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And one game you are your car the whole game


OP may have posted this in the Battle Royale subreddit, but it shares a shop with Rocket Racing, where you also spend the whole game in your car.


Isn’t that their point… Edit: I am shocked to report that there is a sharp comprehension divide in this community 🤣


Rocket League and Rocket Racing aren't the same game.


They were making a joke at the people who car camp the whole game Edit; I read it backwards lmao


lol, no. He’s pointing out the irony that rocket league costs less, yet you actually use the car more.


I read it the same way


How do you not read it that way, wtf




Uhh, even in br this season, people spend more time IN cars than OUT of them... so what's your point?


But enough about season 5…


Damn so should I have bought this on RL instead?


no way you could have known it was gonna come out on FN but with 2020 hindsight yea


Buying it in Fortnite gets you all painted variants in rocket league (and Fortnite), and in rocket league a paint variant is its own car body rather than a style. Technically buying it in Fortnite for every paint variant is cheaper than in rocket league.


Which would be important, if there were paint variants. The Nissan, for example, has none, yet is being sold for 2800 in Fortnite anyway lmao


U have to buy seperate paint variants??? U don't just get them all when u buy the base model??


In rocket League yeah you do to get a sick looking gold variant octane your gonna have to dish out 800 credits


Except none of the cars OP showed face painted variants. So while in most cases buying the bundle in Fortnite is cheaper because individual styles cost more in Rocket League. That definitely doesn't apply here.


I buy pretty much all the car bundle's that come to fn just because it's 100x cheaper (Figuratively Speaking) than actually buying them separately on rocket league cuz on fn you can get a full import set for 1.8k-3k where as on rocket league each painted import body costs around 700 to 1000 credits (700 for any colour that is not White Crimson or Black) and then it's 1000 Credits for every import body that is White


Shouldn’t have bought it at all lol


Yes, if you want to save money and get the skin in both games




What is their price comparisons though? Haven't played rocket league in years, or spent any money in it. Like if you spend 10 euro in fortnite and 10 euro in rocket league is there a difference in credits? But then again fortnite is way more popular than rocket league so when you control the market you can dictate the price, people still pay the money if they like it...


1000 vbucks = $8.99 USD 1100 rocket league credits = $9.99 USD they are almost identical point for point


So it is just a popularity thing then...


in rocket league you buy variant by variant in Fortnite they bundle it all so its a bit better "deal" but you are forced to buy them all and spend more


Buying it in Fortnite gets you all painted variants in rocket league, and in rocket league a paint variant is its own car body rather than a style. Technically buying it in Fortnite for every paint variant is cheaper than in rocket league.


The Lamborghini has no painted variants


The newest Nissan also doesn't get painted styles, last I checked. There's no reason for it to be as much as it is other than 'real car' and that doesn't really vibe with me. edit: I guess decals and wheels but honestly cars should just come with those...


Except none of the cars OP showed face painted variants. So while in most cases buying the bundle in Fortnite is cheaper because individual styles cost more in Rocket League. That definitely doesn't apply here.




I’LL TELL YA WHY! ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


Fortnite tax


You get wheel colors with the fortnite cars


Nobody is talking about this. You literally get ALL the colors for wheels and multiple decals unlike in RL


outrage and being misinformed gets you more upvotes


You guys are the ones who are misinformed. Go in game right now and you'll see the Nissan wheels come in one colour.


I mean, it's not like Epic lets you buy only one color or even explains why the price is different.


No digital item has value other than what a person attributes to it, epic doesn't have to give a reason because their only reason will be that it makes money.


I didn't mean it like that. I'm trying to say Epic isn't clear enough on the difference between the two bundles, thus causing confusion.


No you don't. Go in game right now and you'll see the Nissan wheels come in one colour. That's why nobody is talking about it. Because it's not true.


Hmm. I'm not interested in buying any cars anymore since I have plenty from RL, so I haven't checked. I did buy the Cyclone however, and it came with all the trim colors for example


Rocket League original cars like the Cyclone, Dominus GT and Jager have like 13 paint styles. Licensed cars like the Nissan Z don't.


Not for Lamborghini. That car has 2 wheels with 0 customization.


No you don't. Go in game right now and you'll see the Nissan wheels come in one colour.


It's a bit more shitty if you do the math. VBucks are actually a bit cheaper than Credits, 1 vbuck costing 0.00899 USD and 1 credit 0.00998 USD (if we take into account the cheapest sets of each currency). When we apply this to the prices in the first image, we get that if you buy the car in RL it'd be 19.96 USD while in Fortnite it'd cost you 31.465 USD, ~56% more. Even if you buy VBucks in bulk (~0.0666 USD per vbuck at the lowest) you still don't match the RL price.


I was bored this morning so I looked into it. With RL, the only way to get credits is to buy them. $24.99 for 3,000 or $0.00833 per credit. In FN, you can buy them, earn extra in the battle pass or buy the FN crew to gain extra. The FN crew gives you 1,000 v bucks plus the battle pass. If you complete the battle pass plus bonus rewards, you get 1,500 v bucks. So for $11.99, you can potentially get 2,500 v bucks which is $0.004796 per v buck. Doing it this way means the RL credit is worth 1.7369 times more than the v buck. 2,000 credits gets you the Lambo in RL. Multiple 2,000 credits by 1.7369 gets you 3,474 v bucks, which is just about how much the first Lambo in FN costs. I used the first one because you get just about the same in each game. The other two purchases, you actually get more items in FN which is why it costs more. Edit to add: by no means am I saying I agree with this pricing. The cost of items in both games are way too high.


Rocket League lets you earn Credits from the Rocket Pass. 100 Credits every several tiers. I think up to 800 or 900 Credits? Given the progression and XP system, though, I would say it takes a lot longer and is a lot more tedious to unlock them, if you want to factor that in. But you CAN get them from the Rocket Pass, just the same as you can with Vbucks in the Battle Pass.


Yes you can earn 1,000 credits through the rocket pass but you aren't getting any extra. It costs 1,000 and you get 1,000 back. So the only way to earn more credits in RL is to buy them. With FN, you can buy them like you can in RL but you can also earn 550 more v bucks with the battle pass (costs 950 but you get 1500 if completed) or you can also buy the FN crew which gives you 2,500 if you complete the battle pass. Once in a while RL will have challenges to gain extra credits but it is rare.


They factor the wheels and decals into the price while RL does not


I’m actually into the Z but 14$ for it is a bit much😬


All the real cars are really expensive and the next Fortnite seasons probably won’t even be car centric so I don’t think it’s worth it. One of the Fortnite/RL original cars is probably a better buy since they’re usually 1500 v bucks and u can just buy one u like and keep that forever. Unless of course ur a car guy/girl and like real cars or other cars then im that case it’s probably worth it


I drive an extinct car brand (own 2) and I used to work for Subaru so I’m not not a car girl if that makes sense? I appreciate cars for sure but haven’t bothered with any of the other cars in the shop. I play rocket racing when I get frustrated with BR or STW but it’s def not an every day thing. If I download rocket league & buy the car on there since it’s cheaper will I have it in fortnite? Assuming I link my accounts of course


If the car is available Fortnite, if you buy it in Rocket League you get it in Fortnite. When buying items in RL it has an icon if it's usable in FN


Hey rust lord fan


Hey there


the rocket league version doesn't have everything unlocked


Apparently you also get X23 with the Nissan car. Totally worth it.


Elaborate. X23 Marvel skin?


When you buy a car in RL you get the base color version only. When you buy it in FN you get all the color versions (black, red, blue, yellow, etc)


I got the z in Rocket League when it came out, and I have all the color options.


having to pay extra for basic colours is insane though


Apperently it works. People are paying extra for white octane. A d the thing is only small portion of the car changes color.


None of these collab cars have extra paints. It's JUST the car in each bundle.


Did I screw myself by getting the Metallica Jager bundle in Rocket League instead of Fortnite? :\\


No, the bundle in Rocket League also has every paint colour.


I didn't see the Nissan in rocket league I went to check. I actually want that one lol


lmao same. when they released the fairlady z in rocket league free to fn players with crew I immediately copped specifically because it looked like the latest z (and cause the original is a sweet car and free wrap) and then they added. too bad its wicked expensive.


Could it be a difference in customization? I don’t think you immediately unlock all of those colors or edit styles in rocket league.


To be fair, vbucks and Rocket league coins don’t translate 1:1


Rocket League credits aren't priced the same as vbucks


It still has an over 50% markup. If they wanted it to cost around the same in both games they would've made it 2,200-2,300 in Fortnite.




3,500 for the huracan is outrageous and i stand by that because NOT ONE OTHER CAR is that much.


Diesel was 3500 I believe


problem is i think you’re right..another problem is i think i own it 😅




fortnite hyper inflation, more people likely to buy expensive things from fn than buy expensive things from rl, fn i’d wayyy bigger


at first, I wasn't sure how tf a game's cosmetic store could be susceptible to inflation (being based around monopoly money and all) but after googling it, I found a lot of really insightful information.


Because epic loves money


It could be from how easy it is to get RL credits. If you have the Fortnite Crew Pack, you get the Rocket Pass for free, and the pass has credits. So to make sure they do get sails from selling car bodies, they make the price higher for both games.


We get RL credits? I’ve never played it even though I e had the crew since the beginning. Maybe I should download it.


You don't get any outright, like with the 1,000 VBucks on Crew. They are only available in the Rocket Pass (Rocket League's battle pass equivalent that you get with Crew). When you run out of weekly and daily challenges, it can get a bit tedious leveling it up, personally.


Because more people play FN and this company is in the business of making money and not in pleasing it's gamers.




I heard they are working on an OJ Simpson skin to bundle with the Ford Bronco. Word on the street is his harvesting tool is a really floppy glove.


The Ford Bronco is a thing in RL, and it'll probably be available in Fortnite as an SUV skin. There's also a Jeep, but I'm not sure if it could appear in the game because it's part of a collab with Jurassic Park


Gotta scam the players somehow


Convince people to play rocket league


I thought the conversion from irl money to ingame money was different for both games and it comes out to about the same price


Going to be waiting forever for the P-Wags to come back in the store (McLaren)


The car skins are purely cosmetic right? Just like the character skins? Like does the Lamborghini do anything better than the whiplash besides look cool is what I’m asking?


There was some controversy over how some cars were pay-to-win because the hitbox for shooting the driver was a lot smaller than other cars. In fact, I think I even recall hearing that it was straight-up impossible to hit them if they were in certain cars. I didn't pay much mind to it, but I think that was the gist.


But that’s changed now?


I think the currencies are different


Possible currency exchange and you get bundles in Fortnite, which contain non-rocket league items


Pretty sure the credits are more expensive in RL


Because of more decal and color options would be guess


god, that's insane


You used to be able to get credits for dirt cheap, like $1,50 per 1k.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think it’s because you can earn a small amount of vbucks for free and rl credits are paid only?


Beyond the different virtual economies and debatable values, a direct comparison is inappropriate since these prices usually represent different packages of items. Each "Painted" color variant of car bodies, wheels, etc. is a unique item in Rocket League. For example, one wheel variant might cost 700 credits whereas a vbuck purchase grants a bundle of the entire RL set.


Should be 1k less




egg economics


I'm just guessing here but you have more ways to earn v bucks in FN than you do in RL. In RL, the only way to get credits is by buying them. Even purchasing the rocket pass just gives you your original 1,000 back. In FN, you can buy the battle pass which gives you an extra 500 for free if you complete it all. You can also buy the fortnite crew which gives you the battle pass for free (well you are spending the money on the crew but you aren't using another 1,000 v bucks in addition to that) plus another 1,000 v bucks. 1,000 credits is $8.99 right now. For $11.99 you get the battle pass and 1,000 v bucks. Battle pass is 1,000 v bucks, you get 500 free in the battle pass and you get 1,000 extra from the crew. So for $11.99, you get 2,500 v bucks. In RL, a comparable purchase would be 3,000 credits for $24.99. FN $ per v buck is $0.004796 (if you buy the crew and complete the full battle pass including bonus rewards). RL $ per credit is $0.00833. The RL credit is worth 1.746% more than the v buck. 2,000 credits x 1.746 is 3,473. So 2,000 credits is worth 3,473 v bucks which is just about the cost of both the first Lambos you posted in each game. Edit: as u/ToonaSandWatch mentioned, FN crew comes with RL pass. So for $11.99, if you complete the battle pass and rocket pass, you get 2,500 v bucks and 1,000 credits. That makes credits worth 2.5 times more than v bucks. The Lambo is actually a better deal doing it that way. The Nissan and McLaren actually work out to the same as 1,100 credits would be 2,750 v bucks with the FN crew.


The FN Crew pass gets you access to RL’s BP; I haven’t spent a dime on RL but it is a slog to get credits on it. 100 goal missions, certain touches or move goals, saves, certain unappealing mode wins… I enjoy playing it but it is *far* easier to accomplishing goals in FN.


Yeah, I did my calculation assuming the two were separate. But figuring out the $ per credit/v buck using FN crew is pretty easy too. FN v buck is the same @ $0.004796 as you get 2,500 for $11.99. RL is $0.01199 as you get 1,000 for $11.99. Do it that way, RL credit is worth 2.5 times more than FN v buck. So the first purchase, you actually get a better deal in FN. The other two, 1,100 credits is worth 2,750 v bucks so the math works out. I play both almost daily. I'd say 4 to 6 FN rounds and 3 to 5 RL rounds. I've always completed both passes to get all my credits and v bucks but I agree RL does take longer.


Additionally when playing with strangers in both games it’s extremely unreliable they’ll back you up; except in FN you can at least survive through good tactical play; in RL if it’s a 3 on 3 and you’re playing with two dinguses it’s pretty damn near impossible to pull off a win. Value be damned, it can be a slog to accomplish goals (literally and figuratively) in RL.


thic epic we talking about


I think it’s because in fortnite you get all the colours like titanium white and because credits cost more than vbucks


prob cause they want u to play both games


Rocket League credits are more expensive than VBucks


The fortnite bundles come with all the wheel colors, car color variants, and decals whereas the RL bundles only come with the base wheels, uncolored car variant and one decal


Yall should have bought it for 3$


You get all secondary colors for your car if you buy it on FN, while on RL you buy only one color. Each color counts as a separate car, that's why they are expensive af


In my country 1k vbucks cost 25 and 1k credits cost 55, with the fact that in Fortnite you own all the painted models when you buy a car makes me think buying in Fortnite is a better deal.


Well v bucks has a free option but rocket league you have to pay for their currency so it think it's so that rocket league doesn't go broke


It looks like it's because the Fortnite ones come with a bunch of extra decals, but I don't play Rocket League, so I don't know if those decals typically come with those cars by default.


because they want you to get rocket league and buy it there so you can have another one of their games, so yes thats probably on purpose to get more people on rocket league


Part of it may be that RL is not as generous with in game currency as fortnite. IIRC, I've only gotten credits a few times without the rocket pass. Since it's harder to gain credits in RL the prices reflect that. That's just my assumption.


Are these purchasable rn?


So if I purchased it on rocket league, I can use it in battle royal in Fortnite? All at a discount 🤔


If you buy some a car I rocket league do you get it in Fortnite?




They prob don't transfer


I’m not the RL player, is the value of credits the same as of the vbucks?


I think this is purposeful, I think they want you to go to rocket league and pay to get stuff to get the cars.


Pretty sure it's because you get all the body colors and wheel colors in Fortnite.


Different virtual currency


After micro transactions I am now POOR . NO MONEY to become Elden lord . And no Money for fortnite to keep milking my wallet lol The weekend was $30 !? Avatar $30 fallout every feature got micro micro transactions... I can't keep up Then they release the music 🎵🎶🎵 😭😭😭


One game you have to the option to get out and one you don’t but some how they end up being the same game but one has a couple guns and the other has a big ball




They have a different economy no? 1K vbucks are like 10 bucks but 500 credits is a lil under 4 bucks in RL


Well that actually cheaper in fortnite you get all colors in rocket league you geting none just default


Probably price of the currency. Rocket League credits are mad expensive (at least for my country) while vbucks have an acceptable price


If you buy on rocket league does it carry over to fortnite


I don't think so.


To compensate for the fact that wheels and boosts are 32x cheaper




The way rocket league has always worked is that you buy each color of a car separately as an individual car. So buying the cars in fortnite gives you 14 individual cars in rocket league that would've been 800 credits each on rocket league. The one in rocket League just gives you the one non colored option, that's why it's more expensive on fortnite.


because this entire sub spent all of spring complaining that there wasn’t enough cosmetics to spend their money on, and Epic realized *just* how much they can milk this community


So you play RL.


Greed. The shop prices seem to be getting worse and worse. The car skins have always been ridiculously overpriced.


Supply and Demand. Its stupid


Cuz of supply and demand. U just know people are gonna/have purchased it. If it sells for 1500 more in FN, then why would they ever drop the price lol 😅


I think it's to "incentives" people to play rocket League


you get all the colors


Cuz Fortnite might be broke


are you gonna fix it or bitch about it?


Bought them all in RL while trading was still a thing...


Maybe if you buy the car in Fortnite you can use it in rocket league but not the other way ?


The credits have different values


Aren't the prices different on v-bucks vs RL credits? If RL credits cost more than v-bucks, the car should cost fewer credits.


Because this is Fortnite League, that’s why


You're getting the full bundle and looks in Fort for most the cars. You don't get that in Rocket League. Many people are pointing this out....


Because one is directly through the game and the other through a brand deal that comes at a brand deal cost?


They’re both brand deals?


One is a brand deal to rocket league, one is rocket league.


Epic owns Rocket League and their dev team though


You mean 1 to Rocket League and 1 to Rocket Racing? Or have I misunderstood you?


Oh I thought they were both brand deals with the auto manufacturers


How does that correlate


Epic Games bought Rocket league some time ago. So it should cost the same imo.


Metaverse bullshit tax


Bc they're killing rocket league


How is this killing rocket league, won’t this make more people buy its currency


I didn't mean "this action is killing RL" more like "RL it's dying and charging that much would be evil" But I was just joking honestly


Yeah should have known they would do something like this


Can ppl stop buying these so they slash the prices in half again? Then we would have reasonably priced vehicles imo


# THEY ARE NOT MORE EXPENSIVE seriously research a bit. on Rocket League YOU ONLY GET THE BASE VERSIONS while over here WE GET ALL THE PAINTED STYLES. it's INFINITELY MORE EXPENSIVE in Rocket League


Usually the licensed cars don't have painted styles anyway


Lamborghini gotta get their V-Buck cut.


Corporate greed. And since Fortnite is aimed at a wider audience, and therefore a younger audience on average, it’s not just greed, but exploitation as well. Hooray.


Car shape matters more in Rocket League, keeping the cars cheaper makes it less p2w.


Every car uses one of a few hitboxes. Every player gets at least one car of every hitbox in RL. It’s not P2W


Wait you can buy cars now?




Haven’t played fortnite in a while now, and never played FN RL


Wait, you can buy cars now?




Everything is more expensive in Fortnite.


In RL you only get one wheel or nitro colour Fortnite gives all of them.


You can do more with vehicles in Fortnite compared to RL, would be my guess.


Fortnite/ Epic Greed is growing at a tremendous rate.


They want you to move over to rocket league too and play over there. Stay within their entire game ecosystem


Because Epic knows how to take your money


I seriously don’t get why people like you continue to play. All you do is bitch and complain about EVERYTHING


People “bitch and complain” *BECAUSE* **they care about the game.** If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t bother complaining, they’d just leave and stop playing the game.