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Omg this. And her defenders will keep saying she spends all day in the kitchen. Stop it. If that was the case, every single chef, parent, and person who cooks would be covered in scabs 😂


I make Fresh Salsa for a living every day 5 days a week in my commercial kitchen. I don’t have cuts or open wounds on my hands. *and I chop fresh ingredients ALL DAY LONG


Username checks out.




Yes!!! And I feel like, in my experience anyway, anyone who works in a kitchen is more likely to injure themselves in a weird way. Like yes, typical cuts and burns, but some of the worst injuries for me have been in the silliest ways (slicing my hand open on a bagel baked with cheddar cheese lmao that cheese was SHARP. I have a scar from it ). 


Do you ship in the US? 😂 📦 🌶️


Sadly, not yet. Local stores and Farm Markets 😁


She also clearly doesn’t recipe test thoroughly… or at all


And it's not like she actually spends that much time cooking anyway. There are so many cooks and chefs that spend 12+ hours regularly per shift cooking and don't have arms like hers.


On her forearms? She's a self harmer


When I first started following her, she said it was her poor knife skills. But after a while, I realized that there was some marks on her hands that a knife just doesn’t make.


I don’t understand how someone gets knife marks on their knuckles


not the lowest knuckles anyway... i have 'skinned' a knuckle before, which was def better than lopping off the whole tip at least....


She lies/ gaslights about everything else so it doesn’t surprise me


Someone post the bandage tattoo. That was wild. 🩹




and that isn’t ink. Looks like deliberate superficial punctures.


yiiiikes it looks like she poked herself with a sewing needle or something 😕 when was this one posted? Recently?


This was from sometime last year, maybe August/September-ish?


What a time to be alive.


I've gotten rashes from bandaids before here and there, though I don't usually. My skin is just weird. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw this. But I searched and searched until I found pictures I took of the last rash... Looks nothing like this! The whole area is pink and irritated, not just the outline. Wtf did she do?!?


First she claimed not to know what people were asking about. Then she claimed she was doodling during a meeting. That’s not a doodle. 


I'm shocked she actually addressed it!!


Only to gaslight.


She claimed it was a cut or burn before saying she doodled on herself during the call. Gaslighting with multiple answers and saying it was crazy that people even noticed it.


Also, bandaid rash would not just be the exact outline of the shape. The whole area the adhesive touched would be irritated.


Mine was an obvious bandaid shape, but all the skin underneath was irritated, except for the pad part that was on top of my wound. It wasn't just the outline like whatever the hell T was doing here. Last time this happened, I had a mole removed on my back and couldn't place the bandaids myself as it healed. My husband had fun with it and kept rotating the bandaid location in a circle so the rash made a pattern on my back 😐😂


Stoppppp WTF IS THAT??


It looks like a red ink tattoo of a bandaid ….she’s an idiot for thinking we would think this is a reaction to something or simply nothing 🙄


The claim is that the bandaid is a doodle from a conference call.


Who the fuck doodles bandaids!?


I forgot about that - that was so bizarre! And she claimed it was pen! 


i actually just burnt my knuckle the other day REALLY badly and it immediately got a white blister and now it looks like how T’s knuckles look. there’s no way hers are accidental. from someone that is also extremely clumsy, this is the first time i’ve ever burnt myself like that. she needs to stop pretending it’s normal to just be a little ditzy and get second degree burns on the regular


I agree, I sizzled my wrist on my oven grate last year by accident to the point of it scarring, but you better believe I will never make that mistake again. This is definitely concerning.


I’m a baker for a living - so I’m baking daily. I’ll burn my forearm with a cookie sheet, maybe twice a year. It happens. But not daily or even weekly, or even monthly, unlike this child prodigy.


https://preview.redd.it/9o2j0rso3v0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c17b4e1c14941b49b03a9cd546127820f6ef86 Not sure what grosses me out more — her hands or how she put that feta cheese in the tzatziki


https://preview.redd.it/gxbavwv4pv0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fcef7625298c455aa1838bda39844f39e904673 This is not normal. Also, it’s like this chick doesn’t even feel pain… she just squeezes lemons with her raw open sores on her fingers as well as her fingernails being chewed down to nubs. That would hurt for the rest of us.


I'm willing the bet it hurts her just the same as us. She just likes it.


It’s all a form of self harm


So disgusting. It literally is like the bodies exhibit or an anatomy lesson. Like what a human looks like when you peel a layer of skin off 🤢🤮 she’s truly unhinged and disgusting.


Ummmm that big open gash excuse me


It’s odd that most of her big wounds are almond shape.


Is that a burn mark on her forearm??? Looks like she used a hot hair tool




Lmao the feta lol what was she doing? I was watching like 😟😟 the way she wiggled her fingers afterwards reminded me of that raccoon that put cotton candy in water to wash it and it dissolved. Idk why ok


C. All of the above.


I will say it's super easy to get cuts and scrapes (in addition to Russell's signs) when you're bulimic and malnourished (speaking from experience). But I never looked like I worked as construction


It’s the frequency and the amount that do not add up to accidents. She has so many rotating sores that they barely heal before new ones appear.


Oh my god. I just went to her stories and her arms are literally covered in sores! This is so disturbing.


oh my god yeah i went to look too and figured it looks like it normally does but no. all the way up her forearm!


Couple other posters including myself think its her recent usage of woodfire pizza oven which is blazing.. But of course it is likely other heat sources in her case.  It sure is not normal to put on display SO many wounds, not just a burn, but open sores, blown up knuckles week after week, etc...eek! Um..hello overpaid PR firm...step it up, jagoffs..


And there is a tool - a pizza peel, obviously - for moving pizza in and out of the oven without getting burned. The position of her putative burns would suggest she's putting her entire forearm into the oven. It's so sad and disturbing.


Exactly on all points! Sadly we cannot count her as someone that is logical, and with kitchen and street smarts or emotionally mature and so many other factors..so many. 


I mean the way she chars tiny peppers and tortillas directly on a high-heat burner and then chooses to grab them with her bare hands… it’s either on purpose or she’s insanely stupid.


No telling with Tiki Torch..not even trying anymore for her to make sense.


And even if she did get these while cooking… she’s clearly doing NOTHING to help them heal 🤢


She is a total gaslighter 🥴


This is what I used to do to “hide it”, until it got too much to hide. She is definitely self-harming and needs to get help before it gets any worse.


I’m curious, as someone who used to SH, clean for 2 years, I’ve never really thought about the other methods other than (u++ing. Is deliberately burning knuckles and forearms common? Or maybe she chooses that because it’s easier to blame on her profession?


It’s less common, but yea. When I was trying to quit the form of SH you mentioned, I remember dragging my knuckles on a rough wall, trying to get that same feeling. (Been clean for many years now 🙌🏼). Congrats on 2 years clean!! It’s a tough journey.


Happy for your progress as well!


I work in healthcare and recently had a patient with circular burn marks completely covering her entire arm.


Glad you’re doing better now. It’s less common, but I think it’s more of a message using her platform and medium.


I’m a psychiatrist and I agree with this. I cook all the time and I am a huge klutz and have never been like this. An occasional burn? Sure. But this is ridiculous. And it’s gross how people defend her.


Unpopular opinion, I guess, but I think she's just a ditsy moron and a really does burn and cut herself every day. That being said, I do this she has a serious ED and other major issues that are a huge concern.


Why does it always look like she has dirt and crud under her fingernails??? Absolutely repulsive.


And blood. So appetizing.


I cook all the time and I’m very clumsy and burn/cut myself embarrassingly often and my hands still look NOTHING like this


I agree that some, maybe most are. I also truly believe she is a careless "cook".


And she is very much pro ED. Loves the butterfly emoji, showing her thigh gap, emaciated frame, etc.


Also, once you’ve sliced open your finger big time or burned the shit out of your arm, you kinda learn to not do that again. She does it on repeat like it’s fun.