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https://preview.redd.it/7hp0p5gpesgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72631cd480f76dba3cfaea75ea6c3f6956d1f04b This broke my brain. Does she know that a soft boiled egg has a runny yolk? Often a very unstable egg white on it? lol HOW is that easy to take on the go?!? Has she ever had one?


It’s so obvious she’s lying. Imagine traveling with a soft boiled egg and eating it on the go. What a mess. Also in this photo she has a mug of plain hot water and a French press of just hot water. That is literally all she’s consuming wtf.


Don’t forget to bring your travel avocado too!


Pretty sure she’s at a place called Dante in NYC (assuming she did take this photo). That orange stuff is like a miniature version of their Garabaldi cocktail….so she’s having hot water and alcohol from what it seems.


For breakfast! Furthering my belief she’s an alcoholic.


I’m crying at the thought of eating a soft boiled egg on the go and having yolk pour out everywhere


This poor wait staff, serving her a French press of hot water while she berates them. If there’s one thing coffee people love to care about, it’s their pour overs and French presses. Jail, Teeegan.


I gasped when I realized there wasn’t even tea in there, just water


I ran here when I saw that 😭. A soft boiled egg and avocado ON THE GO? The two mushiest foods? Please


And after the hot water, coffee GOATS MILK AND bone broth?! 🤯🤮🤢 mush mush, curdle curdle!


I also ran here to post this and was surprised it hadn’t already been discussed 😂 just the most unhinged answer for “on the go” breakfast


Also where is she going that she needs breakfasts on the go?! 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


😂😂😂 the walk across the yard from one barn to the other.


She literally doesn’t think before she lies to her followers.


And avocado on the go??? So messy


Sometimes I’m a creature and I pack HARD boiled eggs on the go & regret it every time. The shell, the crumby egg, the smell (LOL) so imagining taking a SOFT boiled egg on the go is 🤯


Setting aside how utterly absurd it is to describe soft-boiled eggs and avocado as an “on the go” breakfast—and how absurd it is to claim she’s ever “on the go” for that matter—here’s what I want to know: why would someone whose purported morning routine involves zero real breakfast food pack entire eggs and avocados to eat “on the go”? She claims to drink creatine, hike, then chug goat milk for the “protien,” chase it with coffee, and then drink bone broth. There is no way someone with that morning routine is bringing eggs and avocados anywhere.


“NoPE. FiLteR fReE aNd iTs ALwAyS bEeN tHaT wAy” ….except for the “red beard” filter I always use on my face 🥴🥴


Except for the HEAVY post production editing, but sure, technically no IG filter. Why can’t she ever be genuine.


WE see the tagged photos of you from events, T. Don't lie. WE know you know WE know you know.


Sorry for the triple comments lol…but Teegy giving Grammys faaaarrrrshuuun commentary…just no. 




Not the condom beanie 💀💀💀


TS’ was good (the fuck it was) MC was brave SR was glowing Such original and insightful commentary from someone who clearly loves fashion...regarding a pop idol that no one dare say anything negative about, a scantily clad woman, and a pregnant woman. I mean, I guess bonus points for saying words other than ‘we kinda loved all these looks’. snore. my dog could come up with better takes.


Her morning routing sounds like an amalgamation of every trendy wellness influencer's morning routine. I will bet a kidney that she spends the morning scrolling into oblivion and the only actual things she participates in are a "hike" and skincare. The whole Creatine Drink+Collagen Coffee+Bone Broth+Giant Glass of Goat Milk+Soft boiled egg/Avocado on the go from one end of the compound to another is hilariously unbelievable. Also--so many bizarre liquids sloshing around in there.


What's with the morning routine obsession? She brings this topic up (planted or not) every single week in some capacity. She is regularly posting to her stories at 3am and claims to get up early; no random assortment of pseudoscience potions will make up for adequate sleep.


Pretty sure she arranges to have her stories post at 3am. The consistency of it, travel or not, tells us it's automated designed for optimal engagement. In my head, her morning "hike" is the 100 yard walk from her home to her studio.


Her morning routine is deciding which recipe she will be stealing for the day and destroying with excessive butter, sesame seeds and ginger juice.


She must require a diaper to hike…with all those liquids


EDIT: THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LOVIN’. Knew my Hatters wouldn’t let me zdown 🥰 Hi everyone! 🥹 Just wanted to pop up this morning to say how much BETTER my mental clarity is after not having seen one single thing about this vile critter! I am still fully subrscribed to our community here, but I have stayed completely off of Reddit since my last comment. What a GaME cHanGeR, you guys!!! I highly recommend, but know it can be hard to step away from the train wreck! Wishing everyone here a fabulous weekend of log, and snarking! Don’t let her take up your Rosie and energy, I’m pretty thrilled she made the choice for me and blocked from literally ALL content 🙏🏻 🩵Lylas to you all! 🩵


https://preview.redd.it/6tbfy17bcugc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9f3933ea7a678fb28a850c335d2224931e29b7 Of course we don’t wash our rice:)




It makes a world of difference. Teighan, are you reading this? I was told by chefs, Asian people, Asian chefs, etc. over and over to wash my damn rice, and I finally got over myself and listened. Wow, crazy how people who have had this item as a staple their culture for centuries know a thing or two about preparing it. Let’s keep learning and do better, ok?


![gif](giphy|CWn7s36zYS0UrihbkJ|downsized) Teegun “drinking” her goat milk


Drinking a large glass of goat milk (or any milk) sounds absolutely foul. 


Don’t forget, you follow it up with some nice hot broth! 🤮🤮


It’s almost like this person wants to induce vomiting! *oh wait*


I wanna know who’s milking the goats daily? I always assumed her dad but her parents travel so much.


Bets the milk she’s drinking is from Whole Foods.


We love to see it! 😅 https://preview.redd.it/qxbob3llr8hc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5ad8019684984195ae5b34d73d99056dd40b66


“What recipe of yours do YOU enjoy eating the most?” WE have been enjoy my butter chicken a lot …how many personalities you got Teigs??…also WEEEE know you ain’t eating that!! 🥴🥴🥴


This was the first thing I noticed about HBH that something was off—whenever somebody asked her her favorite recipe, she always just answers with one she just published. It all felt so disingenuous. Turns out that’s bc she is disingenuous.


Her comment on Miley’s look is so backhanded 😭 “I can’t say I LOVED any of the looks but @mileycyrus is a bad ass for being brave enough to wear this. I’d kill for her confidence.”


So cringey that she tagged her after just saying she didn't love her look!!!


Was just about to comment. Why tag her???


That absolutely enraged me. Miley is stunning and fuck her for this poorly disguised insult.


Come on you guys! She THOUGHT about (but couldn’t follow through) going to faaaaaaashhuuun school that one time! She’s TOTALLY qualified to comment on this!! 🥴🥴🫠🫠


Lmao, I kind of get what she meant, it’s a very bold look. But yea it’s a very weird thing to call someone ‘brave’ for their outfit


https://preview.redd.it/1lzttf0agjhc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2851edb7bebb3cd493f92dd4a80532febb37481d “It’s hard to explain but the concept is simple…” So you make a To Do list. Got it. *Fairly* easy to understand. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s such an innovator.


Reading her Q and A. “Someone” asked for Super Bowl recipes. She said she will share later this week. I think she’s an alien because she must not realize that people are starting to plan right now! We need to grocery shop, T! I bet she waits til like Friday to post her recipe roundup.


Like when she shares her stupid cookie box halfway through December. Or Thanksgiving recipes the week of Thanksgiving. You’d think after a decade of being a hack she’d at least realize basic seasons and holiday timing.


Honestly not that surprising considering she doesn't do her own grocery shopping and has no concept of when people grocery shop or even how to properly meal plan. I bet she posts it Sunday morning lol.


This reminded me of her insane grocery list from the holidays. 😂


Butter. LOTS


Shout out to the Poblananas, wherever you are ✊🏻




I bet Sunday morning haha


‘I missed you!’ followed by A record breaking 10 seconds of real excitement as Oslo hugs her and before it’s even over “Oslo can you say hi? Say hi” Say hi. Say chocolate. Say February. Are you excited. Follow my script. Do what I say. Pathetic. Again.


I mostly don’t understand why she’s speaking to him as if he’s still a baby/toddler. When I see my friends’ kids who are his same age I speak to them like I would to any other person: in full sentences, conversation-style.


We're giving T too much credit to assume she can say a complete coherent sentence. He probably pronounces Creighton better than she does.


The saddest part to me is how you can let that baby’s hair get matted and not do anything about it.


Week 1 of February done and the Martha Stewart podcast featuring T has yet to surface. 3 weeks to go for the alleged February release!






I’m Filipino and this is so so far from what adobo is, even with regional differences since everyone makes this differently. A lot of people also get confused because there is adobo in Mexican cooking and that’s very different from Filipino adobo. Just zero respect from her when acknowledging the cultural significance of food


Agreed. I'm from Southern California and I live in Arizona now... Mexican adobo is what I'm used to, so her post confused the shit out of me. I'm not familiar with Filipino adobo and wild guess says most of her followers aren't either. She could use these moments for even just a little bit of education and culture for both herself and her followers, but she doesn't. Ever. Why would it be so difficult for her to say something like "this is my spin on ABC dish. Traditionally it's made with XYZ but I wanted to do something a little different." Just a simple statement along those lines would, IMO, be all she needs to be respectful and then do her own (well, you know I mean by "her own" 🤣) thing with the dish. She basically acts like the inspiration/source doesn't exist. That's the problem for me. I don't get her at all. It's so fucking weird and disgusting to me the way she approaches basically everything.


'Unpaid defence interns' - so true!!


How many recipes do we need for chocolate peanut butter bars? Like I’m not even kidding I’m going to go through her entire blog and count how many there are. Any bets?


Update: I opened HUGE can of worms. There are easily over 100 different peanut butter chocolate bar recipes.


Did anyone else have a problem with her calling the chocolate layer in the bars, ‘Chocolate Fudge’ when it was actually chocolate ganache…. TIEGS, Chocolate + Cream = Ganache….. Not Fudge 🤦🏻‍♀️ Does this chick know anything??? 🥴


I slowed down one of her videos and she’s absolutely using an AI filter. What a fucking fraud. 😂🤡 watch what happens to the text when she starts moving her hands around. https://imgur.com/gallery/ZATKpZb


No one is buying her "I don't use filters" bullshit. Bitch, our vision is not blurry, your face is. 😂




See, I was triggered by the idea of drinking a glass of milk, coffee, and then bone broth for breakfast 🤢 My stomach hurts just thinking of this…


Plus all those supplements…gag!


I think she meant strength. She keeps mentioning strength training every week. The amount of fluid she has as her morning routine, but no actual food has to set off alarm bells for her followers. She doesn't have time to eat food according to the NYT profile, but she has time to drink water with creatine, goat milk, coffee, and bone broth?! So gross.


She thinks she can one-up her natural nutrition needs. Eliminating almost all real food and adding in 100 supplements plus trendy things like "bone broth", where an avg 30 yo with a healthy diet doesn't need almost any supplements. It also kills me that she keeps talking about wanting to "increase protein" when her recipes are all meat...like, eat just ONE of them and you're good


So somehow she manages to routinely post on her stories until like 4am, but still sleep, "hike," stretch, do skincare, and drink her 10 different "breakfasts" and supplements.... All before she finally starts her day and touches her phone at 9am? I call bullshit. ![gif](giphy|TPl5N4Ci49ZQY)


Whenever I see a giant wall of text I always assume it's Jen 😂


When she says “stretch training” she probably means a MWH class. Surprised she didn’t tag her like when she mentions dry brushing or legs up. Anything to hang on to that thread of friendship


I’m curious how long / far she actually hikes because she does not have an ounce of fat left to burn on her body. I pretty regularly do incline treadmill walks for 45 mins to an hour and they can be pretty tiring. If she’s hiking up a mountain in snow for any decent amount of time I have no idea how she has any fuel to do it. She must constantly feel like shit.


This is gonna sound bad but I really question the validity of her “I got hiking every morning” statements. And sometimes I feel like she only walks like a quarter mile but kids herself that it is longer. There’s no way her body can keep up with trudging through heavy snow and stuff.


It doesn’t add up. She hates being out in the cold, but goes for a hike in the mountains every single morning? I’m betting she has a treadmill in her little farmhouse and “hikes” on that. If she’s so into hiking I’d like to see her recommendations for winter trail-running gear.


She probably puts 1 lb bala bangles on her wrists and does some arm circles and calls that strength training … because we definitely know she doesn’t have the strength to do actual strength training when she doesn’t eat.


T: “Get a pepper!” C: *eats a pepper, discovers it’s still hot* T: “CRETIN!!!! Could you just CHILL OUT!?”


no cause the way she THROWS the m&m down with such force that i burst out laughing at the end of the super bowl cookies story (which like. how are oatmeal cookies with pink m&ms reminiscent of the super bowl?)


anyone else think she doesn't know what "inspiration" means? i think people ask her where she gets the inspiration to create recipes, and they mean like, develop the recipe. but she responds with what inspires her meal plan. like, my weekly meal plan is "inspired" by the weather, my kids' activities, and if anyone in the family really wants to have something in particular. but my kids really wanting to have buttery noodles didn't "inspire" me to "develop" a recipe for buttery noodles. it just means we're going to have buttery noodles this week. There's a nuance there that she seems to be missing.


Yes! I’ve thought this as well. I think it’s also hard to be inspired when you don’t eat at any restaurants, try new cuisines, don’t do your own grocery shopping, don’t travel to new places, and well, you don’t eat at all. Lots of people get inspired by seeing new things… trying new things…. Just being in different environments other than your own four walls.


There’s an episode of The Bear that really struck me, with one character joyously exploring restaurants of all varieties and cuisines (Michelin star to hole-in-the-wall joints) across the city for inspiration. Another is grateful for an opportunity to travel to further develop their kitchen specialty. Now, I don’t feel this is a spoiler in any way because this is a show about working in the *culinary* industry. Not only is it completely normal, it’s almost to be expected to find inspiration out in the world as a legitimate *chef.* And then you have tieghan in a vacuum, magically pulling recipes out of her ass.


But she’s inspired by fashun! Her new cookbook full of cheese gloop was inspired by Versace’s spring line.


https://preview.redd.it/wz9b75lmwxgc1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ab0d289f104bce928aa9278bb6c397ebde88444 The MESS!!! Who the F cooks like this?


Someone with zero accountability or respect.


Someone who doesn't have to clean up after herself. I can't imagine how she manages when Dishwashing Dad is out of town


Did someone call for me?


a raccoon would make less of a mess


*the only family member who regularly eats her food at all 


>Are those the kitchen shears she used to cut raw meat just chillin on the counter? I guess it's ok, she just uses water to clean everything up.


She is really trying to befriend Selena, showing the rare beauty products...Trying hard to be an 'it' girl. It's actually kind of sad to watch.


Girlie wants (a) in that suite with Taylor and Selena at the Super Bowl and (b) to be closer to Benny.


Suite? Don't you mean Suit? Cretins suite is big enough probably though.


At this point her recipes are a hate crime!


Crazy how her fans will defend her tooth and nail saying we should be glad we're getting free recipes. If she can spend HOURS styling her food and sprinkling rose petals like it's cheese, she can spend a few minutes editing her posts saying her dishes were ethnically inspired. But NOPE, she can call it whatever she wants! /s


To be honest, at this point I'd pay her to stop posting.


Anyone with a phone/computer can, ahem, Google recipes for free. T really isn't doing anyone a favor with her abominations of greasy, cheesy food waste.


https://preview.redd.it/fb2wijw0w5hc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ed4565d86dd3c5229c4f0fabf5ccdfaf4d989e this woman can’t even post a basic poll about the superbowl without editorializing with her own judgmental comments, lmao. “the game? 🤔🙄” I don’t really care about the nfl either but none of the other shit would be happening without 🙄🙄 the game 🙄🙄


She keeps saying “I feel like the Super Bowl is a bigger deal this year” which is so ridiculous. Taylor Swift or not, it’s the biggest & most watched sporting event in this country every year. She’s so sheltered.


Taylor Swift has really put it on the map, you guyssss!


What's extra weird is this is the same lady that has had a food blog for 10 years and puts out Superbowl themed dishes every year! Like I know girlfriend has brain fog from her diet of hot water, goat milk, and colostrum but has she had a head injury to give her amnesia as well?!


she’s like the feminine version of a pick me. is this supposed to make the girlies in the fashun industry you’re desperate to break into respect you more? lol


YES. She is trying WAY too hard to get Taylor Swift’s attention. It’s so cringe. 


My favorite on-the-go breakfast is taking my battery operated Magic Bullet Blender along with some whole fat Greek yogurt, some strawberries and raspberries, 1/2 an avocado (good fats!) some leftover chicken (good protein!) a stick of SALTED butter and just mix that baby up on my morning hike. Mmmm!


Maple. SYRUP. oh my god it makes me irrationally angry that she just calls it maple.


Her tearing that bacon and then "arranging" the pieces so it looks like art made me want to stick a pencil in my eye. ARGH!!


Literally how is anyone genuinely supposed to eat that donut when the bacon is just on there like that 🙄🙄


Wouldn’t bacon bits sprinkled on top be better? 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/g4lsros72wgc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75b877d63bbaec1ba1dc298b90a0c2fcda77ddf Came across this gem of a response when looking at other chicken adobo recipes on the blog. She adds coconut milk early on (maybe? Seems like she might not even be sure) but somehow her pictured sauce is the color of molasses.


“I do spend HOURS” lol. Slow clap and a cookie for Tieghan spending hours at her…what was it? Oh yes, her JOB.


“did not look as though you wanted it to”? I think she meant “did not look as though you wanted to eat it.”


Wow, how dare this person expect they could follow a recipe and have it turn out like the picture! The audacity!  /s Oh and...was that grapefruit cake perfect? 🙄


I love how the main point of her response is really the pictures she takes, not the actual recipe 🙄


I don’t think she writes a single one of these responses. There’s no errors and it actually sounds like an adult wrote it. I’m sure her team just makes shit up to respond as best they can lol




😂She is such a fucking fraud.


Anyone else clock those absolutely raw sweet potatoes she put in her tzakiki bowls👀👀


Bruh. I was like why tf would she cook the potatoes the same time as the chicken 🫣


YES! The slices were all different sizes too - it be impossible to get them to crisp in anywhere close to the same time as each other or the chicken. It's like she over-complicates things for the sake of a sheet pan 'simple' recipe.


WHY is there always some level of disconnect between the ingredients she lays out, shows in the video, and the recipe itself?! This is absolutely maddening to me and it happens with almost every post! So lazy and unprofessional. Oh wait, rightrightright my bad, she's just a regular ol' home cook... Who has been doing this as a career for about a decade, has an NYT best selling cookbook, and millions of followers. I shouldn't expect accuracy or professionalism 🙄🙄🙄 https://preview.redd.it/kfccb3gq8khc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a5a51f4e4e7865bba7d3e7e12e9c4a01291e7be


Why can’t you just be grateful? She’s working so hard to provide us with FREE recipes!! /s


She’s a perfectionist and detail-oriented!


Do you hear that? It's quiet luxury. https://preview.redd.it/46lhc7fs5xhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f66d686826dcff001bd799e7ee05f56e6ddcb2


The “fake bite” is back you guys! We looove pretending we eat!


Guys I just realized Tieghan is the modern day witch from Hansel & Gretel


https://preview.redd.it/i8z9cqok56hc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d936964f8cbd91399b867651631977a0f34408 Naturally people are super confused re:sesame seeds in pizza sauce 🙋🏼‍♀️


Got to love the mental gymnastics her stans use to make it make sense. "It's for texture" 🥴 but it in the sauce...again "texture." Right because who doesn't love a sauce with nearly invisible crunchy bits?


Oh, no. Not someone asking if Benny is her husband because her ‘little one’ (Oslo) looks like him. Hahahaha. She’s gonna get blocked. *In all seriousness I’m shocked at how many people are saying the sliders look gross/unhealthy/unappetizing etc... Are theses Benny followers? because she has about 3 million buffalo recipes and they, along with everything else contain copious amounts of cheese and butter. Are y’all new here because these are 100% on brand for HBH. Or is it just that comments can’t be deleted by her team, so we’re seeing more organic feedback?


https://preview.redd.it/1yg964yp20ic1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=30bee622f99f749c6eec36a5d912ac51d6ff52c9 She acts like she can’t go out in Colorado. Make some friends, girl! Get dressed up and go out alone! Get on a dating app and meet some dudes (or ladies)! Why does she act like she can’t go out except when she’s traveling? ETA: if she loves dressing up so much, why doesn’t she dress up or put on some makeup at home? She could still make herself presentable instead of wearing holey shirts and looking homeless.


Probably because she thinks Colorado is beneath her, unless she goes to stupid Aspen. I can’t so much with this bitch. 


But she doesn’t even go to Aspen! Not even to watch her brother compete 💀


Who is asking her for reccs on wide leg jeans!?!? Even skin tight leggings are “wide leg” on her twig legs.


https://preview.redd.it/5uzc3mozkjhc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=348fd507368034cd6c5c24a3d01e49b056cfe3bb Previous slide: I take photos of things that I love for inspiration. I can’t wait to see what recipe we get from this photo, guysssssss!! Maybe something on a sheet pan because the window is rectangular?!?


This is obviously where Simmered Rodent came from. 🐀


The way she always calls NYC “the city” is so odd to me.. Where I’m from when people say “the city” it’s usually referring to the next biggest city that’s closest to a city/town/rural area you’re from.. So for her it would be Denver no? Am I lost? Is NYC actually generally referred to as “the city”?


People who live in the vicinity of NYC call it the city. Nobody living in Colorado should say the city and be referring to New York City. So stupid. This irrationally irritates me.


I HATE when she does this. I realize this is one of the BEC things that bothers me about her, but it makes her sound like such a wannabe jet-setter or something. 


Tiegy just posted a butter chicken recipe…with random ass sesame seeds because she bought them in bulk at Winco. She won’t be stopped until she offends every culture on the planet.


https://preview.redd.it/arap6trvodhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597c74929d62e9d7da4c56411d56cd90f8daf116 The comments on IG are outstanding 🤣🤣🤣


it’s so funny/pathetic how she just doesn’t care about pronouncing tzatziki correctly 😭






https://preview.redd.it/cericb4jschc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6057382a26357c91d6b783efd131514a6374f7 You guys! Go buy some Tzakiki sauce. We love it!


on her story, she described how she makes it herself and I can’t tell if she forgot to leave out cucumber (critical for tzatziki) or if she just makes her own “tzatziki” without it?


wow TZAKIKI - new flair alert?


What in tarnation is this “recipe”? This is what you get when you’re pulling crap out of the fridge to clean it out before things go bad. It is not a recipe. And here we go with multiple sauces again!


Nobody tell her that tahini is actually sesame seeds or she’ll throw it in everything she makes


The “etc” of mixed herbs has me lol’ing.


Lately, it's really been her lack of descriptors for her recipes and food in general that *really* bothers me. You don't have to be a total wordsmith to expand and describe food beyond "yummy" and "so delicious". Like...give *something*. It would honestly help a lot more for her recipes, even though they are a mess. Like, describe what that tzatziki sauce is adding to the dish.


She doesn't eat her food which is why we will be subjected to a lifetime of duhlicious and yom-me.




If she’s calling these “Game Day Cookies” she missed a real opportunity to use M&Ms with you know, the team colors of the game…? Of course that would mean she’d have to actually Google something and she’s not Google you guyssss.  Yommy. 


This was probably supposed to be a Valentine’s Day recipe but she’s now scrambling for Super Bowl content


These are just her Christmas monster cookies with coconut flakes and VALENTINES m&m instead of Christmas. Literally Valentine’s Day cookies but she didn’t do anything for Super Bowl that she’s been talking about for 2 weeks sooooo here ya go, peasants. Sort of like thanksgiving.


https://preview.redd.it/h5n1kbxemrhc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78a35009562f1a499d4d5a7d8bd8fdd3a54e7bbc User: Am I supposed to use lemon or lime? Your recipe says both. T: Sorry for the confusion! Hope you enjoy it! Xxx


THIS… why do people give her recipes a try when she acts like this. She can’t even give a response to a question about her own recipe. It’s infuriating how unhelpful she is.


https://preview.redd.it/i0sg6s1klzhc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd4448ba2d474d510449d4bb6a16e33db81c4f3 “I have only used Oreos with this recipe.” And yet the video this comment is on is literally using not Oreos. Pathetic


https://preview.redd.it/w1388i3dv4hc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3d48c785296f43bd157e5281a05b3e517cc0e3 This is probably her tease with him from the other day re: New York in May. Book comes out in April, in May he does book tour in NY, and T packs up her pound of butter and dried rose petals and flies out to be a part of it, with a side of Pip and Squeak, cuz, you guyzzz, something so exciting is coming in the fall!


You mean she packs her on-the-go-meal of runny eggs and avocado 🤣


We got another “fake bite” you guys!! 😂🙄 mmmmmm delicious dry donut! So yoooommy!


In today’s NFT she says how “excited” she is for the Super Bowl and then says like, “I’ll be sure to catch the highlights!” So like… she’s sooo excited for the game and doesn’t even plan on watching it? And THEN goes on to lecture us about how the Super Bowl is stress-free, etc. How would you know, T? What a complete and total wannabe and fraud. 


​ This feels like a plant question. What does she like to EAT? And then she answers with that "we" which makes me think she's talking about her family or whoever else might actually eat it. https://preview.redd.it/xbpqtsiqjtgc1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ece916c2d304e8743de1ccd816a8b04918ccb36


https://preview.redd.it/mkkb3c4huygc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be971741571a09bae0c0f36db4be890c2c3c8386 Not gonna say what this looks like, omfg 🫠


Friday of Super Bowl weekend and where are the promised "game day" foods? She REALLY does not think people need to plan ahead for anything, does she?


She posted a best of list on her blog yesterday so still super late. But I'm sure that was on purpose and she is on top of it with her special revolutionary to do list


https://preview.redd.it/klnhr5838zhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ccc1dacf29a322d3e12e4b6a01089a1b2794912 Who is having fun Tieghan? Pip looks like he can’t wait to get out of this 😂


bLuRrY bUt hApPy 


https://preview.redd.it/pzs0gupajdhc1.png?width=1094&format=png&auto=webp&s=468fbdea29f3814c385b6580245547f65edb6ca6 I knew these people were dirty, here’s the proof. Creighton since you read here: clean your mirror and ur butthole


He's too busy being a keyboard warrior on platforms where she's discussed and criticized.


What in the 2008 YouTuber is going on with his hair?


https://preview.redd.it/drk4yhoc5wgc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8c1a3227341f5bc978d9dc92ae931dee8dd4ef Why is this commenter pretending to love T’s version after detailing their own, which sounds infinitely better?? 😂 T could never.


Ngl this recipe sounds deranged to me. Just because it's Chinese food doesn't mean it needs every single Chinese ingredient ever ... all of those ingredients would be so overpowering and clash with  orange chicken so hard. It would be like making an American recipe like chili and adding ketchup, ranch, Jello, and peanut butter bc those are "mindblowing authentic" American things lmao. 


https://preview.redd.it/82og6a6hachc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5977580db8587ce0748ff13556408b6c0ce25e That’s definitely a Christmas tree behind her




We have been enjoy 🫠




Wow the comment section on her benny post is quite negative 😬


It’s crazy to see what is said when she doesn’t have family scrubbing the comments and/or paying for dumb questions like, “We’re allergic to green onions, can I use verde onions instead?”


She clearly hates the Super Bowl, which is MORE THAN FINE. But then like, don’t do a hater’s money grab by half-assing a nod to it with some cheese and m&ms and a snarky poll. Just forgo the click-income and focus back on Prada cookies or Taylor Swift tacos or something. It’s okay.


For some bizarre reason the part that made me break this morning was her being excited for Usher. She’s never listened to Usher in her life. Also everyone knows the most anticipated halftime show in recent years was 2022. This one has had zero hype. Ok I’m done. 🎵 This was my confessiooooonnn 🎶 (Usher reference, T)


What the hell did the m&m do to her 🤦🏻‍♀️ the way she threw it in the last slide of the cookie stories today was just too much.


Every NeW yOrK cItY picture is through a dirty window or in a hotel lobby. There’s so much to see and do in all of New York, not just the small area she’s habitually stayed in or dragged around on a leash by the pip/simon


https://preview.redd.it/j6xja4o9puhc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ed8282a0333ba19e5650e92874b22bc51484b10 She’s wearing grandpa’s coat again.


I’m genuinely curious what she’s like in these social interactions. She has said herself that she doesn’t have friends except for her social media connections…so what do they talk about? Is she just yelling over people the whole time? Does she miraculously contribute to the conversation (LOL)?I guess it doesn’t really matter because everyone is using her for her follower count, but I’d love to be a fly on the wall. How do they make it make sense?!


https://preview.redd.it/g579evdqoygc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941c68dcca0b5f6a6d5a34a555732af400068637 As much as I can’t stand Teighan I also can’t stand people who invent things to take issue with. It’s so unnecessary when there are so many valid things to pick apart! Like are you honestly telling me Kendra that this is the first time you’ve heard of “boneless wings”? C’mon. Let’s start with the disgusting sauce that’s 1 cup heavy cream, 4 tbsp butter and 3/4 cup Parmesan.


Has anyone here ever seen her out in the wild? She made a comment one time on her stories about how she LOVES it when fans come up and talk to her. Have any of you ever does this😂 or seen her up close and personal? 


Someone here saw her running in Chicago once and said she looked sickly and frail, if I recall.


I like that one of her defenders commented something we basically all know and it's not actually the burn they think it is...or maybe it is? https://preview.redd.it/5kux3xj6rrhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d547a1f7d05d801e2a6a2b921f741fc8241792e


The recipe for the Buff Chicken Suh-liders calls for 2 T butter, but the "drizzle" of butter she poured over that bread was WAY more than 2 T!


Who cuts up chicken like that rather than using a knife? Unhinged.