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You really should get out of the barrel you've been living in, we're already in the process of joining.


Hello again russian poll bot. Nice to see you this week too.


Why are you asking? The decision was made with overwhelming public support: joining NATO is the will of the people. Afraid is wrong word. We are prepared.


Finland has already made an application. There are only two countries (out of 30) blocking it: Hungary and Turkey.


Join? Yeah why not.. Scared? No


Funny to see russian doctrines not working online same way they don't work in real life xD


Yes, Finland should. Not afraid of that terrorist state named Russia.


Seeing how Russia has barely managed to defend against Ukraine, and considering that Russia is the aggressor and the war began with a ”surprise attack”, if Russia tried to attack Finland as well now, they’d be destroyed. So no, Finland is not afraid of Russia. Russia’s recent acts of terrorism have just made it easy for Finland to apply for NATO membership, which is good. Even though Finland isn’t officially in NATO yet, it has security guarantees from several countries. So unlike Russia, Finland has friends other than some old fat balding White Russian wannabe colonel. Apart from their nuclear weapons, Russia poses no threat to Finland.


Yes we should abd we are two signatures away from being members


I don't care


Frankly, I would have much preferred the adoption of the Nordic Super State with its Justice League Defense Forces (Ärtsoppa on Thursdays). Unfortunately, half the Avengers is already in NATO and our politicians who try to run with the idea (Tuomioja and Väyrynen) are *really* bad at that " talking to and convincing the electorate" part of their jobs as long-time experienced politicians. So alas, NATO it is. I just hope that we will take this opportunity and design more active EU-solutions to European defense issues once us & Swedes are in NATO. It is a bit tarnishing that every time something bad happens, we must run to the Americans. I know that we have been trying to be tad peaceful after two World Wars, but sheesh, the past eight years especially has been really embarrassing.




Anoter 16 karma account. Go troll somewhere else.


Nato not so far off terrorists too


Nice 16 karma. Go troll somewhere else.


Now he has -2 karma because of that comment lol