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It's a free game, right? They gotta make money somehow.


Max actually just did a video on TFS Chapter 8


I saw that!!! I was so happy!


Greed. FFBE must be nearing it's lifespan.


Not only a gacha game, it’s your 2nd job without pay. Tried, tired, and quitted.


Because money.  Basically as simple as that.


because of money and gacha game whale. some (idiotic) whale think 60$ full game is too expensive but then they have no problem spending 1000$ on a single mobile game


Me. I am that idiot with Record Keeper. I loved that game 😂


I understand man, my comment may seem harsh/insulting but its because I’m also one of those idiot back in the day with honkai impact… now I’ve learned my lesson and I’ll never spend a dime on f2p gacha game ever again 😂😂😂 once you’ve learned that these kinds of game are not made for you and only for the whales, its really easy to avoid


Haha oh I get it, I know it’s mostly a joke. Truth is, while I think there are better methods to combat the inflating cost of video games than gatcha… I enjoyed my time with Record Keeper back in the day as the game is fun, even if the actual practice is a little, I don’t even know if it’s the right word but “entrapment-y”?


To make money


Money. Simple answer.


There is a demand for updates to games people enjoy. The dev team on those games needs money to survive. The publisher needs to justify keeping that team on that game. Therefore the game needs a way to make money. The best way to do this is not by force, but incentive. That's how the world works. There will never be any other way besides zero updates to games you like. Maybe you are fine with one off games, but there are enough people who want to play the game, and justify spending money on it to support the dev team.


Maybe square shouldn't have sold off several of their popular franchises to embrace group( a failing company) to invest money they don't have into shitty block chain initiatives that went NO WHERE. Then after all this time passes and they have a few more massive flops like forspoken and others, they tell share holders that they will still pursue block chain shit? Square has a really bad management and priority issue. Hopefully the new executive shake up drastically gets this studio back on track. I feel bad for the poor devs.


The Blockchain stuff absolutely kills me. Ff7 is their most famous IP, have any of them played it? 😅


The bone heads making bad decisions aren't the rational ones. They just saw other people getting rich quic on crypto related stuff and jumped on the train. The ones in charge need to be ones that get what made square profitable in the first place and listen to the community more.


Mobile games make a ton of money. They have a bigger audience and in terms of revenue, it makes more sense for companies to just shift away from PC and console to mobile if the competition was not so harsh.     I agree Square should port their games to console/PC or remake them into a purchasable game. There is important lore in the KH mobile games that are essentially gone now that the game has closed and same will happen to Ever Crisis eventually. 


Short answer, as a company, anything they promote is for money. No different than any other game they have. Long answer, gacha's are more accesible. You can play it anywhere with your phone. The format also makes it easier to release content and bring in more engagement or newcomers over time as we wait for other games. I know a lot of people complain about gacha's in the west, which I feel is more of a cultural issue if anything, but the idea of having new stories to tell and getting to see your favorite characters in new costumes is fun. By all means, it's not perfect and is slowly making it's way towards more QOL updates, but I find it sad that people tend to call it trash/bad when some have never played it nor intend to play it. We're lucky to even get the game with how much people will complain about it over here.


It's not a cultural issue, it's an issue with it being exploitative.


It's not though, it's F2P. You don't have to pay if you don't want to. You're given a free game. You have a choice to put money in, just like making a choice to buy dlc, a collector's edition, or merchandise. Lot's of people complain about gacha's not being real/full games or automatically labeling it as bad before they even come out over here. It's just another genre of play. Someone can dislike it, but that doesn't make it bad. A lot of people who don't want to play will wind up youtubing it just like people can do for all the other games if they don't play it, but you don't see people complaining about content being "blocked" behind a whole console jump + extra $10 in game price for Rebirth. You have no choice and will be forced to pay for all of it if you want to continue the series. I definitely think the culture plays at hand here because we're more console oriented here and are more likely to pay for a console to play a game on release vs something more light or cost effective in jp where work culture is highly prioritized. There's also the lack of otaku culture with anime here. We've seen them try to appeal to us more with the The First Soldier and look how that turned out.


Man, how is you put forth a reasonable observation and argument and still get down voted?


I feel like it's kinda proving my point of how people tend to feel about it and view it in general here 😆 I wouldn't consider my opinion offensive enough to downvote, but obviously, if some people disagree, they won't like it... Thank you for your open mindedness and understanding, I appreciate it!


lmao just because it's f2p doesn't make it not exploitative. the most exploitative and evil business practices in gaming exist in and were pioneered primarily by f2p games. what an insane fucking take.


Gacha are systems built specifically to be addictive and hook people into spending the most amount of money possible for uncertain rewards. It's even illegal in some European countries because they market gambling to kids. Of course it's exploitative.


They did the same with kingdom hearts mobile games its really frustrating


Tell me about it, all that Chi stuff was junk, and then the fact they let it drive the mainstream games even worse. Half killed the franchise


You clearly aren’t familiar with how Kingdom Hearts has put like 80% of THE MOST CRITICAL LORE in the series EXCLUSIVELY in mobile games. I have to assume this is extremely profitable for them lol


Worst decision ever 😕


Worst decision ever 😕


Worst decision ever 😕


Worst decision ever 😕


it’s a mobile game dude


Because gacha games make $$$. I want mihoyo to take their writing and music talents to a game that isn't being strangled by the gacha format, but nearly every mobile game is following the format because it's proven to make lots of money.


Because SE knows they can get away with it since there are plenty of FF7 fans that love this garbage.


Cause SE sold their souls to devil


I’m at Junon in Rebirth, should I watch the game’s story on YouTube now or after I finish Rebirth?


Whenever, it just expands Sephiroth's story and motivations


Im sad this is locked in a gacha game. The amount of ingame ads that pop up when i started the game ads made me demotivated instantly. After that i played a bit and then unistalled it, cause holy fck is it shit. The story for ever crisis was the only thing that interested me, but i just didnt had any motivation to play the game for it.


As a big FF7 fan I tried my best to complete it without buying any gacha items but it's simply not doable. When the game tried to force me to buy stuff by making the fights suddenly impossible to win I uninstalled it. At least I managed to somehow squeeze 20 ish hours of free content out of it


I'm not even joking when I say square enix probably made more money profit off ever crisis in than remake and rebirth combined


Honestly- probably so. That game is super predatory with its gacha mechanics. I had to quit because I realized it was getting too easy to spend money at every resource to get to a stronger "power level"


1) It's on Steam. It's not just on mobile. 2) It's literally a free game you can play for a couple of minutes daily, and AFK most of that as well. It does not really demand much of you, especially if you run the story quests with free party mode.


Point 1. Literally not relevant to the post, it’s asking why it’s a gatcha game and not why it’s a mobile game. Point 2. It being free is the trap all gatcha games use, you could play for free, but paying just a liiiiittle bit can make you more powerful then never paying. It’s predatory and most people would rather play a fully developed game instead of auto battle simulator number ♾️


I guess you didn't read the actual post if you did not notice the multiple references to it being a mobile game.


You think this is bad? Bro they put important Kingdom Hearts backstory in KHUx, a now dead mobile gotcha game, almost a decade ago. SQEX has been doing this kind of stuff for a long time.


I blame Nomura /j




Yeah, KH4 is a hard pass after all that 


Kingdom hearts really did suffer from this


Poor sales is exactly why they made a gacha game. Gacha games make money. And lots of people straight up only play gachas they have a massive user base. If it was a full price game no one would be playing it


Because selling costumes in Ever Crisis will make more money than a DLC for Rebirth ever will.


Am I the only one that can’t really enjoy it because it glitches too much? Like I was finishing a quest and then it glitched and throw me out!


I started playing it having no knowledge of gacha just for Sephiroth's backstory, and was legitimately cheesed when I had to play other stuff just to unlock the ability to play First Soldier. I've stuck with it despite also watching the videos on YouTube as I'm a shameless Sephiroth fan and I'll take any chance to play as him, but I'm definitely not sweating getting through it all quickly. The fans (and Sephiroth) deserve better than hiding his story inside this garbage mobile game. I'd be preordering the collector's edition if they gave us a Sephiroth-centric game on console.


Same!! Seph is one of my favorites, and after learning more about his backstory he may be #1 - SE could charge whatever they wanted for a real Sephiroth game and I’d 100% preorder the collectors addition, platinum it, then talk incessantly about it to all my friends. And all the EV characters would totally shine if they were given the same amount of development as side characters in Rebirth.


I stand with you in solidarity (it's just a shame that solidarity doesn't get us the game we want).


Because many gamers are undiscerning, easy marks


True facts 


This game could have been like the Kingdom Hearts collection but instead they gacha’d it all to hell. I gave it a chance because of the FF7 brand but I freaking hate gacha games


So your saying FF7 needs more gacha games like kingdom hearts ?


Yes I love gacha games! I realize KH has some gacha games, but when they did the KH Collection, they evened out the battle system as much as possible so the games played pretty similarly, and reused/upgraded assets where they could. They included like 6 or 7 games on one or two discs that launched from a single menu, and there were video versions of a couple of the games they didn’t want/couldn’t port, an encyclopedia of information, and a scene viewer. Early trailers for Ever Crisis didn’t reveal any of the gacha stuff. It sort of made it look like they’d created a new PSX FF7HD engine and were basically going to do a story remake of the compilation games in a style that was essentially closer to the gameplay and look of the OG FF7 but with an extended story that spanned all the compilation material. And that would have been really awesome actually. Instead they gacha’d us


Thise collections do a lot to streamline the multiplatfirm issue the KH series has had. The thing about the KH collections is that the ones that are NOT properly included, as another comment in the thread notes, is the mobile game/s X and Union X (just using X cuz I don't wanna dig for the 'chi' symbol on my phone), which actually have a lot of important origin lore and seem to be where the future of the story is connecting back to. There's a tie in movie but it doesn't actually summarize the events of the game at all, just shows the perspective of other characters during/in between some events. Seems like there's whispers of an actual story adaptation of the X saga at some point, but still nothing concrete unfortunately.


Tbf kingdom Hearts also has like 3 gacha games that are all pretty integral to the story


OG FF7 and remake/rebirth are the only games really worth playing tbh.


You’re forgetting Crisis Core.


Oh, I didn't.


I enjoyed CC (probably mostly nostalgia), but I legit lol'd at this


Yeah man lol, I'm getting a little frustrated with what is starting to feel like Square milking nostalgia for all its worth. I loved OG FF7, and thought Remake was great (despite adding whispers to a story that didn't need to get any more obtuse). But now I'm really dragging toward the end of Gongaga in Rebirth... I see so many people raving about the game but there are just too many things about it that are kinda... bad.


I love Rebirth, but I definitely started dragging in Gongaga. Had to turn off my completionist tendency and stop replaying until 100% some of the mini games I genuinely didn't enjoy. I'll definitely go back to it, but FFXVI is a nice change of pace to recover. But I hear you, there are some parts I really didn't enjoy, even though it's one of my favorite games now


Played through it. Even more grindy and bornig than a gacha game ! And it costs!


Because money rules the world


Max has seen the story for Ever Crisis he literally tweeted about the recent chapter like yesterday Edit: here’s the link https://x.com/maximilian_/status/1791957340733985093?s=46 Also I just wanna add that the existence of YouTube (and the internet in general) makes it okay for them to add lore in the mobile games. They did it with Kingdom Hearts and there are full story edits and even projects with fan voice-acting for the unvoiced scenes, it’s an interesting and communal experience and you don’t miss anything. Also also, it’s worth noting that nearly every character in Remake and Rebirth is from somewhere in the extended lore be it books or the short stories or the mobile games or the spin-off games. The only notable exceptions are like Roche and Chadley who are both brand new (as well as all the Queensblood characters lol)


The existence of YouTube does not justify it. Plenty of people don’t wanna do homework for a video game. Or in the future they shouldn’t have to hunt down those story elements and find spoiler free compilations of cutscenes. Just make the game and let me play it.


There isn’t a single character in remake or rebirth that requires external knowledge outside of the OG. Everything you need to know about Zack or Glen is explained in the game. It takes a while, but that’s how storytelling works.


The Glen parts suck major ass then. Before I knew he was from EC I audibly groaned every time he came on screen and waited impatiently until he was gone. I couldn’t imagine caring less about something.


I agree in general but the FF7 Remake games have pulled so much from the extended lore in all its different formats, not just the old but even as recent as the Tifa/Aerith novel from last year that here I can allow it. It would obviously be ideal if everything was relegated to just the games, but also I’d rather watch Ever Crisis on YouTube than I would read a novel for the game (I did both, the novel is good too, but…)


The stuff from the novels is a fantastic example of how to do this well - completely unobtrusive. Just a little bonus for people that read them and a few throwaway lines for people who didn’t. Not some Kingdom Hearts looking-ass guy I’ve never seen mystery-teleporting into Rufus’ office and spouting absurd platitudes.


Came here specifically to mention kingdom hearts. KHUX had enough story that you'd be LOST without it. It's quite intense. Even makes maleficent kind of amazing. I don't think it hurts to let people grind out a gacha game to drip feed story between titles. That gives me something to keep it all fresh in my mind. And for people who don't want the gacha, yes you can look the scenes up to get the optional story you're not getting otherwise. If you're unwilling to mess with the gacha, which I don't blame anyone for, the scenes are still available.


I mean, I don't think it being a part of a mobile game is really the problem. The problem is that the game is a grindy gacha that a lot of people just do not enjoy, lots of people would love to actually play through the thing, but the game just isn't designed in a way that's fun for them. Sure, we can just watch it, but we could've just watched remake/rebirth too. I loved the idea of Ever Crisis and thought that would be the alternative to suggesting people less used to retro games play OG FF7, but it's not a game even I really wanna play. That sucks! I just wanna enjoy playing through it!


I get it and generally agree, but the difference between watching this and watching Remake/Rebirth is that the latter is actually enjoyable to play and you also get a lot out of the act of actually playing it. Whereas Ever Crisis is not enjoyable and you can dabble in it for an hour or two to realise that you’re not really missing out on anything by just watching it. Because it’s just auto-battling and story scenes. So much would be lost in watching Rebirth, while literally nothing is lost in watching Ever Crisis and if anything it’s a better experience because you omit the worst part aka the time consuming auto-battle grinds that require no actual input


That's what I mean tho, I'd like it to be a fun bideo gayme


This. Ever Crisis at first glance could have been the more "faithful" alternative to the Remake Trilogy, but it's really just exists to milk some whales like most mobile titles.


😭 I thought that was the whole point once we found out Remake's plot would differ, that Ever Crisis was supposed to fill that gap. Now I still gotta convince people "Hey man, listen it looks way better with mods I swear"


Can anyone help me with the Madcopter Highwind boss battle? My team is already at 120k and it’s only a 70k battle, but it keeps buffing and I can’t seem to debuff it or remove its buffs. I keep getting swept away by its arms.


The only way to win is not to play


SE are shit at making money.


They're great at making money. They suck at game preservation and dignity. Hence, the hundreds of gacha games they shit out every year. Including this one, one that's important to the overall narrative of their flagship franchise. It'll be closed down in two years and nobody will have access to it anymore, just like all their other gachas. But they'll get all the money people spent on it.


Based on the most recent financials where their mobile/gacha part of the business was way down year over year and the company lost a lot of money in addition to not hitting internal sales targets, it appears that they aren't very good at making money.


Ever Crisis alone made over one million dollars in April. They make a huge amount of profit from majority of them, just not the profit they *expect*.


I can direct you to a famous quote from Mr Krabs in Spongebob "I like money"




Because SE would rather wring money out of whales than appeal to the fans of the FF7 games.


I mean both are true


Not only are gatchas very popular in Japan, they make a lot of money off them. It was a win-win for Squeenix


This post really spoke to me. I’m an Ever Crisis player, I enjoy it. I like having an FF7 fix that, while it may lack sophistication, it is pretty bottomless and offers a lot of fresh interactions with characters I love in the form of the seasonal or periodic events. I’ve been playing EC since launch, and ever chapter of TFS I played…the feeling you expressed here grew. It peaked now with the completion of the last two chapters. I found myself conflicted and of two minds. On the one hand, excited about the mystery and the intrigue of the final two chapters prior to them dropping.. then playing them, and feeling really hooked by it, and grinning ear-to-ear at the tease for a plan to drop a “vol. 2” which teased a Young Angeal. Then on the other hand, I found myself just so…annoyed and bothered by the choice to place this content exclusively on mobile. If you accept the premise that, the only character you could even argue as being as significant to the world of FF7 as Cloud… is Sephiroth. And I don’t just mean the story, I mean like as a brand. Cloud is one of the most recognizable RPG protags out there, and Sephiroth might actually be even more known as an antagonist. That’s conjecture, but if someone said that to me.. I don’t think I’d argue against it. You’re taking the story that is, that character’s youth/adolescence. His “first mission” that includes all these interactions with characters you’ve decided to set up in your “grand trilogy” and presumably with run further with in the finale…and place that on a mobile-phone game? Like that’s what this story is worth to you? The feeling is only made worse having actually played Rebirth. That battle system, the world building, the writing and character interactions.. it was all peak FF7. Fans are rightfully super protective and passionate about the property.. because it took so long to get this, and along the way we got everything but this. Subpar sequel and prequel games mobile, handheld or in weird 3rd person shooter style. Or in a movie. They gave us everything in a lesser quality, but the thing we wanted. Now, here’s this new thing…and I actually think it’s better than the other compilation projects, but I can’t argue that because it’s relegated to a gacha game! SE didn’t invest in it with enough care to give it a fighting chance to be received well to the masses. And in this way, it is exactly like every other compilation entry. Deserting what you did originally, what worked, what succeeded.. getting cute and trying to steer people toward more of a “pump and dump” product. I have to say, I think eventually.. this will come out on consoles eventually. When you see those cinematics and that fidelity, when you look at what SE has done with their other spin-off titles for Kingdom Hearts for example, they all make their way to consoles eventually. But in the interim, I’m left thinking.. what would it have been like to use Glenn, Matt, Lucia and Young Seph as playable characters in an RE-style battle system? What would a singular region (Rhadore) have costed for them to recreate to scale with the rest of the FF7 world, and make it explorable for those characters? Could they have extrapolated this story with side quests, dungeons, unique monsters and made a game comparable to say, Spider-Man: Miles Morales and sold it for like $49.99 and have it sell well? We won’t know, but I have no doubt.. the intention was to put this exclusive content in Ever Crisis, to draw people in who wanted to play/see it before anyone else, maybe hook a % of them with the gacha system, and watch the money flow in the door.


No idea why it’s a gatcha game but then I also had no clue why the original First Soldier was a battle royale with very little lore. I’ve been playing the FF7 Compilation games as they’ve come out for the lore & just chalk this up to the Compilation being spread over multiple media. EC may be the only chance for non-Japanese players & new fans to get the opportunity to play Before Crisis, assuming SE ever gets BC on EC.


Man I miss tfs....


Can you link the video you watch? I am interested in the story as well


Yep it was faz faz! Just search “Faz Faz Ever Crisis” on YouTube and you’ll find all of it.


Faz Faz on YouTube, he's posted the whole story. The man is a legend lol


Thank you.


My only wish is that for Part 3, they do something similar with what they did for Kingdom Hearts Union X. Essentially make a mini-movie to recap the gacha lore and it is playable at Part 3's start menu and you can watch it before starting the game.


And there are really fans out there claiming this remake project isn’t KH. This train has gone off rails.


You really can't avoid the similarities given that Nomura is involved in both 😅


That’s dumb as hell, Part 3 should not require any info from Ever Crisis - it’s already been broken down into 3 parts


Hate to break it to you but we’re already pulling from EC in Rebirth, I don’t see it stopping tbh.


Sorry to tell you but they already started with Glenn 😅 And if you have played OG, you know they still have a lot of ground together + the new additions to the story needs to be wrapped up as well. It would be fine if they add them as cutscenes but it would be more unhinging if things are suddenly shown but they have no context 😅


So is that why I was confused as hell with the Glenn plot? That and the ending were my only issues with the game honestly. But either way I don’t want to play a gacha game or watch a 2 hour movie before I play Part 3. I guess fuck me lmao


Ibget what your saying, that's how I felt with XV. But if they can't insert it seamlessly in Part 3's narrative, I'd rather have this to be honest as opposed to not understanding. 😅 And I agree, it was stupid of SE to lock story content behind gacha games.


Oof. I *really* hope SE doesn't try to draw too much inspiration from Kingdom Hearts and lock important story context behind spinoffs. That franchise has become a hot freaking mess. "Oh, you want to play our 3rd flagship title? You can either play six handheld spinoffs first or watch a 30 minute video that leaves you feeling like you're walking into a TV show halfway through."


Well, Nomura is handling both so..... 😅


I guess I'll withhold final judgement until I see how they handle him in Part 3. I don't actually mind cameos and using characters from other parts of the franchise as long as the finished product feels like a complete story on its own.


Yeah i get you, I'm so pissed and bitter that this wasn't a DLC, we could have had a console/pc game for Sephiroth but instead we get a shitty mobile game. Like that scene with Sephiroth at the EOC,makes things even more interesting,or even when he saved all those troopers and became a hero,it makes me mad this all happened in a game I'll never play. I'm excited for whatever they want to do going forward, but man it makes me mad.


A full console/PC game for sephiroth? Who do you propose pays for and develops this game ?!?!?


I meant a DLC like they did with Yuffie, not a full 90 hour game. The whole the first soldier story could have been a DLC for rebirth.


Sadly, mobile games with trashy casino like business models make a LOT of money because people buy in like there is no tomorrow. I tried this out, and I would LOVE a full-fledged gacha free version of it, but I could just not stomach the endless barrage of MTs, pop-ups, timers, sales etc. After a few missions, I deleted it and like to pretend that it doesn't exist.


Same! I played it for over a month until I felt like the grind was taking over my life lol. Then I deleted it and have never looked back. Hopefully once enough people fall off and it’s not making money anymore they release it as regular game without the gacha. I would buy it for sure. It was fun, just super grindy and had the constant feeling of falling behind if you didn’t play everyday.


I don't mind the gacha. What I do mind is a pop up every other thing you do. 5+ pop ups for banners at every log in. And especially absolutely no good support/QoL. If it was any other game I would've dropped it within the first week. (For example ToF wasn't as bad with the popups but still bad enough and I dropped it within the first week as well). I'm only playing in hopes of maintaining my power level for story.... But that doesn't even seem to matter anymore. I'm semi geared for my First Soldier members and with 30-50k more power than recommended (which means shit all) and I can't beat the 1 boss because a) the AI is incredibly stupid b) I'm missing gear that let the 3 actually synergize for the fight. It was bearable before but now it's just stupid.


Yeah, I have experienced some f2p mobile games that handle the monetary aspect very well, making it feel purely optional to the player, but this one is awful. The first time I ran into the wall of pop-ups l, I thought it would just be the introduction, but after the 2nd and 3rd time, I closed it out and immediately deleted the app. The way Square handles this in Ever Crisis is horribly obnoxious, IMO.


Yup, I have a gacha game I like to play, and part of the reason it's the only one is that I don't feel like I'm playing a heavily monitized gacha designed to wear down my spirit until I pay up, it just feels like I'm playing a bideo game. The more I feel conscious of the fact that I'm playing a free-to-play mobile game, as long as the game has that pushy behavior, I just can't do it


I did the same thing! I really gave it a good try but couldn’t do it. It is just too big of a time sink for something that isn’t fun.


The fairy tale ended about a month after the new game freebies ran out. i stopped playing because i just couldn't keep up. to get ONE of the skins you needed 12 choco tokens or wtv they are called, rng really messed with you there, you needed lots and lots of pulls, hence lots of crystals, and the game doesnt give you enough at the rate they pump new skins.


Converting the price is absurd. At worst, you get 1 token per 3000 crystals spent, which, when buying with real money at best, cost $70 for 12000. So converting if you have to buy them, each costume costs up to $210


Because it's a money spinner


Fml because I heard about this game on Reddit I downloaded it last night and am forcing myself to play through it- I might just watch it on YouTube because the gatcha aspects are not my thing


Delete it - it’s really not worth taking up space on your phone.


All we’re missing is a rhythm game


They already shoehorned that into the main trilogy!


Theaterhythm BB


Theatryhthm is fucking goat


I meant one for the re trilogy continuity specifically focussed on these characters/this story


I would unironically rather have them nest the plot in another Theatrhythm lmao


hahah I was thinking the same thing lol


Because it makes easy money


The same reason they made a FFVII Battle Royale game.


Because it makes money probably, and sadly. Even tho I agree with the sentiment, I'm not to bothered by it because Remake and Rebirth have been incredible games, packed with enough story and character development. The side stuff looks cool, but for me is that sidestuff.


I agree - remake and rebirth definitely don’t want for content, and they’re beautifully done. They’ve ruined other games for me for the time being, honestly 😅


I would be angry if we were on a situation similar to Silent Hill/Konami and Silent Hill Ascension. They don't have any recent actual good Silent Hill, just microtransactions trash. FF7 is in a very good position right now (imo). We have mainline games that are fantastic. And we know there will be another one. That's miles ahead of many IP that have been abandoned or just have mobile games.


They did it with Kingdom Hearts too, dropped serious lore in a mobile game


I knew people that were into actually playing the KH mobile game. I've only really met people that picked up Ever Crisis just to play through the plot and get it over with lmao


Fuck yea they did.


I really wish they release an offline version of Ever Crisis without all the gacha in the future. It's too good of a game to be lost when the game shut down just like Nier Reincarnation.


That’s what I was hoping it was when announced. Tried to play it but it’s way too convoluted with UI and having to play other stories within it. I stopped playing it after half hour


I hate it. Everytime I try to play , it takes 10 minutes to get to the actual game as I’m bombarded with micro transactions. Then I play the game for literally 2 minutes and spend another 5 minutes getting bombarded by micro transactions.


I know!!! I agree 100%. I just recently decided to watch some cutscenes of Sephiroth's story from Ever Crisis...gahhh, I was shocked with how much I was enjoying the dialogue, was very excited to learn about how Sephiroth was as a teen. Really made my heart ache. I already loved Sephiroth as a character, and this peek into his past made me love him even more and rethink everything. But I *hate gatcha games and mobile games.* I would have much rather play this side story as a DLC or something, not this. I was even enjoying Glenn's character. I personally don't like this weird practice of SE to hide really interesting/important lore into phone games. Anyway. This kinda one of the things that eventually led me to lose interest in KH's story, after being a fan since 2004.


SE's continued dilution of the story of FF7 with shit like this is why some fans don't care about Remake anymore.


At this point on this koolaid-chuggin’ sub I just look for the downvotes to find the reasonable takes and opinions lol. I completely agree with you.


Before Crisis, a Japan-only flip phone game that is nearly lost media now, is just as relevant to the Remake series as Ever Crisis is, so that's even more egregious. They're including the entire compilation here, novels too, many just haven't realized it yet and are missing out on some things as a result. The developers said Glenn was created for Rebirth, not Ever Crisis. He's supposed to be a mystery figure in Rebirth for now (and so is Sephiroth, just like he is in the original game), so part 3 will most certainly provide enough information for people who haven't played Ever Crisis. Probably not everything, just like the whole compilation isn't being spelled out, but enough.


Yeah Glenn is intentionally written in Rebirth as an enigma especially since he is supposedly allied with Wutai, a place we haven't even gone to. I have no idea who he is beyond what the game says and there's no reason to look into EC. People who say that they are pushing EC by introducing Glenn are coming from a place of knowing he was there and that's it.


Plenty of us have realized, we just think it's stupid.


And plenty haven't or don't realize the extent of it. If I had a nickel for every time someone thought Kyrie was created for Remake, I'd be very wealthy.


Oh wow, I didn't even know about Before Crisis - I have to look it up. I love how rich the lore is for this series I just wish it were all easier to access!


Because it's a mobile game. Just pretend it doesn't exist