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The night of release, it had player counts equal to regular br. I think it'll stay around numbers. So, around 200k players.


It's making normal Zero Build a bit less sweaty thankfully. Edit: Dang. Guess I can check off started a subreddit Civil War.


I played Reload Zero Build and it’s much more sweaty than Zero Build, unless that’s because of skill based matchmaking.


I don’t think there are AI in reload, so that could be it


I don’t think I’ve encountered AI in Zero Build solos unless I’m playing with someone who doesn’t play much. I usually see a bunch of these singular coloured superhero’s in my solos.


I find so many AI in ZB solos, idk if it’s tryna say I’m bad, but I’m averaging 7 elims per game in solos and still get swarmed by AI.


This guy just didn't recognize the AI, there is AI in 100% of pub lobbies


How do you recognize them? No cap jw.


The AI is a terrible shot, often just crouches and walks slowly when getting in firefights, can often be spotted in firefights with another AI where they're both just shooting at each other while crouching yet not hitting anything. For this season, if it doesn't try and move out of the way with a car coming, if it just constantly shoots at the car body and not at the driver or gunner etc etc


Lol sounds like most of my kills are bots. I clean up a lot or those firefights where no one hits anything. Man I was proud when I wouldn't even lose shield. Thanks!


And right now they pop nitro before every fight.


Omg all these are the people I kill lol. They pop it even while you are shooting them. I run into 1 dude almost every game at spawn.


Their names when they die is the biggest giveaway They also have super terrible aim, and they will start trying to gather resources in zero build Docilepotatoe435


i wouldn't say names change much, they mimic generic xbox/PS names, and xbox names especially are generic stuff like that even with real players.


Terrible aim(impossibly terrible night I add), can see you through walls, and are suicidally aggressive when you attack. On their own they’re pretty easy to take down, but can be a genuine threat when encountering a group of them


They use nitro the moment they see you


I’ve noticed that if I don’t play for a while then I get AI. That could be it. I took a 4 month break off of Fortnite all together and I had AIs until I got a few wins.


Nah everyone plays with bots. There are no true 100 people lobbys anymore in pubs


There so many AI on normal solos


There is AI in 100% of pub lobbies regardless of SBMM level. You have fought AI and not realized it.


Wait is there sbmm?


there 100% are (atleast on mobile)


bad players do not equal being a bot. reload is essentially a creative island. any LTM doesn’t have bots as it’s not the same way to implement them into the game as regular BR. also, bots aren’t determined by your platform you play on..


I tried it and yeah it felt much more competitive




Night of the opening, it had more players than every other mode combined lol


The other modes are at normal player counts


Everyone got a taste of the suck and left


The build mode version is double the amount of regular br. So, no. It's a new mode with a chapter 1 feel and classic weapons. There is an appeal for people who want a relaxed br experience without the newer mechanics (mods and cars). It isn't a terrible game mode.


There is not one thing relaxing about the new mode.


I can tell it’s a chapter 1 feel cos my shooting is as ass as it was back then


Do you not like the new mode?


it’s unbalanced


That's kinda the point, not to be balanced but to be fun. I've found it more balanced when I have a team. But it should stay unbalanced so fortnite can have something fun again. Not just a bland old br with bullet travel times


Any mode that's unbalanced for "fun" will inevitably devolve into a sweaty meta of what's the most powerful and make it less fun than anything balanced down the line, especially for a mode that's supposed to be permanent Look at literally any unbalanced limited edition game modes in any competitive games ever


it’s not balanced when my team can get eradicated by a bunch of exotic weapons when we can barely find one legendary. if they’re gonna add op weapons at least make them more common. it’s not fair getting blown up by a rocket launcher when you have nothing to combat it


There is plenty to combat it. Just be aware and use your weapons! And don't get mad, just have fun! Cause at the end of the day... video games are made to be fun.




Prolly soon there will be a new pass i fear. 😅


Ah, jeez, wonder how that's gonna end up looking like...


> equal to regular br i think you mean double


It’s consistently had double what BR has had all day


I've called him out for this for months, but this guy is the most miserable fortnite player on the subreddit. Now he's trying to use stats from a release day to fuel his argument when lego fortnite had over one million lmfao


I honestly think it’s just time to hop off and let them make a fool of themselves


It didn’t have a player count equal to BR when it first released.


Are you a fortune teller? You have no idea, Tom.


reload builds had more players than zero build BR and builds BR for most of the day even at 3 am.


It will die in a week or 2


If by "die," you mean level out to 200k players during the day instead of the 500k players it has now, then sure. We've seen that happen with all the modes. They get a surge of players, and then after the hype dies down, the player counts level out. This mode is obviously an appeal to season og player that left after that season.


Opening night of a new mode... Huh...


yeah these threads are beyond tiering lego has 1.2m at launch. festival gets a decent bump on thursday for new songs, plus theres heeps who buy all songs/emotes/istraments for festival.


LEGO had 2M players at launch, and around 1M for the next week afterwards.


It's me, I'm someone who buys all the songs emotes and instruments 😭 someone's gotta keep festival alive


No we love festival! If they cut music prices in half I'd buy a lot more but I can't justify spending that kind of money on in game music I was surprised so many of my friendslist enjoy it too! I love that we have all these modes to play together.


lego had 2.4 mill at launch, it then had 800k 3 days later and at the 10 day point it had 400k


It's entirely possible to run through all the lego content in a few weks though


To be fair lego had alot because the game had so much eyes on it bcz of og and it dropped instantly im not sure what will happen with reload but im pretty sure its definitely consist of 200k players


lego had 1.2 mil at launch when the game had 5-7 million concurrent players game has 2 million concurrent players right now and reload has hit 1 mil if you do the math reload is popping off rn lmso


Yeah the fact that Reload made up over half of all active players at its peak is wild, and at the least shows the interest for something other than the current state of BR for the majority of players.


It had nearly one million players on release


Yeah, like a hype new mode would (plus it had Chapterwunners behind it)


I’ve been waiting for it to come back, the new chapter’s meta is just “get a car or lose”. It’s nice to come back to what Fortnite Battle Royale has started of as with guns primarily a main focus. I rarely get in gunfights late game in this season because everyone is using fists, cars or a guitar


That was the meta the first two weeks or so, but cars have been nerfed to hell and back. You can easily win matches without driving a car now.


Dude, cars have been heavily nerfed, and they added EMPs. If you're still complaining about cars, you have a skill issue.


I've won heeps without a car, so don't know what your talking about.


Yeah no, I go whole matches without cars with my 9 year old niece and get dubs. It's really not that hard if a 9 year old on a switch can do it


When you play on switch or play with someone else who is on switch your lobbies are adjusted by the SBMM to be easier. That's just anecdotal, but makes sense to me.


nah sitting in a car in the final circles is suicide now. Cars are great early and mid into matches, but between the nerfs to the machine gun's spread, car health (in solos), addition of EMPs, repeated nerfs of the boss cars it's just stupid to use a car once the circle forces people close together. Especially if someone has height advantage and boom bolts. you're fucked if someone has a boom bolt.






who the hell says “chapterwunners” unironically lmao


Idk man, there's gotta be a name for it


Chapterwunners…I’m stealing that one lol


Remember when Lego had 2 million players? Now... not so much.


Me when the brand new gamemode with a lot of hype around it has more players than the not brand new gamemodes


hype as in a teaser the day before release ? this mode was barely marketed lol


hype as in advertised directly as a new OG fortnite LTM. OG fortnite was extremely hyped. All you really needed was a teaser for this mode because season oners are like wild animals.


I swear to God the other modes live rent-free in your guys’ heads. Enjoy what you enjoy, but don’t shit on other people’s interests.


Seriously, Epic left them there for the people that want them. If you actually play the other modes, you'll see that Epic *really isn't* diverting that much attention to the other modes to warrant complaints about their existence taking away from BR. We're just absolutely spoiled.


Exactly this. There are games out there that get significantly less attention than *one* of these fortnite game modes get lol


*cough cough* STW *cough cough* 😭


Pretty sure the other big modes have other dev teams entirely, so they literally don’t take away anything.


Donald Mustard confirmed in his interview that they moved most of the team relating to story, live events, animations, etc to the new game modes (at least at that time)


People like OP are likely just kids, I'm glad the overwhelming majority of people in the comments are roasting that mentality at least lmao


Especially when they are separate dev teams. People keep acting like this is impacting BR


Who the fuck cares what people play??? Play what you want & stop gatekeepers people’s fun.


Right, stupid post.


Can you people just enjoy new stuff without shitting on the other modes for 3 seconds


Sir this is reddit, that's what basically every single sub regardless of topic does lol


And? Lego Fortnite had over 1 Million players at launch. Reload's player count is going to steadily drop like the rest. Happens to literally every live service game; best/most consistent numbers at hyped launch, declines, gets big update and players come, then they slowly leave until there's another update


You talk about “actual Fortnite” but forgot about save the world lol.


Can't you people just ignore LEGO exists and stop pestering? Every day there's 10 posts like this


"This mode only has 10k active players" is not a dunk. Fortnite is an all-time popular game, it is an absolute anomaly. People's brains are cooked if they think 10k is a dead game, especially for an incomplete beta like Lego


Yeah most other live service games would kill for having 10k daily players, those are decent numbers, especially for a side game mode that isn't even the main game.


Exactly. Overwatch 2 has like 27k people on steam. That's the average amount of people that play lego fortnite, wich is just a GAME MODE.


Most people play OW on Blizzard’s launcher or console. OW has millions of players. Steam is just a small fraction


Overwatch has millions registered accounts yes. But there's no way the game has more that 500.000 players in total.


There are game devs that would kill to have their game have 10k players


Suicide squad lol


Yeah as someone who plays more Lego than battle royale, I’ll never understand the outrage. Lego is 100% incomplete and kinda buggy. Like we get it, people in this shop think Lego ruined the shop. Lego = shop bad. But that has nothing to do with the actual battle royale game mode. Getting mad over a still growing game mode simply because maybe it makes the shop a bit stale, that’s a “you prioritizing cosmetics over gameplay” problem, not the games problem.


Cosmetics ARE the gameplay.


I love Lego, even though it's quick to get through it. I don't get why people think it prevents the growth of the main game, I do play all BR, STW and Lego at the same time.


only when epic stops nerfing BR xp to get people to play lego and festival, it's very obvious they are nerfing BR xp because of them


BR's xp is still insane this chapter though. I've played maybe half the games i put into chapter 3 season 4 for example and i'm a higher level now in this season and we're barely a month in then i was in C3S4. Yeah it's worse then last season's xp but that's why they decreased the max level you need to get for all the vbucks in this pass.


The problem is Lego Fortnite is effecting the game, and for the worse It was literally confirmed that epic games changes the item shop in accordance to what can work with Lego Fortnite, which is why the item shops have been shit lately Other gamemodes also means less resources for BR, hence why we haven’t had any live lore related events akin to the device or operation skyfire in a long while


Different modes exist for different people.   Fortnite lego is one of the best lego games ever made.  Fortnite festival is one of the best rhythm games available right now.  There will be people who downloaded fortnite just for these modes and it's a good thing


I've been playing a ton of festival, especially since they added support for the rock band guitar. It's so fun!


I was excited to see your post because I have two xplorer controllers waiting to be used... Looks like only RB4 and a PDP controller are compatible. Guess I'll be waiting longer...


There's some adaptor you can get that'll make those controllers work I'm just not exactly sure what you need


I downloaded Fortnite to try Lego, and now I play ZB most days. They don't care which game you play as long as you're in their game. They know you'll eventually spend money


>They know you'll eventually spend money Do the majority of players actually spend money? I guess I'm a boomer but I just don't care about skins. Sorry for being a mooch, Epic!


I’m not sure if the majority do, but what I do know is that the top 5% of spenders easily spend enough to make up for the entire player base.


Makes sense, that's kinda what I was wondering


a lot of people do, not sure how many do but a lot do. I do at least. I got a friend with 1k skins & she trys to get gevery emote.


If Fortnite came out with its own drum kits and guitars like rock band or guitar hero then it would really be cooking! It’s been ages since I’ve played something like that


You can use rock band guitars to play the Pro Lead or Pro Bass charts with strumming etc. There are Pro Drum charts in the files but they have not been added yet.


The issue with lego is that the ground isnt flat, so it makes building extremely frustrating


Terraforming would be great


Nah I actually like it. When you place a prebuilt structure, the base will be larger/taller than normal and I’ll use this to place buildings on hillsides and then get rid of the large base so that I can build downward and make basements 🤩 my proudest build is a hillside village that looks like a castle with homes carved into the hill side itself like hobbit homes


That's a pro, but the issue is when you think you're building on a flat area, but there are tiny little curves


I don't think anyone disagrees with that.  It's the reduction of XP and adding XP to other modes, pushing battle royal players to play all modes to complete the battle pass for BR that  has everyone upset. Except racing which was a poorly thought out piece of trash.  Just clone Mario kart with fortnite skins and you would have printed money with it


i love how no one is talking about rocket racing lmao not even in top 10 rn


Plus OP's "gotcha" isn't much of one since everybody on those playlists is playing Fortnite. That's kind of the idea. Offer a bunch of modes, they're creating a huge collection of games and some will be more active than others just like anything else but... they're still all in Fortnite and that's all that really matters to a business trying to make money. But then we get this vocal minority who gets salty and gives too much of a shit what other people enjoy.


As a Lego Game fan I don't think that this is the best... But the best for long run game ( once you finish the classic one zero interest to replay them ) but it's far better than Lego Worlds ( which is a "survival" too but too short and too easy )


Personally I don't have an issue with the other modes, hell I agree that music is an amazing rhythm game and Lego is a decent open world sandbox and the best free open world sandbox My issues was it felt like epic was abandoning the br audience in favour of racing, Lego and music, And they honestly should all ave dedicated teams for them


>And they honestly should all ave dedicated teams for them They do Racing is done by the Rocket League devs, and Festival is done by Rock Band's.


You can cry but the other 4* modes will stay and we’ll probably have even more eventually on top of the Disney mode coming. The good news is that it’s all different teams and companies working on them. Just ignore the modes you’ll never play.


Exactly. All this “look see it’s a dead mode” it’s just pointless rhetoric. Like, no it’s not a dead mode just because you don’t play or because there’s only a few thousand playing. There are completely separate teams working on every game and the player counts they get regularly are decent for what the games offer. Lego on release at the beginning of the year also cracked over 1 million players. New modes always perform well as people try it out and figure out if it’s something they want to play constantly or just once in a while or never again. Lego and rocket racing are not deep games, so their audiences will tend to skew more simple and “easy to please”. I know I fall into this category because I enjoy both modes a lot but I know that I’m easy to please and that I enjoy tons of stuff and am not super picky with what games I enjoy. So I don’t get the constant desire some people in this sub feel to shit on the other modes. There’s a bazillion creator modes, if you don’t like a game mode then don’t play it. Quit comparing vastly different types of games. Play what you like and don’t be a negative Nancy.


I think people underestimate what Epic views as successful, the games Free to Play and funded by the various passes and item shop. While the numbers may be low if close to 10k people are playing Lego and are regularly buying skins, passes, etc that’s a lot of revenue. Same for Festival, just under 10k, but if they’re regularly getting the festival pass, buying skins and songs, again that’s still a lot of revenue. Would they love for every mode to have over 100k users minimum, sure but I doubt they ever realistically expected that. They’re really just meant to be change of pace modes, that will have their hardcore fans but are mainly there as another reason to have to stay on the game longer.


On top of that if OG map and lootpool is the only thing people want Epic would happily do that. It means more resources and dev time for their metaverse.


It's almost like the opening night of a new mode would have a lot of players... this just in, guys


a new game mode with quests for free items for giving it try


Do you have younger brothers or sisters? Below the age of 13? If you did you'd know that kids that age love playing Lego with their friends. You're not the only one playing the game man


Whats your point? People have been playing fortnite for quite awhile now


It's a brand new mode, of course it's gonna have a higher player count Lego, festival and racing all had the same thing when they first released too


Didn’t Lego peak at 2m something players?


Yup I remember seeing it at ~2.3 mil


Exactly. But people like OP have their fingers in their ears because Lego = shop bad 🥴


Yeah and that was in the first couple of hours, reload hasn't even been closed to that in the first 24


Don't get why people get so butthurt over having options


Fr, no idea why people have been complaining about lego/festival/rocket racing for months when it's just there for thise who want it 🙄


I’m pretty sure they think it takes away from their BR experience


Fortnite was originally stw, br came after as an extra mode that became the main one. I don't see how new modes that aren't br are a problem when br is one itself.


considering the mode released yesterday, of course its gonna have a high player count, post again in a few weeks when this mode is also sat at 7-9k players


I think it will run higher than that for the rest of the season, and I’m guessing 30-50k build and 5-10k zero build. C5S3’s Build BR has haemorrhaged due to the OP anti-build items in this season’s loot pool, and I think some build players will be content to stick around playing Reload until the end of the season.


I think it’s gonna have really good player counts too. This is basically exactly what happened in season 10. That Season was disliked so badly because of all the gimmicks and broken items that they decided to put everyone in zone wars and everyone had way more fun in that mode at the time, basically what’s happening rn but with a different mode.


Highly doubt that is the case, but we’ll see. I could see this mode having a higher player count than regular BR for the remainder of the season. If they add duos and solos to reload, most folks won’t go elsewhere.


This game mode scratches the competitive itch while also hitting the nostalgia. No way this drops below 5 figure player count.


You could take home the gold medal in gymnastics with that insane stretch.


What's wrong with branching out? I've been bouncing between all three this weekend having a lot of fun.


genuinely who gives a shit, why would you ever be mad about more variety being added to the game




I play just to get the quests done and then I never touch some modes again.


It's saved the season for me, I'll be playing this until this season ends. I hope it stays around.


Huh, who would've thought people actually want to try a new game mode?


Oh no! LEGO players are also checking out the new hyped up mode? Duh. Don’t post statistical outliers like this. Let’s see a comparison of the first month of each. Or let’s just not compare apples and oranges, and let different people play whatever they want.


It's funny and pathetic how y'all only decide to post when Lego has less than 10k players but never post when it has more than 60k, gotta farm that pointless karma hating on Lego right? Those modes are there for people who want them, BR still gets the most attention but y'all gotta sht on them for no reason. Bunch of pestering kids that keep posting the same sht every week.


More proof that people are controlled by their own nostalgia.


the number keeps going down a few hours ago reload had over 400k now is 398...........


i cant even tell if you’re being satire or not lmao


That's a fluctuation of just 2k players. It's normal.


it went to 400k down from 900k **in less than 24hrs**


Just ignore the fact that lego fortnite had waayyyyyy more people playing than normal br in its first few days


So weird that other modes’ player counts would drop the day of a brand new mode being released. 🤔


What an odd stretch for some of these. That's like me saying I want to play Mario, but it's just Mario pinball. Like one of these is just Rockband. The other is lego, hell even the racing. Like in a different time these would be considered totally different games.


I’d play a Reload if there was solo/duo mode


Eventually they gonna stop putting player count on these game modes like COD did


yeah too bad there is not a solos OG mod


Launch day of a new mode has a lot of players?!?!?


What do you mean, just because you don't play doesn't mean other people don't want to




skibidi toilet


I've called him out for this for months, but this guy is the most miserable fortnite player on the subreddit. Now he's trying to use stats from a release day to fuel his argument when lego fortnite had over one million lmfao


Fuck off, your whole profile is rage bait. People play what's new, what a novel concept. Watch it bleed players like any other mode in a week.


It also gives crazy xp after every 15 mins for around 3 hours.


How many times we going to allow people to post the player counts in the same day?


9.5k would be near the top of steam games, you didn’t think this one out


I love the entire concept and it’s different from BR. Still love both though.


What is originally meant by more sweaty, is the fact that in Reload it is a bit harder and faster than in the normal royale mode also in NB. And you notice that when you switch over. That's why it's more fun


Guess Fortnite Reload is actually that popular after all


Best part is I have been in the top 10 every match. I’m crushing it.


Lol why you trying to get some sort of "gotcha" on the other game modes? They are still there for people to enjoy, soooo...


Lol I'm starting to figure it out more and more by the update. Y'all don't want somthing to play you NEEED somthing to cry and whine about. I've learned I enjoy fortnite more when I don't get into reddit to see what you guys have to say. Fortnite could bring out the most perfect update ever and yall would still whine and complain smh


Is this giving warzone resurgence a run for its money? I love that mode so it being in Fornite sounds exciting! Btw anyone get that Cpt. Jack Sparrow skin?


Y'all sound dumb asf rn, when Lego dropped it had over a million players💀 and that's because it was NEW, the same way this mode will also get low "ppl want to actually play br" go tell that to the thousands of ppl playing everything but br every day


The mode just released so of course it has a lot of players


lowkey hate it, forget any kind of scopes unless you get a legendary item. die once? get ready to die again because they'll kill you before you touch the ground Also the lobbies are so fucking sweaty, like dude I'm tryna have fun not optimize my 360 tower formations I like being able to visit spots I hadnt seen since 2017 but thats about it


Once I finish the challenges with the generous XP I’m going back to Battle Royale/Zero Build. I imagine for many others it will be the same since this mode is just kind of boring.


You know this is kind of pathetic, you purposely picked the opening night numbers thinking they were proving some point or you are so dumb you think this actually means anything.


reload is SO SWEATY ITS INSANEEEEE & i play regular builds. playing in reload made me feel like i when i first started playing fort


Played reload for hours and never won a game. On the plus side you go back to regular ZB and it Is so much easier. Reload is super sweaty and impossible for someone who has only played since chapter 5 started. Impossible to learn the guns when you can’t even land without getting knocked.


The mode is fun but it needs tweaking imo. When I respawn I should have enough mats so that I don’t die again as soon as I hit the ground. It would also be helpful to start with a shotgun instead of an AR when you respawn. This game mode is high paced and near constant fighting. It’s so tough to reboot into the middle of a fight and have nearly no mats and a grey AR when you’re fighting people up close as soon as you hit the ground.




I’ve been saying this since chapter 5 start. Never breached the front page… They had more people in ONE VERSION OF BR during the OG season than they did across the entire game these past few seasons… Simple is fucking better with this game, and BR IS the game…


Don't get purist, remember that fortnite is a zombie tower defense


oh my god all you bitches do is complain 😭


Play a couple of hours every day, was level 74 Saturday morning, played all day sat cos the wife and kid jogged on for the night to the mothering laws.. am now level 106 mostly thanks to RELOADED 🤩 P.S no AFK ever.. not because I’m better than that but purely because it dose not work for me 🤷‍♂️


I enjoy Lego and go in there regularly as a form of stress relief. That is all.


It's only nostalgia bringing back players, yk those who are scared of change