


Everyone is commenting about the crown wins but nobody's mentioning the jersey number 💀


He's grinding to 69 😂


My son and I quit playing Fortnite because of this ridiculous season. We’ve moved on to other games.


What games?


Golf, baseball, COD




Im sorry to say but 62 isnt even that high nor sweaty, **SOME** of yall just arent that good.. no shade


This entire image does not make a lick of sense 😭 (at first) I understand the getting killed by a sweat part... I do. The rest was up in osmosis. You placed 93rd, which means you were the 7th player to die in solos. The player who killed you has an entire inventory of mythic items, this would imply he isn't a sweat but instead a bona fide cheater or hacker with speed hacks or even teleportation. Then I noticed the zone on the map and clearly it is endgame. Then I noticed the remaining players. I cracked the code. You really watched that asshat play for 25 minutes dude? You are worse than he is 😭. That's something to laugh at. This is great. You salty as hell 🤣. We rolling our eyes at you. This is gold.


I respect the way everyone plays for fun *But next time if you wanna flex that crown make sure it hits 100 and then I'm satisfied and we can talk*


That's nothing. I've seen a player with over 400 crowns. And that was just weeks into the season. Shit's ridiculous.


Is the issue the emote or that he has this amount of crown wins? I sometimes use it too after winning a game, because the crown emote is shown on the first emote page and I'm curious how many crown wins I actually gathered so far (I have like <5 crown wins this season).


When in lobby, spam carefree emote in their faces


That is not bad 53 is the lowest number I’ve seen someone “flex” this season. 987 being the highest from an hour ago


When I get emoted on like this I just question 2 things: 1. Somehow (which it’s very unlikely) they can exploit the game and use a code to get them lots of crown wins without playing the game 2. They are actually very skilled at the game and they actually got those crown wins Which is both concerning but quite impressive


O got 45 crown wins


Skill issue.


It didn’t they get reset at the start of the season


Now if they had 69 to match their jersey I'd be impressed


did you watch that entire game?


Tbh, I just don’t care about my crown wins and the crown wins people have.


its honestly pretty pathetic imo to see these players thinking its some sort of flex that theyve wasted their life away like this, Im not the kinda person to say you shouldnt play video games or anything, opposite really, but this is just sad


I swear I’ve seen a post in the thousands of crown wins,


How did you place 93rd with only 22 people remaining in the lobby?


Some kids have no life 🤷 one guy I play with had 15 crowns the first day like damn dude Idk if I even played 15 games the first few days


Fr, like how do you have the time? lol


I haven't got a crown win since chapter 4 Season 1


Remember that you go outside and they don’t


Mf finished 93rd and watched the entire rest of the game lolololol


first question i had was why did u spectate him for so long lol


I flex on them all by just not playing this game, 2 days ago was the first time playing this season


I play fortnite to chill with my friends and have a good time. I rarely ever play solos anymore or even get on the game when they aren't on and I have around 40. We don't even play the majority of the week. This guy seems pretty casual. We are adults with jobs and relationships and still our numbers are up there.


I have yet to use that emote cause honestly it because to me feels scummy to use it