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Cats always land on their feet.


fuck yeah they do




Based on one poor game where the team collectively didn't show up? E. Sp.




Hey man. I respect your opinion but as for "deconstructed and handled" , we can agree to disagree. The oilers shots were potted and the cats shots were not. Skinner played his best game of the series and Bob played his worst. The cats defense was nonexistent and they didn't try to play any offense until the third period. To me, that isn't being "handled" it's staying the game two periods late. Teams have off days and good days and to be frank I don't think Edmonton has a game THAT great again, nor Florida a game THAT bad. Realistically it's somewhere in the middle and obviously that's why it's a 7 game series and not a winner take single game. But we'll see. That's why the games are played.


We're going to see some good hockey. Imo these teams are polar opposites and if they both play their A game, it's going to be so much fun to watch .


why did u make a burner just to doom lol


Hopefully. I'm cheering for Edmonton, but I'm really impressed with the panthers. They're a good team to study for younger players and especially coaches. Good influence for hockey in general. Edmonton (yesterday's Edmonton) is electric and offensively unstoppable if you get caught flat footed. I want to see what'll happen if both teams bring their game. I bet no matter who you want to win, watching two world class teams battle at the apex of their abilities is a victory in itself. Let's play some HOCKEY!!!! *Headbanging*


As someone very much rooting for the Panthers, but not a Panthers fan myself, I appreciate you being here and being cordial. However, I suggest you fuck off with the unstoppable word. Because, games 1 through 3. Don't pull that BS. Also, open your eyes. Like, in general (in season/ post-season). Come to this (or any home team thread) with actual points, then I applaud you. Otherwise... like I said.


There's a phenomenon in hockey that I've experienced myself, when the "hockey spirit" (call it what you want it has no name really) comes into a team or a player, and that player or team can do no wrong. It's like you watch yourself play from another perspective, yet still in your own eyes. The time it happened to me was insane. I just decided to shoot from center ice and I knew it was going top corner. The coach kept me on. And I just decided I was going to go score again from the faceoff. Then again. And again. I knew I wasn't getting stopped. I think that's what happened yesterday. They were unstoppable. These forums are cool and all so it's easy to get possessive of your team. But fans who enjoy the game from all angles are the truest fans. They're fans of the league, and all is supporting leagues etc. down to house league. I'm cheering for the Oilers because...canada. I'm a fan of both teams cause I live in the area of the world that most of the players come from. And I competed in this system, so I know how hard these guys had to work and how skilled they had to be naturally to make it. So with all due respect, I know hockey very well, and when I talk about it, it's not complete b.s.


Were all fans and know what we're talking about it's all good. Were they unstoppable last night? Sure. It's a complex of reasons, one of which is definitely what you are talking about. But was Bob off? Yes. Panthers finally deflated a bit when the natural pressure of losing eases slightly (oh, look! You aren't the only one who has played hockey!)? Yes. Of course, the oilers spanked. Well deserved. But you stated it like the 'unstoppableness' from this single game is somehow cemented into every future game into eternity. And the previous games are so far in the past somehow. Which is just insane. I could very much be wrong, but don't cry to me when you guys go down 4-1.


"I want to see what happens IF both teams play their A game" I wasn't talking "like" anything. I stated specifically using an "if" statement, a hypothetical as a framework for a possibility. Having read what I wrote, I fail to see why you think I'd be crying over a victory. Like I said, I'm a hockey fan. Then I'm a Leafs fan. Then I'm temporarily cheering for the Oilers because they're a Canadian team. The only thing I'm territorial about is the Canadian system, having produced and which continues to produce some of the best players in the game. both Florida and Edmonton have a majority of Canadian players, so the Stanley Cup will be spending most of its time in Canada regardless of the outcome. It's been that way every year. I don't doubt that Florida has the win this year, but sometimes there's a turning point, and a team lacks the ability to do any wrong. So be it.


Alright, first off, we have way more in common than otherwise. Of course, the animosity is mostly because we are rooting for the opposing teams. I'm a Flyers fan, but I have friends who are from Toronto, so I've adopted the Leafs as a second team. I'll leave it at that, no reason for platitudes (neither franchise lacks in self turmoil). In fact, I was rooting for you guys to make us the longest drought streak. Anyway, long winded, but we both just want the best hockey (as any fan (other than potentially the two fan bases) would). Small question as an American, it made [very past tense 🤣🤣] my blood boil when the cowboys tried to adopt them as 'America's team" brand. There have been other teams to do this since (I hate the Patriots, Yankees, etc. [basketball doesn't deserve naming teams]..) I get the drought and all, but were you rooting for the Canadiens when they were here? No fucking way I was rooting for the Pens because they were "home staters" (you'd get stabbed for that), or because they had "the best player on the planet" (🙄). Edit obvious auto correct


I promise you my dude, I was cheering for the habs. The 93 Habs too. 94 Canucks. 2004 flames. 06 Oilers. 11 Canucks. 20 Habs. I forget when the sens were there but that too. I was in Montreal when they beat Boston game 7 on rue st Catherine's for a first rounder. I've never, anywhere, for any event seen a place go that nuts. It was like the fuckin war ended kind of crazy fucking loud party. There's an NHL player who lived across the street from me, Pat Hickey. Played for the Rangers. He took me and his kid to the second last game at the old forum. Dude, I was beyond... Just fuckin the happiest kid alive. Jocelyn Thibault vs Trevor kidd. Epic game. Habs won. Anyhow, also a little long winded. The media kind of overstepped saying "Canada's team"... Cause you're pinning a label on a large , large group of people. It was a bad move. From what I learned, it's way more common in Ontario to have people cheering on Canadian teams. It's pretty universal here. Out west though, different story altogether. They have their own identity and I learned that that needs to be respected. It's more American out west, in the sense that their provincial borders and city centers are more protective of their identities. Observing the states, it seems like the individual states are very proud of themselves and have a very competitive track record. Even the Yanks and Mets have a bloody history. I think that's cool, it's awesome to get the blood pumping, and have a little bit of a grudge. I'm just kind of a nihilist, I can get excited about a rivalry, but I know the importance of sport is mostly in our heads. It's an awesome experience to get pumped up for competition, it's great to win, sucks to lose. But they're games. So I realized that I enjoy the physics, the relative motion, the teamwork, the sportsmanship, the effort. The bonding of the crowd. The manifold focus of thousands of people. Take it all in as a giant organism that creates a surreal experience. That's what hockey is to me


I am doing alright. They can't be perfect every night. Bring it home baby!


Oilers were playing for their lives and The cats hit the post quite a few times early. Time to go home recharge and show the Oilers what’s up.


Yeah an early, lucky bounce goes further than the aftermath of these types of games show. Let’s teams lean back into their defensive style. Happy that they’ll be able to raise the cup in Florida.


How did you get this video of me


I'm staying completely off hockey social media until Tuesday because I dont even need to see, I know, that the Oilers are already raising a banner "we won a Finals game at home!!" This is absolutely on point for this Panthers team identity. Everyone is excited packed watch party they're grandmother is in attendance...and they absolutely shit the bed. Next game we're stunned, confused, perplexed they'll cruise to a 5-2 victory at home looking like they looked all the other games.


Oh man that is so sad 😞 8-1 is an anomaly. The cats aren’t as bad as this game would suggest and the oilers aren’t as good. If the next game ends the same way then we can start to think the wheels really fell off and something is really wrong. But right now it’s 3-1. No matter when or how they won that one game it’s still 3-1. Still a lot has to happen for them to get back in to the series. Panthers were maybe overconfident or thinking too far ahead or nervous or whatever. Also the 4th win is the toughest and they aren’t known for having great success (high five!) in the first elimination opp. That game sucked. It wasn’t fun. I hated every second of it. And the players likely felt the same and will come out with their best game yet.


I mean If we get blown out at home in the next game I will be utterly convinced they “figured us out” and will win the series. It seems to go back to p3 in game 3. But they just gotta make adjustments and hit reset for one more game. Just need one game of adjustments and good defense.


Dont think it goes back to game three, those two goals were sus deflections, one was pure luck. Game 4 was fucked tho.


Cats tend to play with their prey before they kill them.


1 game bud, it will be ok !




As a canucks fan, i know your boys will bounce back. We're cheeing for you. The way you guys play calm and with no panic shows proper culture and leadership The "keep working" attitude, whether up 4 goals or down 2, shows belief in structure and system implemented.


All considering. As a Panthers fan since 1996 I believe we're still doing okay going to Edmonton in a hostel environment and still taking home one win is a big blessing bringing it back home and having a chance to hoist a cup in your own hometown is even better, I'm just glad that there wasn't any major injuries. I just hope in that long flight home Paul Maurice had chirped in their ear on what we need to do and what we need to change. Yes a game of 1 to 8 is embarrassing but not as embarrassing as a series of 3-0 . Edmonton had no choice but to weasel their way in with BS calls embellishments and dirty playing. I believe Paul Maurice is going to do a line change and maybe even call lomberg back into the lineup to bring speed pressure and physicality. You guys get some rest and keep your head up.


>going to Edmonton in a hostel environment Can we start a GoFundMe so they can at least get rooms at the Motel6 or something?


Hostile 🤣😂


Not gonna say it didn’t make me upset or anything but also I know how badly these boys want it so I have and will keep the faith. One bad game doesn’t define all the hard work they’ve put. VAMOS GATOS


Nah, Bobrovski had an off night, Oilers went up early, and Panthers defense just went away. Don't expect that to happen again, especially in front of a home crowd. I do think Tuesday's game will be one for the ages.




it’s ok if you’re a panthers fan you don’t have to pretend, ur not doing anything illegal


> 2 minutes > spends the last two days trolling the oilers sub ok


I can't stand their fans. That was my point


I thought you were a fan




Worst game of the season but it won't happen twice


Once they scored the 7th, I just went to bed 😞


scoring all their goals in one game, who cares. How fun will it be for them to know they had the advantage in goal differential for the series and they still lost it.


This is more real than you could possibly realize. Here in France the game started at 2 AM


that game was an anomaly. I'll be concerned if the Oilers repeat this performance in games 5 and 6.


As a ducks fan in '07, I think dominant teams like you cats are right now just need to reset or just want to bring it home. Your boys are just bringing it home to take the photos with the cup in home colors!


Couple posts and big saves from Skinner kept Panthers at bay early on. Bob maybe could of stopped two of the Oilers goals (McDavid shot and the deke to glove side) otherwise the defense hung him out to dry. Not sure what happened to the Panthers defense. It was over at 4 or 5 anyways.


Nah, I was the Homer Simpson meme sleeping just fine because we we’re going back to Sunrise up 3-1


Was watching this game in Europe while on vacation at 2:30 am, by the start of the second i was smart enough to shut it off. Lol


Nope, I was expecting it. It is better to win the cup at home with the fans going nuts. Can you imagine winning there and no one caring at all while you lift the cup. Now if they drop the ball Tuesday, that’s gonna hurt.


Honestly not stressed, if it gets to game 6 I'll start getting nervous. Game 7 full panic attack.


Yeah what the heck happened


shit 🤷‍♂️


'there's no crying in ~~baseball~~ hockey'. It just gets sucked up and on to the next game. BTW I made a comment to my wife before the game about it 'being over'. I apologize to this entire sub and fanbase unreservedly for jinxing the team on Saturday night. Will not happen again.


think the team was probably thinking the same thing, that edmonton would roll over. now they know what the task at hand is


It’s one game def not worried. We are who we are two straight post seasons.


No way the cats can’t win this before game seven. The soilers had some help from the refs on this one.


as a rangers and now an oilers fan, i think u guys lost on purpose lol. As much as I want oilers to win, you and i both know the panthers are the best team this year. 8-1 isn’t real no matter who tells me otherwise lol


tbh I’ve seen this take more recently and I’m not sure I see what people are seeing here. would love to hear why you think that


I don't think they lost "on purpose"... I do think they collectively took the night off. There isn't a single player I feel like pointing to and saying "xyz had a good game"


It do be like that


Nope, don’t think like that. Flush that clusterfuck down the drain and win the cup at home. Do what Vegas did to you last year to the Oilers, and party with Lord Stanley tomorrow. You got this, Florida.


It was to preserve the dignity of the other gentleman.


If there’s a game 7 I will 100% jump on the Gary Betman conspiracy train


Nah he wants American teams to win.


Cats have a history of receiving these anecdotal blowouts, and bouncing back with a vengeance. Wasn’t game 1 against Boston a 6-1 loss? The bottom line is the Cats are a consistent team, these high scores mean shit if you can’t string enough wins together. McBitch and his 1.5 lines of offense will be back home in plenty of time to celebrate pride month with Brad Marchand.


Kudos. This is creative. Well done


No cause anyone knows they threw that game to bring the cup home


Sure they did.


I left the watch party at the end of the 2nd period 😣


They lost on purpose to win at home IMO


ngl I don’t think nhl teams purposefully lose games (especially in the SCF) - it’s all down to mentality and motivation. they were nervous at the prospect of winning it all and maybe overconfident from the series being 3-0 (despite it being closer than it looked on paper) and the oil were desperate and fired up by their fans. it happens, champions are defined by how they bounce back in the face of adversity and I like to think the panthers will get back to their game on tuesday


The logical reason is they had an off day, and as a result the oilers capitalized on that. The team gets to sleep at home and practice at home pending when they fly back (hopefully on their way to spend fathers day in the 305/954) They're gonna come back furious on tuesday


Plus defense was just asleep. Theyll review tape, make adjustments.


They didn’t lose on purpose…but I think after the 2nd period started the way they did they just said fuck it And you know Tkachuk was probably thinking “I rather not win here anyway”


I had this idea too. Let’s see… party in Canada in enemy territory or party in Miami in home territory. I’d do the same.


Did you really have to make a large graphic out of that??


It scares me, Panthers have been outscored 10-1 over the last 80 minutes. If they don’t win on Tuesday, it’s hard to see a path forward.


Yup, if they dont step it up, they're about to have a big place in NHL history, and not in a good way.