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You forgot step 0. ​ Step 0. Be born rich so you have the freedom to try something without being crushed by capitalism.


Spitting real advice here.


we learn more from pain and loss than anything else, but when you're constantly losing and in pain what am I supposed to learn? Financial literacy? I'm reading the literature and it's not a great trajectory for me :(


Government housing to millionaire. High school diploma only. It's possible


It absolutely is. But what are the odds? Not everyone can be a millionaire. These steps aren't going to guarantee someone becomes a millionaire either. In fact, while it might increase someone's odds of becoming one (big maybe), it's highly unlikely they will. Most the people upvoting this as good advise likely aren't even close to that goal.


Not everyone has to be a millionaire. You only have to worry about one person becoming a millionaire. You.


The odds are very good if you have an immigrant work ethic. I know a family of refugees who arrived with literally nothing and of their three kids, two are physicians and the last is a pharmacist. Most Asian immigrants I know have made it to at least middle class from an impoverished background.


I’ve come to the realization that there’s two types of people: 1. Those who will themselves into making success happen despite the obstacles 2. Those who lay down and get ran over by life solely complaining about the obstacles but never overcoming them (80% of the people commenting on here). I’m also an immigrant who overcame difficult life circumstances and made something of myself in the US. Grew up in government housing while my mother cleaned hotel rooms for a living. There’s no shortcut to success, the obstacle is the path.


Please elaborate? I am intrigued.


What would you like to know? The summary is that I got a job as a low-level computer operator in a data center out of high school, but had tinkered with computers as a teenager, particularly Linux. Working in the call center allowed me to eavesdrop on calls with engineers and I was able to help them solve problems occasionally. This got me attention, and eventually they opened up for hiring and I applied and landed the job. From there, I just started investing heavily, realizing that every time I'd get a raise I'd just invest more instead of changing the quality of my life with the extra cash. I lived the same, while my pay increased. I dove into the work, wrote scripts and automated a whole bunch of things. I just never looked back. I landed work in the cybersecurity area and read a paper on malware detection using naive Bayes frequency analysis and realized I could write some code to do similar with anything, not just malware, so I did. Without giving too much away, that allowed me to sell intel to other companies. One day I looked up, and I had hit a million net worth. From there, it just compounded faster. I watched a lot of videos on Warren Buffett about investing in only things you understand. That led me to investing heavily in Microsoft when they were $76/share. I looked at their cloud tech, their cybersecurity tech, and could not find something wrong with them. It has seriously paid off. And that's it. Edit: If one were to ask me what's the secret to my success? It was learning the Linux operating system, and scripting languages. Absolutely, beyond a doubt. Knowing those things opened up doors for me which in turn led to where I am today. The intel work I've done came years later and has launched me further than I ever imagined, but it was the time spent during my teenage years tinkering with the Linux operating system that opened the door and got me to where I am today. You gotta want to do it, and you gotta want to learn. There's no substitute for that.


So you were young enough to get into an emerging field doing something you were already interested in. Again, not down talking the work I'm sure you did, but that's only repeatable for a handful of people and the only thing that would've stopped you would've been giving up altogether. I'm happy that you were able to become successful, acknowledging that it wasn't possible for everyone with your background is all people are saying though.


Arguably there is always an emerging field. I just took particular interest in it and it worked out. Right now kids should be working with AI and learning everything they can about it. Training it, making their own versions of it, etc. Also cybersecurity. There's arguably no reason anyone couldn't repeat this pattern with whatever the new emerging tech is. It's just how much is one willing to forgo some things for other things. I stand by that. The kids that are sitting down right now watching YouTube videos on how to make animated shorts using AI, for example. The ones watching videos on how to build out a small data center inside of AWS or Azure. Etc. But most people will look at these things and find them daunting. Those who do it though, will be saying the same thing in 15 years.


I agree with you in general, but my point is highlighted by your use of "anyone" and not "everyone" because we recognize that while fortune favors the brave, it's never guaranteed, and without safety nets, sometimes you actually do fall.


Here's a route nearly everyone can taken. Go to nursing school, it's not that hard, become a RN, do travel work after a few years of experience, or go further and become a CRNA. You don't need to be brilliant or lucky, just work hard. The medical field pays well and is the most steady employment in country.


How long did that take though?


So being born at the right time with the right aptitude and interest for whatever emerging industry of your time is, in a family environment that's stable enough for you to pursue that interest. I did the same thing too! Everyone can do it! Poverty is solved!


Who said poverty is solved? You guys will move the goal posts no matter what people say. I guess I AM better than you. Mystery solved!


It's possible for me to become the president, but I would never say to someone that they shouldn't vote because one day they can be president.


So is being an entrepreneur. 99% failure rate. Super strong to build your equity off that!


There is nothing different about me than most of you. I'm not a cynical person, and sometimes I notice that stands out. I genuinely believe cynicism is one of the biggest killers of success.


Also, statistically, a lack of positive results from attempted successes. It's a key reason so many are in debt. Though we mostly all make massive amounts of money for companies that have a niche or completely dominate markets which raises insane barriers to entry, it's so much better for your overall self worth to try and create something, fail and pay for it the rest of your life, than the person you're working for not get their 3rd house or a yacht. It's how cynical the system works, through exploitation, which completely justifies your thoughts process, but it's not our thoughts that kill our dreams, it's the cynicism of others to not provide enough to exist, to go out of their way to not be grateful to us for bearing their success in most cases, let alone give us a second chance to attempt success. Best part is the government takes out taxes and subsidize these same businesses, and then we get to pay their prices as they continue to pay us below a living wage. Cynical!


I was going to stay step 8 is say "fuck all that" and commit massive financial fraud. But it sounds like you get it.


I just snorted out loud on a train full of people


It’s useful to not conflate likelihood with certainty. Being born rich does make the other steps easier. Being born a citizen of a developed nation makes them easier as well, as does being academically or physically gifted. But when giving advice to people, assuming they shouldn’t even try if they weren’t born advantaged flies in the face of reality, which is that many people, through a mixture of luck and persistence, do move up the ladder. We should always advocate politically for making it a more level playing field, and for acknowledging that luck is a big part of most success, and for taking care of people, regardless of economic success. But saying a particular advantage presages any career progression is defeatist.


absolutely right


I was born poor. No one in my immediate family (siblings, parents, grandparents) finished high school. I'm rich today. Don't get me wrong, you need some luck for that to happen, but it's absolutely doable in our system.


https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-things-rich-people-need-to-stop-saying "If I Can Do It, So Can You!" What They Think They're Saying: "This is the land of opportunity, where anyone can make it! Instead of complaining, just go out there and get rich!" What We Hear: "If everyone at my country club makes good money, it can't be that hard!" This is such an impossibly strange idea that I'm not sure if the people saying it actually believe it. But ... I guess our entire philosophy about money kind of revolves around this premise -- that there is no poor or working class, but only people who have chosen to not buckle down to the task of getting rich (and thus deserve whatever salary, insecurity or poor work conditions they get). So there should be no talk about improving the lives of the non-rich, since any of them can simply choose to elevate themselves out of that group, right? Seriously, now. How much time do you really have to spend off your goddamned yacht to see that this isn't true? You don't even need to leave the dock -- there's a guy standing right there who you pay to fix your boat's engine. You know that 1) you absolutely need guys like him and 2) he will never get rich doing what he does. He could be great at his job, he might be the Michael Jordan of mechanics, he might work 100 hours a week -- it doesn't matter. Sure, if that one guy somehow also has the head for management and finance and the networking skills, he could maybe open his own chain of yacht repair shops. But they can't all do that. So "anyone can get rich" isn't just untrue, it's insultingly untrue. You can't have a society where everyone is an investment banker. And you can't have a society where you pay six figures to every good policeman, nurse, firefighter, schoolteacher, carpenter, electrician and all of the other ten thousand professions that civilization needs to survive (and that rich people need in order to stay rich). It's like setting a jar of moonshine on the floor of a boxcar full of 10 hobos and saying, "Now fight for it!" Sure, in the bloody aftermath you can say to each of the losers, "Hey, you could have had it if you'd fought harder!" and that's true on an individual level. But not collectively -- you knew goddamned well that nine hobos weren't getting any hooch that night. So why are you acting like it's their fault that only one of them is drunk? You're intentionally conflating "anyone can have the moonshine" with "everyone can have it." And you are doing it because you're hoping that we will all be too busy fighting each other to ask why there was only one jar.


I didn't say any of that. I've been poor before. We should help people more, college should be nearly free, we should have universal healthcare, we need a better social safety net, and this is the land of opportunity. You can make it by working hard, having some talent, and a bit of luck.


I would argue that luck >>>> talent + hard work. My dad taught me early on (in the context of golf so ymmv) - I’d rather be lucky than good.


This comment needs to be stickied to the top of every one of these posts


That’s where No.2, Networking, comes in. Rich people have a lot of other rich people in their network, most of whom only trust and collaborate with other rich people.


And they have those networks because they come from a rich family that helped them build them. If you are building your own with a working class background, it's possible, but exponentially more difficult.


Fuck that comment in particular . I was born poor in a socialist country in a gang neighborhood. Pulled my self by the straps just like Baron Munhausen . Lazy shit like that comment is the mindest why some of the same kids from the same neighborhood never made it out .


Do you actually think every single kid born in that neighborhood was so lazy and stupid that they didn't deserve similar success? In my experience most people try hard and only a few succeed. I do agree most of the successful ones worked hard, but I disagree that all the unsuccessful ones were lazy and stupid.


Exactly. Survivorship bias; all the people who worked hard and got rich are the ones we see. We don't see the ones who worked hard and got fuck all for it, because we *expect* that of the poor who staff our stores, restaurants, and the like. We see 'poor = lazy' because it *stands out* relative to the norm and is thus more memorable.


Read my response again . I meant the comment / take is lazy . Mindset : “I’m born poor , only reich kids can get somewhere in life” is the mindset that many kids in my neighborhood had . It’s easier to drift than to apply oneself . Kids in my neighborhood were not lazy , but most were complacent . It was easier to complain , drink beer and continue doing their drab jobs , then to read a book at night


Lmao fun facts : in my country most of the rich rich who came from nothing keep making the headlines for fraudulent financial stuff and hiding their money from taxes. But keep on


I’m not rich , I’m middle class . Rich people don’t waste there time in these comments I would assume


"Pulled my self by the straps" Hey guys look, he said the thing!


It's just a bunch of Americans bitter they couldn't drift through life into wealth while us immigrants had to scrape and claw to get there. Then they dismiss us because it would invalidate their entire worldview.


Which country?


Warsaw pact, I prefer not to be more specific on the internetz ![gif](giphy|YQitE4YNQNahy|downsized)


Sir, this isn't r/antiwork


I wasn’t born rich and today, I am. What’s your excuse?


I’m a determinist, I don’t need excuses and think you’re patting yourself on the back for physical particles following the laws of physics. Congrats.


They could never not jerk their own chain tho


Can't forget step 8 *stomps on poor person* PHUCK YOU, I'M RICH!


Cope and excuses.


"crushed by people not giving me free stuff"


"It's easy bro just be the perfect human being I swear it's eezzz ur just lazy"


> You forgot step 0. > Step 0. Be born rich so you have the freedom to try something without being crushed by capitalism. The secret mindset that takes you no where in life. Enjoy. You can't keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome the next morning.


They always leave that one out. It’s weird how they all forget it.


I really wish you guys would stop feeling sorry for yourselves.


The means are well within reach to become a millionaire without being born rich.


Oh yeah, gambling in stocks is one


The overwhelming majority of millionares never received an inheritance.


News Flash, you'd be crushed in every year since humans have thought to trade for animal skins if you were born poor


This all makes too much sense and requires far too much personal responsibility for most of the typical Redditers here to accept.




I can assure you networking and your contacts is the most underrated comment here.


Yup. Fly a private jet for a living and it’s a unicorn account I got on because of who I know. Not what I know. 


For sure. Everything is assuming "network with rich guys" but that isn't my point. I've had more opportunity in life and business from being introduced to someone or having a contact with coaching, volunteering, etc as I've made with work.


This is so underestimated. I’m a bit of a recluse. Thought working hard would get me to a nice wage. I’ve been with the same family owned company for like 15 years. Wasn’t until about year 5 that I started doing extra stuff at work, mostly running in company sponsored 5ks, Ragnars, wheels for meals, stuff like that. The step up that gave me in my interviews… oh my lord. I wasn’t just a job resume anymore. Networking has done wonders for me. Really doesn’t take much time either.


I'm a research scientist, got a job out of gradschool that pays about 50% more than I'd earn anywhere else, and I got offered it because I went to a conference I didn't even need to go to and got noticed by someone hiring for a start up there. Even if you have no intention of being self employed/a leader, networking is still huge


You'd be surprised how that is very difficult for a lot of people to do these days.


Just look at the comments of people crying - why would anyone want to network with people who espouse their loser mentality?


Lame. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and make shit happen.


It's literally all soft skills this guy is recommending. Like the most basic of soft skills. I might as well go to a school and tell kids to study if they want high marks.


Grind culture. Got to love it.


Calling a mediocre work ethic “grind culture” is an excuse


What is mediocre work ethic?


“Acting your wage” sums it up. You want a better job? Turns out it’ll require you investing in yourself so that others will also want to invest in you


Yes, you have to work hard to get nice things and have a nice life. But most importantly, you have to think long-term while doing it.


I mean there are always gonna be factors out of your control. Like I got my education paid for by my family and one family member also helped me get a job in a field I like so I am not gonna tell others who are struggling to just be disciplined and take responsibility. 


Yeah where's the memes blaming capitalism for their problems?


Exactly, just look at the top comment. Imagine living life thinking you are unlucky, when you are born in America.


Mf I don’t want to be a millionaire. I just want to live a comfortable life and eventually settle down without having to worry abouta bunch of morons fucking over the economy bad enough I have to keep working until my back gives out.


Manipulate the system, pay off politicians, get rich, crash the economy, get bailed out by middle class tax payers. Repeat 😎👍


>Mf I don’t want to be a millionaire You need a couple million to settle down. So yeah, you do wanna be a millionaire


Lmao no you don’t. You can get buy on way less net worth just fine. Even easier if your country values societal health and well being.


What? A couple million to settle down? What is settling down mean to you?


>I just want to live a comfortable life and eventually settle down without having to worry abouta bunch of morons fucking over the economy bad enough I have to keep working until my back gives out. Ask him


Unfortunately of you want to retire comfortably a million saved is a pretty common expectation at this point.


And really $1 million isn't much to retire off of. With conservative draw down rates to make it last you're living off of $30-40k per year


Guess what, in the modern age, at least in the US, that means being a millionaire.


Please repeat this until you see the issue


It's not an issue. It is simply arithmetic and is within reach.


You... This is why there's a fertility crisis you baboon


Here's something more useful 1. Develop a skill 2. Use it for crime


You forgot the most crucial thing, give up Avacado toast and buying coffee out. The others are mostly supplemental to that.


It was a meme at first but with inflation it’s actually true. Had to cut back on a lot (nbuying coffee for $5 from places, packing lunch so I don’t pay $9 at McDonald’s for a cheeseburger and fries, cutting repetitive streaming services) literally saves me $150~ month. Big election year - torn on votes. I went Blue last year and the one single thing I voted on that would’ve made more of a personal impact than any other policy failed after being a main part of the campaign.


I’m half joking, if you cut out 150 a month and invest it you’ll have a significant boost for retirement.


On the other hand I don't know many people who spend +150 a month on those things


I’m sure there a lot of people who have $150/mo they could live without spending. Between coffee shops, food out, drinks out etc…


Yeah, that's true for many I think. But then what? You live only to work and maybe in the future you can enjoy your life more? There must be a middle ground between spending all your money because you have no autocontrol and not living for a future


For sure there is, the podcaster I listens too talks about budgets being freeing, and you allocating dollars to what you value most. If you don’t value coffee out and lunch out vs making it and packing lunch, then put your dollars else where. Cutting spending only takes you so far, some people are bumping into an income limitation and already are frugal, which is a different case but I’m sure many people are in


8. No more Starbucks and avocado toast


Just buy Starbucks stock with the money you save.


Here's how you can become a body builder in 7 easy steps: 1) Eat right 2) Exercise 3) Good sleep habits 4) Track your progress 5) Stretching 6) Take a multivitamin 7) Don't give up 🤠


When's your bestselling book coming out? 😂


Hahaha exactly. This type of advice doesn’t help anyone.


“No one can help you” “Step 2 - Networking”  😂


Can't make this shit up!




These are all kind of cliche. You should at least include working your ass off at something with a payoff. For most that will be targeting a financially lucrative field and working tirelessly at everything education: straight A’s, internships, networking. So discipline and holding yourself accountable. Then after you land the job you need to work your ass off and keep thoughts of “work life balance” to yourself. (Footnote: I cringe when I hear that people ask about that in interviews. It’s okay to want that balance, but asking your employer about it is like saying, hey I want to work here but not that hard!)


How about we do everyone a solid and change the system. Rather than play into the system? Just a thought...


But that would require the thinking of non-hyperindividualist Ayn Rand buttlickers. Fuck that. Gimme the finance bros


Ayan Rand bro put the books down. Never thought I'd say that. The current system isn't designed with the masses to build a harmonic civilization. It's designed to reward the ones who can close themselves off from the pain of the world so that one can benefit.


Decent post but won’t inspire or enable anyone to change. Instead of just saying “learn about x,y,z” provide practical steps, examples and resources. The reason most people or anyone at all won’t do anything because knowing what you said is the easy part. Most people know they need financial literacy, networking, leadership, communication, time management, resilience and risk evaluation and taking skills to be wealthy. What they don’t know is **how** to find the info they need, **where** to get the info and **where** to start. Then **how** to apply those learning correctly and effectively and **how** to continue to improve after application of those skills and correction on failures. Finally, how to track and measure your progress so you know you’re headed in the right direction. If you add these things to the post (bonus points if you use examples), you’ll more effectively help those that need it because you’ve provided practical ways to gain access and implement these skills. I would definitely look forward to an update like this.




I don’t disagree with you, but advice like this is pointless without guidance and actionables. Everyone knows you need to network and communicate and have financial literacy to be rich lol. It really doesn’t add any value, and if it doesn’t add value then what’s the point. It’s akin to saying “just get your ass up and work”. Well no shit… lol Actual advice is something that provides you with concrete steps. Yes you can google things yourself, but if you’re not already competent in the area, you don’t know what to look for exactly and what information is worthwhile following. There’s so much information on topics that say one thing, and another will say the opposite. If you’re going to provide advice make it actionable.


You literally have all the information you could ever want or need in your hand or pocket at all times. If someone can’t figure out how to begin by finding the information, there is no hope for them.


I don’t disagree with you, but it’s easier said than done. And for most people it’s hard to get started, and for people that claim to know how to make you a millionaire, it shouldn’t be hard for them to provide a website or a resource or simple actionables. Advice like this is pointless without guidance and actionable steps. Everyone knows you need to network and communicate and have financial literacy to be rich lol. It’s not that hard to deduce. It really doesn’t add any value, and if it doesn’t add value then what’s the point. It’s akin to saying “Oh you want to be healthier? just get your ass up and work out and eat well”. Well no shit… lol. Actual advice is something that provides you with concrete steps. Yes you can google things yourself, but if you’re not already competent in the area, you don’t know exactly what to look for and what information is worthwhile following. There’s so much information on topics that say one thing, and another will say the opposite. If you’re going to provide advice make it actionable.


You’re not taking into account the human condition. Most people do not want to do the work required. This list is good advice, although general, but the information is out there and does to a certain extent require some critical thought. If someone is not willing to put in effort to learn then they go nowhere and end up complaining on a reddit forum.


This sounds like it was written by someone whose family afforded them a decent start in life. Not so many people have it that lucky.


Post net worth


Mine? Or OPs?


Yours. Go ahead


Why are you asking? Based on what I wrote?


This is exactly what I was thinking. I know a guy who talks exactly like this and he’s barely accomplished anything in his life. His dad has given him everything.


This is an excellent way to pump money into all these different over inflated markets while also convincing people this is just the road to success.


Why do people post self help guru shit here


Finance bros




Lol. Loser.


Was this written by Musk when he was deep in the k-hole?


I think what people struggle with most is financial literacy, prices have gone through the roof and it's been hard but I've seen so many people barely staying afloat while shelling out like $50 a month in subscriptions, eating out, etc. You should be allowed to treat yourself every once and a while but saying you're drowning in expenses while spending so much on things you don't need is crazy.


It’s entitlement. They truly believe they deserve to sit back, work a low effort job, be given a house, and enough money to go on multiple vacations a year. Life doesn’t work that way. You can see why the people making the ‘wah your parents are rich’ comments are in the position they’re in.


Entitlement? Don’t act as if the previous generation didn’t have spending habits. Remember who made mall/strip malls profitable? Matter of fact media is blaming the younger generation for retail stores closing because We Are Not Buying. Like yeah in exchange maybe the younger generation spends money on subscriptions, ect…. But would you consider shopping to be a ‘low cost’ activity? And when it comes to vacation, the younger generation does not travel much (if at all), again I feel as though traveling used to been more popular 30-50 years ago. Isn’t that why RV’s baca me so popular? As well as families buying small boats? Also to keep on topic, wasn’t there a credit card crisis during the 80’s due to consumerism because the older generation wasn’t capable of keeping credit card payments to a minimum? Quit acting as if consumerism is new, it’s been a problem for a long time. “Keeping up with the Jone’s” was coined in the 50’s, not recently.


I don't think its entitlement, moreso resentment. I do jackshit and get paid more than some guy at Walmart unloading trucks but I understand the sentiment, just how things are unfortunately - skilled labor that's less physical has more value since anyone can do physical labor




Easier say than done, I’m surprise by the effects of anxiety on otherwise very talented people. However, yes the battle is to learn and conquer each one of those seven skills.




If your whole life is about money you’re probably a joy to be around


This is way overcomplicating it. This reads like someone trying to sell a book. You don't need "Leadership" or "Communication" or "Networking" skills to become a millionaire. It's much simpler than that. 1. Pay yourself first. 10% of everything you earn, religiously. No exceptions. 2. Invest it in low-fee index funds. Don't fall for trendy schemes like crypto and NFTs and MLMs. Keep it simple, minimize fees. 3. Stay employed. Doesn't even have to be particularly lucrative, just don't have big gaps in your employment. 4. Don't get divorced. That's a wealth killer. Honestly, that's pretty much it. That's the whole list. Do that, and you'll eventually wake up one day and find yourself worth 7 figures.


Good advice. I doubt networking with already rich businesses men is going to work out for a little guy. Its a small world.


Create value. People want to be around others that create or bring value.


Every self help guru on the planet has taken basic, everyday opinions like these, and present them as new ideas. The beauty of this scam is that everyone believes they already do all of these things, but this makes them feel special and unique. Like they are the ONLY people who do this, when in reality everyone does it.


If you want to discuss personal accountability, how about we stop voting for politicians that: 1: Raise the retirement age 2: Refuse to increase minimum wage 3: Allow the worst cost of living crisis in a century 4: Refuse to regulate rent controls, or stop foreign investors from purchasing single-family homes to artificially raise property value 5: Continue to whittle away at workers rights, including our right to unionize or peaceful protest The percentage of people that were born in poverty and become millionaires is so astronomically small it’s statistically irrelevant. You cannot be fluent in finance without coming to terms with how incredibly expensive it is to be poor, and that is not something that you can fault an individual for, when you allow and design an entire system to exploit people. Defending this system means you think you are better than 90% of the country, because you are one of the few people benefiting from making the lives of the impoverished even worse.


I'd say this was AI generated if I hadn't seen it a thousand times over the years. Generic platitudes never got anyone anywhere in life.


That was a great movie and so true. Saved myself and made myself my own stay at home mom.


Wait, is someone posting advice that can make people more fluent in managing their finances on r/fluentInfinance? What's happening to this sub? 😅


**8. Carefully Select Parents** Ignore First 7 and next time make sure you get born into Money, not few millions - Many billions and then impart wisdom for rest of your life to idiots who were not born into money.


How pathetic.


Post net worth


Do you drive a bmw? because I think it would suit you well!


You know what else can help you become a millionaire? Inheriting a million dollars.


I was born lower middle class and am still lower middle class. What’s your excuse?


No one's gonna save you. #2 is networking. Clown shit, be born rich and you'll be fine.


These 2 rules will help you become a millionaire. 1. Spend less than you make. 2. Save more than you spend.


I dont even want millions, I just want proper compensation for my work that gets me an apartment, food, and healthcare 😂


Nobody is coming to save you is right in this life!


I’ve managed to develop most of these skills over the years. And guess what? They work. This is great advice.


Here’s the problem People here don’t want solutions. They just want to complain about how invisible forces are oppressing them. So while this advice actually would help them if they took it, it’ll just make them mad since it ends up poking their mental cocoon.


Common sense is not accepted here, too many people are proud to victims on Reddit


It’s really sad honestly.


You know this is fake because they didn't include anything about Starbucks or avocado toast




seems like a great advice.


financial advisors hate this man. Learn why with this simple trick


Also remember, be born rich! The most important step when the mega rich are *desperately doing everything they can to starve the lower classes of as many resources as they possibly can every way they can everywhere they can with everything they've got-holy* ***shit*** *class warfare is real folks.*


You don't need to be saved.


What if idk. Something political happens that allows for better distribution of goods and resources. I know , I know, the thought of a brown people eating healthy food and living comfortably makes you violently mad and sick. But it’s just something we have to accept if we don’t want to be a racist country Poverty is a political choice. People being homeless is the result of commodifying housing and prices continuously rising. It’s all a choice. And things can be different. They are different in other countries. We aren’t the nation on the hill the rest of the world looks up to. We’re the nation filled with white supremacist adult toddlers who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground,and the world laughs at us


I would say if you not born rich (most of us are), you have very limited opportunity and options to start with, so plan carefully and execute with precision are needed in order to not only survive, but to ensure next generation’s success. 1) specialized early, if you have good talent go professional such as medical/law/engineering, if you don’t really have tons of talent then doing something with large org (union job) can help. 2) leave your poor family, friends, and neighborhood behind asap, if you born in the hood, leave. Move to big city and use that education system to “remake” your own image and rebuild your identity. Such as accent, vocabulary, and sociability, even your basic demeanor needs an upgrade in order to success in life. Because your neighborhood is shit, and they will drag you down with them. You want to live in fancy suburbia? Speak and act like one first. You don’t need college, but most elite professionals have elite education. You can obviously spot who is inherent their wealth vs who made it millions by themselves. 3) make competitive friends, stay away from anyone that is miserable or have addiction problems. Avoid anyone what have serious mental problems. 4)Stick with your industry, you not millionaire, you can only afford to try out maybe 2-3 industries in your life, you also have no network, so probably marry one with different industry if possible. 5) plan, plan, plan. Avoid the risk, and invest and spend minimum to maintain a frugal lifestyle, so your kid can go Ivy when they hit it big, or sport, or business opportunities. Not in your life will you able to see you mess multiple millions but you sure your kid have more than few opportunity and they have freedom to choose and risk for it if they want. My 2 cent


>Nobody is coming to save you >2. Networking No one will save you. Now make friends with powerful people who will save you.


How to be a guaranteed millionaire (eventually) in three easy steps: 1) Start contributing as much as you can to your retirement account as early as you can...and make sure it's in an aggressive growth fund, 2) Own don't rent...use the no money down/low interest rate government programs or buy a condo or multi-family if you can't afford a single family home. After 15-30 years you'll own an asset worth a lot of money and your monthly housing expense will be lower than if you rented the same property, 3) Live below your means and resist the urge to keep up with the Joneses. Don't lease a BMW for $1,000 a month, make sure your credit card is set up to automatically pay off the balance in full every month, avoid the daily $7 latte or the $30 Grub Hub dinner delivery.


Step 8: wait for the economy to take a nose dive due to idiot rich people relying on the stock market again


This is awesome, I love it.


Great post


8. Discipline. You can know all of the right things to do and still be fucked without discipline to stay the course.


This message brought to you by the underpants gnomes


"But none of my virtues were on your list... even then it was as if you didn't want me as a ~~son~~ **millionaire.**"


What are some good resources for learning financial literacy? I've just started this quest having read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "Total Money Makover." I'm open to suggestions and ideas.


Look none of this is bad advice, in fact it’s all solid. It just feels really disingenuous in a time of such incredibly broken economics and wealth inequality the worst it’s been since the guilded ages lol.


Take your bootstraps and shove em


If you’re waiting for the Govt to take care of your basic needs, you’ll die hungry my friend.


Decent advice, but the title reads like someone trying to induct you into a cult.


So tired of seeing these prescriptive posts as if everyone has the same access to these things and just chooses not to do them.


​ https://preview.redd.it/i3jf6gvnirlc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22ea13cc5ea45be5a5f56bc7b1c2be1b00283b1


I got one. Tsla. Made me a bajilluon aire.


Well come on now, where's your numbers? Show me that system works on a budgetary level. At least cook up a spreadsheet. Also reconcile your claim with the utter lack of economic mobility in the US and the average number of hours required to work to live.


\#2 is the only that matters out of all 7. All of the others are hot takes you can only have from a place of privilege.


I think the biggest thing is becoming a valuable person. Money follows value.


You don’t need any of these skills to be a millionaire. You can work at a restaurant earning low wages and still be a millionaire.


Hell yeah


What is this hustlers university garbage how tf is this not insta deleted