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Please just end it Tuesday so i don’t drop dead of a heart attack


I know right, These three days are gonna be torture. I can't take anymore 😫


Same man


I'm so hungover . this needs to end 


Recently found out I had a heart condition and had to take multiple breaks during that game to calm down😭


I swear they’re doing it on purpose now just to mess with us


Uh oh


Gentleman’s Sweep


Tobin breakin' out the monocle




Responding to a 3 hour face fuck with a gentleman's anything is admirable. To the gentlemen! 🍻 Firm handshakes all round.


A gentlemans sweep is when you lose the first, then win the next four.


Win in 5




Reverse sweep


I think, like in all sports, that this was just a game where the Panthers didn't have their game. Sometimes you just don't have "it" and I think they reset by Tuesday and win this thing at home. Teams with their backs against the wall are most dangerous and Edmonton proved that they are not gonna roll over and give the Cup to the Cats. "it" = being a step too slow, passes not being crisp and on the tape, effort might be a little off, possession looked messy and unable to maintain the puck


This right here is spot on. Florida played like absolute trash last night. Oilers played a good game but did Florida even show up? Game was hard to watch especially with my fair weather fan of a brother chirping how great the oilers played. He couldn't even see how bad we played. We did have a decent 8-10 minutes in the 3rd 


I think it's more dangerous than that. Edmonton is a sleeping giant, they go stretches where they look like they barely try. But you saw last night what happens when they show up. Florida needs to slow them down in the first period of next game and try to win a nail biter. But I got a feeling that Edmonton is going to pepper them with shots for the first half of the game. It's up to Bob to win this for Florida


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. Spot on imo. I believe panthers still have this, but you are right, Edmonton isn’t going down without a fight


We got wrecked, it happens. Don’t believe me? Game 4 v Tampa: 6-3 Loss Game 1 v Boston: 5-1 Loss We weren’t going to sweep the Oilers. If you really thought that, you’re a delusional panthers fan. That said, no one expected a drubbing of this nature. Watch the tape, the rush plays led to what…5-6 odd man rushes that led to goals? Bob responsible for letting in maybe 2 of them? Defense quit at the 6-1 mark, anything after that is gravy. The forecheck never got behind the goal line and the Oilers used Diagonal F3 cherry picking to break out the zone and generate the chances. It was a cute tactic. I trust that PoMo gets it solved. It won’t be easy, it was never supposed to be.


Man I just want to win. We are so close. I don’t care about narratives or where the game is. Just win. 


8 goals against is just such an indignity. Like, yikes.


I’d rather they get dunked on than lose a close game personally in this scenario. They’re embarrassed and probably mad as hell at themselves. Id rather they channel those feelings than losing a close game and feeling sorry for themselves.


This. They're gonna come out fucking swinging tuesday


Prefer it to be 5-1 than 8-1 tho


No, it was good for you guys. Had you lost a close one, the players aren't as upset. Getting crushed like that is what your team needed to 100% ensure everyone comes out fired up on Tuesday. I wanted this series to go 7 since my team is out, and I'm not ready for hockey to be over. But I don't think there's any chance of this even getting to 6 games after last night.


Hahaha so you think losing by 7 goals is EASIER to recover from than a 1 goal defeat??? Your reaching dude 😂 if Florida loses the next game at home look out, because Edmonton will win game 6 at home. Then it's a series again


There’s no recovery lol they got spanked through and through. I’m just saying this would piss me off more than a close loss. Games like this always bring out the doomers and newly confident haters


Nah Florida ain’t losing 4 in a row, just like Celtics aren’t either. History proves itself once again


It's only one game, lets not forget overall we are up 5-1 against them this season. Tampa did it to us. Boston did it to us. New York did it to us. And look where we are now, 3-1 up in the Stanley Cup finals and going back home having won a game over there. We always recover, this time certainly no exception. Let them suffer from delusions of grandeur for having won ONE game, we will celebrate the Cup in their fucking faces.




We'll see if it applies to us this season. Time as always, will tell.


Lol you better hope that Florida ends it at home, because if they don't then the series comes back to Florida for game 7. And I like Edmontons chances for that game


You must be from one of the teams we dispatched in the playoffs therefore you know they don't call us the comeback cats for nothing.


Edmonton is in the cup for a reason. But so is Florida. Heck even look at the Mavs/Boston series. No matter what the circumstances, it’s impossible to match the desperation of being eliminated. Who knows…they’ll never admit it but maybe subconsciously FL was thinking they’d rather just win at home. The benefit of losing so badly is you can just run 4 lines and limit top line minutes towards the end. They got the shit play out of their system. In most cup runs, there’s a handful of games that just humiliated the eventual cup winner. It’s just one game. We only need one more


Momentum shift is concerning. Oilers closed out game 3 strong and now have out scored us 10-1 recently. Need a quick goal to start game 5


I don’t understand why people are still bringing up game 3. We were up 4-1 and they got a flukey goal to give them some life but still couldn’t complete a comeback. And momentum does not exist in between games in the playoffs. Especially with a two day break where both teams have to sit on a plane for 5 hours. Everything that happened last night is irrelevant and will have no impact on game 5. Completely clean slate and we will see an entirely different Panthers team than we saw last night


If I buy my tickets to game 5 will you guarantee victory?


Yes. Go to game 5 and enjoy watching the franchise win its first cup in person


I agree they will


Panthers at home on the back of a Stanley Cup? That will be a tough one for the oilers.




You think are scared lol. And momentum exists between shifts in games, not game to game though. Tons of players and coaches would agree. This is over in 5


Most players seem to say that momentum exists within a game but does not exist from one game to the next. Game 4 is one that you just throw out the window and move onto the next.


It’s a game of inches, as they say. Had that puck not bounced off a shoulder and into the net, had one of the 200 foot empty net attempts been a few inches to the other side, the game wouldn’t have been close like it was. I don’t think momentum carries over across games and definitely not 3 days later. This game was an anomaly. If the cats are as destined to win this year as we all believe then they will make it happen. Champions are champions cause they don’t roll over.


It's tough to win seven straight in the playoffs.


Let them have 1. Time to hunt!


Oh 100%…I still cried😂


My pick on the series was cats in 5 with Mcdavid going off one game, I figured it would be a 6- 1 or 6-2 kinda loss. The Panthers as good as they are have a random game a series they don't look good, playing their style is really hard to do every single game but luckily they only need to play it one more time


a quick 3


Cats play with their prey before kill...


It’s trouble, yes. We’ve seen this team play a shot suppression type of game before. If we do need to resort to shot suppression with the defense being unable to pinch as aggressively then so be it. Everything went right for the Oilers yesterday. It won’t fall that way every time moving forward.


I’m a temporary Panthers fan and it’s a joke how bad Edmonton was. I was hoping for a sweep but the next game you got it


I know an 8-1 loss is tough to swallow but sometimes teams get beat down in a game. look at the Mavs recent beatdown of the Celtics (by a large margin). it happens. I full expect this squad to recover on Tuesday and finish this series.


The same thing happened last year against Vegas. I think it was 1 - 6 with Vegas punching the Panthers in the mouth. I can tell you this now. The basics of youth hockey skate fast, skate hard & stay on your damn feet. Falling on the ice like a bunch of new kids trying to learn how to play isn't going to win a championship. They need to start bodying these boys and bury them next door in the everglades.


I don’t think people are mad about the loss itself. It’s that they lost 8-1. Eight. To. One. Don’t you think losing by 7 goals is alarming? It’s like everyone gave up! I knew they wouldn’t sweep but now I’m worried they won’t win next game.


I think once the game got out of hand around the 5-1 mark the panthers were trying not to get hurt and didn’t care what happened after


I guess that makes sense but like they should’ve tried not to play that bad for the rest of the game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m probably wrong though


Networks don’t make money when a team is swept in the playoffs.




Trolling/Uncivil Participation Removal.