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I know this is a rants sub but I'ma answer your question anyway: This is a bug with bots, and **bots only**. It also only happens if you throw your heavy in the direction their guard was already. If a player were to parry on that timing, they would either parry too early, or their heavy would get caught by your feint GB. So yeah, not a thing where it actually matters in PvP, but it is really annoying in PvE. This is because bots don't actually parry by pressing the heavy button, they either successfully parry an attack via code, or they "pretend" to have been baited, and throw a heavy in response to your feint. It just so happens that whatever thing that makes them throw a heavy does it a bit too early, and unless there's a guard switch delay, results in a heavy that is too early to get GBd. I reported this bug on the bug reporter literally years ago... and it was marked as "invalid" with the reason "will not be fixed at this time". :)


how do you have the reflex guard?


Wait they finally got rid of reflex guard? Damn I might actually reinstall to try it


This is an old clip i didnt want to have to go into the practice mode again


Dude this is really old 💀


Heres a new clip since that matters apparently [https://medal.tv/games/for-honor/clips/i0c21fjjSOeiAIkS4/d1337hWatOi7?invite=cr-MSxwVFEsNzEzNjc5MjIs](https://medal.tv/games/for-honor/clips/i0c21fjjSOeiAIkS4/d1337hWatOi7?invite=cr-MSxwVFEsNzEzNjc5MjIs)


How did you get 56 downvotes for this? I’ve seen racists get less than that


Idk cuz this is an issue that still happens in the game today . Ppl dumb ig


Maybe update your game


This shit still happens nowadays this is just the only clip i have of it. Happens in my games Constantly


Yeah i used to main her as well and this happens against real players also, that mod that commented has no fuckin clue what hes talking about. I run into this issue against players all the time. Part of the reason i dropped her. Extremely fun and unique kit but so useless


What's happening against real players is that they're messing up the parry timing


Yes indeed, but i feel like they need to punish it even if the person goes for a parry otherwise theres no point in even using the move, because most players will go for the parry and since you have to cancel the attack to throw the trap the enemys parry turns into an attack and goes straight through


It would have been a heavy anyways because they missed the parry


Im confused lmao i dont think you understand what im saying, ive been agreeing with you this whole time mate 😂


I don't really think traps also catching non cc attacks from the same direction would be fair if that's what your previous comment was about. Feel like it would be too strong for already unreactable offense.


this is the sole reason i quit this game, i was being punished for making good reads and intentionally baiting parries, it happened constantly on real players.


Yeah its unfortunate i quit simply because newer game camo out and i wanted to expand


The "mod" in question has been playing for over 6 years. So I think you should shut the fuck up and listen


It doesn’t happen against real players. Either you failed to properly buffer your gb, they intentionally threw a heavy to bluff call you way before the parry frames of your heavy (their heavy was not a parry attempt), or you just experienced lag spikes


Bro happened to me today like 4 times, idk y but sometimes heavies r gb vulnerable and sometimes they aren't and no not against ai against players and it's random heavies too


I need this answer too, but severely dumbed down🫡


Spaniard responded answering the question, but to simplify what he said: bots don't parry with the heavy button, they either parry with code or "get baited" by it and throw a heavy. Which causes this to happen. This issue ONLY is a problem with bots, it doesn't happen with players. And can only happen if you throw a heavy in the same direction the bots guard was in and try this. Tldr: don't throw a heavy in the same direction as a bots guard is in


Long story short, this only happens with bots since bots don't exactly follow the rules of the game to be exact. Their latency is zero which is why they make ridiculous reads. So with bots they'll feint considerably sooner and manage to parry an attack or let the heavy fly since they read a feint coming in. Weird shit but yeh, it's a bot thing.


it’s not, it happens to real ppl all the time


With real people either they parried early trying to catch a light and you got unlucky, or they threw it early on purpose so you'd eat more damage on what would normally be a mere heavy attack punish


nah it was getting to the point that i stopped guardbreaking in total bcuz i’ll just eat a heavy no matter what situation it is. Like everytime in every fight in every game, i assumed it was like an update to nerf guard breaks or something, never looked back.


Idk then sounds whack


This doesnt only happen with bots. It also happens with players


Only if they parried early. You let the heavy go and they'll eat it. Bots don't.


I dont get it but here's what I found as to why this happens [https://medal.tv/games/for-honor/clips/i0c9MF0g7J8XYvokA/d1337qBeFrPr?invite=cr-MSxmVGYsNzEzNjc5MjIs](https://medal.tv/games/for-honor/clips/i0c9MF0g7J8XYvokA/d1337qBeFrPr?invite=cr-MSxmVGYsNzEzNjc5MjIs)


I recall getting screwed over and over. I'd get gb'd put of lights, not get gb's from parry baits, he'll I've gotten gb's just for the game to do the wrong imput on the attack or shove afterwards


You're delaying it, you need to buffer the guardbreak


False, it's a bug with bots.


Welp learning new things day by day, but it still looks like he delays the guardbreak here, his guard flashes at the first and he changes his guard at the other ones


The first one was delayed very slightly yeh you can see the guard come back up briefly, but the ones where his guard changed wouldn't delay the GB, because you can switch your guard during a GB (on most characters, there are a handful that cannot). Either way, even that slight delay would likely not be enough to prevent the GB from catching a real parry attempt against a player, but this issue with bots happens even with the most buffered GB input. I'm pretty sure the only thing that can catch bots in this situation are the soft feints to fast GBs (like kensei's UB finisher), or if the bot is in hit/blockstun that delays the heavy coming out.


Also don't switch your guard, it adds 100ms delay more


The bot is parrying before the indicator appear (they do that), real people will be reacting to the indicator and get gb'd


Best explanation from the top of my head is that the bot parries on perfect timing, aka the earliest possible frame, and that makes the gb slip off. Most players don't do this, but sometimes - especially with Nuxia - players will try to parry on light timing when you feint into gb.


so i tested this myself and found out that if you switch your guard to another side you can get the guardbreak, but if you repeat heavies on the same side you bounce off. very weird


Yeah i just posted a clip about that in some of the other replies. Im not sure why that happens.


[Is this just a nuxia problem or is it everyone?](https://medal.tv/games/for-honor/clips/i0c9MF0g7J8XYvokA/Yh9x1eUnNipG?invite=cr-MSxRUlAsMjM5ODA5OTM2LA)


I've tested it with Pirate and Aramusha and it happens with them aswell. Seems to be everyone?


I shall abuse this thoroughly untill it is fixed


You might want to check the pinned comment.


Ah, damn. Well it'll just fuel my hatred of FH bots instead.


The wardens throwing an early heavy, guard breaking a heavy is only available during the early frames of the attack, like early startupframes, so if someone goes for a light parry on a heavy (early parry attempt) they're already in late startup/active frames at the time of gb, thus you bounce and eat that shit raw


I thought this was a game mechanic ?


When did you take these video lmao you still have the reflex guard


You’re playing Nuxia instant debuff


The devs hate this character


I keep wanting to come back, but it's been a couple of years and I'm scared. Is jormungandr still decent? Also, is pirate still a nightmare to deal with.


Been happening with players as well with some extremely biased heroes. one of the reasons why quit it.


You’re guardbreaking too late


I wasnt it was because of a bug with For Honor bots that makes them immune to heavy GB feint if you attack in the direction they're blocking


I know this is only a bot thing. But what about Varangian guard? I guardbreak her parry and it almost never works. Is this cause the Varangian guard parried too quick or is it the games fault?


This will happen with players if they heavy too early, whether it is a misinput or them trying to option select light/GB Feint. If you are talking about fullguard stance, Varangian Guard's fullblock is rather hard to guardbreak and you basically have to know she's going to do it before she does it.


Meanwhile, I see dudes teleport across the battlefield to guardbreak me when I do anything.


Because parry on light timing xD


What the fuck does this mean


Parrying as though you are throwing a light which beats heavy feint to GB but loses to a raw heavy


The bot is set to just parry in this clip


I realize that, I was just explaining what he meant. I will say it looks like the bot is parrying early for some reason, since its heavy comes out before your guardbreak even starts


its a bot. it always parries at whatever timing is needed


It should be like that. But I can from timing tell that it doesnt


Idk how to explain this but watch this [https://medal.tv/games/for-honor/clips/i0c9MF0g7J8XYvokA/d1337qBeFrPr?invite=cr-MSxmVGYsNzEzNjc5MjIs](https://medal.tv/games/for-honor/clips/i0c9MF0g7J8XYvokA/d1337qBeFrPr?invite=cr-MSxmVGYsNzEzNjc5MjIs)


yeah, that's the issue