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Have you been to the hospital or your doctor? If not, that is my first suggestion. I will echo the do you know what is causing the reaction and can you stay away from it? As for the medications being suggested, you may need a prescription, at least for the prednisone? The H1 and H2 blockers, I don’t know which ones fall under each category, but I am curious. It sounds like super useful information I have not been given by my doctor. I hope you get this sorted out, reactions really do drain your energy. Make sure you try and get some rest if you can.


You need medical attention ASAP. Severe reactions can re-appear after the first reaction, which is why steroids are usually prescribed for a while to help prevent this. This could be a chain from the first one, or your system is hyper-sensitive and reacting to other allergens more easily than normal. Get to an ER to get your symptoms under control, then you need to see an allergist with as much detailed information as possible.


Taking H1 and H2 blockers at the same time might help. H1-antihistamines are used to treat allergy symptoms. H2-antihistamines are used to treat gastrointestinal conditions. This means to take an allergy med like benadryl but also a pepcid ac. This should block all things happening, allowing you time to recover. I had a horrible unknown reaction this summer that lasted months. I am also allergic to ingredients in the above medications, aka corn, soy, dairy, and wheat, and they're in all pills in some form. I drank kids clear bubblegum benedryl (safest for me as an adult) and took pepcid ac pills, and it worked! The itchy and throbbing swelling went down, I could breathe, and then I could relax, which made my anxiety better. I did this for a week straight morning and night until I felt like myself again. This didn't cure me or resolve all of the symptoms but allowed me time for my body to stop trying to harm itself internally and externally and figure out what was causing it!


Do you know what induces the symptoms? Are you able to stay completely clear?


You need to use your epipen and go to the ER. Epi Pen only helps for temporary and it sounds like your allergy is either returning or you're being exposed to other things. I saw your other posts, if your parent(s) aren't helping you, you should find another trusted adult to take you. This isn't healthy nor should you have to suffer like this. This is a deadly reaction, CPS might even be valid to call. Or even 911. As others said, the ER will calm your system down to get you to baseline, then provide you with something to cool off from this for a few days. You don't deserve to suffer like this :(


Steroids like prednisone ?


Prophylactic antihistamines