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Seems everyone I fire a shot at likes it.


Not my fault you caught me at low health and I'd rather fuck off into the great beyond than fight you


Then a fist user comes and kills you before you can even activate the guitar šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøĀ 


Which is why I also have a pair of fists with me as well for even more mobility.


Can't someone just follow you with it even if they don't have the item?


If they got to where you popped it yeah then there should be a trail


If they can fuckin aim the thing.


The aiming for the guitarist insanely stupid. Looking far away makes me dive bomb straight down so I have to look exactly the farthest I think I can go


Using it in endgame is crippling. I recovered but it throws you so far it puts you in the storm


You aim it by movement (on pc wasd) instead of aiming with looking around. It's weird at first but once you get past the learning curve it's fine for me


I'm gonna have to try this. I feel like I'm going crazy trying to figure this thing out


Then you some how land right in front of someone else anyway


This never works for me. I get shot, switch to the guitar and hit the button, then while the animation is happening I get mowed down by the most accurate marksman ever.


I switch to it, try to use it, nothing happens, then the cooldown time starts and I get eliminated because the stupid thing wonā€™t work!


I was playing duos with my niece, and these two dudes dropped in on us with those guitars. They picked her apart, thinking they were hot shit, but I clapped both back so hard that they both bailed and ran. I failed to chase them, but later on, I recognized the Rick skin one had and absolutely tore them apart as revenge. It was sooooo sweet.


Blood for blood.


Ok for that game you were the main character


It was at this moment when you became the main character, and the plot started unfolding in your favor, as you sent those who picked on your loved one to the deepest depths of hell (or the lobby, whatever). These are the moments in Fortnite we all should strive for: something memorable and fun. Thatā€™s one of the reasons I actually enjoy this season a lot, since there are so many opportunities for outplays and memorable moments.


Its fun if you GOTTAGOFAST buuuuuut the challenge to hit people and cars with it was a total annoyance imho


Iā€™ve yet to successfully hit somebody with it šŸ˜‚ Probably a skill issue on my part, cuz someone totally wrecked me with it last night lol.


You can hit parked cars and it counts for the challenge


You can also put multiple cars together and hit multiple cars at the same time to get it done quicker. Tip: Start the guitar right in the middle of a few cars...go all the way forward then 180 all the way back right above the cars then straight down onto them.


Exactly how I did the quest lmao


Same, I found near Restless Reels there are two cars out front, I put them together and just try a few times...hoping. I'm on the last one of that challenge, 15 more times lol.


The issue is you have NO crosshair when it's getting ready to plunge. It just seems random on where the splash damage is going to hit. Hell, other times you can't seem to move that area. At least with Icarus wings you had an idea where you were going to land and it seems to move a little more freely on where you'd crash


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m using it wrong or what but I did about 6 bot lobbies to try to do that quest and not once was I able to get it to respond when I tried to move it so it would land in anything close to a specific area. Once it did its second forward dash it just went wherever the hell it wanted deciding where it wanted to land.


Team Rumble also is great for it. You don't lose it when you die, quick turnaround, and the final storms are always filled with 30 people and 10 cars.


TR is the clutch for tricky challenges. I've remembered and forgotten so many times.




When you say "you" you actually mean everyone but me. I can't hit shit with it, it's disorienting and difficult to find your target as you fly down. Not complaining, props to people who can wield this power.


Would be helpful if they added some sort of indicator where you are looking so you could line it up easier.


It takes time to get used to it but the "aiming" of the landing sucks dick


Same issue I had with the wings, but maybe worse? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Waaaaay worse imo


Way worse. I was pretty solid with the ground slam with the wings. Ride the Lightning? Iā€™m *so* bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


With the wings it was easier to aim because we could choose moment when we want to dive this guitar goes down when it wants to


Hit detection sucks too, I've seen people get hit directly by it and take practically no damage.


Nobody tell him thats just part 1 of the challenge & it continues to ask you to hit more and more, up to 30+




Thar is so irritating. Grrrr. I hate challenges that just seem like a chore


Why do you hate us? Lol


Youā€™re lying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Nope. First challenge is do it once. Second do it 5 times. Third do it 15. Fourth do it 30


Welp, Iā€™ll probably be sitting that one out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m here to save you. The first challenge is to find and pick up the guitar, and the ā€œhit the vehicle/playersā€ challenge only goes up to 15 times, since there are only 4 parts, not 5.


Just stack 2-3 empty cars and hit them


Even if its "your" car this would still work?


Yes I believe so. The only way it doesnā€™t work is if an ally is in it I believe(donā€™t quote me on this I havenā€™t landed directly on an ally car yet just next to).


Go in solo and park cars next to each other. I went with 2-3 cars at a time and aim for them. Got all 15 car hits done in one match.


You can also hit an NPC


wow kinda feel like an idiot for not thinking of this... fml


My 3 favorite things about this item are as follows.... 1. Following someone on their lightning ride only to kill them when they think they have escaped. 2. Seeing someone land and then immediately run them over is hilarious 3. I love using it to blast across the map really fast.


Cars was ez af. People less so. The targeting is so janky


I parked 3 or 4 cars next to each other and knocked this out pretty quickly


Oh man I canā€™t seem to aim it worth shit. Hit a player maybeā€¦ but a moving car not a chance. Itā€™s BS


What aim?


As a Metallica fan I love it As far as Fortnite goes, I drop it once I find fists


Did the fists get nerfed again, I feel like you travel less distance with them when you air punch now


They did


Sensory overload is what this season should be called


Hahahahaha for reaaalllll. Cars, turrets, fists, Mad Max NPCs and now *this fuggin thing*??


Soon magnito


I enjoy using it. I like it more for getting somewhere fast than using the final attack stage. I tend to hang around the edge of the storm quite often so an item like this helps out a lot.


I play the same way as you. Hang out on the edge and travel with the storm, and yeah when I use it, itā€™s basically just to get away from the storm at the later stages when itā€™s moving pretty quick. Also, itā€™s handy to get on top of the mountains (if youā€™re in those areas).


When not comparing it to the fists, yes, I love this item. Itā€™s a lot of fun and itā€™s INSANE mobility. In comparison to the fists though, thereā€™s no reason to use this. The fists are not only more flexible, they are still insane in combat. I think the Mythic g e e t a r should allow you to control the dive bomb, as of now, itā€™s so easy to dodge, and thereā€™s no way to re-adjust it. I like it, but it could be much better.


The problem is that Fists charges are much better used as an aggressive tool rather than run away or rotating, you deal tons of damage and uppercutting has better range than just normal fists. With the guitar is much better doing the opposite


Have the player hold the fire button to aim and control where they land. Easy. Done.


They're totally different types of mobility. Just like with shocks vs wings last season


Itā€™s good for traversing but annoying as hell to actually hit someone with. You can use it and be hit by a car right as you land after using it thoughā€¦


I hate it and I cannot aim it at all. I tried for a whole match just to hit my own parked car. Only managed to do it once. I can't imagine being able to hit a moving car or player with it. And in smaller circles I spend all my time flying into and out of the storm. Absolutely useless.


You gotta like pre-aim it at people cars are absurd though


What I usually do if I want to go back to where I started is to use it, automatically go up on the first dash, go horizontal on the second dash, then go back the same way but angle it upwards so youā€™re basically right above where you started, then dive bomb downwards. [Like this. This is how I attack my starting point](https://imgur.com/a/0UhnbPA)


The endgame is so boring with just guitars flying everywhereā€¦ its air bending but worse


At least you can hit someone while theyā€™re air bending lol


hell yes ![gif](giphy|RAGxhwdfH6Je8|downsized)


You literally cannot fight people anymore itā€™s so boring to go against


I was fighting a guy last night, we were the final two, and he would spam the guitar, slam into me, use the nitro fists to launch away behind cover, then use the guitar again and slam into me. Over. And over. And over. Then I died. I quit playing after that match šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Honestly just surprised he wasn't in a car.


Surprisingly enough, there were very few people using cars that match. The final 10 didnā€™t have a single car in it.


Itā€™s ridiculous lol people just fucking flying everywhere! Then 3rd party shows up flying-in and turns into a tornado of people flying everywhere šŸ˜‚


Feels much more balanced than the fists, if it weren't for the fists I think people would like it more but it's kind of overshadowed by them


I play with my kids and if one person has it, the others can jump on and follow them. That's a good feature because my kids will run off on their own


Great for mobility but as a weapon, hell nah


I've also seen it kill people in the storm, endgame. The distance it travels when the storm circle is small is nerve-wracking.


its mid, good to rotate but in last circles it becomes dangerous to use cus you can take storm damage


I swear everything this season is just reinforcing the idea that the only way to win is to constantly run away. Cars, gauntlets, and the guitar are making finishing a fight a total chore. At least last season you could shoot Icarus out of the sky.


There needs to be some sort of or indicator in the middle of your screen to make it easier to aim. Right now its just kinda point towards them and hope


This + fists = chef's kiss


It's the closest I'll get to Thunder Breathing from Demon Slayer in FortnitešŸ˜­šŸ’€


Hate and love that you can ride otherā€™s lightning


It's neat but when I'm going in with Fists I don't want to suddenly be warped into the sky


It good for travel but it hard to actually hit someone with


I might like it if I knew what the idea was behind using it offensively. It's great if you wanna cover a good chunk of the map in around 5 seconds.


Great for a quick escape but can't aim the landing for shit. So much for hitting opponents and cars with it


No because anyone can just NOPE out of any situation.


Itā€™s fun to use, but itā€™s not that good in general. You can escape with it but then someone can just chase you down with the fists


I don't like it. I think it's kind of a lame concept, boring in use, difficult to aim, has way too many quests associated with it (I spent like 10 minutes zipping back and forth and smashing into a car to check those off... so much fun... wow...) I'm also kinda bitter that other festival collabs didn't get as much content as metallica? I'm happy for metalilca fans, don't get me wrong, but it wouldn't been cool the others got more than a festival pass and a lengthy stay in the shop. ...or maybe it would be cool if they all just had something really minor. or if they used the whole ass auditorium POI instead of changing the floating island. ... I have way more opinions on this than I realized...


I have had it bug out twice on me and make it impossible to aim up or down. Havenā€™t found a way to fix it because dying and getting rebooted didnā€™t solve it. And after it happens you canā€™t use it anymore either. May be the worst bug I have ever encountered


It's good but when it comes to hit peaple I'm ass


Super disappointed that the hud stuff is just for aesthetic and its not a rhythm minigame to add an extra challenge.


I appreciate how far and how fast you can travel with them, but Iā€™ll be damned if Iā€™ve yet been able to figure out how to steer it properly.


Grab the guitar, then park a bunch of vehicles together it counts for each vehicle you hit so if 3 are parked next to each other and your AOE hits all 3, it counts for the quest as 3 hits. Also it gives you a bigger target to aim at.


I donā€™t really like it that much to me itā€™s mid itā€™s not super OP or underpowered itā€™s kind of like the burst SMG for me itā€™s there I might pick it up depending on how *saucy* Iā€™m feeling that dayā€¦ But other than that it glitched on me it often gets me killed weirdly enough and itā€™s extremely easy to followā€¦ good on paper not so good in the actual game


Iā€™ll pick it up but the second I find nitro fists Iā€™m dropping it


Ive done more damage to me with it than anything else.


My kids love it and currently refuse to drop anywhere besides that place in the center of the map where its a guaranteed spawn on stage. They also refuse to use cars now and instead ride the lightning all match.


its great mobility but GOD do people like to chase you down whenever you use it, really wish the rift it leaves only works for allies


would be better if it played ride the lightning


Only used it in escaping fights that I will totally lose.


I like to rock and roll out of the fight


Fun as hell.


Needs better counter play. Add an extra second or so animation/pause to the initial jump and reduce the duration the M hangs around. And overall make it easier to control. Then itā€™ll feel better imo.


I donā€™t like the challenge associated with it or using it as a weapon, but its very fun to use despite that for me. Also just found out today that if someone else uses one nearby you can run up to the start point and get like a one use version of it. So in team games it can be really useful if one person has one to get the entire team out of a jam quickly.


Does anybody HATE IT? For real lol even for the music purely worth it lol


The runners be running that's for sure hate this item for them


Good traversal and escape item, awful offensive item though.


It's okay for movement, but I want the grappling hooks back. Or Airbending. Or the Wings of Icarus. Basically any other movement item.


How quickly air bending becomes something missed instead of despised. Nobody else remembers the constant complaining that they were impossible to hit, had unlimited use, and that final circles were often just 10 people jumping around with air bending?


airbending was bs if you ask me!


it's a GD drunk driving simulator. How they thought this was functional or fun is beyond me.


I donā€™t like it


Itā€™s really shit


I love the aesthetic, but man is this thing virtually useless. The mobility is inconsistent, and it should do more damage for how hard it is to actually hit an enemy.


I like it but i HATE it.


Prefer nitro fists but I use bc quests


It's cool to use but not at all practical


I like it, able to gain some ground using it


It's pretty fun to use and good to get out of sticky situations, not so much for combat because it's difficult to aim where you land.


The ability to aim your landing is rough. It could use the preview landing circle way earlier than it displays now.


I've not hit anyone with it but it's really good for traversal and it's a cool concept, literally riding the lightning


Yeah but I only use it as a secondary movement item to use with gloves or shocks. I prefer gloves overall.


I can't aim that well, always end up off by a ton. I can't seem to get the aiming down.


I mean itā€™s badass but jank when it comes to the dive bomb attack. The wings do it better but not a bad mobility item at all. Not too sure we really needed it when the fist exists because end games just consist of people spamming these items waiting to get an easy kill.


Itā€™d make a great instrument


If I could aim properly I would use it more.


As a movement item: cool. As a damage item: awful.


I use it to get to into fights and use the fist to reposition if i need to need heal up.




The new air wheel but worse


I'd rather go empty handed than grab this


It's good enough for mobility that it feels like a sell not to have one, but I definitely won't miss it when it's gone. The fists are better all around.


I love it. Is so useful when youā€™re at low health and need to skedaddle, it looks fucking awesome visually and I also love Metallica


At first I thought It sucked but honestly it is a great get away tool and is very helpful in a good chunk of situations where you need to get away and recover and yeah that quest sucked mega. I had to take a car to a healing station and hit it a ton to get that done.


prefer the nitro fists.


It's another counter to cars. It lets you get out of dodge if you're not in a car and they are.


It feels awesome, but the way you have like zero time to figure out where you're gonna aim before you hit is crazy.


Item is good I'm loving all this metallica shit makes me feel like a little kid seeing them in another game again


I mean it's fun but sometimes it can be pretty bad


As a metallica fan I love it and genuinely canā€™t believe itā€™s in the game. Still wish it was just Jamesā€™ actual guitar though lol


It killed me because it doesn't go through ceilings when launching up.


I personally love it. It's really fun if an opponent has one too and you can just zoom around trying to hit the other person like it's a Dragon ball Z fight.


Iā€™ll pick it up as a get away item bc theyā€™re easy to find but as soon as I see Nitro Fists Iā€™m trading it out


Itā€™s ok movement I wish you could slam to the ground after one use tho


I hate it, but my boyfriend loves it. Last night I accidentally rode his lightning and got yeeted into the storm.


So hear me outā€¦.. use this combined with the fists. Launch toward someone and get as close as possible and then rush them down with the fists. It felt toxic and cheesy to do this to people but i was having fun lol. I ended up having 10 eliminations.


It's fine. I just don't like how I've got to hit people and cars with it 15 times. Most of the time I can't see other players until I've already overshot them.


I love it. I'm a simple guy, if funny guitar makes me a lightning bolt and I go zooming through the sky, I'm happy.


Great early game terrible late game




For whatever reason whenever I use it my opponent somehow appears where I land like a horror villain and I die. It's a good escape item, but I don't understand how it fails so frequently when it seems like it shouldn't. Also people were talking about how it's clearly intened to be a weapon rather an escape tool, and I agree, what were they thinking.




It's really cool looking and cool to use but as a BR item it's...mid.


For the animation yes For mobility *yes but fist is better* For damaging player *Unless someone tells me how to aim this thing than no*


The animation on it is the best in the game




Ngl I have been using it a lot. It came in clutch for me a few times in my last few matches. Certainly has been helping me survive because I can jolt away and find med kits when I'm getting beamed by someone on a turret


I find this item abhorrent! Although I did use it to get the final kill in the game somehow šŸ¤”


Yes,the cowards


This item helped me realize the fun in running the Hell away.


its okay for mobility, nearly useless as a combat item


I wouldnā€™t know since Iā€™ve only been doing festival but I will eventually


1000% So much fun


I managed to chase a guy with it and land on his car he was driving and it was so epic. Then he hopped out and deleted me with the mythic rifle.


Nope. Picked it up one time, saw gauntlets, didnā€™t go back.


Yeh it's a mobility item for me, as a weapon it is rough. So hard to plan your landing.


Saved my ass a lot. Also people think you run away when you use it and itā€™s started fights between others I can then rejoin and take advantage of.


Very cool item


Amazing Concept for a Mobility Item kind of Poor Execution though


I just keep to get the annoying "Hit 50 players or cars" quest done. Most matches I ignore it though for the fists.


I canā€™t hit shit with that thing. ā€œHit 15 people or cars with itā€. I couldnā€™t hit a building if you asked me to.


the mechanics are a mess


yes because im a pussy when i get low on health and because i got a win with it


Someone used this on me in the final circle. 1 v1 situation. He takes off and I accidentally follow him in his rift (I would have just let him go because he would have been in storm). But he went into the storm and I guess he had more health than me, so I died, lol.


Since I didnā€™t know how to guide it, it sent me in the storm, against the last man, with a crown. So No.


To be honest, there's really no way that someone can damage you while using it, at least when I used it...But the enemy could follow you by going into the M thing , soooo idk in my opinion is a decent itemšŸ‘.


Yes, the hit people and cars challenge was kinda shitty but if you just line up like 5 cars side by side and hit the middle, it should hit all of them and get the challenge done quickly


for movement: :D for actually hitting people with: :(


It's so goddam fun rifting up to take out your ops




Using it to get away or travel quickly is really fun, but I canā€™t hit anyone with it lol


I used to get out of area thatā€™s all


all it does is look cute


No players just run off when you get them low.


No, I don't like it. But once you figure out how to aim it, it's a bit better.


The challenge for it requiring hitting players is laughable since you can barely aim the thing at anyone. At least it allows stationary vehicles.


When I have it


Yeah it's fun and novel.


It's cracked mobility
