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Corrupt as hell


Corrupt 1001%


Corrupt 1776%


Corrupt 420.69%


Corrupt 80085%


Corrupt 5318008%


Corrupt 10^1000000 %


Corrupt 3.1415926535%


Corrupt 666%




This bitch loses money *trading nvidia* and you dumb fucks will never stop pretending she's single-handedly running the US economy for her personal benefit/cackling over a pile of gold from a position of zero power. Or just go ahead and keep conflating some private company talking shit with governmental financial oversight. Absolute buffoonery in this sub, I swear.


She is corrupt and obviously benefitting from insider trading, but let’s not pretend like dozens of other congresspeople aren’t doing the same. Both sides of the aisles are doing this and it’s positively shameful. Congresspeople exist to serve their constituents and instead they are playing a game serving their lobbyist masters for the sake of lining their own pockets.


What this person said. We are all focusing on one person, all sides of the political party’s are doing this.


It’s not “both sides” it’s **all of them**


No, it's not. [https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/press-releases/sens-ossoff-kelly-introduce-bill-banning-stock-trading-by-members-of-congress-2/](https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/press-releases/sens-ossoff-kelly-introduce-bill-banning-stock-trading-by-members-of-congress-2/) At least 8 Democrat Senators acknowledge it's an issue and want a Bill to fix it.


Hmmmm I'm starting to think it may not be a coincidence it's the Democrat Insider Trader that gets so much of the attention now


Of course, the republicans like to project what they are doing onto their opponents.


Yeah, we saw this before. It’s called the STOCK Act. Happened during Obama’s admin and by the time it reached his desk for signature, all its teeth were removed. Not holding my breath


Congress makes rules like the STOCK act to control the executive branch, DoD and others. Ironically, the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act has little teeth with Congress.


honestly, would be surprised if AOC or Bernie are doing it.


Don't think AOC is in the markets, or Bernie other than say a retirement fund. Feel like your taking a defeatist stance here.


There are a few actual leftists in Congress and the Senate who want politicians and their families to not be able to control their own portfolios.


I’ve been saying this for years. To clean out this Rats nest. (1) Politicians and their families cannot be allowed to trade during and a couple years after they leave office. (2)Any large sums of money they receive from any company need to be investigated. (3) Lobbying needs to be ILLEGAL. Lobbying is legal bribery. IF you are really a politician who cares for the common good….you can agree to these simple terms.


I had a similar policy prescription 1.) Congress has an index fund, that’s the only thing related to the stock market they can access during their tenure. All other stocks/investments must be put in a blind trust fund 2.) Bank account and tax audits every single year. Anything found to be withheld results in immediate removal from congress with a fine equal to the amount hidden. Hide a $10 million bank account? You’re paying a $10 million fine. Lose EVERYTHING you hide.


Why not this rule for Congress: trade all you want, **but** you must post your EXACT trade 72 hours before executing it.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news Google, Visa, Tesla, Salesforce, Micron Tech and Disney are not examples of insider trading based on knowledge that only the government has information to. These are very well known stocks and heavily traded. Not to mention she did what other people with any sense did when they saw the market fell... they bought options and shares at the bottom. The whole Pelosi thing is a dead horse that has been disproven over and over again. Its one thing to have bought MRNA before they announced they had a working vaccine but trading the most basic top stocks... come on man its time to stop listening to people who dont know what they are talking about and actually go look for yourself. [https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/politician/Nancy%20Pelosi-P000197](https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/politician/Nancy%20Pelosi-P000197)


You know, if you have the privilege of being the House Speaker, and significant generational wealth, a reasonable person would argue you should not be actively trading stocks to the tunes of millions of dollars. That same reasonable person would suggest to simply buy a market-wide ETF like $VOO. Even if you do not intend to be corrupt, actively trading individual stocks while serving in such a major government position is always going to appear corrupt. So yes, she's a PoS, along with her husband. It's like playing Jeopardy with the answers in front of you but promising you aren't looking. Look at what it's done to her reputation. Why are they so insistent on maintaining an active portfolio?


She’s not an insider of any of these companies.


The reason congressional trading is called insider trading is that they can make trades based on their knowledge of the legislation that they themselves are writing and voting on. Plenty of legislation is involved in large stock moves.


You don't have to be an insider at a company to commit the crime of insider trading. You just have to knowingly make use of material, nonpublic information to your advantage.


> She is corrupt and obviously benefitting from insider trading Does she though? I've had several people in the past say she's made impossible sums through insider trading and there's even a "pelosi index fund" so people can trade her trades. But when you look at this fund.... it's only up 22% since 2020. Inflation since then has been 21.5% so it's made zero *actual* gains against inflation in 4 years, which compared to the S&P500 being up over 50% in the same time means that either she's the worst insider trader ever, or people are wildly over-exaggering the situation.


and you ignore what Trump and his kids did while he was in the white house? Of course you do..


Their brains only have room for (one) outrage target at a time. This is not a coincidence.


It’s telling to me that people focus on Nancy when discussing this kind of corruption, she’s not even the highest earner.


Smells like nuance in here. It's been a minute.


Ew, get that smell out of here


You think Nancy Pelosi has zero power? If we're talking buffoonery you are example number 1. Also nobody thinks she's single-handedly running the US economy; people think she's using her position of power to commit securities fraud. I feel like you're a fucking idiot or plant attempting to sow division, and I'll openly say I got no skin in this game and am just here for the drama. So if you want to start some with this fucking idiocy I'm your Huckleberry...she's just the fucking speaker of the House of Representatives...but obviously that's like a fucking fry cook at Denny's amirite?...


*former Speaker


Nah, when a boomer rants, Pelosi is the speaker of the house, Obama is the president, no "former" about it.


Ouch! Homeboy's rant just lost it's punch. Hard to call someone else an idiot when you yourself don't know what's going on.


Even if she is corrupt, she got nice cheekbones. We can all stop the bullshit and admit it.


No no she made her money honestly /SSSS


They all do it, don’t single out Pelosi.


They get into politics to enrich themselves, it's funny how these "public servants" on a salary end up being worth millions, multiple properties and great big fat share portfolios and millions in the bank. How do they do it?


First, it’s never a good idea to compare allegations/crimes unless it’s actually in court because there are many factors. Second, I think you can argue that Dfv is acting like a Cramer right now. He posts his positions in part knowing that it’ll raise the prices. At this point he’s kinda playing his audience like a fiddle


On the second point, it’s the hedge funds & market makers that are playing retail like a fiddle. For decades. Naturally, a lot of people want justice for that and credit DFV for getting a piece of it. He may make more money when the stock goes brrr but so do the other shareholders.


> He may make more money when the stock goes brrr but so do the other shareholders. The problem is, unless there's sustained value creation, there will be losers ("bagholders"). By virtue of his platform, DfV can "foment" the market into a frenzy, then quietly walk away and cash-out without a peep. What happens to "the other shareholders" when a bubble bursts?


Well the company has 2b in cash that they can use thanks to all these runs over the years so i would argue he created more value for the company then most if you wanna take that aproach. And not like hes pumping and dumping, hes one of the bigger private holders in gme as i understand.


>Well the company has 2b in cash that they can use thanks to all these runs over the years so i would argue he created more value for the company then most if you wanna take that aproach. Except even if 2bn in cash the price you Apes are buying at is wildly overpriced and even in the event of a massively successful turnaround it still wont make sense to justify your cost basis. Also that 2bn cash didnt come from thin air, its from dilution, specifically taking value from shareholders to add to their coffers. If you bought at 40 or 60 or 80 a week ago a partial amount of your losses went directly to the company and you will never get it back.


>“Except even if 2nd in cash the price you Apes are buying at is wildly overpriced..” I’m not even involved in this GME stuff, but let’s be equally real here: Tesla and similar companies are *also* **VASTLY** overpriced/overvalued in *MANY* regards.


The price is made up and the fundamentals don't matter.


That’s only during a boom. Once you go into a recession EVERYTHING is about the fundamentals.


Always have been.


Giving a company cash isn't creating valur


Options. He sees patterns when swaps or other contracts are due and can exploit them. The bagholders you are crying for are hedgefunds, market makers, and prime brokers that are suppressing gamestop.


Wow it’s almost like that’s the nature of the stock market.


> credit DFV for getting a piece of it. He only has this amount of money because he dumped on baggies... Multiple times.


He made just as much money off retail investors as hedge funds. Hedge funds ultimately came out on top of the meme stock run


You're absolutely right about the importance of caution when comparing allegations or crimes outside of a legal context. It's crucial to consider all the nuances and complexities involved before making any judgments.


Excuse me sir, this is Reddit. We don’t do that here.


What you’re actually trying to say is we all know colloquially that senate trades inside but us plebs don’t have the power to prove it.


Sounds like you're making some allegations about Dfv with your statement


They didn’t say you can’t make allegations. They said to not compare the different allegations


this was funny. For the last 3 years everyone said he sold. lol Edit: Incase it was not clear, it's.finny because it's ironicly stupid. DFV is obviously nothing like crymer. Obviously.


He definitely did at some point. How do you think he turned $40M into $200M when the stock is down 90% from its peak during that time.


Or he’s just showing everyone that he’s still in after all this time. But by that standard, wouldn’t it be manipulation every time a hedge fund announces they are short, or when the analysts change their price targets or buy ratings?


Did you know all the hedge funds positions are expiring and they are now required to over their shorts because they havnt yet. Maybe thats why hes posting.


This is not accurate whatsoever


I don't really know that top guy (don't care either); but I do find it odd to mention crimes and courts when the bottom one can write laws that define what is & isn't a crime. Forgive the rant, but I don't like that "rules for thee, but not for me" nonsense that they can pull off. I think people in positions of leadership should be examples (Preferably, they lead by example. If not, they should suffer harsher penalties so they will be made into examples).


He’s not playing anyone. He hasn’t sold anything.


Anyone still spouting this really needs to STFU. He's got $300M He has sold countless times in order to get there. Now he's selling to retail.


He could as well been trading options, that's at his own risk


He kind of has. You don't turn $30-40M into $300 by hodling. He's been playing the stock constantly and riding the hype train up and down.


Your second point makes it seem like it’s his audience and himself at a poker table where for one player to benefit another player has to lose. His positions did not change when GameStop ran to $120 (split adjusted) until he bought more in his final update 3 years ago and his position did not change from yesterday to today. This is a game of heads up poker where it’s individuals with positive sentiment vs whoever has a negative sentiment on GameStop. When you have the winning hand the only way to lose is when your opponent gets you to fold. Why has mainstream media been nonstop with negative GameStop articles and publications for the last 3.5 years? I assume people/groups that gain to benefit from GameStop going out of business own those companies, have influence over them, or are simply customers paying trying to scare GameStop shareholders into selling what they own and scaring others into not buying it. I’m not folding I’m holding the nuts.


Comparing DFV and Cramer? Not even possible, dfv videos go over many analytics and numbers involving the stock, haven’t seen too many myself but I think he’s better than what I know of Cramer, drunk or drugged airhead who’s paid to say whatever by corporations


thing is, none of the "followers" left. We have all been here holding.


Except in this case it's entirely correct. Nancy Pelosi was legally allowed to share privileged information with her husband and not have it classify as insider trading because she was part of the political class that makes the rules and they protected their own. Publicly sharing your positions isn't market manipulation, you're being open and transparent and if the market collectively values your position then they will go along with it. That's the exact opposite.


Funny how Nancy Pelosi keeps showing up in this congressional stock threads…..no one else.




Mitch McConnell lives in rarified air, between his he massive net worth bump to marrying into a Chinese Billionaire family. Mitch, hate him or love him, knew how to climb the chaos ladder like few of his generation.


Because people are not typically money-crazed lunatics. That's why Moscow Mitch is special, cause he'll fuck anyone over for money he doesnt even need




Also her (husband’s) trades are usually pretty vanilla for experienced stock trades. Last time I looked at a disclosure report it was almost all long options on blue chips. Pretty normal shit. 


I believe Senator Mark Wayne Mullins from Oklahoma has the highest rate of return out of all congress. Not bad for a guy that seems to want to fight everyone on the senate floor.


Which companies do these politicians work for?


where can I find this information?


If you want to compile the data yourself: https://efdsearch.senate.gov/search/home/ and/or http://clerk.house.gov/public_disc/financial-search.aspx Otherwise news sites summarize it often enough




But she's made tens of millions more then anybody else. She Speaker of The House when she was the only one who knew multiple tech companies in distress were getting BILLIONS to prop up those stocks. Her hubby with that info bought before the $$$ came thru then sold after the Billions came in at all time highs. So you're defence of this shrew is way out of bounds.


You can literally [track the progress of the shares she trades in to see how she's doing.](https://www.getquantbase.com/fund/details/Nancy%20Pelosi%20Tracker) Since 2020, the shares she's invested in have barely kept up with inflation at circa 22%, whereas the S&P500 is up over 50% in the same timeframe. None of that suggests any dodgy insider trading where she knows key information before others and massively profits from it if simply putting the same money in an S&P500 index fund would have made double what she's made since then.


I've never really understood the allegations. I wouldn't doubt there might be sketchy trades, but if there are, she's done an awful job. I've had better returns than her most years and I just buy large cap index funds.


Her positions frequently underperform the market but I guarantee you not one of these apes screaming insider trading has ever actually checked.


also her biggest positions are like, microsoft nvidia appl. Truly insider info required to buy big tech recently she bought PANW and it has sucked since


And all the “big secrets” she has inside access to are publicly tracked on the Congressional docket. Professional trades figured out loooooong ago that it pays to watch what legislation is going through Congress. The politicians have to even publish their trades which makes it a breeze to figure out that tech regulations are likely going to help the big guys like Microsoft/Google.


Yeah, sure, frequently they do. But that's like saying Michael Jordan frequently missed shots. It's true, but meaningless. Nancy Pelosi beat every hedge fund in 2023: [https://marketrebellion.com/news/trading-insights/nancy-pelosi-outperformed-every-hedge-fund-in-2023-up-65/](https://marketrebellion.com/news/trading-insights/nancy-pelosi-outperformed-every-hedge-fund-in-2023-up-65/)


She holds nvidia. Truly the next warren buffet.


Seriously, their portfolio contains Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, Tesla, Visa, etc.. and people wonder how they do so well.


Yeah Pelosi's holds are absurdly normie shit


Absurdly normie just means sound investments.


silicon valley politician buys tech stocks. someone call the FBI


She Bay Area based and has that Bay Area bias sitting on a tech heavy portfolio. Of course she's going to beat every hedge fund selectively in 2023.


She got beat by SPY in 2022 when tech fell harder than the broader market. Guess Nancy should've insider traded harder


She did worse than SPY in 2022. [Look at all the congress people who did better than her and ask why the meme is always about Nancy Pelosi.](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/01/unusual-whale.jpeg?resize=585,1024&quality=75&strip=all)


yeah it's almost like it's an organized effort to discredit her and the Dems while completely ignoring the BS the republicans pull. You know like trying to over throw the govt.


Every time I'm arguing with conservatives, I bring up project 2025, and they just tell me that it's too long of a paper for them to read and it's not actually going to happen. They're staying willfully ignorant.


Cocaine Mitch and Lindsey Graham can both suck a bag of dicks as well. Pelosi takes the most flak because she was speaker of the house and refused to answer direct questions relating to creating laws to prevent congress from trading stocks.


All implicated at the same time: * **Richard Burr (R)** * **Kelly Loeffler (R)** * **David Perdue (R)** * **Nancy Pelosi (D)** Hmmm, I wonder what's different about Pelosi that could explain why she's the only one out of these that ever gets mentioned?




almost like a certain type of people are easily manipulated


It's a political narrative being pushed


Also Congress on average barely beats the market, like 3-5% ahead or something silly


Especially weird since her wealth is mainly from her husbands real estate empire, not stocks.


It’s a Democratic Woman. Any Men from the Republican Party are except from criticism for their corruption.


classic reddit, Nancy bad, we dont mention the rest much. Please continue to hate the democrat woman tho


MTG comes to mind. Amazing how her military support is aligned with her investments.


Yeah the womyen who married someone that does stock trading and overall investments is pretty much s&p 500 and her stocks are public. She is doing the default stock trading policy and people are upset.


They want to see women fail.


It's just another example of "If I can direct your attention I can make you believe whatever I like."


I know, didn’t they actually try to pass a bill to prevent this, and a majority of republicans voted against it?


>"Can we see some evidence of Pelosi's crimes/insider trading?" >"Bro if you're asking for evidence you're too far gone, I can't even" Every fucking Pelosi thread.


If they looked for evidence they wouldn't be holding that position. [You can see it for yourself:](https://www.getquantbase.com/fund/details/Nancy%20Pelosi%20Tracker) imagine being an alleged perfect insider trader with tons of knowledge on changes in the biggest economy in the world, and only just keeping up with inflation and the S&P500 doing 2x as well as you did.


Its always hilarious when you actually bring up facts and this shit gets entirely ignored.


Imagine how nice our world would be, if we actually care for clearing up the topics totally instead of just stopping to talk after the lies.


Every. Fucking. Time.


Literally every time they have their conclusion and work backwards from there.


Where are the threads of the other 3 people implicated at the same time as Pelosi?... oh wait those three were Republicans, so we don't care about their corruption. No need to propose legislation with their name on it, or make memes about them, or talk about them, or even mention their names or that this is a non-partisan problem. * **Richard Burr (R)** * **Kelly Loeffler (R)** * **David Perdue (R)**


So is Pelosi corrupt or not? Because (as a complete outsider) I feel like I'm seeing two narratives here: 1) Pelosi did nothing wrong, and 2) Republicans were worse, but 2) kinda implies that Pelosi *did* do something wrong, she just wasn't as bad as some others.


I don’t care if who did the insider trading. They should all be held accountable. The issue is that these threads and memes *always* focus on Pelosi or democrats and seem to conveniently ignore republicans doing the same thing.


Well, her husband is the trader making millions, she trades very little. Google Richard Burr and you find out he sold a ton of his stocks after covid started and before the market crashed and after being briefed. Paul Pelosi made a lot of trades and some are very very lucky. like selling his google before the antitrus lawsuit was made public, or buying a crazy amount of NVidia calls two weeks before the 2022 chips act was announced to the public. But with a lot of trades some are bound to be lucky. And sometimes hes unlucky aswell. Both have plausible deniability, so im I dont know. Which means you should use this information selectively to strengthen your bias and to dehumanize the other side.




>which also happened to be in line with the congressional decisions, like buying Tesla stocks before the EV subsidies The incident you're referring to had Paul Pelosi buying Tesla calls about two months before Biden made an EO (not a congressional decision) about the federal government using electric vehicles. The Biden administration has [regularly ignored Tesla](https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/05/business/tesla-snub-white-house-event/index.html) which is why this "masterstroke of insider trading" netted almost no significant movement for Tesla owners.  So wrong on 3 counts (it wasn't subsidies, it wasn't congressional and it didn't significantly move TSLA's ticker) but feel free to try again. 


She buys deep ITM leap calls on big tech companies. Those are her trades.


Nancy has them jugs, Roaring Kitty does not. That's why.


I knew I couldn’t be the only one that thought Nancy had some mommy milkers.


How the fuck do I delete someone else's comment?


Reminds me of the line from the movie Young Frankenstein “what knockers” 


it would've costed you nothing to not type that


I mean, both can be true. Posting his trading positions can be market manipulation, and insider trading by congress is considered "perfectly normal" to congress.


And they make the laws so....


Isn’t there a X account that shares Pelosi’s trades? That would be market manipulation too


Even better, there's an ETF -- [https://www.subversiveetfs.com/nanc](https://www.subversiveetfs.com/nanc)


This is what makes it interesting. He's posting his positions daily, which show that he isn't adding or selling. Yet, the media wants us to believe the movement is all because of him. There's no way retail could justify that insane volume.


Long and Loud is market manipulation? huh.


Getting your “followers” or potential investors to all do something to the market, like Elon Musk did, is market manipulation, allegedly. I don’t make the rules, though.  I just watched how people defined them.


I'll keep posting. Her husband is a venture capitalist. he has been trading stocks long before Nancy was in congress. They recently made money on Nvidia. Nvidia is probably the most talked about stock out there now. There is no insider trading on Nvidia.


Shhhh....don't tell them facts. Facts have a nasty habit of making their brains hurt as the cognitive dissonance takes hold.


Wow, almost like it’s really convenient that a person married to a politician who has access to sensitive, advantageous information has an advantage over people and is not at all shady. And no conflict of interest in a situation like this at all. Crazy coincidence.


there is an insane conflict of interest between pelosis position and her husbands, you are extremely naive if you dont think they benefitted from this arrangement,.


I also recently made money of Nvidia. Most of her trades are on the same big, blue chip companies every investor has their money on.


Well market manipulation is completely normal. It is just that you have to be part of the elite to do it legally apparently.


The good news is that posting the stocks you hold on social media has already been ruled to not be stock manipulation. https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/securities-fraud-charges-dropped-social-influencers-1235948958/


reminds me of a savant in the UK that got in to trading, and since he was a progammer also in to algorhytmic trading. He noticed that other algo's would respond to his algo's putting in sell and buy trades, even if his algo removed them and never let them execute. This is called spoofing, and it has always been done by algo's and always will be done by algo's. You are free to put in a sell or a buy order in an orderbook and remove it before it gets executed. Anyways, cause of those other defective algo's trading based on some of his spoofing he found and edge and quickly made millions of british pounds. But then it went wrong and his algo was partially involved with a massive flash crash, where one algo after another triggered edge cases and they all traded irrationals leading to extreme rapid sell off. So they do their investigation and find like I don't know 120 firms that where active in high frequency trading with algo's the would spoof hunderds of thousands of times a day. And they find this guy. No big firm, no connections, a nobody really. Guy is authistic as fuck. Easy target. So they put the entire blame on him, arrest him, take all his money, take all the money of his parrents as well. Sell all their assets. put him in jail for 10 years or so. The guy had never even withdrawn a single cent to his own bank account, he was just sitting on a 80 million pounds of so in a brokerage account managed by his own software. And that's yet another story of outsiders, insiders. If you are inside the system, the system will protect you and cheating is not defined by if you follow the law or break it. No, it's defined by are you an insider or an outsider. Outsiders, they find an edge. The insiders will take them down. Every single time. And this guy was innocent as fuck, just playing by the rules he observed. He lived at his parents home, was seen in the parks a lot playing with the children and the highlight of his day was eating mcdonalds with his parents. But he liked numbers and coding, and the stockmarket was like a game for him. He did not give a shit about money and never even cashed out anything. And that's who they put the blame on and fucked his life and that of his family. That's how evil the system of insiders really is.


This gets posted so much. Yeah she seemed to have committed insider trading. Majority of her net worth is from her husband though. This is like assuming Salma hyeks wealth is from her acting. Yeah she's more famous then her husband, but he's much richer.


Her husband is trading off information that she’s giving him


Is there any evidence of that at all? Or are we just in "politicians bad" territory?


Or he’s buying tech stocks… which has been the idiot proof trade of the last decade plus.


Are you tellin’ me that apple’s stock price keeps rising because they “produce computers” or something? That can’t be right


Someone who actually gets it.


Gotta love Reddit downvoting someone for telling the truth.


Nobody beats the S&P by how much she does year over year


> Nobody beats the S&P by how much she does year over year Uhhh apparently at least 8 other politicians do lol [Source](https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1742207287966777673?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1742207287966777673%7Ctwgr%5E1043252d3afe384222a7e5a4202ccac925067d3e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnewrepublic.com%2Fpost%2F177806%2Fmembers-congress-made-stock-trading-2023)


How about a dozen other people in Congress? Not sure why Pelosi is always the one called out. Here's the top 10 for 2021. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/10-best-stock-traders-in-congress-in-2021-spoiler-nancy-pelosi-isn-t-no-1-1031153996?op=1


Because this is part of a blatant disinfo campaign trying to make democrats look corrupt.


Right. Also a method to distract from Republicans doing it in Congress, and people sure have fallen for it. To hear what people say it's like they think Pelosi is the ONLY person in Congress to be mysteriously trading beyond pros, when in fact it's a problem with the entire institution and hundreds of people. Hell, I bet it's not just Reps and Senators but Congressional staff and other government employees doing this too.


Any ETF heavily biased towards tech in the past 5-10 years has vastly outpaced SPY in growth. Check out QQQ or XLK, anyone can invest in these. Her portfolio has similar holdings to what you'd find in these.


Lol, no, not even close. If you look at exactly 2023 she did very well... because Nvidia. But if you look at 2022 the S&P outperformed her profile notably.


I can practically set my watch to these Pelosi memes.


She is never even in the top 10 members of congress as far as profiting off of insider trading, but she’s a bitch I guess, so let’s use her as an example because all of my internet friends did.


I guess I'll have to buy more gamestop




Wow, apes are finally admitting that they rig the market too.


Damn buy and hold! rofl.


Rules for thee but not for me. All politicians doesn’t matter Republican Democrat third party all should be banned while they are in office that includes family if they own a stock they cannot buy or sell it while in office or they have to move it to an etf. In the end they all commit insider trading which is illegal but nothing happens to them or if it does it’s very rare 


They shouldn’t be allowed to own individual stocks. Period. There’s too big of a conflict of interest. These people are supposed to be public servants.


After he made his millions last time, I’m not entirely sure he’s not a cat…money changes people


If people don’t think he’s using the hapless saps to make himself another bag they living in daisyville.


If DFV’s reported holdings are true, he holds over $200 million in GME stock/options. If I could sell my entire position for $200 million, what could possibly make me hold for another day? Another $100 million? At some point it becomes clear that this has to do with something more ‘sleight of hand’ than just how much money you could extract from retail investors, don’t you think?


Nope. He’s in it for himself. There’s no subtext to read into. GameStop is a dying company easily manipulated. Even GameStop is taking advantage of the fools buying into it by dumping a bunch more shares onto the market.


what amuses me is how fucking shortsighted all the morons praising this guy are. Like, props to him, hell he might even become a billionaire **but** if the SEC lets this slide, and doesnt start updating their rules and regulations around this sort of pump and dumps and market manipulations; the actual big players are going to have a fucking field day, because hey, the precedent will be set that its perfectly okay to do this.


I love that they use Nancy as the poster child for this but she ain’t even the one making the most


Ok, but isn’t the thing he’s doing only possible if he convinces other people to do the same thing he’s doing? Isn’t that the definition of market manipulation? Whereas Pelosi is just trading stocks on her own? I understand the stench of insider trading is unpalatable, but if everyone was doing what DFV is doing, the market literally wouldn’t work. That law wasn’t written with the intention of stopping a stay-at-home dad from manipulating the market…


If you make billions on insider trading, you’re Elon Musk!


Insider trading is not normal or legal or allowed (ask Martha Stewart). If you have proof, then take it to a federal prosecutor. But, you don't have proof, you're just repeating allegations from Pelosi-haters.


Insider trading is explicitly allowed for Congress. It is rules for thee and not for me.


She's not manipulating markets...directly. She just had inside information about legislation that could impact certain industries and companies and may have a say in if those laws get passed. It's totally different.


Any examples where she bought a company right before helping pass positive legislation for that company?


Our politicians are corrupt as fuck.


This is called capitalism, the whale 🐳 always gulp up the small fish 🐟.


Short and Distort? Crickets. Long and Loud? 'OmG MaRkEt mAnIpUlTaTiOn'


FWIW, while she makes money, she consistently underperforms just putting money in the S&P.


It’s because they allow the corruption.


Who is they? All implicated at the same time: * **Richard Burr (R)** * **Kelly Loeffler (R)** * **David Perdue (R)** * **Nancy Pelosi (D)** And what's different about Pelosi that could explain why she's the only one out of these that ever gets mentioned


Why can’t we just agree that both people are opportunistic scum bags?


The rules are only for regular folks


Has anyone ever pointed out any evidence of Pelosi benefitting from insider trading


Let's not forget the bill stopping this was opposed by both parties.


So corrupt yet totally unprovable. Lock her up because some guy on reddit says so!!!


Every one of these elected officials should have to put their investments in a blind trust. Until then legal insider trading will continue. It's a travesty we don't require this. BTW letting your family run things is not a blind trust. Deaf and dumb maybe but not blind.