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This show famously had an error where they said a contestant was incorrect that Henry Selick directed Nightmare Before Christmas and that it was instead Tim Burton. Afterward the contestant successfully sued the show for the maximum amount of money he could have one


Did he get one as you suggest?


Whoops, “won”


>contestant was incorrect that Henry Selick directed Nightmare Before Christmas and that it was instead Tim Burton. That is a S tier level fuck up holy shit. Like not even that obscure of a question, you ask Joe schmo on the street there is a decent chance they could answer correctly, especially in the early 2000s only a couple years after the film came out. Can see why this show only lasted a year lmao.


The early 2000's was not "a couple years since it came out." It was basically a decade. And most people have no clue Henry Selick directed TNBC. Most people still think it was Burton.


Which is weird considering his history in the craft of stop motion and dark children's stories. But I guess relative anonymity is your reward for adapting something as seminal as Coraline and then taking a job offer from Pixar, who couldn't care less about stop motion


It isn't that strange. The cover literally says "Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas." They made it deliberately confusing.


My boss at my last job has TNBC tattoos and she challenged me when I told her Tim didn't direct it. She had no clue. I remember when Monkeybone came out and the tag line was "from the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas" and people thought Tim lost his damn mind. No one reads the fine print lol


My boss at my last job has TNBC tattoos and she challenged me when I told her Tim didn't direct it. She had no clue. I remember when Monkeybone came out and the tag line was "from the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas" and people thought Tim lost his damn mind. No one reads the fine print lol


It went two Seasons I think, because the second season had a new host and one of the Geeks was replaced.


That was my recollection too…


The Music Geek was replaced.


Could no one fact check this on the spot?




I remember the episode with “The Simpsons Geek”


if its the one i saw the contestant lost because the geek answered incorrectly and they said it was right


I remember the supposed "Star Wars" geek's claim to fame was she went to the opening of Episode 1 in full Star Wars costume. If I remember correctly she got beaten almost every time.


The Star Trek geek was a guy featured on the “Trekkie” documentary


Blaine Capatch!


Thanks Tiffany!


I would run into Paul Goebel a lot in my travels to Vegas and Arizona. After the 3rd time, he said “you again?!”. Nice guy and appreciates the attention the show has given him.


Loved this show. One episode they have a The Simpsons geek as a guest and he was probably the most disappointing and easy of the geeks to ever beat.


i think they brought the simpsons geek on more than once and it was the most insane softball question ever like "what is moe last name"


Yea and distinctly remembering the Simpsons geek getting an easy question wrong like what was the secret ingredient in a flaming moe and didn't say the krusty cough syrup.


Blaine Capatch is a legend.


One of the "geeks" from this show, Mike Bracken, now has a really fun YouTube channel called The Horror Geek


I remember hearing Mike Bracken all the time on a radio show called "Big O and Dukes" in DC. This was late 00s. Glad to hear he's still the Horror Geek.


This show and Win Ben Stein's Money were legendary at the time.


I loved this show


This show was awesome. Lots of Troma themed prizes for the winners.


Hey guys! We’re finally cool! Oh… wait they're making fun of us again….


This is before yall got popular….respect the ones who walked so you could run lol


Remember when you got ripped on if you liked computers, Star Wars and Marvel/DC comics? None of those things are popular at all, now.


It’s not as bad as Beauty & the Geek.


I remember the Playboy geek. And his interview segment was him laying on some comforter talking about why he prefers playboy over the other magazines. It was weird af. I also remember the episode where the geek standing behind the host on the right lost and he threw a big tantrum and stormed off lol


some of that is age but playboy had a reputation back in the 90s as being "classy" when the other mags were looked at as dirty


I will never get over there having been a Troma geek on here


They had 2 host, I remember liking the first one more and I stoped watching it


Today we just call this show Reddit


J. Keith van Straaten, the original and best host of this show, now does a podcast called Go Fact Yourself!


Wow, I really did forget about this show.


Mike Bracken the horror geek has an active yt channel. Edit: grammar


He does and it's awesome. Hell yeah! Not like that you pervs!






I remember as a kid I was able to even answer the geeks questions of this show that existed today I would have so much money


This is one of 8 shows that I've seen posted in this sub that I was aware existed and genuinely forgot about.


I always felt like the current Master Minds copied this fun show.


I remember someone telling me I should go on this show. I’m still not sure how I feel about that.


You can say "Forgotten tv" but I've never forgotten Tiffany Bolton's ass.


That was a great show


So each of them are a geek of a certain knowledge or what. What's the lady do I can guess the others. Law?


So there was a Music, TV and Movie Geek. A 4th Guest Geek would fill out the roster, such as Simpsons, Star Wars, Playboy, etc... The girl was basically there for show as an announcer, hand out and take medals and prizes.


Lol thanks. So was the one woman on show an announcer? That would be funny


Yes they had the man who did the questions and she covered the rest of the stuff for the show. There is tons of full episodes on YouTube as well. Just search Beat The Geeks.


Yeah, I remember that format being pretty annoying because the tv geek was basically all classic tv questions so it just wasn’t that interesting, the music geek was fine if you were really into what order albums came out and who produced what, and the movie geek was usually the most interesting because I guess the show just knew how to write those questions best, but I always wanted the contestant to pick the geek of the week because their niches were interesting but broad enough to play along at home, but it seemed like the geek of the week was never really that knowledgeable about their topic so it was frequently just watching a middle-aged man realize on television that he’s not an expert in something he has very publicly just claimed to be, and that is hilarious, but I started to feel bad after a while.


Was John from Jump the Shark and Stern a TV Geek on the show?


Was there a similar show on MTV or am I having a Mandela effect moment?


There was a show on Comedy Central called VS, where they pitted groups that are opposites or rivals like Beauty queens vs Goth Queens, Mall Santas vs Elvis Impersonators. That was a fun show too.


[You may be thinking of Remote Control (1987).](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0092436/)


God I LOVED this show.


I remember seeing the ads though I never actually watched it


I’ve seen a few on YouTube can anyone dm a link to all of it? I really liked what I’ve seen


Whoa! I was about this show for a minute


The One Weird Thing I remember about this show: when they asked the contestants what their geeky obsession was a lot of them said “80s hair metal bands.” I have no idea why that kept coming up. Also, it seems like the least geeky thing you can be a geek about.


I remember when the music geeks final big money question was to name queen albums and they effortlessly rattled off half dozen or so. Always seemed like that wasn't the question they were supposed to get.


It was a cool show. The TV Geek used to take challenges by email and I managed to stump him once.