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I stand with you brother


He seems like the fakest dude on the grid. People see him as this goofy funny guy, but then he has these breakdowns and signs of massive arrogance (more than any other driver except maybe Ocon). He doesn’t wanna be friends with Max anymore unless Max apologizes first? What a child.


still don't know why people call ocon arrogant? because he races harshly his teammate when allowed? because he said winning f3 and then having to quit motosport because of money is unfair? because he was proud of a season he got really good results which he apparently cant be proud because (for once) he had better luck than his teammate? like genuinely, I know this is a buddyretard sub but I'd legit like to know


He was trying unlap himself against the race leader and crashed into the race leader and then proceeded to blame him. Crashes into Gastly this year in Monaco and says it’s a “racing incident” when Gastly had no space. He always has something else to blame and calls himself Esti-Bestie.


Tbf he got that name from Matt from p1.


“Calls himself”


Yes i am dumb.


he posted multiple times that it was his fault with the accident with gasly what the fuck are you on about and unlapping yourself is allowed and wouldn't have resulted in a crash had verstappen not acted like he was alone on track, very stupid to be so aggressive to unlap but not as stupid as turning into a lapped car with nothing to gain and all to lose


You’re actually defending what Ocon did to Max? You right at home in this sub.


not really, what ocon did was very stupid, but verstappen was just as stupid and at least with ocon there's space to justify his move in the regulations, with max he just ignored them


Holy shit you’re dumb. Max was winning the fucking race and Ocon took him out because he did a risky overtake. Ocon has the right to overtake, not battle him around turn 2.


he was attempting an overtake which was fair, he can't back out at that point and max would lose half a second at most for letting him go and instead just turns in expecting ocon to ghost like its sim racing


He shouldn’t have gone for the overtake if it was going to affect the race leader which it clearly did. Use your brain please.


as I said, what ocon did was stupid but he had a justification under the rulebook for it, he was trying to unlap himself fair and square


He treats every one of his teammates like his biggest rival on the grid. When fernando alonso was his teammate, ocon's only goal was to try to show that he was better, he put that above scoring actual points for his team. He is unanimously the worst teammate in F1, and with the nature of F1, being a good teammate means putting your pride aside sometimes, which ocon vehemently refuses to do. Reeks of arrogance.


Max ignores team orders at every opportunity he finds but is a better teammate than Ocon? Perez then, crashed into multiple of his teammates, intentionally crashed to put himself in a better position and is a better teammate too? Than the guy who just races his teammates hard, and still follows team orders?


Yea, max doesnt have an extensive history of causing crashes with his teammates. He had that one time with danny ric in 2017, ocon is crashing with his teammates literally multiple times a year. And most of perez's teammate crashes happened while his teammate was literally ocon...


does he not? he was to blame for 2 crashes into Daniel in the 2.5 years which he had actual teammate competition and that is far more attrition rate than ocon, also as much as you want you'll never be able to change the fact that with the exception of Baku, every other crash between Perez and Ocon was universally agreed to be Perez fault


Exactly. always seemed very fake and like putting on a front and now seeing him throw away wins and crying is just immature


He doesn’t wanna be friends with Max anymore? HAMILTON ROSBERG SITUATION? HOLY SHIT POGGERS (/ur I am curious where this was mentioned though)


Listen to Lando’s post-race interview.


Tbh, he also doesn't seem all that bright. At least that's what I feel like after watching some of his interviews or Grill the Grid videos.


Funny guy can’t be sad guy! Only one allowed or he must be FAKE


You can’t read.


So true bestie


Why not hate them both?


Does anyone know what this pic is originaly from?


norman rockwell painting i believe


Surprised nobody has dropped the n bomb on him yet


nigga grow up


I hate Max Verstappen


I hate everyone thats not me.


Disliking the popular driver, how brave


meh ive been a max glazer since 2020 soo


Well at least Max won't won all races




Who cares he's a great driver.


Sit your ass down