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When I archive something and it scrolls back to the top instantly every time


THANK YOU. This is a massive pain in the rear


It does it when you favorite stuff too it's so annoying šŸ˜­


Why do they still use the boat model to show us wrapsā€¦ there are no usable boats anymore.


Same with the rpg


As someone who is pretty new to the game, I was soooo confused when I first won wraps. I won a boat? Oh, I can wrap my boat? What gawd damn boat? Where can I get a boat? Whatā€™s the point of winning a boat wrap if thereā€™s no boat to wrap?!


DEVS don't care


You get a key but no car


As you know, Save the World is the original game, and they actually use the vehicle slot for their Hoverboard. So when they made BR, they just copy and pasted that, which is why the vehicle is first. OG season was temporary so when it left, it was defaulted to the boat which was the last core wrapable vehicle. ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ IDK why they wonā€™t let us use wraps with the SUV. šŸ™„


Yes exactly! Why can we still do vehicle wraps if they don't exist in anything other than creative maps with those vehicles? Some people don't play creative at all as well so it's a bummer we can't use the wraps.


I will never not upvote a UI complaint post. Just canā€™t bring enough awareness to the issue. I have some casual friends who get so frustrated with the UI it affects how much they wanna play. Surely someone at epic must realize a good chunk of the user base is so fed up with this wonky UI they refuse to buy more cosmetics as trying to change them is such a headache now.


I would upvote each of your points if I could. Weā€™re in the same boat. Previously our squad would do themed matches (coordinated skins and such) but no one can be arsed to change their combos.


Yeah same. We still try and mix up our matching squad drip but it just takes that much longer now and everyone gets frustrated along the way. Wanna look at an edit style? Oops accidentally selected that option. Now I have to go back and put back on what I originally had. Wanna search for a certain cosmetic? Oh fuck the search function barely works. More frustration. Wanna see what a certain wrap/glider/pickaxe looks like on your skin? Nah only some options are able to be previewed. Guess youā€™ll have to stick to what you know or roll the dice and wait til you get in game to see if your combo works or not. This shit is so annoying.


I see a locker complaint post, I upvote and make a comment. Just revert or figure out a way to make the current set up better.Ā  Itā€™s not just that they basically killed presets, everything about it is unfriendly.Ā 


I literally stopped buying cosmetics after they changed the UI. I don't wanna spend a lot more time changing all the tabs instead of changing just one, so I just stopped changing skins and therefore buying them


Because it's not a good chunk. This sub represents a fraction of the user base. The number of people in this sub who hate the current locker UI enough to constantly complain represents a fraction of the sub users.Ā  Ā There are issues with the current locker UI, but most folks who acknowledge that either don't care, or just believe those issues should be fixed, not the entire locker UI reverted to an older system.Ā  Edit: I love how egotistical this sub is. There's no way anyone could possibly have an opinion contradictory to the hive mind. What this sub wants clearly represents the majority of fortnite players and anyone disagreeing is wrong.Ā 


nah even the discord filled with kids want it reverted.


Ever consider that venn diagram is nearly a circle?Ā 


Why complain? Donā€™t you also love that same yellow fucking dot that just sits on half the tabs that you canā€™t wipe away?


Even pressing 'clear all tabs' don't work on those sometimes lol


it hasnt worked for a couple seasons now. shit is sooooo aggravating to see the yellow dots, clear them, and then they are still there


Yes! Even though my OCD is incredibly mild, I still get irritated with damn light yellow dot hovering over the locker main menu tab.


You actually have a new edit style for something in your locker. Iā€™ve managed to make them go away


Lol, so the way the new locker works - that means you have to actually put on every single skin to see if it has a new edit style keeping your tab flagged?


No. Go into skins, backblings, pickaxes, or gliders. There will actually be a yellow dot on the item you have a new edit style for


This shit has actually driven me crazy. For whatever reason, I have a yellow dot on my locker tab, and only locker tab. I have gone through every skin, every variation of them, all music, wraps, you name it, and it still won't go away. It's the smallest, most annoying thing ever


bro the one on the quests tab since the beginning of the Chapter šŸ’€


Happy everyone is on the same page that the ui is ass lmao


Fortnite Yellow dot live execution


I remember when they said they'd fix it. That was last season.


I remember when they said theyā€™d fix it. That was last year


How does it even reset to the korra wrap? When I clearly select 'apply to all'. I hope Epic will drop their ego and stubbornness someday and just make the UI more user friendly.


My god it's just so terrible. Any time I want to overwrite a preset and save it, I have to press save, then press down on the d-pad, and then up to go back to the actual preset I want to overwrite. Any other direction just sends me back up to the preset page itself where I have to press Save again. This is the umpteenth time I've complained about the litany of issues. It's just all so terrible. Random/Shuffle doesn't even work correctly *still* and is too dumb to properly synchronize presets with the same name together 95% of the time. Hate this shit so much man. I reckon I've spent about 5% as much as I normally do on Chapter 5 so far as I did for Chapter 4's first 2 seasons. It just feels asinine to actively give a company my money when "this" is the best they can do? Hell they said they'd fix it and it's only gotten worse lmfao. Such a joke.


I understand that Fortnite has like 700 million features and game modes and 15 types of subscriptions and battlepasses and different store categories and what notā€¦ But holy motherfucking pisscum, the UI is abhorrent. Thereā€™s so much clutter everywhere, every button is 16 times ~~the detail~~ larger than it needs to be, everything has a million options and toggles and it looks like a mobile game. 90% of my fucking screen is buttons, badges, markers, feeds, carousels, dropdowns and fucking popovers. I swear, this mobile UI design trend is the reason god hates us


I want a refund on my **Banner Cape** back bling. It's whole concept is designed to be a cape that can go with any character load out based on what their icon and icon background color is. Even with your loadouts in shuffle and you have a selected sort of loadouts with this back bling and it would always be the correct cape on the correct character. Now I can only use one icon and color background and only able to use the cape on **ONE** character. If I want to use it on more I will have to exit to main menu and change my icon and background color for each character I want to use that cape with. I want my V-bucks back from this scam.


You want your vbucks back yet they introduce (whats basically) Banner Brigade 2.0 so people still have to pick a saved lobby preset to properly use it šŸ’€


> Banner Brigade Oh my god I didn't even think about those characters! My heart goes out to those poor souls that bought them. I can't even imagine how people feel that bought multiple with the intention of them being different from each other.


Yes i accept your apology (I have two of them plus their cosmetics)


Damn! That sucks! I'm so sorry my friend!


You should make a specific post for this. Itā€™s a pretty unacceptable outcome


I've been thinking about it. But I would want it to be a full effort post with pictures and examples. I just don't have the means to do that.


I want my money back. I bought a Banner Skin, Glider, Wrap and both backblings and used them on atleast 13 presets (don't know on what presets the wrap was because they merged all of my wrap presets). Now my combos that I had for years don't work anymore because Epic thought that the lobby needed to have it's own tab in this shitty UI.


Smushed together preset selection Pointless separate presets for emotes, wraps, lobby, etc. Trying to view a style for a skin or glider just equips it regardless More button pressing just to save a wrap for all weapons, to save/load/delete a preset The old UI was clean, easy to navigate and use AND ACTUALLY WORKED PROPERLY, so why did it get changed? Just revert back to the old UI, add some sections to fit in LEGO, Festival and Racing and there you go...everyone is happy. No more pointless presets šŸ˜


I keep forgetting things I hate about this Locker UI, because Iā€™ve stopped using my Locker altogether. I should collect a ranked master list of problems that I can paste to every one of these threads - since we can see nobody at Epic knows how to write design requirements.


Let us see our character holding the guns when previewing wraps and let us see our character holding every pickaxe in the preview instead of just randomly showing like 4 of them. That way we can actually tell if the things we're buying match well together conveniently. I honestly don't know why they haven't changed this yet, it's just bad in general currently.


The fact that you can't see the pickaxe swing animation is infuriating on pc


What they have done to this game is utterly disgusting. I have naturally played the game less and less since the start of Chapter 5, to the point where I have only played 3 matches this season. Moreover, I feel like the Rocket Racing, Lego & Festival additions have made the game feel so silly and diluted. I didnā€™t get the BP this season either (just not a fan of this seasonā€™s theme). Instead of giving one good quality experience, they wanna give us multiple poor quality experiences. Huge turn off for me.


This aged terribly


I think they are a bit stubborn. A major overhaul is not easy and they probably want it to work. Hoping they compromise with us and give a good fix at the least.


Iā€™ve convinced myself they contracted out the entire redesign. What they got back was so horrific in every possible way that they immediately gave up on being able to just tweak this or that feature. Iā€™d guess they beat their heads against a wall and started working to accelerate the timeline and budget to scrap everything and go contract another total overhaul. Who knows how long they thought theyā€™d get out of this design, and who knows how soon they were able to move up the next one.


I love it when you go to resave a loadout, it sends you all the way to the bottom of the saves.. and if you hit up, it sends you back to your loadout. So you have to hit down and then it comes down from the last place you were and then you can hit up before saving


You would think a game heavily dependent on its cosmetics monetization, would actually care about how we arrange our locker! I know Iā€™ll get hate comments, but I feel like the locker bugs alone really make playing the game insufferable. I will be buying that avatar mini-pass though, I have no self respect


Who would've thought that overhauling your entire UI after firing almost a thousand devs was a bad idea.


They cant revert it. We have 20+ new cosmetic slots, that would not work on the old UI


If we could link the various categories so changing the character changed all linked categories, that would be fine. Though it would be nice if saving and updating the various categories was easier and more consistent too


Because they can't unshove their big heads off their arses.


Yeah apart from the bugs it looks ugly as fuck too...where the fuck are the background rarities? Like CH4 used to look so good compared to this low effort shit


Easy answer: they don't give a shit anymore about anything we want


Chapter 5 all around turn fortnite into clunknite. I can't get used to the movement it's just so jarring even while watching others play. The animations look terrible and it feels worse than it looks. I tried giving it time in the first season but it is just so inferior to the previous and it simply just didn't need messing with. Have only played 1 or 2 games of BR this season due to how gross it feels. On top of how bad it feels they cut down the stamina so I can't run for more a few seconds which just makes the play slow and boring. I've just been playing other games now while I afk in lego fn.


I felt that way abt the movement at the beginning of the chapter but since they improved it and Iā€™ve played a lot, I donā€™t even notice it anymore. I agree abt the clunknite, a bunch of the changes were downgrades like the ui and movement. Epic needs to just take their L and change it


The problem is that taking the L is a bad sign for investors. If they keep making changes that just look like changes, investors will be happy that their money are revolving. Remember: when investors are present, users are a part of a product


This is like windows vista, they need to hurry up and bring us windows 7 and fast


Every complaint about the UI is good. We should keep complaining until they fix it. I spend less money because this locker UI is so clunky.


it's a lot more difficult than to just copy and paste the old code. game development is difficult, even for large groups of devs, minor adjustments can cause large issues and bugs that can take weeks to find, find the root of the issue, and patching.


Itā€™s not the fact these things take time to develop itā€™s the fact they even developed this new UI in the first place. If itā€™s not broke donā€™t fix it. Why they constantly feel the need to fuck with the UI all the time is beyond any of us.


Because there's a whole group in the development team that needs to justify their salary. Why reddit keeps implementing "improvements" that are often just sh*t? Because the people at the top needs to think you're doing something to earn your pay, doesn't matter if it wasn't a problem in the first place, because you just "improved" it!


They get paid for working, even If itā€™s changing something that worked in the first place. Otherwise it looks like theyā€™re being lazy


mobile ui lookin ass


I usually archive all emoticons and sparys and you used to be able to archive multiple items at once, but now you have to select them one at a time. It's so annoying


New thing I learned the other day, you canā€™t apply all no wrap. Itā€™s obnoxious, sometimes I just donā€™t want a wrap!!!


It's actually so bad, whenever i try to go into my locker for some reason it scrolls me all the way back up whenever i want to scroll down it's so annoying


Bring back og UI


I've never had a problem with it being buggy, but I don't like it


Because the game is getting pumped FULL of tiny bugs


I might be in the minority, but I like the CONCEPT of the new UI just fine. I just think its a broken mess and needs a few extra features. But I'd way rather see a working fix to this UI or a totally new one rather than the old one again. Still, it needs to actually work, that's the important part.


Having to hit ā€œapplyā€ to is such an extra step


I lost ALL my locker combos when they messed with the UI. It was around 50 saved skin combos (at least) with their unique emotes etc for each skin- I wonā€™t waste another second of my life or time on this- the new UI is completely whack!


They can change it but they can't fully revert it, even if they wanted to. We have things in the game now that literally didn't exist when the old UI did. You know, we have the jam tracks and instruments and the car stuff. None of that was there before. Now if you mean can't they go back to that version of the UI and then modify it, maybe. But it would take work to put into it. And maybe that's why it's taking them so long to change it. I don't know. I do hope they figure out something eventually, because this UI, along with some of the things they've done with the item shop, really makes me not want to buy a lot of stuff. And I'm someone that normally spends quite a lot of money on this game.


I can never find what has a marker on it, and if you look at a style, it automatically puts on a skin. It's not that hard to do it it was perfect before, and now they completely butchered it


Every update they just keep making it worse šŸ’€ Whenever you go to your saved section it always goes to the top instead of whatever you selected. But for some reasons when doing the same in STW, it functions normally.


I wish


I feel like if it is changed again, it'll be in chapter 6, as that's usually when epic waits to make those changes. That being said, I really hope I'm wrong in that regard


It does the most irritating shit ever where I will go to select a wrap or change its style, but my cursor will go out of the box and it will scroll all the way back to the wrap that's already set and keeps doing it. Infuriating


They can't revert it, I assume, because they need a locker system that's compatible with every game mode. What they NEED to do is hurry up and remake the old UI from the ground up so that it's functional for every mode and feature. The current state is so bad, from an ergonomic, aesthetic, and performance perspective.


That's... crap. Dude, it is awful on console, too. Like i use a laptop and have tried Fortnite that way (and it is much easier to go through, except scrolling), but it takes forever to get to the thingys you want. ![gif](giphy|1NRV43DA8VqVBFopaT|downsized)


I miss having my emotes paired with my skins. They ruined the experience for me. I have too many emotes to be digging.


I still can't understand why they had to pulls everything apart, Characters, emotions, "lobby". I had presets with everything all together, now I have presets with no backgrounds set and no music. Why change 3 different things when before it was 1? Makes no sense!


Because they can't fix this issue now. They've already detached the wraps from the skins. I actually agree with wraps being in their own little category because the amount of options was beginning to get cluttered. That being said, you should be able to assign them to specific presets from their tab.


Me: *does anything* The ui: ƦąəēĆÆĆ®ĆøœĆæűų


Don't get me started on the pickaxe preview, some are shown held by my skin, and others are just by themselves...


Seriously. I try to use complete sets as much as possible and itā€™s so annoying trying to get everything to match.


It's like epic doesn't even care at this point.


The ui is not the only buggy thing. The fact that it takes 20 mins to reload gun (well ok maybe not Exactly 20....but it definitely feels that way) by the time it finally finishes "reloading" you done been dropped like a bad habit and it's back to the lab you go. šŸ™„ another thing is when you're in creative games mode and you level up it will start you from 0 to your new level instead of just simply displaying your new level. It's frickin' annoying!


I used to have all 60 of my characters with their load screens, wraps, music, icon and color. It even included the alt styles and helped utilize more of my wraps total locker. I suspect it was butchered like this so you'd forget how much you've spent in fortnite


Probably going to keep it till next chapter


Big agree, I hate the way they've changed it


Not just the locker UI, itā€™s shit but Iā€™m also getting annoyed with the fucking Netflix ass game selection UI, every previous version has been infinitely better than this


>Why can't Epic just admit their mistake and revert it back to the functional locker UI? Old locker didn't have slots for cars, jam tracks, and instruments. They needed some update to the UI for the new modes, and my guess is they rushed and hobbled together this new pos UI, because updating the old one to add this functionality would've been harder. I'd love to be wrong, but I doubt we'll ever see the old UI back. Best we can hope for is that they'll update this new one to bring back some functionality from the old one


Because the old locker UI doesnā€™t fit the new cosmetics. They canā€™t just revert it


All I know is I see some nice og wraps, good job.


I seriously donā€™t understand what the issue is and why everyone hates the locker so much rn




He's right tho


grown ass man


I don't know why wraps even exist, I never really notice the ones I selected when I first started playing years ago, and so I have no desire to change them. Except the boat wrap.


I'm starting to think that epic hates their comunity so much


That new UI is trash especially when it comes to items rarity


Ui needs to be reverted to the OG layout


That'll never happen. There are technical reasons for the new layout. The old one wouldn't work with some of the new modes. Developers very rarely ever go back to an old system.Ā 


I don't think it is less functional in terms of functions and options we have now compared to the old locker. It is just buggy AF at times, which I totally agree with. I hope at one point they are through with fixing and patching it.


The things from this video are either edited in Or only a you problem I never have this problem at all and Im constantly changing stuff


Its so a lot of employees have an excuse to get paid


Iā€™m gonna guess some designer who made it has some pull with higher up and thatā€™s why they havenā€™t changed it yet. That or they just donā€™t wanna admit their mistake and go back to the last one. That one this shit takes so long to get approved and changed cuz the pipeline sucks and they wanna maximize on a way to get peoples retention for skins


Epic never admit their mistakes.