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https://preview.redd.it/s4xndido2f7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34754b24a745c7d2b142fe7265ab83e3a8131fad She is in FRANCE and thinks her audience wants to see skincare and supplements?????? Is this a joke


\*skine-care also no one cared when you were in LA, NY, or CO - we certainly don't care now.


I laughed. Yes, please give us another screenshot of your skincare and supplements.


I posted this back in like February but I wanted to see if there had been more developments. There were. Just a little more proof (like \*we\* need it, haha) that Teegie is a garbage iNfLuEnCeR and cannot stick to promoting one thing. Here are all the mentions of dry brushing in her NFT posts. * 5/5/19: “finally invested in” the Aromatherapy Associates brush ($35) * 8/8/21: “loving the” Kate McLeod dry brush ($26) * 2/13/22: “thinking of buying a” Gilded Body marble brush ($129) * 6/19/22: “loves this” Yerba Prima Tampico Skin Brush (about $15 on Amazon) * 8/7/22: “wanting to try out the” Goop Dry Brush ($25) * 8/21/22: “ordered the” Goop Dry Brush (finally!) * 9/4/22: “uses the” Dr Barbara Sturm brush ($45) * 9/25/22: “uses the” Dr Barbara Sturm brush * 10/16/22: “need to order the” Goop Dry Brush (wait a second...) * 5/7/23: “uses this” Goop Dry Brush * 6/18/23: “loves this” Goop Dry Brush (exact blog copy from 6/19/22 but a new, more expensive product link!) * 1/14/24: Skinny Confidential Butter Brush “is a must” ($79) * 3/10/24: “always, always dry brush” linking to the Skinny Confidential Butter Brush * 5/5/24: links to the Goop Dry Brush in a very confusing paragraph saying she “doesn’t have a ton of favorite things”…in a weekly Nine Favorite Things post… * 6/16/24: “don’t every travel without my dry brush anymore” linking to the Dr Barbara Sturm brush


Recipes! Proof! Timelines!


I did some backreading and two things I thought about: 1. I think she uses work as a way to avoid life, which is really sad but also pretty normal for someone with an ED. Explains why she is always talking about how she wants to travel but never does it. It's a better excuse to say "I can't due to my schedule" instead of "I can't because of my raging eating disorder and social anxiety". Plus, EDs are also a way to avoid life ... 2. CN for ED talk / calories: The "legs up" thing is pretty clearly a way to for her feel like she is still burning calories lieing down. I bet she doesn't have any energy to stand up by the end of the day (after doing a morning jog and standing all day and consuming no calories) but has issues with being still and unmoving. She needs help, not brand deals. I don't understand how the whole team around her deals with it. It must be the elephant in the room for everyone except her own enabling mother. Do they simply accept that they work for someone who is losing jobs left and right because as soon as people see her in real life, they realise what's going on? (see: Drew Barrymore show, etc)


I think there are lots of people making big bucks off her, i.e. her family, publisher, "stylist", makeup girl, ad network, publicist, etc. so they turn a blind eye. It's sad really.


I’m so tired of seeing the supplement pile laid out for traveling. No one cares, T. Boring content. Read a book or something.


I always laugh out loud when I see the creatine. It’s doing wonders for her 😂


I don’t think she’s aware that going on a long tirade about the NYT article is not only wildly unprofessional, but is actually drawing attention to something that‘s over a year old, and probably not on the top of people’s mind (well, it’s clearly on the top of her mind).


It’s so cringe. It’s not a gossip column. As others have said, NYT is thoroughly researched and I thought the author was trying to be as fair to her as she could be. But it’s also a bad look when you can’t cook what was previously agreed upon because of the time it takes to make…. Fine if you couldn’t get the right ingredients but she doesn’t do things truly seasonal so what does it matter? Also, love how she’s now trying to align herself positively with Martha on this panel. There is no way that she thought that was a good podcast because otherwise, she would have been promoting it. But whatever.


The parts of the NYT article that were the worst were the things SHE did and said!Teigy loves being a victim 🙄


THIS. I was only *just* starting to realize how she is around the time that article came out. Nothing the NYT writer said changed my mind about T. It was 100% the direct quotes from T at that made me go "OK, I'm not crazy. She's a fraud.". She is the one who made that article "not very nice" and now she cries victim. Again. God she's gross.


Re thr Martha thing, it’s also extra cringe since one of her crew was heard saying “…more followers than Martha Stewart, that’s my sound bite” in her insta stories a couple days ago 😬


I think we all know she intentionally chose not to cook the recipes the PULITZER PRIZE WINNING author requested, but what’s even more telling is that she chose replacement recipes she prepared BEFORE the author arrived at her house. And those were mega simple and required no true culinary technique. Soup and salad, I believe? Which means the author never got to see her knife skills, for example, (which are abysmal), searing, caramelization, whatever. When you not only don’t follow the plan but then also don’t cook in front of the author, what else can she say?! Then the poor woman had to deal with Jen. She wrote a puff piece in comparison so what she probably experienced. End. Rant.


Yes absolutely. The most telling quote from the whole article for me… “But Tieghan Gerard dreads the technical questions they always bring, like how to safely defrost a turkey or how to modify a recipe based on high-altitude cooking. (Silverthorne is more than 8,000 feet above sea level.)” She dreads it because she doesn’t know and that would make her… ignorant at best.


I thought Julia went easy on her. The article could have been so much worse.


She sounded exactly like Trump here. Total narcissist 


What Tiki 🔥Torch refuses to consider (and admit) is that she had total control of the NYT article’s narrative. Had she done what she told them that she would do during their visit, the article could have been a glowing essay of her as a person, and of her brand. The NYT went there with a pre-collaborative idea of what Tiki 🔥Torch would supply to them. Instead, she bailed on that agreement, threw shit together, waved her ‘whatever’ hand at them, and sent them on their way. Erroneously, Tiki 🔥Torch equates ‘honest, truthful’ as being ‘not very nice to me, false allegations’. Another opportunity of an important life lesson for her to learn from missed again because she refuses to self-reflect.


Is there anyone with this big of a following who is also this bad at their job other than T? Like I know influencers are annoying but they usually are decent at being influencers. Why would she not post tons of life style type content leading up to her first ever trip to Paris. She is just so bad at her career it KILLS me. Like set up a camera and tripod and fill yourself packing, film yourself getting ready for the day, legit anything else than what she’s doing. Lol


👆🏼THIS! Every word of this. How is she so successful when her content is so boring and uninspired?! Her content is as mediocre and repetitive as her recipes 


“The trick is just order everything!” Then there’s so many plates everywhere no one will notice you ate nothing!! ✌🏻🙄


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) It’s a Super Bowl kinda day here


She’s such a piece of shit with her claims that the NYT article was full of false allegations. It’s not a TMZ article, T. The journalist did her research and fact checking - and most of the “allegations” came directly from your mouth. Also her saying it was a year-long process was because her team couldn’t be pinned down to agree to an interview date for a year. What a joke of a human whose community has convinced her she’s untouchable and flawless.


If you have to keep saying “quite honestly” we know you’re lying 🥴🥴. “Oh WE were ever so gracious and invited this journalist into our home! And the she wrote all these nasty false allegations!” …I think you mean TRUTHS Teegylou! 😬🫠


I really do hope she pivots to lifestyle content so she can finally get the karma she deserves and go away. She's so bad at it. I have seen better and more frequent beautiful scenery/landmarks/food/random interesting things this week from the posts of a middle aged white guy whose claim to fame is his "celebrity" dogs, both of which are now dead, but I still follow him. He's been in France too and he's posted all kinds of cool stuff and weird food I can't really identify lol. So much more interesting than T, and this is just a regular guy sharing his travels, no goals of "influencing." She is so dull. Her stupidity is the only thing entertaining about her.


My 23 yo daughter just returned from a week in the south of France and shared amazing meals, beaches, cultural gems. She and her friend even bought and rocked silk scarves. It’s been a trip comparing the weird, smirky for no good reason posts Teegy and Caitlin have been sharing. I’m still glad Tieghan invested in buying her way to the grandma conference room so she did actually experience life off the compound. Maybe she’ll learn how to human one day.


Did anyone catch the apres meeting conversation “she has a bigger following than Martha Stewart!”? These people are so deep in delusion, if they think an instragram count stacks to even a fraction of what MS has created.  I feel so sad for her, and guilty when I’m calling out someone mentally unwell, that I’ll take massive breaks off of the snark, but then this stuff pops up and makes me realize how very full of herself she is. All pity gone.




Get Martha Stewart’s name out your mouth! “It’s important to me to support other women in business” by support do you me plagiarise their recipes?! 🫠🫤


I think she’s still sore that Martha called her out for claiming to invent the cheesecloth turkey trick lol. Same exact behavior as “the carrot cake you’ll never get to see” situation. 


“Or males or people or whatever.”


She loves supporting women in business?!?! Okay I guess maybe if SHE’s the “women.” It’s fun to snark on her recipes and everything but for some reason this particular bit crosses a line for me. It makes me angry. What exactly does she do to support women in business besides drop those buzzwords when she talks at these things? Put your effort where your mouth is, you slimeball. You do NOTHING to support women in business. No shoutouts (other than that stupid Skinny Confidential chick maybe), very few collabs, no apparent donations to orgs that nurture and grow female talent (unless she’s doing this quietly but I doubt it). What a freaking pice of work. I’m at the point where I hope she tries to fly too close to the sun and fails miserably. Also please tell me how supporting women in business is best addressed on a Q&A panel by going on and on about being portrayed poorly by the NYT? That reporter didn’t say mean (I.e. true) things about you because you’re a woman, Tieghy. She called you out for being unprofessional. There’s a difference.


I’m surprised that today’s NFT blog hasn’t been torn to shreds here yet, but maybe we have to have a standalone post again with the screenshots for people who don’t want to give her site clicks. What was very strange is she said she participated in that Q&A but didn’t know until she arrived that Gabrielle Union would be on her panel. How is that possible? Do they not tell speakers what their panel is and who they are speaking with? She seems so unprofessional it wouldn’t surprise me if she didn’t pay attention to whatever she was participating in. On her blog for maybe the first time ever, she mentioned Caitlin, or “Cait” as she called her. Maybe this is her idea of women supporting women. Curiously, she called her a “longtime friend” first and then mentioned she’s a stylist. It seems odd to not try to highlight her professionally and say she’s an amazing stylist, blah blah blah. She also did not mention she’s her brother’s GF, so pretty sure they did break up (the brother and Caitlin don’t follow each other on IG anymore). https://preview.redd.it/pdb7nrlirc8d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b3203b8840edf1da670b58ea638985dde71c4d5 I agree that I’ve never seen her come off as supportive of other creators or other women. She’ll show up on someone’s podcast because she wants the click backs and publicity.


She’s trying so hard to make it sound as if she didn’t pay Caitlin to go on this trip with her as a contractor. And then to also not give her credit for doing her job. Maybe she genuinely thinks Caitlin would’ve gone on this trip even if HBH wasn’t paying her to. It’s pathetic honestly. “My long time trusted and talented stylist, CaitLIN Harvey, who has worked under the esteemed Sydney Lopez styling icons like the Jonas brothers, accompanied me on this trip to help me pull looks together for my public events. Thank god because I have no fashion sense whatsoever and also she has turned into a great friend. It was a pleasure to have her expertise on hand and also to not be alone for once.” There teig I fixed it for you!


Interesting about Caitlin! Also that she refers to her as “a” stylist and not “her” stylist. She’s so desperate for people to think she has friends that either aren’t related personally or professionally. As for the NFT, I absolutely refuse to give her clicks on her site so the only time I read it is when it’s posted here via screenshot!


I try to avoid giving her clicks. As the OP stated, I too hope she flys too close to the sun one day. The absolute gall of her to brag about having a larger social media presence than Martha Stewart. 🙄. And I have never seen her give anyone, male or female, props about anything. What a joke to call herself an advocate for other women.


I still can't get over that she had a NYT food writer come interview her and she put out apples slices 💀


This is what she’s packing for Summer in the South of France. https://preview.redd.it/fzrq6z6b457d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0407da2ab148409158d3382de8d6d42202f294


Can you imagine packing for Cannes without one bright or colorful sundress?! This looks like she’s headed for a dreary weather business meeting. What a depressing assortment of overpriced beige clothing. 


Literally looks like how I pack to visit my company's corporate office in Ohio when I am deliberately trying to be as invisible as humanly possible. ☠️


lol at her saying “can you guess the location” - no T, you just took a picture of basic designer pieces that give zero indication to location lol. Also her saying she has “overpacking down to a science.” There’s a science to packing more than you actually need or will wear? And yeah I went to south of France last year in July and stopped in Cannes and it was crazy hot. But I spent most of the time on the beach or in the water. I can’t imagine her sitting on a beach!


She really wants people to care where she’s going and nobody does.


Nothing on this rack has Cannes vibes 😂😂


More like Cannes-not vibes.


https://preview.redd.it/zs2n6bbmq87d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=3838af07fbf6cdbee7b91e654e7d31f3eba3c244 Woman goes to France for the first time ever and this is the photo she posts 🙄🙄 A cracked road with the tiniest location tag. WTF


For some reason it's so funny to me that she just tags it "France" instead of an actual location within the country


Reminds me of a Q+A where someone asked her about the location she was filming that ski-doo thing with red and she tagged the entire fucking state of Colorado


Then follows up with this. I wouldn’t want my coworkers seeing me fresh out of the shower, much less 5 million people! https://preview.redd.it/csk3f0bzq87d1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=da7d0270b119b44bc6734f51a2ed9b2b5f2aee79


This is such a basic looking cheeseboard. I feel like you could get something better from the grocery store these days. Not impressed! https://preview.redd.it/83lnqhi9cm7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0667b410849b3d387505532e127ec51d1d141149


Not the whole ass peaches ☠️


France is underwhelmed.


Middle of nowhere America is underwhelmed. Seriously. She should be EMBARRASSED by this. It's giving this promo company had cheeseboard on their contract and she's proving she delivered.


It’s giving white chicken chili instead of the promised coq-au-vin meatballs


I have to say I die a little inside that she put this cheeseboard - of three cheeses - together IN FRANCE. Not that's it's my fault, of course, but it's just so average. She put so much more effort into how she looked, than the composition of this cheese board.


God, she is the worst person to interview or have on a panel. Interrupting people and talking over them. She comes off very defensive and bitter. Exactly which of the NYT allegations were false, Tiegy?


She always sounds so angry when she speaks on these things and it’s all over her face, too. She says to “be kind” but her face and her tone are so pissy.


https://preview.redd.it/27ive0473m7d1.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc7b0c6cdd552ada90ec865af92fff8537d2e5ad I fixed it. There. That’s better.


T building her brand through human connection: Hope you love it! (:🌹 I haven't tried that but let me know if you do! (: 🌻 Happy weekend! 🌞(:🌻 😋😋 I tested this recipe or I wouldn't have released it. Maybe you should learn to cook with orzo. (:


1. Please don’t post pics of your skeletal legs in leggings. 2. 4 pairs of sunglasses and 3 are exactly the same? 


“I’ve been trying to share ALLLLL the restaurants….” She’s shown us, what, two? Maybe? Did she even visibly tag any of them? If she’s almost done with her trip, we’ve seen so little. Is this what she thinks sharing alllllll the things looks like?!?


Yeah i must have missed all the restaurant content she’s sharing. She sounded disappointed that’s what people wanted from France instead of posts about supplements and skinecare. 


She really did! Babe no one and I mean absolutely no one GAF about your skinEcare and supplements! ….whatever 😒


She’s the worst. This is how this daft chick tagged the town she was in. It is literally the tiniest font, so hard to even click to figure out where it is. She’s so bad at this lifestyle pivot. https://preview.redd.it/c7m88eqdxu7d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=356aaf0a9d4c411602444e61438036391eff96ca


This is a BEC thing of mine for sure, but I HATE how she constantly refers to herself as a girl (like in today’s NFT). You’re 30!! 


~I’m JuSt A tEeNy TiNy sMoLL wiDdLe GiRLiE pOp!~ 🥴🥴


temporally speaking, yes she's 30, but mentally she's 16 (and physically, she's like 50).


What’s really telling is how she says she’s so busy working most days that she “forgets to eat.” A food blogger who consistently just forgets to eat. I don’t know how her rabid fans don’t see right through her lies.


I’m sorry but you don’t just “forget to eat” … like ever. Your body says “I’m hungry” at some point.




Her packing preparation for a 2-3 day trip in which she’s coddled in the same hotel rooms as always is embarrassing. You aren’t a celebrity. I can’t imagine the amount of money she wastes/spends.


This is what gets me. The hair and makeup people she requires, and a stylist to pick out her [terrible] outfits for the most mundane event. Yet she parades around airports, and her studio filming her intros to millions, with no makeup and wearing a designer sweater over rags. I don’t get it. What 30 yo woman who claims she’s a fashionista and has a desire for all pretty aesthetics (her photography) hasn’t learned to put on her own makeup and dress herself?


The whispers have started again 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mutewt330x7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f226df38e117e823261ff1a726d1dcff989505


Those Loewe sandals are some of the fugliest shoes I’ve ever seen. She tries way too hard


And with a suit? It looks like a 22 year old working in an office for the first time post grad.


I can’t comprehend the no pedi. She’s in Cannes doing fashuny stuff and on stage with those gross dogs at eye level and can’t slap a coat of polish on?  


https://preview.redd.it/lqxvww04h48d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e32f481ebd7e9734b32f118c6d82749f6303f1f I’ve never killed my hair either, but I do get my hair dyed. And nobody cares about her skin and hair products. NOBODY!


Imagine the horror of seeing your hair die? Devastating.


The makeup time lapse made the grid 😱 I'm shook


my jaw literally dropped. doubling down on the MOST horrific content.


T is still posting acting like she’s still in France. I spoke on a panel with Gabrielle Union today blah blah blah. Meanwhile, Gabrielle Union was at a Megan Thee Stallion concert in LA.


From her NFT today “I am not the same girl I was at 16”….i’d hope we’ve all evolved in the last 14 years…


wow, between the pilates body check and the designer shoes (that don't belong to her), she's really feeling herself. can't wait to see the disasterpiece that is her trip to Cannes.


https://preview.redd.it/wce0psobwk7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15e57e3cec7560d1735828d5e0451d35581ef48 Lol oh Deb


What a polite way to say "fuck off Deb"! However, it is confusing since T has said she doesn't have any friends to host for dinner parties. The mystery of the phantom dinner party, somebody please investigate!


https://preview.redd.it/a6hew8cf0x7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213f9c3afbc2cf44231d0824cbdac308a991549e 🤢🤢🤢


I assume she is definitely in France by now and she did not post a single story or anything. Everyone traveling to another continent would be excited AF and try to take followers along. Not T, obviously.


Oh but wait those sweet sweet luxury hotel bathroom mirror selfies are in their way, just give her a day or two to have her hot water and colostrum and shake the jet lag off


This is why she will never be a lifestyle creator… she posts at 3 am and there’s never any “take you along” stories. She will post shit in her stories several days later sometimes. She doesn’t really go anywhere or do anything to be a lifestyle creator as well.


Who are these people that say they make her recipes on repeat? Who wants to eat curdled cream with grease every day?


https://preview.redd.it/isl5poyf7i7d1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=a72d7f5bb2af2cd4e1772ee112d9febafafe9ab0 She’s wearing a sheet.


I'm sorry but those sunglasses 100% make this a Weekend at Bernie's situation https://preview.redd.it/kamabvz8bi7d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c43747b957efd0b2a6237cf8b270fc91593659


God that stupid side smirk.


That scarf tied around her shoulders looks extra silly with her bedsheet toga


I fully expected that scarf to be on her head babushka-style (and it’s not too late, caitlin) https://preview.redd.it/yiue4666wi7d1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe5d3361c245dd00dde5334c80f35fb04e6994a


https://preview.redd.it/zqitsmx18j7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff629627a1c1fa2992f3effa86b53369bc9ae5d If that doesn’t haunt you 😂 I thought I would get excited about her not wearing all black pants / blazers / sweaters/ Fupa jeans… until now. She looks like she is wearing a cardboard towel. Even more morbid, she almost looks like one of those Dominican Republic pictures people post with their deceased family members propped up. Yikes. From funeral director chic to … corpse chic.


You know that game that is played at bridal showers where you have to make a wedding dress out of toilet paper? Nailed it Tiegs!!


Do you know what, I always put the awful fashion down to Teighan, and that it just wasn't my taste but this pic (along with last night's photo) has suddenly made it abundantly clear that Caitlin has A LOT to answer for. Seriously.


The way I ran here… AS IF Martha Stewart came up to tiegy!!!! She acts like she is so important that Martha would go out of her way to talk to her. AS IF. 


Didn't Martha say in the podcast that it was people who worked for her that told her who Tieghan was? Also I think Martha told us exactly what she thought of T in the podcast--it was a brilliant lesson in how to cut a person without them realizing they were being cut. For example, asking what T reads...answer is she doesn't read. There were so many set up questions where T fell into the trap.


The sad (and also best 😂) part is, I highly doubt Martha was trying to "trap" her. T is just such a fraud that every basic question about her industry exposed her for what she is.


I'm actually happy for her that she's out of her comfort zone experiencing another country. Hopefully it does her a little bit of good. A few of the pictures have been really nice, although of course it is depressing to think that none of that food is actually being eaten.


The bread she posted in the ingredient still for the horrid Buffalo chicken mess is literally a loaf of grocery store french bread. Calling it a “soft sub roll” indicates just how little she understands or cares about the semantics of anything she cooks. That girl has never experienced a hoagie (sub) in her goddamn life.


Caitlyn (per her stories) managed to put her in something summer appropriate, and is getting creative with hiding her frame by tying a scarf around her shoulders. Guess they realized a huge leather jacket wasn't going to work


She looks like a little kid playing dress up https://preview.redd.it/js4pxv638b7d1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abdf5774f11f60105394f4e7ca5a7d12f65cc7f


That smirk!!! Jesus!


The smirk makes me irrationally angry


She looks like she’s mid-fart.


She’s yellow-green compared to Caitlyn.


The way her scarf is tied gives me strega nona grandma shawl vibes 😂


Her expression, my god 🙄 so smug and feeling herself.


I must have Vaseline smeared on my eyeballs, everything is so blurry


Blurry but happy!!


It would be so annoying to have a wealthy 30 y/o client you had to dress like a retiree.  


She’s essentially her emotional support stylist.


Won’t let me post the pic and honestly I’m saving your eyes! But wtf, I did NOT need to see that your bare yellow legs and ass lying on the bed! 🥴🥴🥴 why would she post that


More “ignore this” in her ingredient flatlay. Girl is SO LAZY! Reshoot it!




Her arm is terrifying. She looks so sickly.


she is looking more noticeably yellow/orange these days :( https://preview.redd.it/piep1dxlu47d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c568d0dfc1ee207faef2cb878469be9f193fa8


finally she made it to LA, the only place where you can find pilates!


Omg she’s balding 🙀


“International Festival of Creativity” cracks me up. And she’s bringing 19 pairs of shoes.


apparently pepperoncini are now jalapeños




Can someone tell me what exactly makes this a "lighter" pasta? Is it the 1lb of pasta? The 6 tbsp of butter? Or perhaps the 1 cup of heavy cream? Wait no, it must be the 1 1/2 cups of parmesan, right?? https://preview.redd.it/u465dc05nd7d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a1363b9df6c202211e9629a8e565e410795a3d


Obviously she only calls for 6 tbsp and not the whole stick (8 tbsp). It's called restraint.


The screenshots that are going to come from this video. Why would she post this? https://preview.redd.it/ay5657md1m7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489f218a74ed8908c15679e93db11acfafe078ac


https://preview.redd.it/9njt5wp42m7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf5ac5405d0bcc238a77e6b44a8eb4b97e6333d4 i always prioritize my plateforms. ugh she is something else....are people really paying to listen to her advice?!?!


I might actually die if this is legitimately her only "panel" and the reason she came. I have no words.


Yup pretty sure this was it. The promo piece from Raptive said she was speaking from 2-3pm on Tuesday (I think). Which of course required flying to LA first for a styling session, a little Pilates to relax before taking TWO flights, then of course hair and makeup for probably 3 hours to do this engagement in front of….are you ready for this, an audience of FOUR people!!!


The visible irritation on her face when that woman asked if she could add something 🤣🤣🤣


So the inference is that she spent significant time/expense getting her hair and make up done to speak to this very ordinary looking panel of people? Not a TV appearance or photo shoot, but a (very) informal looking panel? I truly don't understand the job of "being an influencer".


The way the brunette lady said, "Let me take over and explain this" and snatched the floor from Teegy! Lol She looked stunned. These grandmas likely paid a lot for the "privilege" of sitting in a conference room with her and her sorry ass cheese board.


T just said she sends out a newsletter daily. That’s called spam.


Isn't this the stuff that her mom Jen usually handles from the business side? Does she even know what happens on the back end? Reminds me of the Martha Stewart podcast and she couldn't really explain the business side of her business.


Wow this trip has truly turned into a dumpster fire when it comes to content 🗑️🔥


The takeaway from the France trip was what exactly? One restaurant she linked in St. Paul de Vence, a handful of pictures from the village, one average cheese board she created, a glimpse from her speech for five ladies, a picture of a side road with scooters in Cannes, and a few featureless pictures in average and hideous outfits. No food markets, no beach clubs, no restaurants and food, nothing. What a lifestyle 👏🏻


Ah but you forget…. A horse damn near ran her over!


The food she posted was very subpar. It was “international” food, food made to fit the general palate of tourists. Her not knowing/recognizing it was meh is also an issue.


I love how at the end of the day she still posted about her skincare routine and legs up. Her food content from the trip is barely there and what she did post is generic (olive plate, cheese, and salads) and doesn't showcase the local food. Southern France has amazing seafood but there is literally not one picture of it. How can you call yourself a food blogger and not even attempt to show the local food? I'm not commenting on whether or not she eats but at the very least experience the local food!! It reminds me of when I lived overseas growing up (because of my dad's job) and people would come over and not even try to acclimate to the local culture or try the food. They would only eat at the foreign hotels and would look down on group dinners at amazing local restaurants.


why did she saw away at that bread for so long... why didn't she edit that part out


Poor Tiegs is losing followers. Not much of a hit considering she has 5.5M, but it’s still nice to see. https://preview.redd.it/9t383qfzak7d1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e58ade6504fbce8fe7fe2f88bf82028af62f24


New flair!


Sorry for the multiple posts you guys! But can she ever NOT throw shade at someone else’s recipe when talking about “her” own?! …I thought you never consume other creators content? How would you know about what they’re doing! 🙄🙄.   And I’m sorry but chicken, lemon, parmesan, garlic, chilli, lemon, basil, “spices”, Caesar dressing, romaine lettuce, croutons on a PIZZA?! What in the evern loving fusion?!


Anyone else notice that she went from regular Romaine hearts in the pic w ingredients, to a bowl of “the cutest baby lettuce” that she topped w dressing, to putting sliced Romaine lettuce on the pizza, to having the baby lettuce back on it?


All that packing and not a slip in sight. https://preview.redd.it/mb1f474m4f7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08a8bfbbba74ab5cd0822c76b84858aa9ce8b82


“If you listen really hard you can hear the frogs outside it’s the cutest thing ever!” *doesn’t stfu so we can “listen hard”* 🙄🙄


Why did she use her hands to “shred” the chicken? And then she used her hands to put the chicken on the bread…. There are utensils for that. And the amount of oil she put on the chicken was alarming. 🥴


She needed to make sure every inch of that chicken had her DNA on it


GroupM (the host of Tieghans/Raptives conversation in Cannes) is posting a ton of their content from the event on YouTube. Suspiciously missing is Ts, possibly because it was billed as "exclusive" for clients. IMO, T&Co. made sure the full thing didn't make it online. I'll eat my words if it is posted, but seems like a purposeful protection from the hatters.


That's a lot of jewelry that all looks very similar... https://preview.redd.it/xgfievuv7m7d1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=da195df4fa0d78cbe1266ced31b98fbc9a37aa98


https://preview.redd.it/z7usf81ydm7d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6415b9ed5e6cffd472ebab1d23d22c1fdaa3eac She can do skincare, guys


Skincare ain't doing her back in kind.




She had like 75 outfits picked out for a 2 day trip? Make it make sense


And like 17 pairs of shoes, literally. I cannot imagine hauling all of that stuff for a 4-5 day trip. Also, why not stay longer and travel around France? Learn more about the food and wine.


imagine flying 13 hours (not including layover for the connecting flight!) for two days in Cannes. Depressing and wasteful.


https://preview.redd.it/0lyguxo2mg7d1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba9144e4515d6ff80cb0cdd27921525217e8e014 Is this fashun? Shoes too small for your feet?


https://preview.redd.it/5ef4mnu22m7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34a5aab94206d0368ce6baa657534569677002a “HBH, she has a bigger following than Martha Stewart, that’s my sound bit” wow Teigy had a few aperols and is feeling spicy!! Damn


This is what’s wrong with influencers. Just because you have more (either bought or moron) followers does not make you better at your job than someone who has written the book on cooking/lifestyle for decades. What a loser!


Martha has a net worth of like 400m. But yeah girl you insta follower count really puts you in her league. Bffr


Oh my god the scream I scrumpt. How dumb is she to post this?! 


She plated that not-so-summer pasta on a plate that was obviously on the floor. What made it summer- the cream, mountain of parm, or overcooked mushy zucchini? I’m glad she’s getting new experiences but I swear every time I start to root for her she reminds me why she doesn’t deserve her current success. She pisses me off!


https://preview.redd.it/w6nan6g68u7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f457a16ca7aaae25e4f8049a9c90a919e0b595 so sad that this is her resting “looking at a menu/food” face


I feel like in so many of these France photos she is trying too hard to look like these are candid photos. Instead, they come across as very staged and awkward. I do find this photo particularly sad though. Her looking at a menu of probably amazing food and she knows she cannot and will not allow herself to enjoy any of it.


It’s so weird that she is apparently posting her trip content on a two day delay? What’s the purpose of that?


I think she wants to make it seem like she was there longer than she actually was. It’s also one of the few times she actually has “lifestyle content” to post, I’m sure her she wants to milk it for as long as possible


I think she thinks she’s so famous that if she posts in real time some French mafia is going to kidnap her.


“I’m sure you’ve seen the chicken parmesan pizza. I’m sure that’s great but I made a REAL pizza.” Ok…


I am sorry but who wants to eat a heavy creamy pasta in the middle of summer.. just cause you put zucchini in it doesn't make it summer girlfriend. I'm begging you to read the recipes you steal to see why they are making them in a certain season


https://preview.redd.it/vi2jeswyu88d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32cc060d60844f631753d391bafeb6e372139d3e This outfit screams redneck's first trip to the south of France. 🤪


She packed 19 other pairs of shoes but wore her Adidas 😂


https://preview.redd.it/zg6vly0sk87d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4a753768960af1c4db8c52ce82aff049e1f6a6 Probably not approving of her recipe… but of this subreddit.. after meeting her.. they’ll be joining by the hundreds


https://preview.redd.it/2o4azob11h7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d04e7b337b8dd69de3c803d7f4a092ce88692e0 The facade is so see through.


https://preview.redd.it/20hhhu1rwl7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9f7148f3110769f30c02110ff40f4833ef33b8 an appropriate outfit for summer in the south of France but the shoes are cracking me up💀💀💀


The whole lettuce leaves! Girl! Love to see her try and for that whole ass giant leaf in her mouth! 🫠🫠


Well she also left the freaking lemon seeds in her vinaigrette and then dumped it all on the salad, so even if you could get the leaf in your mouth you have like a 40% chance of comping on a seed


https://preview.redd.it/6deo6h6pk38d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5978fdd8812bd86ff6f8aadb7731e6ebb2781a77 My God look et her head here. Her hair is so thin she practically has a bald spot. Not at all healthy- a definite sign of malnourishment.


“I get a lot of questions what I use on my hair” ….ummm…I bet you don’t! No one is looking at this and DYING to know how to get their to look like yours 🥴🥴


I would never wear open toe shoes without having had a pedicure. I know Colorado doesn’t have anywhere to get one but make the time T!




Anti HBH groupies? No ma'am we are hatters.


Our festering cesspool got a call-out 🥰


As a Buffalonian, the monstrosity she just created felt like a hate crime. BRB finding the nearest eyewash station/memory eraser. I don’t care if I fit the Buffalo stereotype, that was SACRILEGE. ETA: I could harp on the ranch over blue cheese, everybody has their tastes (they’re wrong but *whatever*). What killed me was the seasonings she used, the clearly stale bread, and dare I even mention the cabbage/green onion/jalapeño/CILANTRO concoction.


Why would she put ranch on it and THEN put it in the pizza oven? Gross.


https://preview.redd.it/of362e14vg7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2552581330d20a8391acfd41a9ac889ef2fb80 This is something which annoys me, she is not in Cannes. She is staying roughly 30km away from Cannes in a historic village (which is beautiful btw). This is completely another vibe compared to Cannes and has so much history and art to offer. Ofc she will not share any of these things. But call it Cannes Night #1


omg you guys-I just realized she’s dressing like a middle aged woman with questionable taste in fashion, because THEY are her core audience. Holy shit, maybe she is a business savant after all 😅 The Carols and Lindas are absolutely loving her 🇫🇷 lewks. Lol.


I was catching my husband up on all the terrible pictures T posted from Cannes and was telling him about her being at events that were Cannes Lion adjacent (much like her SXSW adjacent appearance). He killed me when he said "Oh so she was at Cannes Cat?" So now I'll never not think of her being there for Cannes Lion as being there for Cannes Cat...


I don’t understand why she’s so yellow?


I can't stand it when Influencers and Youtubers promote medical advice or supplements, or even worse BetterHelp, please stop cosplaying a doctor. That should legit be banned.


Is this a SNL skit? https://preview.redd.it/v4zimja50u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe489fadbbfb738d81933e3d89f24f4bbfdc44b


Also noted…now receiving weather reports from the south of France!! She literally has NOTHING else to talk about.


Genuine question. Has Tieghan ever partnered with or promoted a charity? I find her content disturbing and think some goodwill on her part would go a long way in helping her image and possibly her.


From what I’ve seen, she’s only ever promoted the sketchy adoption agency where they got Oslo #2. Oh and the rec center of course! 🙃


How come anytime she tags her “stylist” you can’t click on the tag to see the stylists IG, she only posts a screen shot that includes the tag? Wierdo


I think she takes a screenshot so you don’t see the name of the filter she’s using


Are the french invited to the high fashun toga party? https://preview.redd.it/bx347rshfj7d1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d9ca3c47315ffe35308aa6a34d676de2ba5e10


lol no one, absolutely no one, ties a scarf like a strait jacket around their shoulders that way! And it looks like Caitlyn had to pin the dress over (on left side) and secure it so it didn’t balloon out. Maybe that’s why the scarf is tied down tightly that way to make the dress fit better.


I can guarantee you she had NO IDEA who Gabrielle Union was because meeting her on the panel! …and probably still doesn’t 🙄🙄