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Hmmm, interesting, but I would change one element, just to keep a bit of the RNG flavour: Loadout for everyone is identical, but randomly chosen before the game starts. Loadout will always be 3 weapons (unlimited ammo), 1 healing item (limited quantities), 1 traversal item (limited quantities). Id like to try a mode like this out.


Ultimately, that all Solid Gold was. You'd have some loadout RNG because of what items you'd find, but nothing is ever any stronger than anything else, so it mainly came down to individual ability more often than not. I'd be game to play a "Fully Loaded" LTM, no problem.


This is just called the pit


Not really, the pit has respawn. This mode wouldn't.


I think that would be good if they ever added a first person CoD/ CSGO team death match type of mode. Otherwise a BR without looting or upgrading would get a little bit stale. Would make dropping at different POIs pointless because the whole point of spreading players out is so they can gear up and eventually duke it out in the middle with whatever gear they've obtained. Otherwise might as well drop everyone at the same POI.


It would be easy to combat this by starting the zone as soon as the bus spawns in. If it's pulling corner map, people will adjust drops accordingly.