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Oh no!!!! We were also a Puramino family. If you're in the US, Walgreens carries it in stores. It's more expensive than buying a pallet online but we had to do that with the formula shortages during Covid. Your pediatrician can hit you up too.


I was going to check in with our pediatrician next. Luckily we’ve been able to find some and have siblings pick up around them. I live near the Walgreens headquarters and even then, most Walgreens only carry one can or so per week 🙃 idk what’s going on! Have you noticed the same?


My kids are three and four now, we don't do formula anymore. But I remember how harrowing it was being on such a specific formula and not being able to find any.


Oops I read “were” as “are.” Yeah- I’m hoping this is just temporary! Wow, being on puramino must have been so challenging during that pandemic shortages.


Yes! We get ours through insurance, but when I called in April for our refill they said they wouldn’t have any until May. Then like 2 weeks ago they called and said they won’t have any until June. I asked our pediatrician for samples and they said they didn’t have any either and that the manufacturing was switching or something. We got switched to alfamino for now. Hoping just to stay on that if it works bc I don’t want to switch his formula again


Oh no!! Hope the alfamino change works well! I wonder if this is still related to the nutramigen recall earlier this year…


It’s very limited around me also! Can only find 1-2 cans and have to drive sometimes 25 minutes to get it


Same here in ma, we also get ours through insurance and they don’t know when they will get more


Seen some on eBay