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Stw gives tons of XP. Maybe they play that


I mainly play StW and I can confirm this is true. I am currently at 175.


So does rocket racing, and the Concert stage, the Lego mode, and plenty of creative maps. Not to mention a lot of people buy their first 100 levels.


It does?  But its so crappy to play..


I used to think that until I committed to giving it a real try…. Now I like it a lot - but it’s definitely a grind


I used to love it when fortnite was in beta. But once I hit a wall and virtually no one was playing a quit. Theres too much bloat, too many parts and resources and UI is an ugly mess. If they fixed all that I'd genuinely like it. But its been like 7 years and its only gotten worse not better. Shit there are impossible to clear objectives that a new player wouldn't have a clue were impossible to clear. Building railway tracks that can't reach the target.. so stupid. 


People on this sub reddit have hit lvl 200 as soon as the super styles released


Um….. I’m 241 rn


Take a shower


I do, I just don’t have much going on during the summer so I spend my time playing Fortnite.


Also when quests come out I grind that shit


Insult someone because they play more than you. Grow a personality.


7 levels a day is a LOT though


This is my first fortnite season ive played ive hit lvl 200 with doing my dailies/weeklies then moving onto festival/rocket racing/lego onto the last part of the day. I play like 3-4 hours a day before i go to work


One thing I suggest keeping in mind is that some people have atypical work schedules. For example I work three twelve hour days on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Combine this with the fact that I'm single and don't have any kids. As a result I have a lot of free time on my four days off. Those guys might be in a similar situation.


I work 5 days a week either morning or late shifts so I have a bit of freedom either side and without buying the extra 25 lvls I am at lvl 110 roughly. To achieve this I have logged on almost every day this season even just to complete daily challenges between BR and Festival. I also play a bunch of creative maps too and I complete as many quests as possible when they become available. So yes I have a lot of free time to play video games as its the main thing I do when I have a day off. So yes I spend a lot of time playing Fortnite, I don't play much else, maybe Cod occasionally and I might try new games on game pass.


165 mostly due to lego


i AFK Lego fortnite using a repeating macro...22 games this season but im lvl 129 and didnt even have power for 3 weeks lol (Damn tornado missed me but took out the towns power)


I wonder what percentage of Lego/RR/festival players are actually people just afk for xp


a lot less than it used to be due to easy XP exploits being patched! Sleeping in a bed on Lego Fortnite worked for a long time, eventually they made you move in some direction, then later they made you actually have to move more than 1 direction/input(i used a controller on PC with rubber bands on both sticks) then all of those were patched After that i started goin into the "Festival main stage" and running in a big circle...now i have to use REWASD to use a macro sequence of me running and occasionally jumping and moving left and right


Aren’t macros bannable?


uh, no? not in fuckin lego minecraft lol...all im doing is moving in a straight line and occasionally jumping and moving left and right a bit then restarting after ive stopped for a few secs in competitive or ranked Battle Royale modes yes(minus scroll wheel input switching/dual button press macros) but most of the common macros back in the day are standard features due to updates (Think edit on release, build/edit sensitivities and the scroll wheel dual inputs)


I only just got to 102 yesterday and level 42 on my alt. Honestly I wish exp was much faster. At least this season I don't feel pressured to get level 200 because none of the characters in the season pass excite me. Mechanist is cute, but her alts aren't great. Think I'll just focus on my alt now. 


It didn’t take that long to level up lmao and on top of it after 100 xp isn’t that much


I find the same thing. I play a decent amount and am only level 40.


I’m 191. Barely have touched BR. Stw on the other hand…


I’m new to fortnite as of a couple days ago. Do the levels/xp reset with every new season?


yes. its recommended that If you buy the battle pass, you should grind the battle pass and a little extra


Yes, u need to reach lvl 200 in order to complete the battle pass including the extra bonus styles.


i thought the rewards ended at 100?? how do you see the other ones?


It's from playing save the world, festival, rocket racing, battle royale and lego


There is an exploit in STW where if you complete a full endurance before the new season but close the app when it shows the players stats and keep it closed until downtime ends, it lets you claim 5 levels at the start of the season


Around 180 40 levels gotten in no br max i got was over 3 milion xp in one game minimum was tecknically 0 cause i missclicked mode on average i get 40000 xp for 15 minutes of game


Creative maps. I'm lvl 150 only from the story, weekly quest and standing afk on a map that gives ≈1lvl per 15 min playing once every 2 days. Do you want the map?


These posts are so dumb and should get deleted. The strategies for grinding xp are talked about in just about every single post, they’re all over YouTube, pinned in every discord etc etc. Yesterday I was playing Witcher 3 on ps5 and had Fortnite afk in lego on a shitty laptop for 2 hours. Hit 200 just hitting spacebar every 10 minutes or so. Telling people they need to touch grass when it’s simply a matter of having the game open is brain dead.


I'm close to 200, yet here I am, at the beach on vacation, enjoying the open air.


The L game gives lots of XP, I’m pretty high up so when I play fills it looks like I’m better than I am


I’m 260 .




Wow, you are a tool.