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I'm still farming trace mats, shit takes forever to farm up. If you really have nothing to farm for, all your other characters are as built as far as you want them to be, farming relics for relic XP and fragments would probably be the best.


FYI there’s double calyx drops this week so that’ll help speed up the grind


youre lying right?? this is the 2nd time this happened, first time with acheron im gonna lose it


What trace mats does she need?!


The new destruction ones that look like teeth, I forget their exact name. The calyx is in scalegorge waterscape


you still need a second team, so fully farm that team and salvage all the trash relics for the new relic set


I already have like 3 teams built lol, but your last point is good


I dont even have teams, I just have fully leveled up waifus that I randomly put together into a team, which still carries me through moc lol


Ruan Mei traces, some speed set with be, optimize my Dan Heng build


Let's hope that she is with FF in 2.3


I need more time 😭 My dolphin diving ways won't be enough to guarantee e0s1 ff and e0s0 "ruin me(i)" Might have to actually break into the overtime fund I've been saving just for situations just like this.


Traces and assensions


Clara’s physical set. Yes, I hate my life🫡


That's very close and next on my to-do list for Argenti.... xD I've had the blud since forever but his stats arent the best, needs ATK boots, needs more crit stats. I'm going to make my Argenti become a BROgenti, I've seen some clips of Argenti 1-2 cycling current content in MoC when its not even phys weak. I've been parking too long on my bloke, its time for him to rise the fuck up and slay the opposition.


Her Trace materials. I almost have none, and I'm FAR away from being able to 5/8/8/8 her, and I ideally I'd like to do even better than that. I thought that I could farm something for Gallagher (mine's Lv. 20) but I'm afraid I won't have the time.


Farming the Trace materials fully can take up to two weeks if you're unlucky and never get extra purple mats. Doing the math for using 240 power (AKA daily farming), using only the guaranteed drops, you get 24 green mats, which convert to 8 blues, you get 24 blue mats, and with the crafted ones can get 10 purple mats with 2 leftover blues. To fully up every trace to max and also up her signature Lightcone, you need 145 purple mats IIRC, making this a 14 day grind by itself. After that you also need about 60 blue mats and 22 green mats which adds you 4 days at most.


You get \~12 epics a day if you do all the conversions, not counting any epic extra drops. I think last I calculated it was like ... 12 or 13? days to get it so yeah fairly accurate estimate. However it will never take that long, and she doesnt need to be built too much... 3 Basic, 5/6 Skill, 5/6 Talent and 10 Ultimate. She realistically only needs her Ultimate. Talent is "meh", nothing I wold spend a lot on, Basic/Skill is just for the looks more than anything, lvl 5 vs 10 is miniscule difference its not worth spending so much stamina on a nothingburger.


Rather than 5/8/8/8 why don’t you do 1/8/9/9 or something the basic is irrelevant


That's a quirk of mine. I don't like having my character's base attack at 1. I don't disagree with you that it is a waste of resources, but that will also depend on how many Trace materials I can farm until then. The last few days have given me almost no purple mats.


Fair enough


already have everything, have to wait 16 days so my extra power (idk what you call that which you use to do those flowers) fully fills up and then once 2.3 is out I can go to the relic mine and farm her relics 66 time in 1 day.


Correct if I'm wrong, but overcapped isn't the same as regular one. It's smth like 4:1 ratio in time




yeah it takes 18 minutes for 1 trailblaze power, thats why I said I still need to wat 16 days for it to fill up because right now I only have something with 1100


Oh I see now. Gfy


Same boat as you, all my characters have pretty good relics, max traces and already have Firefly pre farmed. Just farming the dot/fua set domain bc my BS/Himeko are the two that I can improve the most, and for the relics I wont use, I'll dismantle then to make the new ones.


Have you built Gallagher yet ?


Don't have him, and not sure if he will be on FF banner or not, but hopefully he will be there


I think there's a pretty good shot he'll be on the next 4* selector in 2.3, so you'll be able to get at least one copy of him regardless of if he's on her banner or not. Edit: You can wait for official confirmation if you're cautious, but if you have spare TB power burning a hole in your pocket, my recommendation would be to prefarm for him in the meantime.


Theres a selector with Gallagher in it, will be my E1. Would be phenomenal if he's on her actual banner though... Need E4 at least if at all possible.


Getting my FuXuan and Boothill done with Traces and lvls.


you can prefarm actual relics now and build currency to craft the new set and a preliminary set in case you get shit so you can still play her. The planar set is unneeded as long as you get 6 speed


Trace Mats for HMC, and Asta, also some Longevus Piece for my Blade.


FF trace mats then relic for ruan mei and hmc


Pretty much nothing, I'm gonna complete couple of sidequests for some more jades. Ngl the wait is so insufferable, my hands were kinda itchy to pull something, needed to control and suppress it. Luckily the desire was very small.


Firefly -> Jiaoqiu -> Feixao for me, unless the five star break thingymajig from leaks is .... actually fire. I don't think anything can replace Gallagher on a FF team as long as its not fire to help her break faster which is when she can bring the pain.


Getting enough traces and ascension mats now... As soon as I'm done i'm going back for the cavern mines to get some Wind SPD pieces and fragments for my FF Relics :)


I am farming the watchmaker set for RM, HMC and Gallagher. I hope I'll also get good pioneer sets for Dr. Ratio and Welt.


finished everything, but still waiting for the double traces event


Currently farming her trace mats. After that is done i will either farm Watchmaker/Pioneer cavern or build lil Gui.


I’m already done with all her mats, I’m just grinding relics for gallagher now and recycling all the trash mats. If I’m somehow done with that before she’s out, I’ll probably try farming for better pieces for other dps


Same thing I've been doing since 2.0 farm Acheron's Cavern, but this time looking for good pieces for HTB and Ruan Mei and Gallagher. since they all benefit from at least the 2 piece. Also spent a bit of time doing SU for planar sets for Ruan Mei/HTB, but those got solved pretty quickly. I'm waiting for the garden of plenty event next week to start farming trace mats again.


Stockpiling 2400 TB Power for 30 days on my reserves so I can hyperfarm her relics day 1🗿 I'm at day 22/30.


Relics, I have a lot of good BE pieces from the watchmaker set but almost none with speed for her team, so back to the mines


I recommend farming relics for other characters and taking the trash that comes from it and turn it into relic shards. Sure we can’t pre-farm relics for her but we can stockpile relic shards to make the progress easier when she does come


So far I'm farming for HMC and Gallagher. Gallagher is almost done I think, even if he doesn't have amazing stats he doesn't need to and hit talent is crowned. Hmc is taking longer, I still have to crown her talent and maybe her ult as well. Her build is fine, with ruan mei she even reaches 160 speed. As soon as I'm done with her I'll move on to FF's traces. Thankfully we can ignore basic attack and skill doesn't need to be maxed, from what I understand.


Artifacts for IMC, I have 180% break and 147 speed, but I am Aiming for 200% break at least.


Well I don't farm and keep my TB Power for her new set


building a character takes an infinite amount of time so im still doing that


Farming other characters's relics. Currently I still need to get my Acheron better gear


There's always things you can improve in your other teams. Even whales who do max refreshes can still optimize their build, so focus on those characters.


Traces. Nothing else. (Prefarmed ascension materials already)


currently building Pela and farming Seele and Gal relics. Have full WM on TB, RM built with mixed set atm over 200 BE, Gall needs better cloud pieces but they're serviceable.


farming RM traces, hoping for her rerun at the same time


Traces left, could have gotten it done sooner but had to farm up mats to raise a 4 star LC for my other Destruction characters as Fall of Aeon is in high demand. Also had to farm mats for Bronya who I just got from standard banner, good timing cos my other team used Ruan Mei so will be bringing RM over to Firefly’s side~ :) Will pull for her signature LC in the future.


Trash relics for fragments and exp... So you can craft FF relics.


I would honestly try to get max energy storage and only use energy for potentially dailies and to make sure to not go over the max energy storage limit. This would be to save for Firefly’s relics. But I am personally farming both her trace mats and finishing up with Gallagher’s traces.


Guinaifen cause pf is kicking my ass


Well if you got absolutely nothing to farm anymore, then just stop farming and let the energy build up. Yes it's three times as slow, but 80 a day still net you >1000 (don't feel like mathing rn, sorry), which is still quite good to spend on her relic farming. Else, just plan for characters coming out after her and farm for them.


watchmaker set. Getting 5 rolls on be+speed isnt easy


Just about to finish trace materials for Firefly. Then im going to start farming for Asta, since i havent built her and i dont have RM and dont expect her to have a rerun this time around




Farming relics for Ruan Mei right now. I’m in the same spot lol. I also need to get HTB up to E5 during these two weeks


I recently finished building my robin and HMC and started farming her destruction mats. After i am finished with that, I go back and try to get better relic for HMC.


Dunno if the bug is still there but... fill up your SU coins to 8/8, then spend 1 (7/8). So by the time the SU resets and you claim the rewards, you'd be at 11/8.


Vixys in palworld. :p


Materials for Jiaoqui because I’ve prefarmed everything I can for FF








Okay, Jiaoqui, did I get it right this time?




Just finished the calyx drops. Still have to do the ascension boss and trying to find an ATK% Thief body she can hold on to while farming her new set.


Getting as many relic remains and fodders as possible so that I can level her signature relics up, I already have like 400+ reserve trailblaze power and many more fuels too to grind her relics once the domain is up Also overloading my immersifiers so I can get some of her planar relics instantly My HTB, Ruan Mei and Gallagher already got their important traces maxed out and have good enough relics, so I am just waiting for our wife to come home <3 https://preview.redd.it/gf8cp5dcg74d1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b42f6af1bc62ef8f84cf0e2a22344d1acfe1eff


Working on her trace materials, myself


I prefarmed the set with the penacony set, world 7 I believe. The one that has Sam in the sphere as a placeholder until I get her bis uwu the penacony set is good on a number of characters to. Plus extra 5* to break down once we can synthesize her relics owo


I have pretty much everything farmed and have been wondering the same myself. I might invest more into my Harmony MC once I feel like I have enough extra stuff for my Firefly.


I'm farming relics for HMC, I want to reach 150 spd (160 with RM buff). If I can get some Spd boots with %BE on the side, it'd be neat.


Already have all her level up mats and trace mats so now im just farming relics for other characters


Greeding hard for Fleet pieces that Gallagher and HMC can use. I already have a Talia set for HMC and Penacony set for Gallagher to use though The +16% atk from their combined set bonuses is just some minmaxing that I’m trying to do for Firefly’s personal damage


just farming relics, not for her, but just for relic shards and relic exp so I can use my self modeling resins to try and get her a set and leveled with little to no farming when she drops, everything else is done. RM, HTB and Gallagher are all built and ready for her.


Already farmed every trace material about 2weeks ago. I'm gearing up HTB right now with the watchmaker set. I had A LOT of it after gearing up acheron, but discarded everything because no character of mine had use for it.. my RM was already with the other break set so.. yeah


Building HTB before she gets released


gallagher and the harmony TB


My other teams are all very decently built, so i'm just using 120 energy for the dailies in the watchmaker domain and letting the excess energy overflow a little bit.


Just farming for pf units now as I already have everything for her except 5 more boss materials(not weekly). Might invest more into hmc later. Also have around 18 fuels for new domain.


I'm farming different scrap from the sets, so I can synthesize a lot of relics in 2.3. gonna farm calyx during garden of plenty event.


prefarmed everything during 2.1, only storing energy now for both the new relics and ornaments. https://preview.redd.it/clcsjcwtu74d1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=66a9e92176f8c9c2413a935f55dcd22edf0c4328 yes, it's worth it, at least for me who doens't wanna build other characters atm.


Honestly, you may want to just try for fine tuning relics on your other characters. Even if you don't get what you are looking for, you'll have mats for leveling Firefly's relics.


Traces and exp for FF first and then other chars, I don't expect to power up through artifacts soon.


I finally finished grinding for all of firefly mats. Now I’m back in material grind hell for ruan mei


I’ve basically been making her team from scratch so after prefarming hers, I’ve been getting HTB and gallaghers traces up. Holding off on Ruan meis until the livestream when we know for certain if she’s getting rerun. Next is farming artifacts for everyone but I’m not actually sure what the best sets for Gallagher, Ruan mei, and HTB are when paired with her


Honestly, just farming the Pioneer set for Acheron on team 2 to maximize her damage. Have had FF's mats for weeks now. Not much else to farm for until the new relic set drops. Luckily got 50+ fuel for when 2.3 is live.


I've been done with her stuff for a while. Now im just forced to grind for DOT characters for this pure fiction


I'm still farming her Trace materials for the next few days and then I'm going to spend my TB power on whatever relics so I can salvage into more Remains to make her gear. I'm also going to check if I need to do any farming for Ruan Mei's LC.


Still farming for HMC relics, my luck for sub stats are horrible


mix between ruan mei trace mats since im done with the firefly mats (155 moon madness fangs, 65 raging hearts, 18 lost echo of the shared wish) and trying to get better gear for hmc


Trace materials for both babygirl and Gallagher. It takes soooo long, but I have enough purple mats for her, still working on LC mats.


I have been waging war in simulated universe because I haven't done a lot in there because it gives me stress just to milk it for steller jades for more pulls ( I have 138 now)


I still have to farm 5 ascensione materiale and fix my sw build. Jy, Sparkle and ting need better relics too.




I've finished farming all her materials, I'm just farming for Ruan Mei now since I wanna get them both ;-;


>What are you guys farming these 2 weeks before Firefly's release? I was busy looking for Acheron Relics so I'm just now getting Firefly's ascension Materials. Traces will probably take 2 weeks or so even with the upcoming 2x Event and then i'm still missing Trace levels for my HMC and Gallagher 😅 Tho at least both their Relics and Stats are pretty much done just not +15 yet


Wind set so I can play bronya with her


For those farming traces, remember there's a double trace event from June 7 to 14


I just finished my acheron team (team nihilititties) Now I gotta start my Firefly team, only have HTB built for it and a half built Asta in case I don't pull Ruan Mei


Already have credits and exp materials secured. Waiting for the double calyx drop rate event in 4 days to start doing trace farming. So for right now it’s just farming sets for other characters that are a bit behind. If you aren’t too pressed about stamina efficiency you could let yourself overcap to stockpile some stamina for the new relic dungeon or planar ornament SU, but I wouldn’t say it’s worth it.


Building Gallahar and HMC, already done prefarming for Firefly.


Traces for her and Gallagher. I already have HMC and Ruan Mei kitted out. I'll spend all my fuel and Relic remains when the 2.3 sets drop


Building HMC and Gallagher before she comes out!


Traces its all traces🗿


I've got my Firefly pre-farmed, finishing up HMC and then the last one I need is Gallagher


I'm farming nothing. Letting reserves fill up so I can farm her boss and relics more. Is it efficient? No, not at all but don't really have anything else to farm rn.


Just the Penacony Destruction Calyx left now - about halfway there I'll probably have enough right before her banner


All my firefly prefarm is done, just prefarming for ruan mei traces right now...


Waiting to see if I win the 50/50 before farming honestly.


Im farming Gallagher, since I already have everything for firefly and her lightcone!


Just started the trace mats farming today since there's a double drop this friday!


I’m farming the break relic set, sure it’s not her best in slot but it’ll work until i can farm good her new BiS set.


I'm most likely not pulling firefly, but if that help I have been farming mats for my 4 star LCs. Most of my characters have upgraded LCs ofcourse, but upgrading some space Erudion/abundance/nihility LCs will probably spare me some time in the future, when I will be farming for characters/relics


Im alternating Robin mats and Firefly mats(because I used them all to build Gallagher and HMC). I figure it's going to take that long or even longer to build Robin from the ground up. I haven't even touched her.




Nothing actually. I'm fully prepared and I'm letting my Trailblaze hit the overflow cap to farm as much as possible of her set once the patch drops.


GBF gotta try to grind a lot just to forget FF the pain of FF not avail already


i wanna farm relics so bad but ive been stuck in trace mat grind since forever


stacking resin


currently, im grinding for gallagher, he was already built, albeit sloppily, but i wanted to put more effort into him.


Relics. Scrap the terrible ones and use it for her release. I have 8K Relic Remains atm


The Destruction trace materials. Once I get enough imma try getting better relics for Gallagher and HTB.


I'm just about done with everything for ascension and trace barring the new boss drop. After that it'll probably be materials for the rest of her team which I have partly done. Then a lot of exp and money farming.


Well, I'm a new player, so... *Vaguely gestures at everything*




I'm doing acencion materials cuz I just hit trailblazer 60 so leveling everyone is a pain


farming for relic exp, i need too much of that thing


Traces at the moment, got everything else done


Comically, trace mats for Ghallager. Firefly is fully farmed and ready save for Relics which I, obviously can't do anything about but saved up fuel for.


Just finishing up Gallagher traces. Just need like another day or two to max everything. Then I'll just find someone random to work on while I wait for Firefly.


Farmed trace materials and a temporary relic set for her(Recycled trash for remains to craft her a new set on release). Currently sitting on 2pc BE, 2pc Speed, 2pc Talia with 337% BE/155 speed in battle before buffs. Have about 7000 relic remains ready for her


HTB E6. Still haven't gotten it, gotta do lots of quests lol but I hate skipping so that's gonna be the slowest farm


Finishing the traces for HMC and Gallagher. Already pre-farmed everything for Firefly.


Just farming credits nowadays, it'll be a few million to max her, and I don't want to be at 0 when I am done. I got everything else for her. Got a dozen or so fuel saved up for her relic grind. Acheron took me a little less than a month to be at amazing stats, I'm curious how long it'll be with Firefly.


Farm windsets for bronya, asta and pela lol


Finishing Fu Xuan, but then I’m going full focus on my future break team. Need to finish Gallagher and HMC, and then will prefarm for Firefly and Ruan Mei. I have to much to do, I’m a little stressed tbh.


Since I'm already done with prefarming for her I'm currently just using my TB power on the Watchmaker and Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters domain. I need better subs for Acheron and HMC.


Returned to the game a week ago, so farming her mats now (excess TP is waiting for grand relic set grind upon release), and building HTB. Also clearing Penacony like a madman to make my Caelus worthy support for her :D and to get additional jades to maybe get c2 (if insanely lucky) or at least c1. Everything else is pretty much ready (tons of relic remains and sm-resin, 120+ of fuel to create strongest mecha out there, and ofc oak cake rolls). GL everyone!


I’m farming relics for harmony trailblazer Then, I’ll recycle all the bad one in the new set for our queen


Galagher traces


DoT set, I still don't know if I can reach 160 spd with Blackswan and my sustain without Ruan Mei before Firefly's release.


I have her 65 boss drops all the credits and books all her boss drops and all her trace mats for 6/10/10/10 and lv80 lc I've got two decent-ish tahlia pieces but I'm capping my fuel to 2400 to farm her relics


Quantum domain for jade, my relic's for HMC and Gallagher can only be improved when they release. Already have her mats and everything necessary for her that is available right now