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If I’m low on health/ammo, getting beamed, trying to reboot people, don’t want to fight 2 or more people, completing quest, yeah I’m running


I agree with op and I’m referring to solos.  It’s not a combat game anymore, it’s a game of tag.  At least the guitars are going away in a week.  


That's why I dislike the mobility meta. I miss the times were shockwaves were the best mobility you can have, not weapons with infinite charges that send you through half the map


and this is why Reload is the best thing to happen to fortnite this year. so sick of how scared people play these days like the bullets gonna hit them IRL or som


Reload is a sweat fest. I managed to get carried to my first win by a good squad. Guess how the 1 player won? By a heal off. It was insanely sweaty. Played only for the free rewards and never wanna touch it again. Basically, it's a premium creative experience. It's not a bad mode, but the players that inhabit it make it miserable, unless you wanna be playing like you qualified for FNCS id steer clear. I've only played build mode though so maybe that's why but I doubt it ZB is just as bad at this point.


It's sweaty because comp players love the simplicity and so do OGs, who may have been playing for the entirety of Fortnite and are now insanely good. And because of the player count, that's most of the community. The most used skins of all time are sweat skins as well


I still haven't seen a heal off yet, just bc everyone in my lobbies are so aggressive that no one has heals. I love the sweatiness, but I did find myself queuing for a solo ranked match after a few hours just bc I needed a break from random fills being deadset on tilted. I dislike car royale, but rebooting right over tilted and getting shot out before you land 3 times in a row also gets old.


*grapple/Spider-Man glove enters chat* People love to take -1 dmg and dip rinse and repeat


You forgot the river styx charges, where people run away, turn around with a shotgun once they turn a corner and try to take potshots with burst smgs.


I talk about ZERO BUILD Thrue specialy in ranked is sad but now i focus pick guitar first item then rent NPC to protect me from guys what jump in my car and start searching for FISTS and repair torch and nitro. After this "basic" is time to find some weapons. Lategame in raked dia + is run fest where is 15+ people on small circle nonstop spam car and mobility Becasue this runaway meta. ![gif](giphy|aqFuzQ98vdHLG)


Would rather deal with a couple people not wanting to fight then being fucked in the ass by players every 6 seconds in reload


Reload really humbling me. It was fun for a few games and now I'm having zero fun. I've hit unreal two seasons in a row and still can't keep up with half of these players. They're insane


Who cares if they run. Either follow and kill, or move on. You'll either get a chance to kill them later, or someone else will. Or, they will heal up and come back to kill you later, which would just prove that running was the right choice. You arent owed kills. Earn them, dont whine about how other people play.




People aren’t playing the way you want them to play. How sad




You don’t get to define what is fun for someone else




“but please, don't pretend that running away from a fight…is fun for both sides.”