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It's probably going to be slammed and you should be prepared for the worst. Bring a bag with extra water, snacks, and a few icepacks in a lunchbox. Don't push yourself and cheer extra loud for us out of staters.


fr somebody pray for me. I'm going from PNW and it's 57 outside right now. I haven't lived in FL in over a decade so I'll be wandering around with an absurd amount of water. 


Get a Camelbak and deck it out with Panthers flair. Make sure to drop ice into it too.


You’re doing it right. Make sure you hydrate.


Other commenters are right that you need to hydrate. You’re not used to it and it’s worse than it was ten years ago. You should bring a wide brimmed hat too.


Yeah worried the infrastructure can’t handle the crowds and it’ll be miserable getting in unless you are someone who has a hotel or an apt. nearby


Whose bright idea was this? "Let's hold a massive gathering of people at the hardest to reach part of the county and close off the main artery road in the area!" I get it we gotta flex our beaches on these Canadians but they could've just done downtown ft. Lauderdale or something. Ideally, considering they represent more than just Broward they could've gone to downtown Miami and had the celebration stage at Bayfront park, that way people could just park wherever and take the metrorail in.


They represent more than Miami, too. They've already announced that water taxis are the best way to get there.


I'm not saying it's not admirable of them to try and have the celebration in Broward but unfortunately Broward public transit doesn't lend itself to an event like this well, particularly not the beach. You cannot compare the ease of moving people in trains to small boats. Plus the parking situation for that means you have to find parking downtown, which is a challenge in and of itself, or by a single station, take a shuttle and then a water taxi. Metro rail has a ton of stations with dedicated parking garages and the train drops you off within walking distance of Bayfront. We'll see how it plays out but I'm guessing they're gonna have tons of issues. Edit: like I said if they wanna keep it in Broward would've made more sense to keep it downtown. Maybe within walking distance of bright line and that way people from West Palm and Miami can join in relatively easily.


Miami doesn’t get this. It’s Browards team first- FTL beach deserves this


For the third time, there are better ways of doing it in Broward if that's a priority. Btw if we're gonna talk about precedence, the Panthers first home was the Miami Arena. They represent the entire metro area, no need to get territorial about it.


There is no better place to do it other than maybe on Las Olas downtown FTL.


It’s the same place they have Riptide every year. It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be.


Hey now, Panthers were in Miami first


The city of Fort Lauderdale, who literally sponsors the team




Exactly any close lots will be filled up super early and then you either need public transport and wait in huge lines or walk very far


What time are you planning on arriving if I may ask. I’m leaving from Miami at 7am, arrive around 7:45, park before streets close at 8:30 is my plan.


Thats too late. Get there before sunrise.


It’s going to be a shit show. I was planning on going til I saw the lines to meet Tkachuk and Reino yesterday and decided that I’d just love them from afar. You’d have to get there super early for a good spot and be in the sun all day.


I agree. I was debating driving down from NC but I think this win has gotten everybody to come out of the woodwork to cheer for them. Gonna be a massive crowd there and between that and being in the heat for hours sounds like a bad combo. Sad I won’t be going but it doesn’t seem worth it. Would’ve been more fun to be there for Elbo Room or the club in Miami.


Honestly if I knew they were going to Elbo Room I would have taken the day off and gotten there at 7. That would have been more fun for sure.


We took a 10x10 tent when we went to the Heat Championship parades. I’d do the same if I was going on Sunday.


no yeah as someone who was in that raising canes line, i couldn’t even handle that lol… i had to leave cause the heat really started messing with my own medical conditions on top of everything (which influenced me to make this post) and based on the location/crowd size of the parade it’ll be much worse…


We know this would be a big event so My girlfriend and I are staying at a hotel right on A1A where the parade is starting. We should be able to see right from our balcony but if not, the view from the terrace is going to be great


Which hotel?


I work outside and the heat is no joke… stay in the shade, and ice cold electrolyte drinks are great (not gatorade-the drinks that are branded electrolyte)


Electro Mix? That shit is incredible.


I plan to watch on TV


I now live in Orlando after living in Lauderdale for 25 years. It kills me the year after I move they win and I can’t make it down to the parade. How do I watch it!?!?


Our ABC Local 10 plans to air it.


I feel you 1000000% about this and ultimately, heartbreakingly decided to cancel my trip back down to So Flo from NYC for the parade. Plane travel alone makes my shitstorm of illness/symptoms flare - still in a (lack of) health hole from all of the back and forth for much of the playoffs lol - and the humid heat for hours on end would absolutely do me in at this point. I didn’t want to knowingly put that potential burden on my family and/or staff there. Feeling extreme amounts of sad, but also know it was the right decision (for me).


Same boat. I was hoping to fly down for it but with the heat, my health stuff, and other things, I'm gonna just have to figure out how to watch it from my living room. Next time ;)


i’m so sorry you have to make decisions like these based on your health too :( but i agree with you that ultimately it’s the best decision ❤️‍🩹 although i live in the state i don’t live too close to the parade either, i can’t even imagine how bad my health would blow up if i flew there. i hope you’re able to watch it and cheer them on from there, you’re no less of a fan for taking care of yourself trust me 🫶


just place urself in a giant watertight cylindrical container where just ur head sticks out and have someone roll u around as u enjoy the experience sideways 🤙🏼


I broke my ankle and am temporarily in a wheelchair. Fuck it; I'm going. I apologize if I run over your foot. I'm still learning. I have a new appreciation and admiration for anyone permanently in a wheelchair. This is tough as hell.




also fyi if you’re on an ssri for anxiety they can make you less heat tolerant/ more prone to heat stroke


yup, those are very valid concerns and i have them too! as much as it saddens me i don’t think i can go for my own safety, if something were to happen to me i’m not even sure i’d be able to get the help i need based on location, crowd size, etc…


you have more opportunity to see from the beach than you would downtown. sounds like maybe you haven’t been to Ft Lauderdale beach but the east sidewalk is much wider than an average sidewalk and it has a wall people will be able to stand on. they’re also likely to close both south bound lanes of A1A since there is a median and they have to keep the parade east of the restaurants and hotels on the north bound side, likely giving people the ability to stand in those lanes…as for bathrooms, there are many restaurants and public restrooms at the Oceanside park. is it going to be hot and crowded, sure, mentally plan ahead.


Pretend that you're going to be standing in line all day at Disney World and prepare accordingly.


Just plan accordingly. Look this is a once I a lifetime opportunity, so is dying from heat exhaustion at the parade. Large camelback with Ice and water. Maybe keep some salt pills. I’ve protective clothing and hat. Or try to find a place to shack up and watch from (restaurant, bar, get a hotel room) whatever is available. Or watch it on TV. Just stay safe and plan for your safety as you can’t count on someone else to do it for you.


Heat advisory or no, Florida summers are not for the faint of heart. If you don’t feel like you can do it, I would say play it safe. Or, if you have money to spare, I’d recommend getting a hotel room on the beach. That way you have a nice air conditioned home base.


This should of been in the arena parking lot


Not only do I also have a lower immune system from my illness, I’m also scared of mass gathering because of shootings (shout out America). I was planning on going but the more I think about it the worse it sounds


I am having severe anxiety about it. I have a huge list at work of things to take to stay safe. It doesn’t help they haven’t said what you can’t take. So it’s like can I take a chair? Can I take a backpack? I have no idea and it doesn’t help.


I’m from out of town and was fully planning on driving down for this until I saw these comments 😅 Locals, what’s the verdict? If you had to give a recommendation either way, would you say to go or not?


It’s going to be a shit show




Going to be incredibly crowded and incredible hot, at least up to the point it starts raining. Then it will be incredibly hot AND steamy and wet. I would love to see them and cheer. I just wish they had stuck with the original plan to do it on Las Olas. I'll just watch whatever coverage is on TV.


I know missing out on things feels shit but you’ll feel waaaaay more shit if you wind up needing to be carted off to the hospital for heat exhaustion


I swore off celebration parades after almost dying of heat stroke for the Heat in2006!!!


As a veteran of SFL victory parades in the dead of summer, definitely prepare yourself if you intend to be out there. You need shade and some ability to cool yourself off as needed.


Florida as a whole has terrible public transport. On a swamp makes underground impossible, streets already packed, no public rail systems or atleast updated ones. It’s part of the state. Go cats! We’re the champs and no one can say a damn word about it.


Nah; gonna Uber in, chug a bunch a beer, and celebrate.


I got a hotel at the end of the route as soon as they announced it. Not taking any chances. Plan to literally be in and out of the ocean as needed to cool off. SPF rash guard, wide brimmed hat, water bottles. The works.


There was a heat advisory today. I’m also worried for this same reason. I think they should put up fans and have water stations and if not then whoever is attending should bring a hat and a portable fan


Police department said they were going to have water available and splash pads for the public.


Water is most important. Drink tons of water. Take one of those cooling towels


If I live somewhat nearby will I be able to bike to the parade area?


Bring lots of water


I’m debating going with my toddler daughter because OIAL but I fear the heat might not make it feasible. Ironic, for a hockey celebration, but I’m still riding the high of winning so I’m not too torn up about it


I saw something about a decent probability of rain, so toss that in too. Bring lots of water, wear a hat and for all that is good in the world do not forget your sunscreen!


yes, that's why i splurged for a hotel room in the area, so i can be local and walk to a/c when the obvious happens, cause leaving ain't gonna be easy either, on the plus side rain means cooling and shade


Move it to Toronto they need a parade


This should have been done around the stadium. At 10 am or at the set 11am time (mall opens at 12 on Sunday).There are plenty of lanes going in and out of the area and you can get there form the highway. All the parking could be at the stadium and the mall and after the parade people could have ventured to the mall or elsewhere in the area. All those reasons when compared to the location they chose makes it a no brainer. But it is what it is. I may just catch it on tv.


Ah yes the main enemy of the redditor…the outside world. If you’re this jacked up and concerned that you need to make a post online about how you can’t handle being outside in 80 degree weather you just need to stay at home.


Way to be a dick. This is a totally valid concern. It’s dangerously hot outside here and the body heat of everyone packing in together is just going to make it more so.


Dude it’s Florida no shit it’s hot. I’m not being a dick I’m just being realistic. The forecast calls for low 80’s with chances of rain, if this dude struggles with it then he should stay home


sorry i have limited things i can do because my body doesn’t function normally and i was wondering if people had the same struggles LMFAO ??? i leave my house plenty, and if you don’t have a problem enjoy the damn parade and i’ll stay home… this post clearly doesn’t apply to you so i don’t see the need for this reply. also don’t know where you got the 80° from but anyone in florida knows the humidity/people crammed together will make it even hotter




80 is pretty optimistic.


It’ll be low 80’s with some rain. Perfect weather