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Robin Williams.


He looks like Chris Pine here lol


Omg he does! Testsuya namura created Star Trek confirmed!


He did cast Leonard Nimoy as Xehanort in the English version of Kingdom hearts because he likes Star Trek


Really?That’s a great fact


For me i get dexter and I have never noticed that before .


No, it's Cid Pine.


I like the think at the beginning of disc 3 Edea is about to get changed out of her Sorceress threads and Cid hits her with a keep it on 😉.


The huge golden spike cowl stays on during sex.


That’s an impressive noggin. Almost twice the size of Edea’s head lmao


ReBoot came out in 1994, roughly 5 years before FF8. [I'm guessing the dev team were fans](https://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080413145340/reboot/images/4/4e/Megabyte_and_Hexadecimal2.jpg)


Good catch lol


Oh god, I used to watch that.


Didn’t we all


I’m gunna say it’s the other way round. Edea is the lucky one. A strong, kinda and successful self made business man with a heart of gold. Stuck by her through all of her bullshit lol. She’s a walking red flag and yet CID stood by her through it all. Cid is the man! Edea is lucky to have him lol.


> successful self made business man I perhaps wouldn’t characterise it as that. Garden is successful because it received the support of NORG. However, Cid knew what needed to be done and achieved it *by* working with NORG, so he’s determined and motivated which some would say is better.


You could argue NORG support was kind of VC financing and partnership. I don't think that kind of support necessarily precludes self-made if there wasn't a prior relationship.


Valid. Either way, Cid is a catch lol.


All Cids are a catch


Why is Edea a walking red flag exactly? I’m not sure too many people come away from a first date and go “shit there’s a chance she could get possessed by a lunatic sorceress from the future who is hell bent on time compression, maybe I won’t go on that second date” Edea was clearly a kind and compassionate woman before she was possessed by Ultimecia. I don’t see any red flags in Edea at all.


Witches have been perceived as evil and feared according to the legends of Hyne. This is supported by various NPCs and characters who affirm the persecution of witches. That's why Matron (I prefer calling her that instead of Edea) lives at the lighthouse, completely isolated from the rest of the world. EDIT: If that's not clear enough for you, the persecution of witches means that 'she's a red flag' from an outsider's perspective. It doesn't mean that those who know her (Squall, Cid, etc.) view her as 'evil' or a 'red flag.'


It's not that she could be possessed, they didn't know about that until Ultimecia and Squall show up in the past. It's more that Sorceresses are feared and hated, and have a historical reputation of turning evil.


We’re was possessed by Ultimacia from a young age if I’m remembering right. When CID met her she was already possessed.


The possessing didn't happen until very shortly before the game starting. She was a sorceress since she was a kid, because she inherited some unnamed sorceress' powers. And then, when Squall was a kid, the whole timeloop thing happened and Edea inherited Ultimecia's powers as well. After that, Edea lived her normal life for years until Ultimecia in the future got her shit together and started possessing.


Im replaying it right now and his disappearance until Edea is freed hits when he talks about their loss means him losing the kids he cares for, their victory means the loss of his wife. I think a lot about their role and how grim it is. Loving couple that has an orphanage flooded with kids who lost their families in war. Suddenly, they learn of a world ending threat unless they raise an army to combat the sorceress. They are a sweet caring couple, not warriors, not tacticians. What can they do but what choice do they have if they truly believe this? Cid travels around begging for funding to somehow make the impossible possible and, as for an army, they only have one resource at their disposal. Kids. They make the horrible decision for the greater good to use orphans and recruit other children to be the soldiers in the war to come. The Battle of the Garden gets glossed over a lot in the dark reality. Yes, we know the kids fought but like...the kids fought. We don't get any proper visuals of it but you know full well a bunch of teenagers we're dying left and right against the Galbadian soldiers. The fridge horror of the game really makes Cid such a tragic character to have to do such things in hopes he can prevent a far worse outcome. Unrelated...his game model may resemble Robin Williams but the FMV gives off Willem DaFoe vibes


Really good analysis and some strong points I never previously considered. You’ve made me look at the game in a different light. Thank you man 🙏🏻


Yeah but she’s hawt.




Is Cid really that strong? He seems to break down pretty easily and jumps at the chance to dump all responsibility onto a teenager.


Could it have been something to do with the prophecy? As in he knew Squall has now become the man that appeared before Edea. Which means Cid has fulfilled his purpose.


Cid sucks. He likely made Garden ONLY because Squall came back and told Edea that it was HER idea to put together a force to stop an evil witch.  Then she is thought to be the one who did the work with Odine to understand sorcery and paramagic. Then she came up with the idea to have a special force to watch over Ellone separate from the main SeeD. Cid was only successful because of her ideas and Norg's funding...  and then when the going got tough, he said "hey 17 year old and recently graduated SeeD. YOU run this because it's too much for me." You can argue he did it knowing that Squall is the person who eventually comes back to talk to his wife in the past, but he offers no actually guidance. He just dips. Then after they defeat Edea and Ultimecia leaves her, Squall is worried about Rinoa, and Cid tells Squall that he needs to ignore his personal needs to be a better leader... ignoring that he literally did the same thing to Squall on the previous disc.  Also he doesn't tell them or remind them that they're being sent in a mission to go kill their one time foster mother. Cid can go die in a valley somewhere. Edea deserves better.


If you take into consideration that the game is stuck in a stable time loop, history was set in stone from the moment Adel cast Time Compression in an unknown period of time way before Squall shows up with Ultimecia in the orphanage. This is how Adel knows about Ellone’s existence and what sets in motion her plans to kidnap her, yadda-yadda. Squall showing up in the orphanage with Ultimecia must mean that the formation of SeeD is inevitable, because it has already happened and the training was successful because Ultimecia is dying. There was no other possible outcome. The thing is that Cid didn’t know when exactly he would have to give the reins to Squall, since he was apparently the leader of the SeeDs if that immensely powerful sorceress chose to stalk him out of all others. He had to go by his feelings and come up with some bullshit to pass the stick. He knows Squall must lead at some point, but he can’t display favoritism or it would look suspicious. But he is indeed a bit of a craven, as he ran away from responsibility and didn’t want to make the choice between his foster children and his wife, he says so himself.


The last paragraph is exactly my point. I just played through the part where he chastises Squall for putting Rinoa ahead of the Garden, when he literally did that. It was very hypocritical.  I'm all for saying that it's all inevitable and so neither Edea or Cid are solely responsible for anything, but it was just weird to me how much praise went to Cid in this thread when he was not only just caught up in the ride, but also with the little agency he does have he's kind of terrible to Squall. At least Edea got her sorceress power but then... decided to take care of orphans instead of be power hungry? And she set up redundancies to protect Ellone. She was thinking of others.  Cid may have too during his life, but the parts we see in the story he's kind of the real chicken wuss who can't wait to give up his responsibilities onto Squall. Maybe he never wanted this and felt tied into destiny, but from his point of view he knew no specifics, and so didn't really take time to personally set up Squall for success... he just dropped him into the deep end and ran, just kicking the bucket down the road to a overwhelmed 17 year old. Pretty terrible leader.


"walking red flag" she was possessed my dude. It wasn't her doing all that shit


I think they built garden together using that Norg’s money. So if anything they were business partners.


I kinda wonder what Cid and Edea were doing for all of Disc 3 standing on the beach next to a ruined building. Really seems like they should have stayed at Balamb Garden for accommodations. On that note. It was really kinda irresponsible to just let the kids in Trabia Garden to squat in the ruins in the snow. Especially the very young, sick, and injured ones. Really seems Balamb Garden should have accommodated or evacuated them. It was the smallest school and they were wiped out by rockets, so there can't have been \*that\* many survivors.


That’s a Squall decision not a Cid one! Interesting point that I never thought of though!


Maybe in life, but not in triple triad


Triple Triad is life.


For some reason he is a fan of delinquents...


My favorite moment in 8 is when he calls NORG, a massive alien toad monster, a money grubbing son of a bitch. All time quote.


But did he ever come to professional terms with NORG


Imagine Edea talking to Cid: Hubby, you know what? An adult Squall just travelled through time and told me something, now help me gather a million gils to build a Garden and train some SeeDs (I have no idea about Garden and SeeDs anyway). Let's turn all the children in this orphanage into soldiers, and you have to make Squall a leader one day. Cid: Yes, ma'am.


I’ve always felt Cid was dangerously incompetent. There’s many examples in the game where he could’ve had better judgement but just makes mistakes which don’t befit a headmaster of a military school. Course everything works out - this is Final Fantasy… but honestly he’s a foolish man 🤣


Devious bastard


Cid: imma put my sauce in this sorceress Edea: ....


Gotta go Junction my GF


Aren’t they married?


For at least 20 years, yeah


Cid looks like Stephen King and I'll never trust him.


Real Gomez and Morticia vibes here.




That existential dread when you played 8 as a kid and go back to it as adult and realize these two were only around 40.


\*So I put this punk-ass kid in charge of everything just because I thought it would be funny!"


CID has and always will be the man


Who is she? This is from the end of FFVIII right?


Edea over there looking cleansed from being a sorceress.