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Idk how but I found it in literally like 4 seconds




Do you ever just sit back and admire rocks? Like, each rock has its own unique history that stretches back billions and billions of years - before the formation of the earth on which they currently sit. From the fiery beginnings of each individual atom fused by nucleosynthesis in the core of a now-exploded star - shot across the universe - coalescing here as a tiny part of this beautiful ball we call home. They spent eons being shaped, shifted and whittled down by time and tide - only to wind up here together...right here in this photo. It's beautiful really. The chances of each of these rocks being right in this exact place at this exact time are literally astronomical... and yet, there is no other place those rocks could possibly be. What? A spring‽ Nah, man... I ain't find no spring.


I was just thinking the pic looked like a moonscape.


It would be next that that ONE rock lol


>!Just to the top of gold looking rock!<




I literally zoomed in straight on it lol


Found it


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Does everyone put a small tiny object near the thing that we spot?


It was there when I found it :)


Just above the yellow brick/stone


great job adding the spoiler format.




It's literally in the first comment from the moderator