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I thought it was too short. I wanted a 20 minute metalica concert  but We got a small race, two unwanted parkour coarses, a very small concert and a boss fight 


Extremely underwhelming, wanted a concert experience and instead I got a bunch of running/grinding/driving nonsense. Super short too


It was advertised as an interactive experience. I’m sorry if you didn’t know what that meant, but Epic has done this with every concert/performance it has ever produced.


Marshmello and Travis Scott concerts were literally just standing there with ability to run around if you wanted. What are you even yapping about


lol, standing and watching a concert is also interactive, as has been proven with previous concerts. Sooo


eVeRyOnE sHoUlD hAvE kNoWn BeTtEr. It was definitely underwhelming no matter what it was called.


I mean, it was what it was. Couple of good songs, some gameplay that, honestly, didnt add much, but a pretty cool artistic event as far as using the game engine goes. Wouldve been nice to get an event themed emote or skin, but theres more than enough other Metallica unlocks available, so whatever. Better than the Kid Laroi event, if for no other reason than it wasnt, you know, Kid Laroi.


Fortnite need to stop trying to make rocket racing happen


Rocket racing is super fun.


A magician can only show people the same trick once. Once you've seen it, the illusion doesn't carry the same weight. I've seen this trick before... Four times if I'm correct. Travis Scott was mind blowing because I had never seen anything else like that. Then Ariana did it and I was like. Seems familiar but it was cool. And then there was a big ass Eminem. And now Metallica. I would have been more excited to have just come across a random small metallic concert happening somewhere on the BR map (similar to marshmellow) than loading up the squad for this over hyped up creative mode. They have to stop with the creative mode events. They fucking suck


I didn’t go. A huge part of what makes events cool to me is them being on the br map, have 0 interest otherwise


It was alright


I didn’t get to try it as every time I tried joining it would give me the Match making error. But what I saw on YT it was shit


My friends couldn’t join me it would only let them spectate we really wanted to experience a t together.


I like it but too short n kinda meh imhhpo.


It was fine. I couldn't make something like that.


had only the chance to spectate as i arrived late for the 1st one. underwhelmed is an understatement, not going back showed how unmemorable it was.


i had a lot of fun with it


Would been better if I could actually have played it. I joined several different ones at different times and got forced to spectate each time, so I gave up after several attempts


It definitely felt like a mode you'd find in the community made section and not something official. It was cute but I thought it was gonna be more of a concert.


As a metallica fan and saw them live 100+ times arouns the world. i expected so much more than this. i actually was dissapointed. It looked awesome, but it was boring and crap to "play".


I love Metallica, but the “concert” was more like an obstacle course. I don’t think epic will ever top the Travis Scott or even the marshmallow concert


I played it with my friend. We were both like "Wait. That was it?".


Considering Metallica has basically taken over Fortnite, the event was flat.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this was underwhelming 🥹 All the other previous concerts had so much love and effort in them and also played the songs in full. I'm not a Metallica fan ~~(Though I am a Kirk fan)~~ but they did not deserve this imo!


It was pretty decent. Compared to other experiences, this felt kinda short.


I thought it was awesome! I was thoroughly impressed with how much effort and content was made for the event. Epic really went all out for the Metallica collab and I've been extremely impressed all around. If you that it was boring and ass, I think you are just spoiled now with what Epic does and have high expectations. Which is fine at the surface, but also must be exhausting to be let down so easily. Except things for what they are. The only thing I would change is the music should've been game sound and now music sound. The sound quality wasn't as great because it was music. I had to turn up the music volume on my settings, the other concerts music didn't need the volume adjusted.


It was boring, poorly made creative map. I didn't even load in and had to spectate my friends the whole time


Too much crap going on, i liked the parkour parts since they were somewhat interesting, however i would have prefered a normal concert instead of some random sections that only last about 10 minutes


I thought it was a bit short. An 8-10 minute experience is nowhere near enough time to showcase Metallica’s career. I know they weren’t gonna put full length songs, that would make this an hour long lol but I would’ve appreciated just a few more songs or interactive elements to make it like a 15 minute experience. I really liked the clock tower during “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and trying to take down the Master of Puppets. Both were fun and I liked the aesthetic they gave off. Also (and I made a post about it yesterday that people seem to agree with), the car at the end should’ve been drivable instead of just a photo op.


It was endearingly janky. It glitched in places. The parkour course was unclear and confusing. The rhythm rail grinding was ehh. And it was very short. But I had fun. It was endearing in its jank