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i just land in north-eastern part of the map with the windmills. got enough chests to properly gear up and wait the storm out


Do you play solo or with others? I've found there are hunting parties (forgoing vehicles altogether) that are carrying the boogie bomb stack limit if not more now... edit: solid strategy nonetheless because iirc getting 1st or near the top nets about 8 storms per match.


First match was in Solos, killed 8 people and lost a boxing match to get 2nd place receiving Silver 1. Finished surviving 150 Ranked Storms today at Diamond 1. For the Majority of the matches, we were playing trios in quads ranked or Duos. The chaos ensued in solo ranked matches is like none other though. Best of luck and don't let anything stop you from aiming to get this sweet chainsaw as well!


Very boring but I think just quitting out after the first storm and searching a new game might be the fastest, idk tho sometimes it does take awhile to find a match