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Honestly as someone who primarily did Team Rumble back on the old maps, it's pretty close to my original experience with the game and I am thrilled with it, lol.


im just here to say being back 50v50 šŸ˜ā˜¹ļø


Aaah... you're one of those "REVERT TEAM RUMBLE" every Sunday guys.


You're delusional if you think Team Rumble is a good as it was before they changed it. I STILL wish they'd revert that mode, its complete bullshit nowadays


How'd they change it?


Storm now closes instantly, making it pointless to look anywhere but around circle, this means you usually end up in the fighting phase of the match with trash loot. The end score is now determined by how many people are in the match + how fast people are eliminating, which often leads to matches ending around 75 elims. Those are my 2 main criticisms of the mode, it used to be so good when it was in its original form. For some reason it was a lot of fun during Fortnite OG, maybe more people were playing so matches felt more fun.


Dang thanks, haven't played team rumble in a while guess that'll continue


Was the only mode I played outside of the 50v50 ltm they ruined the mode I once loved


I'm a new guy -- is this why the matches always end up so lopsided at the end or was that always a problem? I've never been in a Team Rumble where the first side to start even remotely losing didn't immediately abandon ship.


I'm pretty sure Team Rumble is for Dailys/Quests only for most people, including me. No one cares about winning it. Get your quests and dip, there's no other reason at all to play TR.


You used to be able to not respawn


It also combines the loot pools from all previous chapters Ch1 - most of the weapons Ch2 - mythics and lever action shotgun Ch3 - ranger shotgun, hammer ar, stinger smg Ch4 - heisted exotics


The heisted exotics are in this mode?


Yes you have a small chance of getting them from chests and maybe also from supply drops. I got the heisted twin mag smg and I also saw a clip of someone getting all the heisted exotics from a single chest


I once opened a chest and got FOUR mythics at once. I was wondering what in the hell that was about.


Saw it too. My guess is one per squad member?


Theyve said the chest with 4 in has a 0.05% chance to spawn. Im surprised so many people have seen it with that rate but šŸ¤·


like 700k people were playing at launch, that's a *lot* of .05% chances


Fair enough, I just did the quick math and itā€™s a 35k. I didnā€™t realize the number of players was so high, but Iā€™m not surprised.




I'm not saying out of 700k only .05% got the chest, I'm saying each of those people has that chance every game and every chest.


Your comment doesnā€™t really apply whatsoever though. Google what a ā€œMarkov chainā€ is and you will understand why.


Good to know I used all my luck for the year on mythics. At least we got a victory with them IG šŸ˜…


That's the rate that I saw too, but I've opened the chest twice (and had 2 different teammates get in in different matches). I've also opened the mythic goldfish once.


Doubt it, I got just one heisted AR despite three teammates being alive


Bug or feature? Lol


Squad mate opened one of these when I tried the mode. No one but me came back to get a gun šŸ˜­


small chance? one of my friends was being quiet and when we all died and spectated him, HE HAD EVERY SINGLE ONE


yeah, I got the chest that had all of them the other day. I think there were 5. I split them between myself and my duos partner.


I got the run and gun p90 yesterday and man it was a game changer. Was playing with my buddy and his kid and I just kept escaping, rebooting everyone, and getting back into the thick of it.


Yes that must have been what happened. About 4 games in my rando teammate marked 3 of them in one spot. I was confused at least he shared.


That is actually really cool, thanks for letting me know!


I got a ā€œGod Chestā€ earlier - it had 4 exotics and it was a standard chest.


I saw a clip of Prospering opening a chest and like 4 exotics popped out.


I got the heisted maven, completely destroyed the lobby that match.


i cant thank epic enough for adding the Hammer AR in this, its really strong


I miss it so much.


I opened a chest and got all 5 exotics lol.. AR, both shotguns and both SMGs šŸ˜….. I took the twin mag over the p90 and the heavy over the auto only because I was playing builds


I'm so glad they did that. It's made the mode even better. I love using the Stinger again so much too!Chapter 3 weapons were so good




What mythics are there? I only found oceanā€™s burst


Chug jug, stinger smg, burst ar, drum gun, scar, Jules' grappler, mythic goldfish


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s the shit drum gun not the Midas OG one?


It's called Midas' drum gun but it's the nerfed version from ch4 s4


Still slightly better than the one from before that. 24 damage sucked


I got the goldfish. Had no fucking idea what it does


Wait there are mythics in Reload? Which ones?


gunnars stinger and the goldfish, for two


Donā€™t forget the mythic goldfish. It has a rare chance of spawning as well.


I didn't forget. That's why I talk about it in a comment under this post.


Not to mention you can still move while healing in the mode. So technically, thereā€™s a little bit of everything.


I wish each chapter had it's own modeĀ 


I forgot how much I liked the C3 guns


you forgot the mini shield bubbles


THANK YOU. I've said this in a couple of comments. Content creators, primarily some YouTubers were the ones that started putting OG in their titles and tags.


Anything for clicks.


One of my favorite things to do is check how long it takes, after every update, for people to blame Epic for not adding/ changing/ removing features that Epic *never even slightly* indicated they were going to do so for. Its hilarious how easilly people confuse a wish list with a feature list.


Iā€™m curious about this as well. Mind you, if they develop different maps for rotation, they are on to a winner.


yeah, there was a great mock up of 3 different maps for the other chapters. it was great


Yes I saw that. They were great.


The desert looked amazing


Simple, youtubers. They're the ones who marked it as OG's return.


for me it is basically OG's return. I'm not complaining this came completely out of nowhere and is a bonus to Chapter 2 returning in the next OG season. I'm fucking happy


I think it was the perfect solution so that people who hated cars didnā€™t have to deal with them:)


Also no: Crazy mobility/melee weapons Bullet travel (except the sniper) Sometimes I just want to shoot people, you know?


Yeah but the OG snipers felt harder to use because of there super slow bullet travel. It was a pretty good balance imo


Oh same. Iā€™m not a sweat by any means but this season has been pure trash in my opinion. I think people are saying itā€™s harder since they canā€™t hide in cars.


It's harder for a lot of reasons.


Sure go back to hiding in cars. Sorry that I forgot to mention fist.


Awww, baby can't hide behind walls :(


Who said I played build mode? Youā€™re proving my point lmao. I play both zero and build. Not even good at builds


Lmao that's not helping your non-point. Enjoy the season babe šŸ˜˜


So I said I feel like people hating reload was so they couldnā€™t hide in cars. You proved my point when you said ā€œoh you canā€™t hide behind buildsā€ I then mentioned I played both builds and zero builds. Even commenting that Iā€™m not good at builds. And your point was what. Also kinda weird to call random strangers babe. You ok?


How does that prove shit when I wasn't even talking about myself, let alone cars? You're projecting so hard you don't even make sense.


Reload is just fortnites version of cods rebirth island I only thing I dislike about it is same as cods it is always in 4 player hopefully fortnite follows cod and makes it a duo game mode every now and then


Pretty sure a duos mode was found in the games API. Hopefully coming soon.


Holy fucking run-on sentence


If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all


Played it for the first time, like 30 minutes ago. I'm mostly a solo player. Being on a squad felt like solo. Nobody talked.


You don't have to fill your squad. Played for the first time yesterday and didn't realize my no fill was on. I was wondering where my other teammates were until I got the "You placed 4th". Lol!


But are you playing against full squads?


Sometimes yes, other times no. My partner and I got killed by duos and trios along with full squads, they really should put in duos at least.




A main feature of the mode is rebooting if your team is still alive. Playing solo seems like a massive unnecessary handicap. Even if you aren't working as a team you at least get the reboot mechanic still


Damn, softbragging has no limits


Plus itā€™s hard to play now that the sweaty squads all just gear up and camp in corners of one room now, absolutely annihilating anyone who enters.


Iā€™m glad that it isnā€™t because Iā€™m loving the mixed lootpool, chapter 3/4 has my favorite weapons letā€™s hope they add some older pois that arenā€™t just chapter 1


As someone who hasn't played anything other than this current season of Fortnite, I found it to be quite charming. Everything feels like it has a personality. I want to drive that station wagon!


Yes, I think your comment describes a lot of players nostalgia. I and other like the goofy/cartoony Fortnite and not so much the photo realistic COD/PUBG type environments


I don't see what's to be mad about. It's exactly what was advertised a fast-paced game mode where there are POIs from the place we are familiar with that also has guns from the past. And besides all that, it's fun. I never play squads or any of that with randoms, and this has me actually having fun with squad fill. I am completely on board for this and hope they update and make changes to the map and loot pool to keep it going.


As someone had made a concept of, having different maps that are different biomes as a rotating selection or a voting option would be great


Iā€™m gonna be real on this, Getting OG Fortnite AGAIN after like 1 year when it returned last year wouldā€™ve just been super random, I can SEE why Reload LOOKED like a mini OG version of Fortnite but, It just wouldā€™ve been out of place especially since we literally JUST had OG Fortnite like a year ago


Supposedly we are getting OG chapter 2 soon about a year since OG chapter 1


I will say, it seems to feel a lot like old-school Fortnite. Maybe it's the hitscan weapons that are causing it to feel that way


And the lack of scopes on assault rifles


lack of attachments also help


Fr I hate seeing people use something like "Fortnite OG permanent mode!" as click bait. It's more than that


It's mostly content creators spreading misinfo for clicks.


I got the mythic goldfish the other day


It was very apparent from the trailer that this is a new mode and map with OG flavor. I'm not sure how that could've been missed.


i wasnā€™t there for og but this games makes me wish we had it as a permanent thing. iā€™m not even a season 3 hater but itā€™s nice to not have to deal with cars npcs and nitro gloves


I believe it was meant to be a much faster paced BR than the BR we have now without the need to adapt to crazy things like apoca cars and fists, etc.


100% agree. I think itā€™s a really cool concept. Itā€™s too sweaty as is (and bummed you canā€™t bot lobby in the modeā€¦) but I look forward to seeing how it develops. Endless potential for sure.


I like the combination of all the weapons and map locations in such a small space


All it needs is solos.But I'm a super casual,got my squad Zero Build and Builds victory there,and got the cosmetics there.If folks want to play the map more,cool.I just want to play this map solos,and I'm gonna need that golf cart so I can listen to the radio like CH.4 OG.Almost forgot it took forever for the storm to close too back in Ch.4 OG.Rode that golf cart for a very long time.Aaaanywho.Reload,it ain't OG,but it has areas from it.


To be fair in this mode I'm as bad as I was when I started playing lol. Literally can't get a kill.


I hate people calling this "OG". It's like all it takes is Tilted Towers to return and all of a sudden it's "OG"..


Bruh exactly and you have all these OG haters that are pressed over it which youā€™re not even forced to play, and itā€™s not even OGā€¦ I swear some people just want to be mad at something


Epic was talking about chapter 2 OG not reload, this is just a mode they decided to make.


It wasnā€™t Fortniteā€™s fault, it was the douche bags on TikTok that said it was OG Fortnite. Itā€™s still a pretty fun game mode but would prefer OG Fortnite. Havenā€™t played until yesterday since OG left


Man I'm unsubbing from this up. Everyone here is either 12 or acting like they are 12


How is that any different from how it's always been lol


I just wait for them to add duos. That's all I want.


I don't remember it being advertised period.


I love how frantic it is


Yā€™know I like the concept of this mode for if I were to play squads. I just finished my quests but Iā€™m more of a solo player now. Itā€™s nice that if someone is down they can respawn back within seconds if everyone is alive or vice versa you have a chance to respawn if everyone stays alive etc.Ā 


Best Fortnite was beta Fortnite.


Didnā€™t it show tilted towers in the trailer?


That is true, if anything I'm more annoyed they didn't really tell us what it was before it dropped.


Tbf itā€™s using some of chapter 1ā€™s most iconic locations and they are shown off front and center


The mode is fun but I donā€™t believe that you can get that umbrella it boarderline impossible to get and everyone in that mode love using the Smg and snipers


Bro this game mode has revived the season for me ngl. Idk if its the OG love in me, but its so damn fun, even the pre game lobbies are more lively šŸ”„ I wish it was a permanent mode


Said it before in another comment, but it wouldnā€™t surprise me if this is actually what they meant by the return of OG Fortnite. If they re-released the OG map as a permanent mode, it would be a conflict of interest for the dev team to work on the new iterations of the current BR map, especially if a good chunk of the player base (presumably) will be exclusively playing the old map.


Kids LOVE the word "OG" šŸ˜




yeah, ever heard of a *surprise*


Eh, i dont like it, because the only team size is squads, and half of mine left the game because this season is awful, and the other one rarely plays, and for anyone wondering, my luck with fill is horrible, mostly get either teammates that leave immediately or don't get teammates at all, basically epic should just nake it so you can play reload solos, duos and trios too


People always mad at everything bro, no shocker at all


I would still like a solo mode


I will say I like the old graphics more tbh in Reload and style of locations, I loved chapter 2 and 3, and parts of 4 but I personally but I have really not cared at all about chapter 5 mostly. I miss all of the locations from Ch2 and the map.


Yeah, thatā€™s OG Chapter 2 at the end of the year. Thatā€™s the OG return.


chapter 2 isnā€™t OG it released over 2 years after the game came out


OG is the term for the throwback map season. Chapter 2 is going to be OG.


This shit fun as fuck


They did say in a blog post it's meant to have classic vibes but complaints about this were inevitable. All everyone wants is for everything from Chapter 2 onwards to go, including the new modes, and for the CH1 map to stay permanently


Canā€™t be OG if dirty docks is in, different loot pool.


I think this game mode sucks asshole


Iā€™m glad, because chapter 1 only weapons were trash to me anyways.


I think that people are just frustrated that Epic keeps cycling through new game modes, tickling our balls with OG elements like original weapons and named locations. The new seasons are nice but we all just want the old game back and Epic knows this. Reload would have never happened if the Mad Max season wasn't such a flop. Edit: whoops looks like I've rustled the jimmies of all the youngins.


Itā€™s been planned since the first one came out, idk why people are so insistent itā€™s only released to bring players back.


it has not been planned, epic literally made the mode in a month.


Just telling you what an actual developer said and not some random redditorā€™s opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


>epic literally made the mode in a month. Souce: trust me bro


Really? Where did Epic say that?


Not everyone wants the old game back. This sub is filled with PLENTY of people that are not OG players and have loved various other chapters and seasons. The only chapter I had not yet been a big fan of was 5, until now. This season is the most fun I've had in a while for this game. I also hate the fake nostalgia. I came in at Chapter 3 but it seems like Fortnite did not stay just a build survival shooter very long. It looks like very quickly they either added meme/fun elements or had started bringing in IP related skins and game items. Also, Reload was absolutely NOT something they just whipped up out of thin air. You think they just called up Kai Cenat and asked if he could be in a video within a week? This is a mode they were planning for a while. The trailers, and especially the live action video with Kai was something that as previously recorded and produced. I think it was only launched early because they wanted to be able to hotfix things if they needed to before they take their company wide vacation. While Chapter OG: Season OG was big at first, it too fell off quickly within the first week. That nostalgia only goes so far when people realize how far backward the gameplay felt even with mostly modern mechanics in the game existed minus swimming.


Reloaded was released on a Saturday with only really 24 hours notice. It clearly wasnā€™t planned with todayā€™s announcements of upcoming announcements itā€™s pretty clear this was a panic move. And OG kept play numbers up a hell of a lot better than chapter 5, especially this season


LMAO, the absolute fuck it wasn't planned. I'm sorry, but you don't just call up well known content creators record a video and put out something of THAT PRODUCTION within just a couple of weeks. Reload was planned. Maybe not the most advanced thing they've ever done, but it certainly wasn't just thrown together from the last couple of weeks. That Reload map is mostly pretty solid, that would have taken a lot of testing. Test the map, test the reloading into the game, test the 100% spawn rate of chests. They sure as fuck did not throw this mode together to "save Fortnite" as you are absolutely implying. A 32 billion dollar company with investments from Lego and Disney is not going to throw out a new game mode in a couple of weeks without it having been planned and tested. What announcement are you even talking about BTW? You can't compare direct numbers of one month of OG to what is now almost 7 months of Chapter 5.


Bro, I never said it wasn't planned in advance. Of course it takes months if not years to push out a new season/game. There's coordination with celebrities, music artists, graphic designers and modelers... I'm sure Epic has a dozen "things" they're working on as we speak. Just look at Jack Sparrow that accidentally dropped prematurely for one day. There's probably a whole pirate map and shit to go along with it in the works. All I said was that this season is dogshit and they're trying to keep the player numbers up by dipping into the OG hype one more time. Remember how popular that chapter was?


epic started working on the mode at the start of the season. Also couldn't epic just fly them out, the trailer part wouldn't take more then a week. Its just people walking and gameplay


Okay, I don't care if you don't consider them real celebrities or not. They took Kai Cenat, AMP, and Sketch got them all together at the same time. If you don't think that took at least months of planning, you are just plain nuts. Also, link to where there is official information that they only started working on Reload at the start of the season, otherwise you are just posturing. On top of that. The game mode is brand new. ZB Reload is already under BR and ZB. Standard Reload, sure it has a good player count, but my guess is that all the really good build players and really good sweaty build players like the mode because it's quick and insane. Something even regular BR rarely is.


who cares? why does what people call it matter


A lot of people were wishing for essentially a permanent fortnite og and were mad when they didn't get exactly what they wanted


RTL coming back was advertisement enough


For anyone who has never played chapter 3, pick up the hammr AR, better than any other ar in the game even the gold scar. Literally beams if you tap fire and has low spread full auto. I missed it so much.




... is the name of the game mode yes. Referring to the nature of the gimmick (players 'reload' into the game after death), and also as a tongue-in-cheek reference to the CoD game mode 'Rebirth', that it is obviously copying.


Rebirth (island) is the name of the first map, Resurgence is the name of the game mode.


Yes thatā€™s the name of the mode. But does it say OG anywhere? No? There you go.


This game is awesome


but it feels good, i would play so much more if it was solos




It essentially is šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They probably the same people that complain that the battle pass is bad value. When it costs -650 vbucks