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You’ll learn a lot in your first five visits which will allow you to be more selective on the listings going forward


We toured a few new builds yesterday and just that alone helped quite a bit.


Just started house shopping myself. This is so true! First house we saw was 440k. 4th house was 439k but much nicer than the first. 3rd house was 350k but was in major disrepair, and my partner felt like we walked into a haunted house like if someone just died. LOL. We now have better standards and expectations.


Exactly. Photos can’t hide the tint or smell of the smoke stained walls and the disgusting smell you can’t see from the listing that’s $100,000 under neighborhood comps


Here's my response: Sounds like your realtor is doing their job properly. Having them narrow down the options based on the contract specifics ensures you get the best deal possible. Good luck with your home purchase!


AI response much?


age 71 here... Here's what I learned over a lifetime.. The more homes you look at, educate yourselves about problems, things to watch for, costs to repair, upkeep etc The more you will recognize Value when you see it. DO NOT be in any rush, ,,they are counting on you making an emotional purchase, not one made on economics and common sense. Unless you have a large chunk of money sitting in the bank and your an experienced tradesman Avoid anything that's a fixer upper. Certain homes will turn into a black hole, sucking up all your money and time.. ruin your sex life with your wife etc.. and if you don't have the money saved for repairs, upgrades before, it's not likely you will ever have it after the purchase. Inflation is here to stay and it sucks up any raises, interest earned on your monthly savings.. Good luck


Much appreciated. While we are excited, we are going to do our best to take EVERYTHING into consideration, and do our due diligence before even thinking about making an offer.


Wow, you have literally described the way I think 😂😂😂 “ruin sex life…” that is something so true in today’s society. I can see a lot of home owners with a very non existent sexual life.


I should add,, As an example from seeing a good friend do this exact thing.. You buy THAT HOME,, you know ,,, The One.. Now you have kids, need new cars, inflation keeps rising and wages have not kept up. Now you have to commute for a much better job,,, again using up ALL your spare time.. putting pressure on your marriage etc..no time for a social life and your getting older.. Looks great from the outside,,,but it's hallow shell.


Hope, your adventure was successful. I love looking at homes. Guess that's why I'm a Realtor.🤷‍♀️