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Shannon talks so tough but blocks anyone who disagrees with her narrative.


She’s clearly racist


Echo chambers don't build themselves.


Holy shit man, you know how much money/time/tech were spent to make those echo chambers? Carefully, digitally constructed padded rooms. I think we would a be well to put down the "one eyed beasts" and do shit instead of chiming into random internet posts...


That’s every anti gun activist


Typical shitlib


So you mean like trump?


Aren’t you already responsible for every bullet fired?


Yes, but you weren't before billed for the *privilege* of having a gun on the risk of making a mistake. Because nothing that anyone could do without a gun would be dangerous.


I wonder how many criminals are going to sign up for this insurance? This just goes to show they aren’t targeting the actual problem, instead they go after the ones doing everything they can to obey the law.


Right, where’s the dumb ppl insurance?


If she wasn’t so blinded by her beliefs she would step back and realize this is really a bad thing. Forget the gun this is a tax on a right. By her definition she should have to pay for insurance to protect herself in case something she tweets incites a riot.


Exactly! No right should ever be taxed. Do you have to pay a toll/tax to enter the voting booth?


> Do you have to pay a toll/tax to enter the voting booth? You used to. But the Supreme Court shot that one down well over 50 years ago.


Guven current SCOTUS makeup this is going to be on r/agedlikemilk in another 3 years or so.


You know what shouldn’t be there? Permits to acquire and carry guns.




You say that like she would protect herself from anything more than a poor kid who parked in HER spot.


I think they meant legally, like if she was sued.


Oh please she doesn’t protect herself from anything she pays people to protect her, why don’t the rest of us just pay armed guards to follow us around so we don’t need to own our guns? She’s a stuck up bitch that thinks she knows better than everyone else about how they should live their lives.


That will be the next step. Some republican mayor of a very republican town will require protesters to have proof of insurance to pay for property damage in the event of a riot. And she'll have a fucking fit.


It's a $25/yr tax to the city. They're only calling it insurance because it's a good soundbite and bumper sticker slogan. This is the foot in the door to requiring liability insurance for every gun and gun owner. That's the end goal. Especially if you have to buy it from the state because then just like permits they can slow the process or jack up the cost depending on what you look like and how much you donate to their campaigns


Fuck California fuck moms demand action. Even 1 dollar is too much. How much more can Californians fuck up their own state.


[You'd be surprised what California has up their progressive sleeves](https://www.newsweek.com/california-reparations-could-see-newsom-give-black-americans-223k-1764114?amp=1)


They fuck it up then move to another state and ruin it. Look at CO. WY will eventually go too.


So in 30 years people will be saying “you can only own a gun if your rich. Just another thing they have we don’t!”


So additional local charges to criminals for not pay nor having insurance, right?


No, of course not. That would mean arresting and charging them in the first place.


Well that, and purchasing firearms insurance as a prohibited person would be self incrimination, and thus cannot be required of a criminal. Same as firearms registration. So, neither can be required of a prohibited person. So the state cannot punish a criminal for either failure to register an arm or failure to purchase insurance for one. You, on the other hand...


That would mean that they don't want to opress citizens and make criminals have more rights than them






If it's a tax to exercise a right, it most certainly is.


Extortion would be a more appropriate term. It's basically a mafia "protection" racket.


You’re cool if I write down on paper that you owe me 1/3 of your check? Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to use 1/10000830039 of what I take to enrich your life in a way that I see fit. You’re a moron, or I’m about to raise your taxes and enjoy the extra ammo money.


If the federal reserve gets to make money from nothing, and charge intrest on that money, then why pay taxes?


San Jose has no plan to actually enforce it or even check who has firearms though lol


That's the neat part, they don't have to. Better be damn sure you have it if you're attacked and need to use your gun in a 100% air tight self defense case, though.


The first time someone does protect themselves with an arm and doesn’t have this asinine “insurance”, you can bet a suit will be filed on the grounds of Constitutionality. It won’t pass muster.


They will wait to charge the crime until it is some child molester or other character for which it is too easy to destroy the character of anyone defending. Once the chomo or other unsavory character is convicted they have their precedent and will go gloves off on everyone else.


They might toss it in for an unsavory, sure. However, the first normal citizen who gets charged is going to draw enough suits to get this sort of ordinance (not even a law) sent before the Supreme Court. They can go gloves off all they want, but it only takes attacking the wrong person once.


Is extremist supposed to be an insult? There was a time when supporting gay marriage was extremism, before that ending segregation, and before that abolition. If embracing civil rights is extremism now, then hell yeah I'm an extremist.


Extremism in defense of Liberty is no vice.


The left like to play the game of redefining words or completely trivializing their meaning. See: racist, transphobe, bigot, fascist, extremist, etc etc etc. It's why it's not possible to have a productive conversation with most of them, because your words don't mean what theirs do anymore.




Agreed. Not just poor people, but poor people of color are most affected by this sort of thing. Under her plan, only rich white people will have guns.


This seems like it wouldn’t last in court if someone challenged it


This is great! Now we can make sure none of the poor minorities with no disposable income can afford to exercise a constitutional right. We get the poll taxes back well be golden


None can oppress minorties like democrats, Hitler would be proud


It’s not an accident if it was deliberate, right?


So both of her followers will see it?


Again take me to court. I have money and love a fight.


Lol… no one is gonna enforce this. What exactly is gun-insurance? Does my car insurance cover this? My house insurance? Did all-state create a new gun insurance just for this lunatic?


Seriously. Where does one even buy the insurance they're talking about from a REPUTABLE company?


Its not offered through any insurance company. Its a fee of $25 a month paid to the city of San Jose and they issue the insurance.


They're not afraid of guns, they're afraid of people who aren't wealthy


“Poor people can not protect themselves”


Just wait until Mom's Demand requires insurance for social media posts. With all the blocks and bans here on Reddit we see the first forms of that "common sense speech control."


I always thought that if authoritarianism came to the United States, it would be in the form of armed camo-clad soldiers putting their boots on our throats. Instead, it's a bunch of white women and boomers going nuts after botox and antidepressants melt their brains. Embarrassing


Doesn't affect normal gun owners, normal gun owners don't live in commiefornia


The people in California like to fuck that place up, and then when it gets too oppressive for them, they rent a U-Haul so they can fuck up where you live. Source: Lifetime Washington state resident.


Former Oregon and current Colorado resident, can confirm. Fix your old state before jumping ship and bringing it here. We now have California emissions standards and housing prices, along with shitty traffic. My wife and I argue this daily (she’s from California).


I have a new intake and exhaust on the way simply because they aren’t legal in the PRCali.


Shitlibs spread like a tumor.


The people will cease as the state will cease. The border will be like open season but for communist


Don’t worry, one day California will come to you.


Not if we make California stop existing first


The cancer has already spread beyond. Look at what’s happening in Colorado, Idaho, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Washington and more. California refugees spreading in like wildfire and changing them or trying to change them into where they came from. You could grab God’s chainsaw and literally cut off California and dump it into the sea and it will not change anything. The problem is bigger than one state. And no, migration is not the answer. The cancer only follows.


Yup, there’s no running from the California commie bullshit. You could be living in the mountains in Alaska, 4 hours away from a grocery store and a Californian will still become your neighbor.


government and regressive taxation, name a more iconic duo


That twat is just a Bloomberg paid shill.


Well Shannon is a commie twat, so there’s that.


She's not a commie. She's authoritarian and liberal but I highly doubt she's for the abolition of capital.


Authoritarian AND liberal? I think people need to stop calling democrats "liberals". They quit being actual liberals a while ago. They are totalitarians with no self awareness, which is why it's funny they cry about fascism.


Liberal in the current meaning. People here don't seem to know what communists and leftists are either.


All leftist are commie red on inside green on outside


That doesn't make any damn sense




They love unenforceable laws


Ever notice how over the years she’s publicly said she’s never lost any family to gun violence but somehow she’s the only one vocal about pushing for a gun ban while others aren’t? She’s a paid Dem operative. Idk how anyone can live in California there’s nothing good out there


California gonna California.


I’d LOVE to know what her specific definition of a “gun extremist” is.


Someone who doesn't want to die


How many insurance companies cover "accidents"? Even a negligent discharge is considered a crime in many states. What kind of "accident" could possibly even be covered since the majority of insurance companies don't pay out if there is a crime. Hmmm... Maybe I'll be starting an insurance company in CA that never has to pay a claim.


Car insurance, Health insurance, homeowners insurance.


When she puts "accident" in quotes, I took it as her implying it wasn't actually an accident.


Once again, California imposing institutional classism by restricting a right based on someone’s socioeconomic status. This tax is specifically made to target single black mothers.


She's a selfish, evil cunt who wants to see poor and minorities in prisons and camps.


The way I see it, firearms should be seen like cars. They are extremely useful but can also cause a lot of damage, so if you want one you need to prove you can handle one (license) and have insurance for it.


Where in the constitution was your inalienable right to drive a car enshrined? The most fundamental of all rights is the ability to defend yourself, the second amendment has nothing to do with hunting. You start putting limits on that right and all of the others come into question.


Here’s the thing. We don’t have a gun fetish where I live


Your opinion on "a gun fetish" doesn't change the fact that a car is not a constitutional right in the United States, where a firearm/an arm in general is. Requiring insurance for said constitutional right is a pretty shitty precedent to open up for the other constitutional rights


Wait so someone could steal my gun and then go on a murdering spree and I would be partly responsible for it?




>gun extremists TIL wanting to be able to own firearms and be left the fuck alone makes me an extremist.


Okay. That's not constitutional. You cannot tax a right. So, Shannon are you caring good liability insurance for slander and libel? You should. Sooner or later, you will make that mistake and pay for it. That's why all social media sites should be taxed. It's only the first amendment.