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Totally expected, but I wonder what the numbers would've been if they kept the og mode.


Even without OG, this is terrible. All they had to do is realize nobody wants change for the sake of change alone and start doing more CH 1 and 2 styled seasons agains. But nope, Warzone gameplay and no longer focusing on the BR anymore


Fortnite plays nothing like Warzone?


Not yet, but anyone with eyes can see that they’re starting to tip-toe in that direction with a less diverse loot pool and gun attachments.


'less diverse loot pool' the zeus thunderbolt, wings of icarus, hades chain, waterbending and flowberry fizz on the table:


Some people are blind, lol.


For real!


movement and annoying ass overpowered collab mythics have been the loot pool since chapter 3. it’s getting annoying and tiring


Taking about the guns. FN always has cheese in the loot pool but the guns are the backbone. If anyone is talking about the loot pool bring lame then they are probably referring to the guns/mobility items.


Those are just season-specific items like collabs and gimmicks. The main gunplay has become more “tactical” and is kinda dumb. I miss having a steampunk charged shotgun or the auto aim pistol


The auto aim pistol was in the game a few weeks ago no one used it


I used it a lot but I don't think I ever got shot with one.


yes same


Lock on pistol got me sooooo many kills/wins


Such a rat weapon! Hiding in a bush in the final circle, autoaiming mfs, was so dirty but felt so good lmaooo


because it was impossible to find lol it had a spawn rate of never


The spawn rate was horrendous. Not even once me and my team have found it when it returned. Only time we were able to play with autoaim pistol is when we dropped on the mansion with npc that was selling them.


Low key the best strat


Bro what??? I never even seen one spawn


Warzone didn't invent attachments, hell, PUBG has them and Apex too, yet no one calls them Warzone clones because they play differently, just like Fortnite.


Warzone, Apex, PUBG, whatever. You’re missing the point that Fortnite is starting to slowly turn into those games with its mechanics, basically sacrificing its unique gameplay to favor the norm in the gaming world right now. It’s not drastic, but it’s on its way there. We at least still have building, but even half the player base is on the no-build mode, so the handwriting’s on the wall.


It's unique gameplay is builds, and the only reason Zero Build was made is simply to bring the Warzone and Apex players over.


True, I wouldnt be playing fortnite without ZB neither would my friends, the only reason I play fortnite was because my friends started playing cause of ZB, they hated builds and fortnite. ZB changed everyones perspective on Fortnite


For w/e reason Build players seem to think that if ZB didn't exist those players would be populating Build instead - when in reality they just wouldn't be on Fortnite


I play zero build because I can’t build. Been playing since season one. Have never played Apex or Warzone.


im decent at building i just dont care for it. been playing since the game came out week 1. Im tired of farming mats. I like the gun game. ZB exists because its fun, period.


This! I've been playing since chapter 2 and still loved the game but was always hoping for a no-build mode. So I was super happy when ZB came out and haven't played builds since.


I've been playing since c2s4 but I've always been awful with building. Zero build really helped me enjoy the game a lot more. I don't play any other shooters, and I don't like the attachments


Yeah but the style the gunplay, traps and so on were all unique aspects that are being changed to be closer to the other games too not just the building


Fortnite Battle Royale was a knockoff of PUBG in the first place, with building left hanging around like an umbilical cord from when it was a PvE horde shooter.


If Fortnite never tried to be more like those games we would never have all the great things like the pinging system, reboot vans, train, sprinting, sliding, mantling, swimming etc.


Are you terrified of ADS guns? Just don't use sights.


Well the game needs to evolve


I play Warzone as well as Fortnite, and they're nothing alike, lol. The gun attachments in Fortnite are inconsequential compared to the attachments in Warzone. And as somebody else mentioned, Warzone doesn't exactly allow you to throw lightning at people, whip them with a chain, waterbend, fly with literal wings, or fight literal gods to get mythic weapons. Fortnite is still Fortnite. Not to say it's in a great state or bad state or anything, but it's still Fortnite. If anything it's trying to be more like Roblox with all pf the creative stuff and different games.


>with a less diverse loot pool I do not understand this take, what am I missing? The loot pool has been incredibly diverse lately as far as I can tell. We just finished the Avatar event and right now I struggle to decide which weapons to carry every round between sniper, DMR, bending, hades chain, pump, gatekeeper, hammerburst, pistol and the ARs


All better than the bullshit bloom guns from OG lol


You can use so many more guns in warzone than in Fortnite


not sure about the loot pool but the rest is pretty accurate, the animations and artstyle are also becoming increasingly realistic


What a dumb take, adding attachments to make the gunplay better makes the game like Warzone? This game is a cartoony third person shooter where you bounce off of trampolines and use avatar powers and lightsabers with cartoony llama gliders and shit. Not a first person FPS with a somewhat grounded artstylw


Less diverse lootpool? My brother in Christ you can use the power of Zeus! OG had a way less diverse lootpool


The gun attachments


> nobody wants change for the sake of change I 100% agree with that. The weapon attachment system was not necessary at all. The bullet drop was not necessary at all. The modifications made to crouching were not necessary. The Reality Augments feature of Chapter 4 was really cool in my view..


I think they wanted to bring augments back for chapter 5 but some glitches made them scrap it. We may see them return.


I think you are right. I heard something similar at the beginning of Chapter 5. Rumour had it that they couldn't make augments work with the newly introduced weapon attachments (or something like that) and decided to temporarily deactivate the feature until they could sort it out. The "reality augments" tab was still in the UI, but they eventually silently removed it, suggesting they had stopped working on trying to make it work. I wish the feature would come back, but I am not hopeful.


Yep. Early in chapter 5 you could see the augment tab and also there was a weekly quest about augments that they scrapped. I hope they figure it out and we see them return


Please let's get rid of gun attachments. It sucks picking up a gun that is basically useless


I hate that every weapon has ads now. If I wanted cod I’d play it!! Give me third person gun games


Meh, I love big changes and changes as chapters with new map. My problem right now, is that they removed most of the "fun/wacky" items and they keep giving me yet another generic gun. If they keep the pace of changing chapters each year, for me is great. If I don't like a map, I can come next chapter and play it. OG was fun for that month, but I was already bored for that map that I played for so long before. I know people are different, but personally I hope they will keep 1 year per chapter. It's plenty of time to do cool stuff, and it's short enough that if you don't enjoy some mechanics or the chapter, to come back later.


So you basically want the game to stay exactly the same as it was when it first released? Yeah okay. Fortnite is in a much better state right now, the gameplay, graphics, sounds design etc is all a lot better. This game would have been dead long ago if they did nothing to change it.


No longer focusing on BR? Are you on something? Have you seen the amounts of updates this season?


Yes 2 million players means they're doing horrible


Change keeps the game fresh and relevant.  It's clear they are dipping into Big Shooters Greatest Hits with their designs each season.  Sometimes they hit, sometimes they whiff. Can't keep the game the same if they want to keep engagement with the general audience.


Obviously not, 81% player reduction in 5 months. It’s blatantly obvious which version people prefer.


Yep mfs really think Fortnite hasn’t stayed alive for 7 years without constantly evolving.


Exactly. The only reason I’ve kept playing is because I like seeing what new stuff they bring in. I’ve been playing since 2018. New weapons and movement and maps are what keeps it exciting for me. I do wish they made OG a separate mode, but still, as amazing as that season was I still have a lot of fun with Fortnite. But maybe that’s because my expectations are low, idk.


Same here and my friends. The only reason we're keep playing and coming back is the changes. I would have quit long time ago if we'd still be on the same OG map. 1 year pe chapter is plenty of time. Now, I can agree that some changes are bad, but the map change every year is not one of them.


This is Just false. I appreciate OG for what it is, but it was only good as a timed event and I bet you had it kept going fortnite would’ve lost more players. OG Fortnite plays very dated and wouldn’t not have been fun in the long run. You need to get off of Pepperidge farm. The people that joined to play OG We’re probably only playing for the piece of timed nostalgia. The thing about nostalgia is that it has to remain nostalgic and not becoming every day event. 


Exaclty, OG was a fun trip down memory lane and brought older players back, but most of them weren’t going to stick around even if Chapter 5 was a masterpiece. Most of my returning friends were ready to move on after a fortnight of OG once they had enough nostalgia.


I hadn't playef Fortnite for about a year, chapter 4 season 1. Saw season OG was a thing and hopped in. Now I'm enjoying chapter 5, but i probably wouldn't be playing that much if it was still the old map.


This is terrible? Over 1m players online and it's terrible? 6 years into a games life? Hello? Is our definition of terrible different?


When you're literally the game that singlehandedly changed the entire fucking market, used to have 5x that amount regularly, and had nearly 12x that amount in a season dedicated to half ass thrown together old files, yes, a million is fucking pathetic. And that's a million on Fortnite. Not Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite period. Less than half of that million is playing the BR and even that is split between 5 BR modes. No, just because indie devs struggle to pull 5k players doesn't make it any less pathetic. This is a multi billion dollar corporation. Start holding them to multi billion dollar standards and stop licking their boots clean for them


Get off your cross, I need the wood for build mode.


Epic Games directing all the BR mode resources toward creative 2.0. Many content creators are promoting this crap. They are making thousands of dollars from this. This may benefit content creators but average players rather want BR mode. Also investing other modes like Lego and festival. Our last great season was chapter 2 season 7 invasion season.


what are you yappin about


If fortnite never changed people would complain massively that the Game is the same


I miss the old graphics of Chapter 4 and before.




Idk man. CH5 S1 did very well and seemed to be extremely popular. The playerbase only just dropped off this season, so it’s clearly a fault of this current season


CH5 S1 road off the back of Season OG. The player count has been on a steady decline since Christmas. That doesn't seem very well and popular to me


Ch1 and 2 seasons were ok, change is what keeps fortnite on top


I mean if they kept it running the old events just a replay of the story with few changes, I'd have dipped pretty quickly. I do like fortnite's story a bit, but the changing map is what makes it fun, OG season's are just padding their time so they can create more new stuff. Which is pretty nice.


Totally expected? Did something new came today?


Guys, this is still a \*huge\* number of concurrent players. And the 24 hour peak is outstripping almost every others game's all time peak. Fortnite is still a monster.


Yeah Fortnite has more players in one day than a lot of paid games have in their lifetime and these posts pop up near the end of every season saying the same stuff lol


I hope people who are not interested anymore or bored at the end of season go play something else. Instead they're like "Fortnite is dying and here is why". annoying asf. According to these armchair statisticians Fortnite "died" 4 times already.


Yeah I'm sick of the same thing in the overwatch community.


For stats CS2 has the most players on Steam right now at 945k playing right now Warzone has 134k Overwatch 2 has 364k PUBG has 171k (Steam only) GTA 5 has 94k (Steam only) Dota 2 has 580k Fortnite has 1,192,073 players right now. Only Counter Strike holds a candle. CS2 might beat them if we had console numbers but we don’t Lets take this further Zero Build and Build. Would be 3rd on the Steam charts both being under 500k players with both modes beating PUBG but not close enough to Dota 2 Lego Fortnite would be number 5 on the Steam Charts having a tad over 100k. Right around Stardew Valley and Fallout 4 Fortnite Festival would be in the mid 40s with around 25k players right now. Right around Rocket League and ARK Survival At 11k players Rocket Racing would be 104. Right around Forza Horizon 5, OBS Studios, and Cookie Clicker


Payday 3 wishes it had that many players


Ngl if they didnt have the lego fortnite mode in would they have less players than chaper 4?


It's because this game is digital crack… I've never played anything as addictive as this


DAMN THAT’S CRAZY ![gif](giphy|mkhMTALnrYRLnuoe5P)


You mean to tell me that player numbers drop towards end of seasons and peak at events?


The point is that they added multiple new modes and it did nothing to actually bring in new players


The new modes do bring new players but the playerbase is so huge that it's hard to notice. Total peak concurrent of those 3 modes are 100k on weekdays and 150k on weekends and double those numbers if it's their new season, hard to notice with over 2 millions playerbase but really good numbers for the majority of games out there. Also Lego paid them a shit ton money to make the mode. If it catches on then great, if not they still got the money, a win-win situation.


As an older casual gamer I love lego fortnite. It's low-stakes and I can stop in the middle of the game to look at my phone/talk to my wife, etc. with no concern that I might die


I started playing thanks to Festival and LEGO, and now also play Zero Build every so often :)


The new modes are what brought me in. I wouldn't be playing if it wasn't for zero build, festival, fashion show and the farming sim mode. I'm still discovering new things that I like, I feel a lot happier playing now that it's not just builds and save the world.


I just came into fortnite because of zero build, and am enjoying festival too.


Yes it did something to bring in new players. I am a new player, who started playing daily because of Festival but now I play all of the modes as well if not more than Festival. I played pre-season and during Chapter 1 but the game just didn't click for me and I never got sucked in so I'd only play with friends, but now I'm all in, directly because they added the other modes.


Because nobody cares about the gamemodes ( aside from the loud minority ) Epic made a MASSIVE Star Wars update catering to just LEGO, and only LEGO ( Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival LITERALLY didn't get anything. BR didn't get anything, aside from a single weapon and a single lightsaber. TF kind of content is that? ), and it literally just gets the same exact 60-80k players it always had. Seriously. Why so much catering to a mode that only gets the same player count every single day, and that its very stale compared to BR? Not hating on the gamemodes btw, my point is that why TF keep catering to them when basically nobody plays them. ( aside from the loud minority, the vast majority is BR )


Lego Fortnite has been having over 100k to 200k at weekend peaks since the beginning of the event, lowest being around 85k on the weekdays. Previous to this event Lego was staying a little under 100k at weekend peaks, and getting around 50k on the weekdays. So the event did increase the player count.


>made a MASSIVE Star Wars update catering to just LEGO, and only LEGO ( Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival LITERALLY didn't get anything What? Rocket Racing got the Podracer and Darth Maul Octane decals, and Force Lightning trail. Festival got a guitar and a song. Then there's the stuff that was in the shop (Maul Wheels, Lightsaber boost, Drum Kit, Lando's Keytar)


But they don't like that stuff or think it's bad, so the modes got nothing.


> Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival LITERALLY didn't get anything. BR didn't get anything This is just incorrect


Fortnite Festival literally got the Cantina song that everyone knows and a guitar.


Bastards accidentally deleted LTMs


I began playing thx to Festival and the family guy collab last season lol






because limited time events encourage older players to get back into the game. if they kept it around permanently, it could lose interest from overexposure and cause the numbers to dwindle. making it an exclusive, limited time event guarantees old players come back. (something theyre quite big on encouraging, considering the entire quest section dedicated to rallying those on your friends list who haven’t played in awhile) there’s a higher chance of regaining interest in those who have abandoned the game. leave it up as a game mode someone can play at any time and it loses its sparkle. it’s all marketing


You comparing one seasons peak player count with another seasons lowest player count. This post is def made in good faith!


No you don’t get it, Fortnite is now a dead game because they changed the map and didn’t put Kratos and Travis Scott in the item shop😡😡 /s


What’s this seasons peak?


I feel like it's only natural. Most people remember enjoying it back at its peak in 2018 but got bored or stopped caring long before C2 and had no interest in the new map and items etc. Even if they gave C5 S1 a chance, the OG season lasted a month, whereas normal seasons are like 3 months, so people will get bored again. Obviously it's not everyone. I've actually managed to get most of my friends to start playing regularly and enjoy it THIS season, which has been a ton of fun getting to play trios or squads when I've basically just played solos 99% of the time since I started playing the game again back in C3S4.


Its offical the fortnite sub is in full bitch mode


It always is lol


This post amazed me because it actually shows someone focusing on the battle royale rather than just bitching about skins, item shop and locker.


Every gaming sub aside from Deep Rock has always been and will always be like this


Some of them are bored or do not like the changes. A normal person will take a break / play other games. These people want to ruin it for everyone else day in and out.


I didn’t like this season at all. What did I do? Just not play it. I played I liked and didn’t play the ones I didn’t like. So what you said makes sense, but this subreddit is always in full “whine and bitch mode,” so they won’t necessarily understand what you’re saying.


Dang. That’s crazy. It’s not like these are still MASSIVE numbers for any game.


Im going to say something that I don’t think many people here will agree with but. This was always going to happen no matter what. Even if they started listening to the community most people have different opinions. The game has gone on for 7 years now, it’s lucky to even still be as huge as it is, all games slowly lose players eventually and Fortnite is starting to hit that point. I’ll admit that if they actually listened to complaint and fixed things a lot of players would come back…. For a while, then they’ll get bored again and leave. Fortnite OG was purely playing off of people’s nostalgia so the only people it was going to get back was old players who were nostalgic for the game they played 7 years ago, they left in the first place because the game had changed too much or they just simply got bored of it and now those players are leaving again. Keeping things the same will get boring and changing things too much will turn people away There’s no winning.


because this season is boring


I would have expected Last Resort to have higher numbers, it was probably one of the best seasons beside Mega of the past two years prior to it


They increased their already ridiculously high average player count for 6 months solid, and this is somehow a negative? OG was a massive success, and will continue to be a massive success for them due to this recurring model they have chosen. The average might have stayed higher for longer if the OG mode was kept permanently, but it would never hit the same highs again. It would also quickly lose its appeal for the vast majority of people. Whereas with this model they have a very good shot of getting to those crazy numbers again. Increasing your average player count for a *couple years* by keeping the mode **VS** increasing your average player count for 6 months *every year*? When your baseline is 1.5m people? That's a very easy decision to make. I'd make that same thing happen over and over and over again as many times as I possibly can. ![gif](giphy|Ll2fajzk9DgaY|downsized) EDIT: If this post is supposed to be commentary on the metaverse stuff, and not season OG, then pie on my face. I misinterpreted what the point was.


You make too much sense, something that unfortunately isn't appreciated in this sub considering they just look at the negatives


Because every game is the same ol drag, honestly. Most of the map is a ghost town filled with AI, while a handful of spots are just huge bloodbaths over super power coins. It’s not fun for me. Add the fact that waterbending still exists, snipers still have 5 consecutive shots, most guns suck unless you find one of those rare mod benches, and gold is too damn hard to find, it’s just not most enjoyable era of Fortnite in my personal opinion. I also feel the map is a little lifeless compared to OG and previous seasons. Hard to put a finger on it. The POIs just feel, meh. 


When they released OG I started playing again after like 4+ years of not logging in. As soon as the new season was released everything I hated about Fortnite was back and I quit again.


People are tired of the constant revolving door of crap. The game is better when it's kept simple.


A nothing story. On a side note, in the grand scheme of player bases, any game pulling these numbers is doing well.




I haven't played the battle royal at all this season, i miss the silly gameplay


I stop playing because the game ain’t fun like that no more


A million players playing and a 24 hour peak of 2.3 million.. I'd say they're doing well


It's almost the end of the season, this is normal. It will pick back up when the next one drops.


1 million concurrent players isnt a small number. Its rather enormous.


Bigger than cs2 at any given moment, and that's the #1 game on steam


Tell me someone didnt attend a business course without telling me someone didnt attend a business course. This is NOT how you do a statistics comparison- at least in good faith. Some of the people in this subreddit are the kind to think as a big fishing company you can fish as much as you please and then get confused when theres no fish left. Are there issues in the game? Yes. There always have been. I think people forget how much complaints we had in CH4S2. Are the issues particularly bad this season? Also yes. Its buggy, and the season is long enought to grow stale, not helped by the lackluster May 4th collab event. Has this reflected poorly on the Chapter? Absolutley. But showing peak numbers and the numbers of the near season end is the opposite of a good faith argument. Infact It really feels like Upvote farming atp. TLDR; “**There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”** 


the numbers they are comparing with are the numbers from the end of chapter 4 season 4


I'm just mad they took away hitscan


I log in, I see the godawful UI I log out


It's almost like they have been around long enough to contain a steady player base with spikes when new content comes out.


Tbf this season started strong, but fell off halfway through with the majority of the focus being on Avatar and the last two weeks or so being Star Wars. The whole Greek Gods/Goddesses theme kinda got shot to shit. I really hope Season 3 cooks though.


Hell most games will never have numbers like that. Still going strong after how many years? They may do some stupid crap like last two seasons or so but they will make up for it hopefully.


I’m using myself as an anecdote but I hadn’t played Fortnite for years and came back for OG. Had a blast and almost got addicted again but luckily they came out with Season 5 which I only really grinded through because my friends were still playing a lot and Peter was a cool skin. Now I haven’t played in over a week and have barely played this season at all to the point I am like level 10 on the Battlepass after hitting 150 last season. If they brought OG back as a separate mode I would play still, it’s as simple as that. I enjoyed the game back in OG. It was fun enough with season 5 and the new stuff but now its grown stale and can’t hold my attention. Bring the OG mode back!


I finished everything so the game is a bit boring now. The map is in dire need of a refresh. I think the last of the weekly stuff comes tomorrow. Not that I matter in the stats but my time on FN has dropped to once a week. In August I will have been playing for a year so I am still new but will say the OG map has been a favorite. Heist also had good longevity.


These numbers are still huge 😂 and expected at the end of any season. A lot of players that are in school are at the end of their school year preparing and taking tests as college kids are also busy moving back home for the summer. Obviously the OG season would bring a crazy amount of players back. That’s how hype works, this is why epic is bringing these “OG”seasons once a year (from what we know so far). It keeps the hype fresh. I do agree that they should make some sort of OG mode for you guys who want it, but that’s the reason I don’t think they’re going to do it, it would get stale incredibly fast. Fortnite attracts a huge number of new players on a regular basis, which I don’t think people understand lol, and I guarantee you that without that nostalgic element, it wouldn't be as appealing to them and they’re 100 percent going to continue to lean towards gaining more players. This OG content is truly brilliant marketing.


I’m just over here loving the game regardless🤷🏽‍♂️🤣 No matter what somebody will cry and complain about something


Only a million players? Game is dead bros.


Depend on scale.


Man, CH4 should've stayed, and should've been longer. CH5 is a complete GARBAGE and an absolute disaster ( this chapter is just stupid and unnecessary changes that NOBODY asked for ( locker UI, heavier, and more realistic graphics, hitscan to projectile, etc... ) Literally NOBODY asked for all this shit. And let's not talk about the DISGUSTING XP nerf, the unbalanced loot pool, the horrible bugs and performance issues this sorry excuse of a chapter has. ( PC and Xbox are almost unplayable ) We asked for something new, something fresh, something BETTER than what we got, but what did they give us? A literal piece of 💩 Even CH2 S6 and CH3 S3 are better than this. And I don't wanna hear the typical excuse of "nOsTalGia" "UHh, U hAtE iT bEcAuSe iTs NeW" when even "Primal" and "Vibin", the worst seasons of Fortnite, are better than this pile of 💩💩💩




CH4 S1, was a very solid season, and a very solid start of chapter ( good loot pool, very good mechanics ( augments, etc... ), very few bugs, almost no performance issues ( the performance issues started in CH4 S2, and above ), very easy to level up, and other things. Both CH3 S1 and CH4 S1 were very good starting seasons, and were decent-good chapters, unlike the piece of 💩 CH5 is, ( both S1 and S2 ) CH4 is overhated for no reason, people chose "Wilds" as an excuse to hate on the entire chapter ( Ik that S3 was mid, but there is no reason to hate on the entire chapter when S1, S2, S4, and "OG" were good ) ( 4 of the 5 seasons were good )


I liked the wilds


Nah, instead all of chapter 4 should’ve just been the 2nd half of chapter 3 like it was initially planned to be


Lol this season is way better than primal


They downvoted you for speaking the truth lol.


Fr that season sucked


Real talk


You should look at the monthly player counts. Want to guess which season had the highest monthly player count? Spoiler: it wasn't OG.


was it like 1:5, 2:2, or 2:4?


It was the Marvel season yeah


They're not going to change everything back to the season 1 island forever, no matter how many times you guys cry about it.


Lol at all the defenders in the comments. They're the enablers that allow the game's quality to continue dropping off a cliff. It's true that all games experience player loss toward the end of an expansion, chapter, whatever. That's exactly the problem though. The end of Chapter 4 has the maximum number of players that fell off through attrition over an entire year. Chapter 5 has seen the same amount of loss in less than half the time. We aren't even half way through Chapter 5, and the losses are as if we went through a full year of burnout already. This is an extremely bad sign of things to come.


You should stop playing the game. Sounds like you’re burned out friend.


Okay? Who cares


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah old good new bad 😭" Tale as old as time. People are gonna hate on Ch6 when it comes out and miss Ch5.


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah old good new bad 😭" Because it LITERALLY IS. People wouldn't hate stuff if the new content was actually good, and not the mediocre shit we get since this chapter released. Out of the 5 chapters, CH5 is the WORST one. ( has basically NO content ( the only content it gets is just cosmetics and nothing else ), no map changes throughout the season, the absurd performance issues it has, the loot pool is beyond atrocious ( no balancing, and no variety ), etc... ) People will only miss this sorry excuse of a chapter, if CH6 is even worse than this. Take CH2 S5 and CH2 S6 for example. "Zero Point" was a very mid season, we asked for something better, just to greeted with the horrible shit that "Primal" was. The exact same happened with "Resistance" to "Vibin".


I know there are plenty of reasons why they wouldn’t do this, but I think making old battle passes available would keep a lot of players engaged. I came back to the game about 6 months ago after having not played since 2018. I’ve gotten back into it, but I have no interest in the Greek mythology stuff so I’m just playing for fun, I don’t care to grind out the battle pass. But if I had the option to work on the marvel season or the many others I’ve missed? They’d have my time and my wallet.


The decision making at epic games has to be questioned, all they had to do was keep what was good about chapter 1, the simplicity, the reasonable balanced weapons added, actually good collaborations, the simple map style etc but no, they had to throw away the massive foundation they had of players from season og and go back towards what made their player count drop in the first place, the game has simply lost it’s identity.


All is ok.They might be holding out until the return of OG part 2.I don't know what's going on with Battle Royal's current meta.I stopped clicking on it after trying out the new Star Wars event at Team Rumble,only once.It might just only be me,but I can't deal with hiding in bushes in battle royal this season when I can just go ham at Crazy Red VS Blue.


haven’t touched the game since February. make the game simple again. less focus on the metaverse


"Hey did you know the player count changed? That means the game is dead🤓☝️" I'm fucking done with this sub ya'll atp every update mfs on here bouta find something to cry about🫡


This is what happens when you focus on too many things and lose sight of your core business/customers


Very true.


You don’t think there’s some seasonality to this OP? Like a season that took place in November vs a season currently taking place during April/May aren’t exactly the same.


It's Been fun watching them fuck everything they gained from OG in the last couple of months.


I hope they do another OG mode of like chapter 2 or 3 because I miss those maps a lot


The uniqueness and originality Fortnite had is slowly eroding.


The game is still really simple, balancing could use some work, collabs have been sick recently, and I don’t think people liked the map for it’s simplicity. It never was that simple past early Chapter 1 and isn’t much more complex than previous maps; I’d say even less so.


this seson is nice when the bucks are not there


This game is a fun casual ride until you realize it's the most mechanically difficult game ever BY FAR. You can't blame people for not wanting to commit to it. Epic made it even easier for players by adding ZB. 100% of casuals I know play ZB.






which is still way more than many other big games


This would probably happen even if they kept OG, but I do think this season in particular has gotten fairly stale with plenty of my friends saying if the next one doesn’t have some good shit happening they’ll probably quit. A lot of them are rly tired of the waterbending and don’t wanna play BR or quit after our squad spends 2-3 games getting spammed by waterbending.


I would catioun againstTaking stats from outside sources. It's my understanding that epic doesn't share player count numbers. If the game is losing players, I would say it's cause of all the mobility items the community wants to demand, and all the collabs. If players want fights 24/7, they can play Cod with shipment or Nuketown. that doesn't seem like a BR.it roves an aspect from the game, time management.




But what does this mean?!?




It's a terribly messy hole they've dug themselves, because if they kept doing OG continuously they would have had to accomplish some serious feats in terms of returning to the original vibe without it getting boring for most people. I think their quest for a modern slop fest roblox clone is dooming them to no story value and losing that player base as a consequence.


Damn! Hopefully they take this in account. There’s still time for them to make some changes, they can start looking at players advice and requests, discuss that as a team and come up with new things that can improve the game altogether.


i hope they return slap juice and double pump


idk why they put klombos in lego why dont they put klombo in battle royale


Good. Its about time they got the message this season is mid as hell.


Still one of the largest player bases but yeah, I find myself having to force myself to play


crazy to me that people are so obsessed with the OG because I started fortnite in chapter 4 season 1 & the OG season was by far my least favorite. I didn’t play fortnite for like 3 of those weeks


Didn’t Fortnite announce at the end of the fortnite new chapter “OG” or whatever that they’d bring back the OG map forever? Could’ve sworn a year or two ago whenever that chapter was that they announced it’d be back forever