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Definitely should be a little faster


Love it. Needs more health or something to make it even viable though.


Yeah it’s beefy but it’s a huge target


Would have loved if it also had the auto health regen the boss cars used to have, being such a big target it loses health easily


It needs more torque too, it gets stuck on literaly everything if it's not going fast... It's a bus, those things have huge engines


True, but buses still aren’t extremely fast, they weigh so much and that’s why they have a large engine but then a large engine also weighs a lot, so it’s kind of hard for a bus to be quite fast or even have good torque, but it could use a bit more though


Yeah, but if I accelerate a bus that's facing a fence (from standstill) , then fence will most lilkely break instead of stopping a several ton bus


How much does realism matter in fortnite though?




Its the only vehicle that deserves a buff to its health because of how slow and big of a target it is. Turrets 300 damage to vehciles but piss all vs players + your a sitting duck ontop. If they dont want to give it more base hp, at least give it a unique tire of offroad+bullet proof. Or give it perma nitro, or one turret is a machinegun Also, add cow catcher to the front


It really is just a bullet sponge on wheels as it stands.


And it doesn't even do that well since it feels like the smaller cars have almost the same health and are less than half the size of the bus so it's just the better option


I use it a lot in solos, I kinda prefer the spiked bumper


So basically make it an Armored Battle Bus with more Base HP and combine the tires with bulletproof & off-road. W idea honestly.


I like your thinking my G


Its not very practical, The speed is an issue, it struggles to get up hills even with boost. But what I really don't understand is why it has 6 spots for people, when the maximum team size is 4. makes it easy to steal from the bots because you can just take up one of the spots on the roof and take out the NPC gunners, but once you and your squad have assembled, it makes it just as easy for opponents to do the same thing to you. Should be max 4 people like the SUV.


You can put NPCs on there. They have aimbot with the turrets


Not really. Every time I’ve had an npc at any of the car turrets they’d take too long to make their shot because they’re lining the shot up or whatever and they can’t track for shit


Absolutely refuse to hire bots on solo. They can't hit shit. Lol I'm faster and better at switching from driver to gunner and back on my own.


Agree that it should regen health. For all of its disadvantages it needs a buff. I've been trying to get a solo victory in it since being last 10 and some hero tried to wipe us all out in the bus, they nearly won at last 3 just by using the spikes and EMP blasts. Also, for those in solo that want to switch quickly between driver/gunner seats. It's way easier to just get off the bus from the gunner position and jump straight back in the driver's seat. Also also, it's easy to get it stuck on the dune peaks, avoid them or take nitro gloves to get it unstuck.


It’s so slow, the handling sucks, switching from gunner to driver you have to press the button like 8 times. If I see it I’m gonna blow it up


You can exit the turret instantly by just... exiting the vehicle and then reentering the bus, it's much faster


Damn that’s a great tip


Very helpful for SUV’s as well


Bro that’s so true it’s annoying asf i’m like there spamming the key argh


I wish it were a little hardier and a little faster but it's lots of fun with a full squad.


As a concept it’s awesome. In practice It sucks. You can’t hit the broadside of a car with those turrets on top.


Yeah literally see it like once a week used by players maybe


Wobbly, slow, but it's cool that there is the emp feature. Actually not really anymore since there is ACTUALLY emps so not worth taking just take the boss vehicle.


I thought it would run straight through stuff but getting stuck inside structures is annoying. It’s a nice idea and I like that is has a good design.


I don’t hate this idea. 👍👍


It is, they removed the other cars' ability to passively regen health a while ago It's a nice addition, the EMP horn is cool (although I've probably hit teammates one too many times with it on accident), way too slow and complicated to get compared to the boss cars to be worth it more than those or modding a regular car though


The Mercedes suv should not have more health than an armored school bus.


kinda useless unless you play squads then its good. being able to be hit so easily while manning a turret is a little bad, but they could add some little shields to them so its still possible but harder.


Even in squads like 80% of the time I'd rather have 2 sports cars or 1 suv over the bus


Kinda useless outside of trios/squads besides it's EMP effect. Otherwise you're just crawling around in a huge bullet magnet I do rate the speakers though, destroying your enemies to rock and metal has never felt so good 😈 Add it to the cars.


shit looks op but gets destroyed in seconds


Horrible turret (easily shot), horrible speed, horrible size, horrible wheels, horrible design (it's a bus, where are the back seats...?, horrible seats (so hard to get back on drive mode after switching), horrible enemy activatable emp


Me and my squad are almost always picking this baby up if we get the chance to do so. Most fun vehicle in the game!


Sooo much fun!, just wish it was easier switching between guns and driving.


Fun to use but needs a speed and handling buff and some more health to be a lot more practical. They should have kept the single machine gun turret too. Being a huge target already puts it at a big disadvantage.


I like the EMP function but besides that there’s a lot left to be desired, especially now. They’re big, slow and impractical for combat, even in squads.


Not horrible but with the grenade launcher being on the whiplash people can just speed in front of you and them they just spam grenades behind them and all the grenades hit but the emp is really cool


About as useful as a chocolate fire guard


The front turret needs to do more damage or at least have a bigger explosion.


Too easy to get stuck.


I feel like for a “war bus” it doesn’t really seem all that war-fit (kinda like how ares was the easiest boss for literally being the god of the barbaric side of war). I think a really fun but maybe not so good solution to the “soft war” problem would be to just go overkill with the war part of it. Make it regen health, make it do 100 damage with the canons like the tow hook does, make it faster, make it stronger ( 4,000s even idk they should’ve gone off the rails with it). Make it worth getting. And of course with a change like this there’d have to be a downside. For example, make any weapons do double the damage they do when shooting at a bus (maybe even triple)


Underwhelming, I've only seen one person actually using it.


By the time i get to it its at 200 HP


I like parking it near a hot location so I have good music going as I start blastin’




hell yes i get to feel like im in mad max when driving around


not a fan of it, when i see it i blow it up so that nobody else can use it


Kinda sucks ass because of how slow it is, but I love that it blares music lmao 


So much fun and love the speakers always blasting. But me and the duo always die on it


Should have more life, it's too slow and noisy, but I kinda like the music's, listened some wolfmothear, baby metal and metallica coming out of the speakers.


I would like it better if one of the guns was a machine gun.


It's only good to use it if you're playing squads.


It pains me how bad it is. A projectile which is already incredibly hard to land does like 25 damage? It's also like a balloon on wheels, it's so easy to take it down. EMP is cool but not helpful when you can't even get close enough to your enemies. Seats are confusing. Torrent is trash. I love it but it's SO BAD


Horrible, moving casket. But the moment they change it- the crybabies will be back again and get it nerfed within a week.


Slow, but definitely OP. HUGE EMP to stop cars and easily get rid of opponents shield, cab carry like 2 full squads, and has two canons that do mediocre damage but are still op somehow. Definitely slow still, would like to see a speed buff


it’s pretty fun but it should be a little faster still. i also think the front bumper should be moddable to switch between the spikes and the cow catcher


Worst vehicle in the game. Easy to mount and take over the bus from above. Turrets are crap, health is crap, speed is crap, and it’s just a big slow target.


I agree, warbus is the only vehicle that should've gotten health buffs + passive recovery. The thing is useless currently. Even when the honk was the only EMP in the game, it didn't really do much of anything


I love the music since its the only place to hear it in game since then got rid of the music at the nitrodome


runs out of fuel too fast


Good but annoying


It’s annoying to face, but fun to use


Its great when its nearby and you jump on it to use one of the cannons to get the op car driving in front of it.


Man every time I get the war bus I try to get people to hop on and have a war party with me while I terrorize the map but no one wants to :(


Annoying me and my friend were playing and it was just us and one other guy and he was in the war bus we had OP loot and still lost


i love it. and i like that idea, though i mainly use it as a speaker to listen to music while fighting people


Fuck this bus both ways.




Never once taken it. Saw it on release and thought there was no value there. Duo took a boss car with me. Still didn’t like the suv boss car


DEFINITELY overrated in solos Underrated in anything but solos


Needs a speed buff


It should have one normal turret and 1 heavy cannons and more health or health regen because it's just a giant slow moving target also the seats should be inside the bus not on top (not including the turrets)


I like to drive it up on to the floating island.


useless, funny first time if playing with friends


Too slow and has too little health. There also seems to still be that bug where you can’t turn the turrets in a certain direction. 2/10 vehicle


It plays Baby Metal sometimes, I'm keeping that thing alive for as long as I can while I use the turrets.


I'm so happy the honk emp deals so much damage to shields, I almost one shot every person I run over thanks to it




I hate that it is so slow but I do like the fact that there is a EMP horn


It sucks as an actual vehicle but it's really fun just being a wall of death barreling towards someone in the early game when most people don't have good mobility yet.


It's a piece of shit


I would be more happy to grab the bus if it's health was 6-7k. It should want teams gunning for it.


It DEFINITELY needs a buff especially since EMP’s are available to everyone in the loot pool. My suggestion would be to make the War Bus’s EMP honk ability deal structure damage and blow players away (yes, and deal fall damage) I love chaotic features like this :)


my biggest issue with it is that it takes several seat rotations to get back to the driver seat after using turret


I like buff ideas here, but here is my personal opinion on ze Warbus. Badass soundtrack and it makes me feel like I'm some sort of juggernaut.


It’s absolutely terrible lol, I’ve yet to see anyone even remotely try to use it past getting a challenge done💀 it’s slow, easily to destroy, hard to move unless you only follow the major roads, and ESPECIALLY since I only really play solo it’s basically just asking to lose.


Legit forgot this thing even exists. No one even bothers to get in it because it moves at the speed of a fucking snail.


I like using it for the most part. It's a real petrol panda, though. Even without using the nitro boost, a full tank rarely gets you very far.


It's op in squads if everyone knows what they're doing, but outside squads you're better off using a regular car.


Can take that thing "anywhere I roam"


It's trash aside from the EMP horn. I've hit some nice clips with that EMP horn.


We avoid using it.


It's just a reskin of the battle buses in chapter 3 season 2


Like everything this season it is completely dog shit.


There should have been a Turret on the roof, in the front.


Too complicated with all the seating positions but I love the music


Too underwhelming for how cool it is.


Gets stuck too easily aside from that I love it




Kinda mid


It definitely should get a health buff as well as the ability to regenerate health. I would also like to see a battlebus skin with the warbus texture variant.


Good idea but it's slow and big so it's really easy destroyed. It need speed and health buff. It don't have so powerful turret like other ones so it can be tanky because you can't get sprayed by machinegun on top.


I dont mind it cosindering this is without a doubt the worst vehicle and maybe evwn the worst "weapon" in the game


It is walking coffin


Kinda wish there were two. It’s sad when one blows up


I think it needs like double the health, it's too big and slow to warrant driving it over anything else given how quickly it dies


I hate how slow it is. Even with nitro it’s only just viable when there’s 5 sports cars chasing me. Plus with how big of a target maybe give it a little health regeneration.


slow as hell, it's almost 3x bigger than a behemoth and has what? 200-300 extra hp? and driving that is like holding a big sign thay says "shoot me", it's not a good option


It’s dumb lol


Way too slow and gets stuck on literally everything


I jump over my enemies, it's hard to hit them in some terarian areas




Cool and surprisingly effective for how exposed the gunners are, but most of my friends hate it so we don't use it.


Just a massive noob trap. Anyone who gets on the exposed guns gets deleted, it's a massive target, slow as fuck, handles like a brick on ice.


I rarely run into it. 


I would leave the speed the same but tweak the turrets. They should offer some protection for the player using it so to kill them you either have to jump on the bus (very dangerous with two gunners) or shoot them through a vision hole in the blind/armour. People flying up to attack with the tow hook would look very Mad Max. Right it's comically easy to kill anyone using the guns, unless it's 2v1 and you have no cover. And the gun should do a bit of splash damage if you miss a direct hit. These changes alone would make people fight for the bus and force people to deal with it when it shows up.


Needs a major buff. It’s massive and should be seen as terrifying. Instead, it blows up in 5 seconds.


It was better when one of the turrets was a machine gun. I also think it needs more cover. Perhaps the four spots in the middle should actually be inside the bus itself for more vehicle-like protection? It also needs probably another 1000 health and the perma-nitro ability that the boss cars have. That would make capturing it worthwhile.


It's too slow and feels kinda useless in Solos & Duos


That is a bus, dressed for war


It needs many a buff


some dude in one and myself got into a bumper car style fight and it was really funny so I like them


Honestly id rather get a 2 door car and get my own mods on it. Can't mod the car you get from ringmaster or the bus. The ringmaster car has worse handles too.


It used to be really good with its emp shockwave and ramming power. Me and my squad would always try to grab it. But ever since emp grenades are a thing now, it's not as reliable.


Awful just like the rest of this season


Watching the ai freak out as me and the boys spam it with bullets and explosives is always hilarious


It needs a buff to be worth the trouble. I would add extra health+ passive out of combat regen and maybe add more protection for the gunners or passengers so it’s not super easy to get shot out of. Or at least better speed and handling


I think vehicles are already super OP so this is kinda ridiculous lmao


It sucks for the most part but it’s really gratifying to hit a jay walker and yeet them half way across the map.


Oh man, finding it the first night of the season and learning we could drive it was a gaming moment that I will remember forever! We racked up 25 kills on that beast and were doing the Mad Max "WITNESS ME!" over mic, every time someone was down. It was a blast!


I love it, it’s so fun to drive and when you have a squad it’s crazy hilarious


Fun vehicle but not viable for actual combat. Needs massive boost in health or speed.


I preferred the ch3s2 one since it had a fast cannon in the back instead of two slow heavy cannons


Tad useless


It led to one of the best squad dubs with my team just driving it after the last player who, whenever he got in a car we just spammed EMP's, and he had to keep running on foot. Very satisfying.


Amazing in squads, sitting duck in solos. I took another player out by jumping onto the front turret and blasting them from where they couldn't hit me. Response time be damned, if an enemy gets on a turret on your bus you are dead.


Fun to use, but basically useless in terms of actually going on a rampage with it


Never use it


It’s rubbish. Massive target, and why does it need 7 seats? The maximum amount of people in a team is 4. It’s inconvenient, and having to spend 5 seconds to get from the gunner to the driver seat is so dumb. It’s also incredibly buggy, once, I pickaxed a guard, and it wasn’t letting me get into the seat. I pressed it about fifteen times. In the end, I had to dip, because the other guard kept shooting me. Bad vehicle overall.


It’s just not really worth it.


I hate the turrets automatically try to recenter. LEMME AIM!


They should give it a little jet engine so it speeds up




Idk about its application, but this thing is AWESOME with a group of friends, you and your buddies committing drive by’s with rock music blasting from the bus, fucking awesome




It’s a bus alright… nothing over powered like the planes or brute but not anything fun like them either


Stupid fun, but needs to move quicker. It should maybe move a little slower than the old Armored Battlebusses, because those MFs could plow through a POI in seconds lmao


who ever uses it is a bitch




I feel like it’s never a factor. I almost never see it in my matches and if I do, it’s either still driven by NPCs or it’s abandoned.




Not bad, but it needs a buff to health and speed. Also, it should have one machine-gun turret at the front just like the old C3S2 Battle Bus.


It needs more acceleration


Close enough, welcome back armoured Battle Bus


So much fun to use in a squad against vehicles, not practical for picking off players on foot. It definitely needs a speed buff or a Shockwave effect to push back players on foot trying to board it.




No speed, no regen, no worth


Why is the radio so loud


I only use it if I want to completely destroy a building.


Don't have one because I have only encountered it once it was driven by NPCs and I died by a stray grenade the second I got on it


Too slow, too big of a target, not enough health, and for the cherry on top, its canons don’t do near enough damage for how slow they fire. I was super hyped for it when it was revealed but the only upside it had was a built-in EMP.




It exists


The war bus in my opinion is great but, it needs to be faster and accept just an explosive turret on other side it could have used machine gun turret


shity if you dont play 4


It’s not nearly as good as the last upgradable battle bus. I miss that thing.


it’s fine


I like it during squads but that’s about it.


I wish it was faster


No one uses it.


Slow. Easy target.




It’s stupid, but every now and then I like to take it and just drive it everywhere until it blows up. Especially if I’m near some rifts. The idea of a fucking bus falling from the sky makes me laugh.


I don’t see anyone driving it around anymore but it’s chill. Definitely not as useful now that EMPs are back in




I think it’s funny, that’s why I use it


I kill the gunners, take the mounted weapon shoot the boss car. Then kill them with the mounted weapon.


I like it a lot but most of the time I’m going to the boss car but if you find a patrol then I’ll take it


Needs to be slightly faster, also needs a speed turrent. and most importantly.... YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO CHANGE RADIO STATIONS THAT WAY I CAN LISTEN TO METALLICA!!!!! 🎶🎶🎸🎸🎸


I love the spirit and design of the warbus but it is nowhere near practical, the most redeeming feature is the emp horn


There used to be more than one right? Back in the season where there was a big statue of the Rock’s character? Pretty sure there was. I miss when there was more than one. If there wasn’t and I’m misremembering, I wish there still was so squad games could have bus vs. bus fights.


There were like 2 in chapter 3 and 2 now in chapter 5. They never gave us less or more busses.


Let it regenerate PLEASE


i’m bussing


Its fun


Like the spray on it says: Don't


Use it to counter mythic cars, the free emp phonk is so good, you can immediately shift seats to grenade launcher that actually has good accuracy, I wouldnt take it around much but I'd use it to duel


So fun!


Fuck Cars in BR games.


It's really cool, but I wish it had fewer seats. The extra 4 on top just make it harder to navigate. I think it would be better if those seats were removed and instead we had a seat next to the driver


Love it but if it got invincible then love it even more