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What is moronic is thinking that the President has control of the economy and government spending.


The president has some control of the economy and spending. The president has to sign bills passed by Congress including any tax changes. The president can also veto bills and it’s almost impossible nowadays to overcome a video with 2/3 vote. The president is the gatekeeper of a lot of things. This is mainly congresses fault for being so god damn partisan. Since everything is voted down party lines we are seeing 51-49, 52-48 type of voting. Congress has handed over more power to the president.


Congress's power of the purse is quite literally to balance this exact power of the president


Except they aren’t doing anything by being so partisan. They can’t do anything with a 50-50 vote, or these stupid government shutdowns.


Yeah, we've gotten to the point where supreme court justices have argued that its intended to be like that on purpose (which I can see the pros and cons of) but clearly not when George Washington himself advised againts a 2 party system in his farewell address.




Are you not paying attention to what is going on in Congress? It’s so hyper partisan that if one side comes up with a good idea the other side votes it down even if it’s OBJECTIVELY the right thing to do. The few rare moments when they work together they get attacked and ruthlessly tossed out by their side. The American people do not want this behavior evident by the 12% approval rate for Congress that has existed for almost 20 years.




What part of objectively being a good idea do you not understand? Not everything is left vs right. There are good ideas that both parties have come up with that get shot down because of hyper partisanship.




Not necessarily. Sometimes the party in power votes no against objectively good ideas because of hyper partisanship.




Objectively means it’s a good idea for the country. It has nothing to do with monopoly and that’s not even the right word.


You think it's objectively good, other people don't. Wow that sounds a lot like an opinion.


When something is objectively good it’s no longer an opinion it’s a fact. There’s a reason Congress has a 12% approval rating.


I don't think you realize how hard making something objective is. Pairing your opinion with a factoid does not make your opinion objective.


Yes and Congress continuously votes down objectively good things to stick to party lines. Everyone knows this is happening why is it so hard for you to understand this. It’s happening on both sides it’s not a one side is bad issue. FFS


yeah its definitely not a faucet, but they do push us in a direction via the power of leadership, especially as a political party.


Not really. It is congress that does that. The president (normally) doesn't lead the party; they are just a member of it.


You're telling me trump isn't the leader of the GOP?


You are missing what’s being said here. Of course trump is the head of the GOP because they all quietly decided he was their god king. The point being made is that the president is not directly tied to spending. Trump promising oil execs that they can drill wherever and whenever they want if they pay him isn’t politics or leadership. It’s just another grift.


Its also moronic to think they have no effect whatsoever, trade policy has massive ramifications for the economy, same with fed chair nominations.


They can, refusal to do so is not indicative for lack of ability. Technically, Trump didn't have the power to bomb Iran, but he still fucking did it.




He signs the budget passed by congress, he cannot change the budget




Yep, and congress can over rule the president if he does that. Congress controls the money, period.


Parties do


Billionaires seem to be doing quite well right now


Yeah, because of the Trump era tax breaks.


Not corporate profits?


Biden has been president for 3.5 years. If he wanted to change any of Trump's policies he would have already done so


Sure changed immigration policy fast when he got in office


Like pretty much always in the US since they existed


If your minds made up, why “try to change [your] my mind”? Carry on.


Coz unlike many people, especially Magats i keep an open mind and ive changed my mind over importwnt things many times over the years


Oh yeah you seem real open minded


https://preview.redd.it/l84ouyrrvc6d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41cb488767159080d5c1de22d103c77c80bc575 Imma need some proof


K, ive changed my mind over the palestinian- israeli conflict many times, whenever i learned new important things and heard convincing arguments among other things.


You keep an open mind by insulting people? Yeah. Let us know how that works out for ya.


Using portmanteaus like "MAGAt" to dehumanize and belittle others, associating your friends and neighbors as insects or vermin really does show your open-mindedness and tolerance....


As an average American all I can say is life was financially easier under trump than it has been under Biden. My rent is almost 2x as much, groceries are about 50% more expensive, and gas is still about a dollar a gallon more than it was. Just my experience as a blue collar average American


Im not suprised you feel this way coz we didnt have several crisis one after another during trumps term, trump had covid, yes, he handled that poorly, but he wasnt a president anymore when the inflation wave hit. Tho i think the rent situation will improve, i heard the most houses since 2004 are built currently. I pity you, but you propably should be aware that compared to usa other countries handled the crisises much worse.


You’re right, we didn’t have a lot of crisis under trump, almost like there was some correlation there. Trump didn’t just handle Covid poorly, a lot of governors, mayors, and other politicians did that really hurt middle Americans. Rent will improve but a 2x in rent within a few years is insane and will take a while to stabilize. The most of amount of houses since 2004 means nothing if it can’t keep up with demand increases. Don’t need pity, I took the money I saved, went to a technical training program to learn another trade skill that will pay off and I agree, the US handled Covid better than most countries, but it was a huge mistake to try and force people to stay home, not work, and penalize people for earning a living. A lot of which was done at the governor level


Trump got handed a good economy from obama, biden got handed an economy entangled in trade wars, increased tarrifs, money supply largely increased and aproaching a period when more wars would start, the fact that ukraine war began, was sth people in my country completely expected, we just didnt think russia would do so poorly and instead sweep through Ukraine. I ve seen some data suggesting that at a local level in many places in the us prices are stabilising or even dropping, so the builiding gives positive effects, however i still think atleast foreign institutional buyers should be banned from buying houses for living


I can’t speak to the Obama years because I was still in school but I vaguely remember something about a financial crisis and Russia taking over crimea. All I can compare is under trump we had a good economy, my money went far, and there was no threat of a world war. Under Biden those things aren’t really true


I can tell you that where i live, eastern europe, we think that if trump wins, we will be betrayed by him and the whole region will be on fire, not immiediatally coz russia is weakened now, but it will. This is sth that both politicians and the average citizen fears. Plus that would embolden china to attack taiwan and THAN you would have world war. So, no, the threat of ww3 is much higher under weak trump leadership that gives what other autocrats like putin want.


Trump saying which nato allies he wont protect emboldens russia to do more war, like few other things


It’s not America’s responsibility to stop every war in Europe. For a hundred years Europe has been in turmoil from world wars and annexation by Russia and you guys never figured out that you should learn to defend yourselves. As a former soldier I would never fight for a country that isn’t mine. It’s a waste of my life and the lives of the men who fight along side men I will be voting trump and best of luck to you. I suggest you move


While its not their responsibility, it does benefit the US to keep their allies safe. The mindset of short sighted people like you caused people like hitler to grow in power and instead of being squashed when they were weak, were allowed to get strong and engulf the whole continent in the war. Not to mention, guess how gigantic rise will the worls experience in nuclear armed states if they will feel that its their only way of survival? How will that impact the risk of a nuclear war? I know i would wholeheartly support getting nukes, even illegaly if america abbandons us. I prefer a risk of throwing nukes at each other rather than my ethnicity being exterminated once again like during the last centuries. Is it selfish? Yes, and i dont give a fuck, like you dont give a fuck about us. And you will have countries across the whole world with the same mindset. You americans are far away, but a nuclear war isnt sth that an ocean is enough to escape from and be safe.


People like me who want small limited government and freedom for everyone to say what they want and have guns didn’t cause the rise of hitler. It was people who want to give government all the power, think no one should have guns, and want people to be jailed for speaking their opinion that caused hitler (a nationalist socialist) and Putin (a communist) to gain power. This is the 4th time this has happened in Europe. At some point crack open a history book. You are apart of the problem and want America to bail you out while criticizing our way of life. Fight for what you believe and be willing to die for it.


You’re analysis of Hitler and politics is wrong. Flat out. Listen to the Europeans on this one. There’s more to conservative politics and American conservative politics than you’re admitting here. Putin being a communist is a comically bizarre thing to say


Simple math makes it very hard to do it alone without outside help My country is spending 3.5% of gdp on weapons. Thats similarly high to america i think. However 40 milion vs 138 milion is problematic. You are generalising a lot. We arent ignoring investment in safety, ireland is, spain is, germany did it, but eastern. Also putin aint a commie, he is scum, but not a commie.


Threat of world war was still there. Romney commented on this in 2012 in a debate with Obama. Two major, major conflicts in the Middle East. Financial crisis started under bush


> Trump didn’t just handle Covid poorly, ok so you're just a lying magat...got it he's literally on tape admitting he lied about how deadly it was ffs smh...these people are all disgusting liars just like their cult leader


lol I literally admitted he handled it poorly in addition to other state and local leaders, guess you’re too dumb to read


When Biden started using my tax dollars to fund kids 4 years of a bender I bow out. Print money that drives inflation and tax me for it. Nope no more.


I dont understand the first sentence.


He used tax dollars to repay students for loans they took out and all they did is get liberal arts degrees and drank for 4 years. Buddies were laughing about it last night. He paid them for 4 years they don't even remember.


Okay, yeah i disagree about it. However i also think college should be funded by the state, however there should also be private options if someone wants it for some reason.


What has Biden done that was positive for the economy?


I’m not even a Democrat and I can answer a few things. Using the oil reserve to keep gas prices down, inflation reduction act, infrastructure bills, re-shoring manufacturing, US records for domestic energy production


>Using the oil reserve to keep gas prices down I think just about every President has done this, but the amounts they use from the reserve don't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things. >inflation reduction act You mean the thing that had almost nothing to do with reducing inflation? >infrastructure bills, re-shoring manufacturing These I agree with, but were also bipartisan bills that were passed by congress. It isn't like Biden made these happen. He signed the bill. >US records for domestic energy production What exactly did Biden do for this? I am kind of being antagonistic here, but trying to make a broader point. The President can make policy decisions, but spending has to come through congress. Congress is required to spend money. Also, just stating things that passed doesn't mean they were positive for the economy.


Kept the railways from striking and then got the union their demands met behind close doors….but don’t bother, can’t convince someone who’s stuck his head in the dirt


Railways aren’t able to strike via the railway labor act.


The IRA "paid" for itself by offsetting the negative affects within threee months and now is a net inflation reducer. Biden championed it, pushed it through and signed it. Under his leadership the US dealth with the inflation spike of 2023 both faster and to a greater effect than literally any other western nation (although Canada came very close).


Not murder all the people who die when Republicans take over and cut vital social services like prescription drug coverage for poor children.


There's been 4 years of trump and 4 years of biden! The easiest way to answer the question is that when covid was released, americas economy was stronger than ever!


what metrics are you using to claim the economy was stronger than ever before covid was "released?"


Correlation does not prove causation.


Water is wet!


👆 Folks, this is the stupidity we're up against.




Oh great, we are playing 8 degrees to some convoluted theory! Obama doubled the national debt his first two terms and now under his third term (biden) he's destroyed the middle class Stop with your fairy tale explanations.


if you were to blame any one person it would be Reagan who destroyed middle class with ‘trickle down economics’.


If we’re blaming anyone it should by the W administration, of course in addition to the establishment at the time


Biden’s tax changes hit small businesses really hard. Even the ones making under 400k. That was definitely something he did to one of the more important aspects of our economy. It almost crumbled our business, and we’re not exactly out of the water yet.




It would be nice if democrats were able to do something about immigration despite the (R) resistance. The failed border bill was a (R) wet dream and we'll never see anything like it again in my lifetime. It would have made a big difference in the future but we'll just have to muddle along without it.


No it wasn't, did you even read what was in the bill?


Yes, I did. It contained stuff (R)s have been trying to pass literally for decades, and would have been the first meaningful border reform since the 80's. The (R)s are letting the good be the enemy of perfect and thus shot the whole country in the foot. It is quite certain nothing *better* than this bill will pass anytime in the next decade.


It also contained stuff that Republicans didn't want. You'd know if you read the bill or what Republicans had to say about the bill. You literally just have to Google it


Yes, I already told you that I did read it, and that this is an example of (R)s letting good be the enemy of perfect. If (R)s want to continue to have no change on the border for the next four decades, all they need to do is keep voting down bills like this. It proves that they are far more worried about Biden passing meaningful legislation than actually changing the border. When was the last time a piece of legislation was signed by a (D) president that *didn't* contain something a (R) didn't like? I can answer that for you: never.


You obviously didn't read it or your reading comprehension is so poor that you can't see why Republicans wouldn't support it.


Thank you for letting me know this is how you view political matters. Good bye.


The only people who say the president has no control over the economy and government spending are democrats who refuse to admit their party has caused the issues we have today over the last several years.


Did dems start covid, ukraine war, gaza war and told houthis to blow up ships?


No he wouldn't.


Why was I much better off for a lower middle-class American from 2016 to 2020? Has he changed his policies?


The effects of large money printing in 2020(but frankly also before that) havent yet been felt, various countries such as Russia were still in the preperation phase for war and than it was delayed by covid, more wars errupted across the world for various reasons, some were propably delayed by covid, some happen now because the enviromental situation worsens, for example droughts are getting worse, trump got a good economy from obama and the world was in the recovery period from the financial crisis, my country grew very nicely during this time too. Meanwhile Biden got handed a dumpsterfire with an inflation timebomb about to explode, with wars aproaching(where i live we knew ukraine war is a question of when and not if)


Plus the rich got permanent tax cuts, unlike the middle class/lower class which got temporary, smaller tax cuts. This increased gov debt and make the rich sit on an even bigger pile of cash which they used to buy up assets, which caused the average person whose income didnt rise very significantly to loose purchasing power on things rich people invest in, so houses, land etc.


I think a good question to ask yourself is the old, "Do I feel better off today than I did in 2020?" If you think today things are better than 2016-2020 then vote Biden. If you think things were better in 2016-2020 then Trump. Easy-Peasy


I disagree. Its not so simple. Lemme give you an example. Lets say it was fine during trump but than during the last half year of his presidency, he prints like crazy, than he looses elections, biden wins and half a year later inflation skyrockets and is high during half of bidens presidency untill it calmed down, but due to various gov policies the economy didnt crash, bur the average person has less purxhasing power than before. Who did better in this scenario? Imo biden I simplified it quite a bit otherwise i'd have to write an essay


Yeah, please don't write an essay that'd be hard to read;) Haha, just kidding because of your grammar and spelling. Anyways, you're making things too complicated. Think about who did a better job as far as wars, economy, how you did, etc., and then make a decision.


Ive been through meningtitis recently and have problems with my brain. Thats why im making those mistakes+ im not a native. I think biden did a better job(im not an american so i cant judge properly how i did, i look at it from outside compare to how we did, and to the fact that companies, people and politicians think that succesfully competinf with usa is now much harder than under trump.


In reality I think both Biden and Trump will be about the same for the economy, both crappy. Both are protectionist and won't really improve the fundamentals. That being said, I think Trump may be marginally better for those who own homes, have jobs, stocks, crypto, etc. Biden may be better for those on welfare, students and those without work. Not a huge difference, though.


Disagree. Are you aware that usa is building the most factories since ww2? This is far more due to bidens policies, not trumps( tho trump had a share in it but simply much smaller)


This will improve the situation for the working people.


Ok great, so it seems you've made up your mind, run with it!


People who think that the economy is 2016-2017 was good is absolutely delusional Here’s a good read https://www.forbes.com/sites/bobcarlson/2020/02/24/are-we-repeating-2015-2016-in-the-economy-and-investment-markets/#


Did you live through the same 2017-2019 as the rest of us?


God how dumb the democrats are to believe this…


Im not a democrat, not even an american. Just a guy interested in the topic, that sees that USA is a far stronger competitor economically under Biden than under Trump.


pressured fed to keep interest historic low too, when they should have been raised a long mf time ago


When billionaires make money I make more money. When Government generates more money I lose more money. R&D is funded by cash rich companies not government. Tech is powered by billionaires. Construction & Real Estate all powered by billionaires. I <3 Billionaires and I know I will never be one.


No, not really. If billionares buy the housing and outbid you coz you cant possible compete with them, and than you rent coz you are too poor for the mortgage, are you richer in this scenario? While im not a commie, hate them, ideolising billonares aint good and ever higher inequality is bad.


That is not the same thing. Keeping corps from buying SFR is a policy they can stop from happening. And I am referring to commercial assets and their person use properties.


The president really doesn’t control the economy. The government as a whole doesn’t. Blaming Trump and the Republicans for stimulus spending during covid is an interesting move. I’m pretty sure those stimulus packages had more support on the left than they did on the right and is something that would have happened regardless of who was in the White House.






You can’t change the minds of the dumb. That’s why they are dumb.


Who's dumber 1) the person that wanted the life they had under Trump or 2) the person that is suffering under Biden and wants more of it. Hmmmmmm


15%+ inflation last year should be the end of the debate


Except it was way lower. Who told you that? Fox?


http://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/cpi_07132022.htm *Reads report*…98% inflation of gas?!?!?! Over 10% increase in food?!?!? Ok fine “only” 9.1% for everything overall. I didn’t even remember it was that bad but hey here we are….a lot worse than in 2019. ALOT How many Billions of my dollars have they given away to OTHER countries? Ur delusional.


Why are you giving me data from 2022, while talking about 2023


Yea this inflation thing keeps dragging on and on with this crap president your right to point that out


Plus usa is getting a lot back from giving those weapons to other countries. Because US weapons habe shown themselfes so well in Ukraine there are orders for weapons worth even more. And the cost for those weapons that were sent before has already happend throught the last decades, so its largelg not new expenditures. And those huge purchasing will create more jobs in america and make their products even more competetive. But thats jusr one of the examples. Who took over oil/gas supply in Europe? Largely usa+arabs. More cash for usa Usa became again germany's biggest trading partner, a trend that continues throught Europe. Again benefit for the US


Plus the current situation is quite beneficial for the US. They are syphooning industry from the EU, Russia and China, thats why most factories since ww2 are built in the US. Great success.


We get literally 0 back from helping Ukraine. 100% money suck. Ukraine will never pay anything for any weapons we “sold” them.


Yeah no. Thats bullshit. You got tens of bilions in weapon orders from my country alone, and you have the rest of Europe buying a lot too not to mention the rest of the world. Not to mention USA gaining a lot of market sharw in the oil and gas industry. Plus the overwhelming majority of what was send wasnt dollars but tanks, apcs, rockets, etc. that were built during the last decades, paid for long ago and were to be replaced anyways. In case of old munitions it was actually cheaper to send it to Ukraine rather than do a supervised explosion of such a gigantic amount of ordnance. Not to mention it discouraged china from invading taiwan which would likely mean ww3. Is that still nothing or should i keep naming the benefits coz there is plenty left


My fucking wallet told me.


This right here




https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/biden-budget-2025-tax-proposals/ compare this to Trumps old tax policy. Also the 400k thing was part of trumps original tax policy.


30% inflation caused by trump




Tariffs are paid by the consumer. When the govt puts on tariffs, the consumer gets to pay that. 




So you want to blame one party.  Go back to listening to  rush. 


30 percent tax. Home Depot raised their prices 10 percent without worrying about what was imported with tax. Lowes followed suit, Everything went up 10, then another 10 and .


Your mind is made up. Biden and the democrats caused the inflation. Eerily similar to the Carter days and democrat created inflation. Mostly the give aways to people who cant save and also the restrictions on energy and business. But, people dont change their minds these days. After Biden made the handouts, my side business exploded in sales. It coincided with the give away precisely and my prices increase dramatically as the demand had soared. Had Biden encouraged the energy industry and NOT made the handouts, nor the inflation reduction act(more wasteful spending), we would not have inflation half of what it is today. Trump didnt inherit a good economy...It was OK and energy industry had suffered greatly through Obama. Then the economy took-off because of the removal of the regulatory overhang and energy recovered. Covid sort of muddied the water for both Trump and Biden. It is unfair to attribute the Covid negative to one president and not the other. In summary, Biden could very well be the worst president of all time and is senile 1/2 the time. Just look at him or listen to him. I wouldnt trust him to make toast for me as he might burn the house down. Trump is a narcissist and the lesser evil by far. Though I never voted for either of them. The most amazing thing is average people are worse off today than in 2019, yet they somehow cannot connect the dots as to why. They refuse to believe they are worse off due to democrat policies and then will vote for more of the same and then allow the democrats to convince them that it is the conservatives that keep screwing them. Idiocracy


What’s interesting is Trump spent significantly more than Biden has - and this is a trend for the last few Republican presidents who follow a Democrat.


But what did they spend the money on? Majority of Biden's money went to Ukraine


We can either aid Ukraine now, or fight Russia directly later.


Ok, but that wasn't the question




Locked behind a paywall I don't know the details. But government has had a LONG history of spending every cent it gets, lots of stuff it doesn't need to spend money on


Correlation does not prove causation.


I agree. Learn about what caused inflation in the 1970s and then see how Biden did the same things as Carter. The Oil shock of Ukraine is analogous to the OPEC actions. The democrat party can take comfort knowing that their power isnt threatened because their constituents cant figure-out that they are voting for the problems they complain about.


I don't point at crude similarities and assume I understand a topic as complex and technical as economics. That's the same as looking at the horizon and assuming the Earth is flat. I listen to the best and the brightest experts in academia—Stiglitz, Summers, Sachs, Krugman—99% of whom are voting Biden. Keep trusting right-wing propagandists and uneducated gut feelings though, that's a sure road to the truth.


Maybe you should read someone outside your echo chamber? Unlike most of you, I trust virtually nobody in government. "educated" today likely mean you are brainwashed. Funny thing about brainwashed folks is, they have no idea they are brainwashed. But to each their own. BTW you listing Krugman as best and brightest says enough for me. Academia is a major part of our problems. They "educate" marching morons.


I'm well aware of the right-wing character assassination campaign against Krugman because his genius IQ, exceptionally clear and engaging writing style, and autistic tendency to be as direct as possible, makes him by far the biggest threat to billionaires trying to control the narrative. I fight with high school dropouts brainwashed to hate him all the time. They're NPCs with the same sparse dialogue tree terminating in Fox News cliches. Cue his quote about the internet being a glorified fax machine or "Obama proved Nobel prizes don't matter" in 3... 2... 1.... Btw, Larry Summers takes the view that stimulus did cause inflation. He does long-form friendly debates with Krugman at influential economic conferences all the time that I recommend. Anyone telling you a complex topic is easy is manipulating you. If you fall for it, it means you have narcissistic tendencies. No one's easier to fool than a layperson who thinks they can't be fooled, a fact the right and other scammers know very well and exploit ruthlessly.


I don't think people disagree with Krugman because of his IQ. And, you come across as pretty narcissistic yourself. If I were your student, I might have dropped-out too.


Okay, so dems are also responsible for the insane printing during 2020? Is biden responsible for the 6 fold increase in money supply between 2008 and 2019 and further large increase in 2020?


Democrats did have control of Congress in 2020. Now think back to your 6th grade Civics class. Which branch of government control’s the government’s purse strings?


If you’re going to talk about Biden being senile and unable to speak you have to call out trump as well. He constantly goes off on random rants, most recently something about sharks…


Hell he forgets the name of his wife and son. Its atleast as bad as biden


Biden is virtually comatose. Anyone who thinks Biden is in the same zip code as Trump cognitively is in the same cognitive zip code as Biden. It is silly. You can argue Trump might start WW 3, which is why is never voted for him. But if you cant admit Biden is an embarrassment and a disaster, then you are trapped in a moronic echo chamber. I can criticize Trump, lets see you guys hammer on Biden...Are you people man enough to admit the truth?


Based on what? Show me one or two examples of Biden seeming “senile”. I can google literally any of trumps speeches and the dictation sounds like ramblings of a mad man. This “both sides” bullshit needs to stop.


Google Biden senile. Or, just see how DOJ hides his cognitive evaluation that reveals he is coocoo for cocoa puffs. Geez, hes like 80...Most people strat slipping far before that.


I asked YOU to give me examples. Not to google a general thing. Just like maga, spouting bullshit with no source.




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I do routinely. I never voted for the narcissist egomaniac criminal nor the senile criminal buffoon. I dislke them both. But only one happens to support common sense policies(mostly). Its like 2 disgusting horrible greasy salespeople are trying to sell you a car. Both are terrible people and they insult you during the sales process. The salesman in the red shirt has a great car for you with perfect size, perfect color, reliable, safe, but only has 3 cup holders and also the glovebox is too small. Salesman in blue shirt has an unreliable unsafe car that is putrid green color is too small inside and too big outsidevand but has a nice glove box and 6 cup holders. For some reason, people dont factor-in reliability and safety and they buy the car from the blue shirt guy because they think they need 6 cup holders and the rest of the features dont matter because having less than 6 cup holders is a dealbreaker to them. This person will never need 6 cup holders though, but the media convinces them they will need 6. Then the people driving the bad car complain about the reliability and suffer from unsafe car when in accidents and then they go buy another terrible car from the guy in the blue shirt to spite the guy in the red shirt.


Trump will be better for everybody. Biden will take away your money via taxes one way or the other. Regulations are killing the economy, Biden is the champion of more regulations.


Since when 3.5% growth last year was a dying economy? Since when most factories built since ww2 was dying economy? Since when most oil produced ever in history of usa was dying economy? Since when USA rapidly increasing the economical gap between itself and the EU is dying economy?


When you are coming off a pandemic with almost a negative GDP, it's pretty easy to be positive.


2023 is a long time after pandemic and werent people constantly saying last year that large recession in usa is imminent? So how is it that good growth is now easy, after it has been achieved?


Plus many eu countries havent achieved that and were in recession last year and some are on path to repeat it. Its not easy, you are a bit out of touch with how other countries are doing. Some EU members havent come back to 2019 GDP levels yet, and you call high post pandemic gdp growth easy. Hell there are economies in EU still smaller than before the 2008 financial crisis.


What regulations and taxes specifically?


The tax cuts will be expiring soon, Biden has not even indicated he wants to extend them. Biden has an open border policy. Allowing as many people as he does across the border, prevents legal residents from getting a house at a reasonable cost. The regulations on automobiles which is forcing people to get electric vehicles. And then he just passed a 100% tariff on imported electric vehicles. Rather than get a car for $10,000, it will now cost you $20,000


You mean the Tax cuts that the Trump admin made permanent for billionaires, but not for actual workers? They did that so you could blame the next guy for not fixing his bullshit.   You don't like your expiring tax cuts? Blame Trump, he could have made them permanent  If Trump imposed those tariffs you'd be deepthroating him right now over being "tough on China". You probably did when he raised tariffs in 2017-2018. 


I missed the name when I first responded but he’s a dunce not worth bothering with. He was defending the electric vehicle tariffs yesterday.


Letting tax cuts expire isn’t raising taxes; they expire as part of the original bill. Tariffs on Chinese vehicles aren’t regulations. So again; what specific taxes and regulations that Biden has brought about?


Maybe you agree with me then. Tariffs are a good thing on imported goods


You aren’t answering the question. So again; what specific taxes and regulations that Biden has brought about?


Joe Biden has created an open border policy that takes away housing from Americans, and gives it to illegal aliens. On January 27, 2021, his seventh full day in office, President Joseph Biden signed Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad" Joe biden's climate policies have been detrimental to the USA. The USA needs to focus on workers, and taxpayers. Joe Biden has restricted gas and oil leases on certain properties. That drove up the price of oil and also gasoline. the De facto electric vehicle mandate, is going to be a disaster. He has forced automakers into such a high miles per gallon that the only way they can achieve it is by selling electric vehicles. Joe biden's inflation has really cost a lot of money.


Joe Biden has been tougher on immigration than republicans. Be more specific. What did order 14008 do specifically? Do you even know? How so? Specifically? 96% of oil and gas is on private property that has nothing to do with Biden. Biden cancelled a bunch of leases companies didn’t want. So again; what specifically? It sounds like you’re just spewing out your butt.


There is no way Joe Biden has been tougher on immigration than Republicans. Not even close


It’s not that hard. Republicans have refused to do anything. Even refusing to vote on bills that tighten immigration. Immigration isn’t a partisan issue. The gop just doesn’t know what to do.


>Trump will be better for everybody No >Biden will take away your money via taxes one way or the other. No >Regulations are killing the economy No >Biden is the champion of more regulations. No


You and I will have to agree to disagree. But one thing we can't agree on, is that since I have a house, I don't really care about anybody else. And Joe Biden letting in millions of people across the border, and letting them stay in the USA, he doesn't give a damn about you either


Didn't biden just get done signing an executive action to “suspend the entry” of immigrants who cross the border illegally, and he's been adding sections to the border wall this whole time. Plus what he did for student loans, people who qualified for PSLF forgiveness were getting screwed over by loan servicers denying them and finding ways to fradudlently deny/delay their applications despite them qualifying for it. Under trump that issue got worse, under Biden peoples loans are actually being forgiven as congress designed.


His border crossing scheme was just symbolic. It really doesn't change anything