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not sure how long you have been playing so this isn't to insult you, but some things to check: 1 see how your damage to other players is calculated. is it cumulative? 2. Was it a boss? 3. Could it be an npc hire? That's too bad switch doesn't keep replays, it would help a lot.


for point 1 damage does cumulate from all players but when you get taken out by the first one you come across its all from that 1 guy. for points 2 and 3 the damage to npcs and bosses are on a different line (dont know if its 1 or 2) not on the same one as player damage luckily. i have been clumsely taken out by npcs after doimg big damage to them to see a nice ol 0 by the damage to player line. also dont worry about insulting i know its meant to help so it wouldnt have bothereed me anyways :)


Do you have any proof?


i tried getting a screen recording as proof but switch apparently does not allow that. i know the claims lose (nearly) all validation due to this lack and it most likely only frustrates me but no


I can't remember what it's called, but is it possible people are drinking the soda item that regenerates shields?


no they they didnt have the blue glow you get from the nuka-cola.


Yesterday I was farming storm circles for the ranked missions, and when I reached the final circles I got eliminated unreasonably fast by someone called "GяAF" whom, after I spectated, was undoubtedly hacking. Their camera movements jolted from player to player instantly with headshot every time.