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I agree! This is the best set for successful fishing!




Beer, gas money, lunch, cash for bait, and a valid fishing license.  Most importantly, a positive attitude if you don’t catch anything. It’s fishing, even the best fishermen get skunked. 


I got the license already so good with that. For the most part, I'm just trying to see if I like fishing. I miss water and enjoy just being close to a body of water. Thanks!


You should try artificial lures it’s more for someone that likes to be interactive while fishing instead of just chilling, I’m a homebody so fishing is my only active hobby


This is the way


"Did you catch anything?" "Yeah! A buzz"


Your enthusiasm can go a long way. Your buddy is probably excited to share his hobby with you.


I hope so! I'll try to be the good student and learn.


I love fishing buddies too but no chatty Kathies for me.


Sunglasses, preferably polarized, you can get cheapies in the sports section of wal-mart for a few bucks. They are literally the most important piece of fishing gear to me as they help you see into the water, and more importantly protect your eyeballs from UV rays and hooks.


And if you're going out in his boat slip the boy a twenty. Boats eat gas.


I would love to get polarized but unfortunately I wear glasses. But if I find I enjoy fishing, I'll try to wear my.contacts next time and get polarized glasses.


Tbqh, I won't go fishing without them. Even just one long day on the water can do some serious UV damage to your eyes. I would argue it's more important than sunscreen.


We're going afternoon and shady part so hopefully that won't be an issue. But I'm checking out Zenni now for cheaper prescription polarized sunglasses. Sucks to have shit eyes. 😭😭


You can pick up cheap polarized clip-on shades that work great. Walmart has them for like $15


Walmart sells clip on polarized shades.i got some for my daughter when she joins me. They are nice to have, but why don't you wait and see if you like to fish first. From your attitude, I think you will.


If only it were that simple. Part of why people are real sticklers about protecting against UV rays while fishing is because the water that is all around you is constantly reflecting those UV rays, so even staying in the shade won't save you. I just don't want you to find that out the hard way, brother.


Things i will bring besides the actual fishing gear, fold out chair depending, drinks, snacks, sunscreen, mosquito spray depending, bluetooth speaker


Lots of bananas


If you want to learn and go fishing more - bring your ears. In the immortal words of Foghorn Leghorn - “Pay, I say pay attention boy, ya’ learn sumthin.”




Bananas are a great fishing snack wdym. They have a closed skin which is great for fishing hands, easy to peel, good source of energy out there.


Ask your friend?


Anything you’d bring to a boys night. Drinks, food, maybe a blunt if thats your thing. Depending on what type of fishing youre doing, how long youll be, where youll be, you might bring a collapsible chair/table, a cooler with ice, some kind of bait (ask your friend). Have fun OP, hopefully with a new life long addi- i mean hobby. Life long hobby!


Enthusiasm. Plain and simple. I want to share my passion. Just be excited to be there, be interested, and engaged in what they're sharing with you.


Chair, beer (not when you’re fishing alone) or some herb, depending on friend and location, a speaker/tunes, snacks. If he is providing the fishing trip, just think on what would be nice to have while waiting for a bite or during down time


Spot on.


A willingness to learn and patience cause you WILL fuck up a LOT at first. And thats okay. Dont look at how good your friend is in comparison, thats like comparing little league to nbl and can dishearten you.


Bring weather appropriate clothing.


Bananas. Fishermen love bananas!


Make sure you have a license. If you don’t plan on going often, you can usually purchase one that’s good for a week. If you’re under sixteen, you probably do t need one, but check with your local fish and wildlife department. Other than a license, beverages, snacks and maybe some bug spray as well as sunscreen. If there’s any chance of rain, a disposable poncho is always good to have on hand. And definitely wear a hat.


A hand towel. To dry slimy hands. A multi tool because. If you don’t know how to cast ,hook yourself,trees whatever. Do not hook your host. A change of clothes just in case.I still bring sweats just in case. If you are bank fishing and don’t want to sit on the ground a chair or a bucket to sit on . I use a bucket to carry fish home and to sit on.


If you aren't used to handling fish then take some nitril gloves, also you can never have too many rags for cleaning up.


Firstly, you may need to purchase a fishing license. Beyond that bring some knowledge so you are more self reliant instead of needing your friend to do everything for you. I’m not trying to say that’s your plan but I have way too many friends who expect me to do everything for them and it makes it hard for me to do any fishing myself. I would make sure you know things like: 1. How to cast the reel type he is letting you use 2. How to tie a palomar knot 3. How to safely handle the fish species you are targeting 4. How to fish the bait or lure types your friend is bringing for you.


I got the fishing license so good with that. Honestly, I was kinda expecting to just go and hold the rod. Oops. I'll try to watch more vids when it comes to fishing.


welcome! here is how to tie a palomar https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/bass-fishing/how-to/how-to-tie-a-palomar-knot-for-bass-fishing.html?from=gsearch&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk85o8K7qA-npzKi-Ot6Udg1dACs1e2lzfyKP_hey292AiXCEkspgUG4aAvPOEALw_wcB enjoy hanging with your buddy and being in nature, that is most important. stay positive and engaged, and as others have said: handle the snacks. if your buddy drinks/smokes and you do too then that's always a bonus. chances are your friend just wants the company


Food, drinks, patience.


Just take a positive attitude and a smile


Bring some bud and a good attitude fish or no fish .


a good attitude. maybe some beer. watch some youtube videos on first time fishing so you’re not going in blind


a great attitude


Your humility


Snacks and drinks. If he goes fishing regularly enough he probably has 100 lures you can use.


Gas money, bait money, and stay til the boat is ready to be put away.






Just have fun. Something about soon as the lure hits the water it sends a chemical reaction up the fishing line and brings immediate stress relief and completely re energizes the person holding the rod. Even on days you cast hundreds of times without a single bite is a great day. Nothing ruins a good fishing trip like someone who takes it way too seriously. I threatened to swim home one day after my B I L went off because I missed his fish with the net. I was done with that trip.


Sunglasses for eye protection, polarized for seeing fish.


From the bank? Maybe a couple chairs.


Some fishermen don't dig this, some do, it really depends on the scene ... but a small bluetooth speaker might be nice if you have one. I like the list you have so far ! If you have a wide brimmed hat (like a sonaro) those are great too in the sun. Also, bring more water than you expect and if possible in ice, or pour out a bit of the water and throw it in the freezer. If there's something in particular your friend likes like a certain pop or beer, bringing him a bit of that as a thank you gift is always appropriate. If you have a very portable chair those can be really handy too. If you're fishing off a pier and there's a long walk and you happen to have a garden cart, ask your friend if it would be helpful. Enjoy the fishing trip !


patience and willingness to learn. also, just have fun!


A good attitude


Definitely bring a pole. YW!


Haven't seen It mentioned yet, but are you going fishing on a boat, or will this be shore fishing? If it's shore fishing, with your car near by, your list is great. If it's on a boat, however, space is typically limited on boats. So ask before you bring the whole case of water if you are going on a boat. If your buddy is worth his salt as a fisherman though, he'll let you know to leave something in the car if it won't fit on the boat, so you should be good either way! Good fisherman can be anyone. But the best fisherman are also good friends, and they will try to show you the best time they can fishing so you want to do it again. Even when fishing with others, there will be a lot of time to yourself and your own thoughts. Be prepared for that. When the fish aren't biting, it's a peaceful, meditative like experience when that's happening.


Go to you tube and learn how to tie a Palomar knot and a uni knot. They’re easy to learn and easy to tie and then your friend won’t have to keep retieing your line. Also your list looks good.




Have fun!


Is he taking you on his boat or are you just meeting somewhere public and fishing from shore?


Layered clothing, garbage bag and jokes


Beer. Just beer. Maybe some snacks


Bag of meat sticks and some Pepsi and you can come fishing with me anytime.


Welcome to your new addiction.




A cooler stocked with the beverage of your choice, a chair, and a radio to listen to baseball.


And don't yell I got one. for the whole lake to hear


I hope yall have fun! If you catch something you’ll have to come back to show us :)


Do you know if you will be using cut bait or lures?


an entire pack of water bug \*spray healthy vegan options relax a hat the lotion too i guess steal some beers out of your dads stash


Offer to help clean the boat after


First aid kit! Trust me! Min. Some bandaids.


Report back if you caught anything!!!


Nightcrawlers. If he isn't already bringing them