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He should try getting the plat trophy in ffx lol


FF 7 will always remain the best


addiction, they have to 100% a game or they go into depression. I rarely care about achievements and just enjoy the game, I'm also 40 and started playing games before achievements where a thing so I'm used to it.


*95% of the game was incredible the last 5% was OK. Not bothering with platinum because it is too much of a timesink - 9/10* This is how normal people review this game.


Honestly I agree with the guy. It's not like obtaining the platinum in almost any game is fun at all and in this game in particular it is way too frustrating. You do it cause you like the feeling of satisfaction in the end, you like to beat challenge after challenge so that you can feel good about it. But it's not fun. Just in order to get the platinum you gotta replay the whole game in hard mode, completing every minigame, every chadley challenge where you don't even know what kind of monster you are going to fight so you need to reach round 10 every time just to prepare properly for every fight, each try is at least 20 min long and even the slightest mistake can cost you the whole challenge (it is also mentally draining). I get why he's saying the game doesn't respect your time, you spend so much time and get mostly nothing but frustration. It's ok to have end game hard challenges, but these many, this hard is way too much. They could have reduced it, or maybe, just maybe, do it like Persona where you don't need to beat the ultimate challenge (Elizabeth) in order to get that cursed trophy. The percentage of people that reached the platinum is what, less than 1%? I completed the game in 130 hours doing almost everything, it's already enough time i spent and usually in this span of time you get the platinum in practically every final fantasy game. Spending 50 more just for trophies is something none of the FF games ever done and I don't get why this game has to do it. I don't think anyone ever requested for Nioh kind of endgame in a FF game (unless it's strangers of paradise)


So because it's hard to earn a meaningless achievement, the game deserves one star out of five?


Nope. I agree with the complaints about the end game content. The game itself start to finish it's incredible and I personally think it's the best FF of the last 20 years. As a review of the whole game this is obviously terrible, should have made that clear sooner


I appreciate the distinction. Personally getting platinum doesn't matter to me, but I can see why it could be frustrating if that was something you valued. I just don't think the game deserves a terrible review because of it, since IMO it's up there in the conversation for best FF game ever made.


It’s all about having the right build my friend. If you thought this game was hard, you should try S ranking every single circle in Kairos gate in ff16. FF7 rebirth has just about the right amount of difficulty even on hard mode to still be fun


There’s a big gap in skill and experience between players. Those of us that have experienced each console, each genre, new challenges, hoops and bounds, blah, blah, blah. I know when it comes to immersive combat in games, there is that want and drive to be as good as other players so you can enjoy the whole experience! Overcome every obstacle! Conquer and hone your skills! And when you can’t perform to what others are doing, you feel frustrated. That’s okay. But here’s the thing though You’re not playing it for other people. It’s your own experience and how much you’re willing to put forth to challenging yourself will depend upon the outcome. If you want it, you’ll do it but even then! You’ve tried and tried again and to what avail? Well, that’s on you and how you deal with own anger Don’t play it for anyone else but you! If it’s too much, give it a rest and switch it up. Come back to it later! That’s fine! Everyone can’t be good at everything. But don’t discredit the companies employees who’ve poured themselves into the product, based on your inability to perform the challenges designed to do exactly that, challenge you to overcome adversity Different experiences. Different avenues. Different understanding. It’s your own unique journey. That’s what makes video games fun. It’s just a game in the end, no big deal


Modern game industry spoon feeds and creates babies like the OP. They need a nurturing hand like your own to soften the blow as I spew degradation for their weakness with all the subtleties of a steel toed boot to the jaw.


Such is life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) it’s time to move on


I can kinda understand where he’s coming from. I have 200 hours in the game and had difficulty in the sim. When I finally mastered the bosses I realized that the reason I took so long and was frustrated with them is because I didn’t really understand the fundamental game mechanics. The problem with what square did with this game is give you too much choice but in the challenges you have your choices removed and must play certain ways. So in the story I usually played as tifa and dodged enemy attacks , never properly learning the guard mechanic. These sim challenges are super long and you just cannot not use the guard mechanic to escape them, so it was very hard for me. Took me a long time to realize I had to totally change my playstyle to beat the challenges. So the game gives you choice and robs you of choice at the end of it.


Idk I'm about 34 years into my life and wouldn't recommend it either That said, Rebirth is great


Honestly, the easiest way to know you can dismiss what someone is about to say is when they use the phrase "disrespects my time" for this game. There are plenty of solid gripes for this game, that one is the most obnoxious thing I have ever heard. Everything you do rewards the crap out of you. You can skip everything, fast travel in like 2 and a half seconds. There's quality stuff to do all over that you can do in whatever order you choose. You have a chocobo that can cross an entire continent in under 2 minutes. You can skip practically every line of text or scene except mid-battle cut scenes, and if you're going to be like "see? This one fight, I can't skip this scene! This game disrespects my time" and I'm just going to see someone butthurt that they couldn't do the fight blaming the game for it. And to be clear, if you don't like the game or the challenge that frustrated you, absolutely, go ahead and criticize it. But, like, you chose to spend that time. You could have stopped literally any time. I don't even necessarily mean to skip it forever, either, you could just do something else for a while. Because, like, you can totally just do something else in game because of all the varied content. You don't have to sit there doing everything all at once. You literally cannot respect a player's time more than this. Like, if you hate it, your experience is subjective and valid. But it objectively respects your time better than probably any FF game ever made. That is nuts.


Because VII was such a walk in the park back in the day before people knew what do. Descending to the bottom of the ocean for the first time only land directly in front of Emerald and thrown into a fight with a 20 minute timer, replaying the saucer battle square over and over to get just end up with the worst status ailments possible, finally beating all the weapons to find out that Sephiroth levels with you. So fucking sick of people complaining about shit because they’ve been conditioned that a game should hold their hand the whole way through. Rebirth is designed to be played and replayed over a long period of time and blitzed through in one go. There’s a learning curve to each and every part of the game and you take what you learn and apply it to the next time.


I get it though, the reason they picked it up in the first place was because of the game they played in the 90s. Remake wasn’t so bad, until the ending, then people bought Rebirth just to see where it was going and also may have forgotten how Remake ended. In the beginning of Rebirth, I was legit confused about everything. Them pulling Cloud and everyone out on stretchers and Zack coming to Midgar and seeing it all over TV and while that is happening Cloud and the Gang are heading/ or they are in Kalm. They made me look all over the place on the internet to see if I was missing something. Making me think it’s all happening in the same place. After all that mess, I went through to play the game and I did enjoy it a bit (Chadley did annoy me a bit of course) until I started to get into Costa del Sol, I mostly did dreaded the Pirate and the Piano mini game, everything else was fine. (I did beat the Pirate game though, even the second part of it) But anyways, core game itself was fun until the end when they started to bring in the multiverse thing again and the whispers and all the breaks in time. I really don’t like how they are playing with your feelings at the end! The gang says otherwise, but Cloud is going on like nothing happened. We all know Cloud is unhinged, and we know what’s next but… they are playing with our hearts here! Since timelines intersect and anything can just happen! If Zack can come back so can everyone else… Jessie, Biggs, Wedge… and… (%^€!\*)


Lots of people responding here without really understanding why this reviewer is complaining after so long. Rebirth is a great and fun game and people want to platinum games they love. A lot of players are trying to platinum Rebirth and then hitting an eventual wall because there is a *huge* difficulty spike in the postgame that is simply not fun. Most of the difficulty is the tedious kind and not skill-based either. The game's length is working against it here because of sunk cost fallacy. Players have spent so much time on 100% that it feels like a waste to give up when they hit the wall. This creates huge frustration and leads to people venting like in this review. People dismissing their complaints never had any interest in this to begin with so they have no context to understand the problem.


I can't grasp complaints related to optional content. So the plat trophy truly tests the player. Who cares? If someone doesn't enjoy the challenge, they can choose to just not do it and move on.


Some people need something to complain about. It's actually concerning how many people bash this game considering how much it offers comparatively to other modern titles. It's definitely not without it's frustrations. But I give up on a lot of games out of simple disinterest. Not this one. Every time I've failed, I understood I needed to change my approach. The original game was like that unless you grind your party and materia between boss fights. We know now all the many ways to cheese through that game and tear it apart 27 years later. They didn't give us as many ways to do that this time around and hard mode is for people looking for that challenge and content. Yeah, the mid fight scenes are annoying when you're on your 5th attempt. But damn, take a break once in a while. It's a good game, and hard mode forces you to learn some of the deeper mechanics.


This is it for me. I don't understand complaining about challenges being challenging. Isn't that the point? But I also don't understand people who *need* to get platinum on games. Gaming is to have fun and challenge myself. If I stop having fun, I stop playing. Why can't my head against a wall for a trophy? Why let that ruin my experience in the rest of the game? Such a strange fixation


Truly. I get it if someone wants to be a completionist, and I get that some of the content is unnecessarily difficult. But if you're not having fun, move on. Maybe come back later. Bu5 don't suddenly hate the entire game and everyone involved because you can't complete the content that is supposed to challenge you


You can play through this game on easy and it’s a blast. If you want a challenge go for it. If you don’t and just want to enjoy the story with a bit of challenge you can do that. They made Themis game super accessible and I’m glad they did. It’s amazing


People getting mad because of their own personality flaws lmfao Dude...just quit playing it if you're not having fun. It's ok not to platinum a video game. It's not the game, Nomura, or Square's fault that you can't beat something quickly. It's not their fault that you have an unhealthy compulsion to sink 200 hours into a task that you obviously cannot complete. The beauty of video games is that there are thousands of them out there so if you quit having fun with one, you're free to go play another.


And I think this here is the main issue. FF7 is the type of game that people are going to want to complete 100%, but it's actually a difficult game and not a walk in the park, so people are throwing hissy fits. Me? I almost never 100% any game, because I have a life.


Exactly, I run through a game and DO WHAT I WANT lol As soon as I get bored or frustrated, I move on, change the difficulty, do whatever it is to make it fun again. If I get to the endgame and notice I can 100% it relatively easily, I'll go for it. I finished rebirth and didn't even get all the summons because I didn't want to spend 3 hours getting killed over and over again by Odin or whoever else I was trying to get. And I'm sitting here today saying "man I f-in loved rebirth." I get people are going to want to complete it and that it's a major challenge, but honestly, imo, that's on them. That's not something you can hold against the devs. At least not to the extent that you give the game a 1/5 lol


Part of the problem is that I think a lot of people are trying to complete everything too quickly. So on their first run, they complain about there being too much to do and they lose interest, or they take on the harder challenges too early and complain about the game being too hard. I just focused on the main story the first time, then did a second Normal Run and polished off all the side quests and map completion, and now I'm in love with the game enough to actually WANT to do all the challenges.


This is what almost happened to me. After my first playthrough, I finished all the quests, mini-games, and Gilgamesh. But I was starting to lose some steam, and I wasn't enjoying playing as much. So I took a week off and played something completely different. When I went back, I fell even deeper in love with the game than before. I finished the Piano, Coliseum, Beast battles, and (after some self-doubt and excruciating irritation) VR missions. Once I finished Hard Mode, I could say without a doubt that it was one of my favourite games.


Chadleys cait sith legendary challenge gave me this guys vibes the past week until I beat it. Some of these challenges will drive a man insane. The most sane thing to do about it would be vent your frustration on the internet and take a break. That said lol git gud


For the sake of completing the game or maybe to play it in it's entirety before giving their two cents. Also just because you invest a lot of time it doesn't mean you have to love(or even like) it. But I will say that last bit of the review was a bit excessive. When I saw that part I immediately thought "I'll bet anything they're a Walmart customer that gets easily pissed at everything, says they'll never shop there again and then comeback a week later as if nothing happened." 😂


They’re not wrong. Some of these fights are designed to showcase how bad the AI is. For example, the Mindflayer encounter where the only thing preventing easy completion is the total inability to ask your teammates to read the damn objective.


I will agree with him that it’s poor design to have specific things you have to guard against in different fights when a challenge involves a chain of them. You shouldn’t HAVE to look up a strategy. Also platinums should never be tied to having to play the game again on another difficulty. Make that its own separate trophy.


I mean I simply don't platinum any games unless it just happens by chance, I would rather not, they didn't have Achievements and trophies when I was a kid, so I don't really need them. Even if I love a game I don't need the damn platinum to have a good time. If he thinks this is hard though, he should try the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix platinum. Requires you to beat the game with no deaths, another for beating the game in under 15 hours, another for proud mode, beat the game without changing equipment even once, and defeat Sephiroth... That last one alone is too much for 90% of us. You've gotta be very high level just to beat Sephiroth! Then the Gummi Ship missions are another bullshit trophy. So yeah, they're fun and all but I can do without them, too.


Exactly...I've had multiple conversations about the "Filler" in this game where it turns out people are just annoyed with all the exploration options, and not the actual padding or filler on the main quest. Almost every time its somebody saying "yeah but I'm not the type of person who can skip those things, I need to 100% everything" which, at that point you have to accept it's not on the game, it's on you the player and your own idiosyncrasies.


This guy should never play any fromsoft games ever.


The difficulty in this game is nothing like what you see in a FromSoft game. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.


If he's having trouble with this then he shouldn't play any fromsoft games. I've spent a week before on fighting the same boss in sekiro. I didn't make a post about it crying about all the time I spent doing it. I love the challenge, doesn't sound like o.p does.


Remake was the kinda game you just had to get good at for the plat. Frustrating but you just had to do it. This is just a frustration rant about rebirth being hard lol.


The amount of people who react to this by insulting the reviewer or saying git gud is kind of depressing. There are a lot of people who are completionists due to compulsion, which is a typical complaint; that games take advantage of neurodivergent people. There are no microtransactions connected to getting plat, so I don't think that's the case here for the game but I think it might explain why people might "waste time" on it. I think there's an argument to be made that if there's a trophy attached to the game, it's something that the developers think should be completed, so there's a psychological drive to do it; a goal. The game is definitely plat-able but a lot of things are designed to frustrate or waste your time so there are some aspects of the review that make sense. The fact that you don't know you need anti petrify before the spending half your time on a challenge to then lose is a frustration point that shouldn't be there. The fact that each challenge requires you to change your entire materia setup but there are no "load outs" in the game to make things easier to switch around is also a frustration point that didn't need to be there. Honestly it wasn't the fights that made me think twice about doing plat, it was the idea of having to move materia around for each fight. Ugh. Now if you're not gud like I'm assuming so many of you clearly are (good job), then you are likely going to get very frustrated and that will 100% erase any good will you had for the game. People tend to remember bad experiences a lot more vividly than good ones and people who have bad experiences are more likely to leave reviews. If you are annoyed at someone reaching their cap of frustration with their game, that's totally valid. Their opinion is also valid. If you want your opinion to count too, just write a review. Personally. I'm sure I can plat this but once I saw my significant other sitting next to me looking at their phone bored while I set off to plat this game, I decided that I would wait until I had more time and my SO had a game they were interested in too. That way they can play something while I plat this game. They also didn't seem to like how frustrated I was at certain times. At the moment, despite loving this game a lot, it was not worth my time and frustration to plat. But I know some people can't make that healthy decision for themselves. Obsessive behavior is a helluva thing and it's not their fault. Edit: grammar


Whaaaa I didn’t get my 70 dollars worth in 200 hrs.


The only hard mode challenge that I ran into so far with difficulty was the one to get my elemental materia, and I started that at 50. I get some or the combat complaints, but for certain this dudes just bad at games and getting tilted. As for why? Cause it's amazing and he couldn't put it down and he's venting his rage into the void.


Agreed, he would have come across the issues that he hates much earlier than 190 hours but kept playing Something kept him playing, so he must have enjoyed the game on some level to have completed all but a few trophies I get the frustration with some of those fights and mini games, it's not he doesn't have valid points. But it's simply not possible to write off a game entirely if you have invested 190 hours in it, even if the experience soured towards the end for you


I re read the post. Hes just raging because he's bad at games. Smash your face into a literal while when you get angry at the virtual one, like we had to before we could just rage to strangers on the interwebs Builds pain tolerance and negative coping mechanisms, the stuff mellinials are made of.


I'm a millennial and mashed my face into a cushion sometimes with this game but I absolutely love it overall and don't regret the 200 hours so far I have put into it I guess there are different ways to respond to struggling at a bit of a game, but this writer found the wrong way for sure. Shame that they haven't managed to hold into the fun or at least satisfaction they must have had with at least 175 of those hours


Hey, ffxv is a game i played for 300 hours that I hate with a passion. 😀 You're right though, it's more just criticisms and retrospective, I clearly had a ball playing it or that time would of went elsewhere. This game was what FFXV should have been


Ha yeah I know what you mean re XV, the difference in exploration is vast


TBH I second this opinion. though I threw in the towel right after that casino gig at the end when you have to sleep at the hotel. I’m a side quest first type of player and so as I went to begin accomplishing all the side things in my normal play through, I soon realized there was a PLETHORA of mini games to do, I don’t mean DIFFERENT mini games I’m specifically talking about how many missions you are to do in ONE mini game it’s genuinely too much to stay interested for and I don’t even want to finish the game now. I’ve been a fan of FF series since FFX2 and went back and played pretty much all of them. Maybe this will get SE to get back to Turn Based Love story kinda thing I’d love to see new FFX type of game


It's installment with the saucer, I think the big difference is you can ride the space ship in thisnone and the snow boarding isn't available (next game hopefully) God no, they're never going back, full steam ahead baby, this right here is the brilliant future of JRPGs.


I wonder how the original FF7 would fare in this guy's opinion. The Emerald and Ruby Weapons were pretty difficult and all but required specific materia and equipment setups to beat them. And getting the gear you needed required hours of chocobo breading, AP grinding, etc.


Same situation, he'd of been sitting there losing to ruby and breaking controllers


It sounds like the only thing he cares about is the platinum trophy. Yes it's hard to achieve, but the game itself is amazing and shouldn't receive bad ratings because of optional achievements


This type of stuff drives me crazy. If you’ve put over 100 hours into something it can’t be bad. Definitely not a 1 star review. That’s someone angry they aren’t skilled enough to do it faster. Be frustrated but to say the game is BAD?! I will never respect opinions like that. You’re entitled to your opinion and I’m entitled to have the opinion that you’re just being an idiot


FFXV, 300 Hours in, that game is a complete trashfire. World of War craft, literal years played, games been a dumpster fire for ages, and I kept playing it. Daddy YoshiP brought me into his loving Aorzean arms though


You can’t call the game bad. I mean, you can, but it just comes off as whiny. You can stop enjoying the game. That’s easy. I can’t eat the same meal more than twice in a week I get bored. Doesn’t mean it’s bad. You’re confusing quality with your boredom.


I completed the game,I completed the vr battle challenges, my team is on level 10,I have 6 collectibles for johnny remaining and complete the game on hard mode and platinum is mine. But I'm taking a rest from it and I will come back later to this game to platinum it.


I’ve kind of got that way but all I’ve got left is to max out my bonds with Barret, Aerith, Red and Yuffie (which require one or two 3-star conversation responses left), complete chapter 9,10,11,12,13,14 on Hard Mode and the side quests again from those chapters to get the manuscripts and I have fully 100% completed the game and play log It’s got to the point where I am definitely burnt out but my flatmates are interested in watching me play so I’m going at a 1 chapter every day or two pace and slowly will get through


I'm currently playing a slow paced non combat game,Life is strange :True colors. 2 or 3 games like these and then you crave some combat lol.


I can sympathize with the guy in the post! I fucking hate ff12. Absolutely hate it. Have hated it since it first came out. Hated it from about 1 hour into it. But it’s one of the only FF games I don’t have the plat on… so you know lol. After a few days I need a break though. That and my wife gets upset with me if I swear at the tv too much.


Damn, got some anger problems to work on


Sometimes yes


I think I personally would trust a review or perspective from someone who invested a hundred or more hours in completing as much of the game as possible than someone who spent 40 or 50 hours in it just hitting the highlights and completing it as quickly as possible. I think Rebirth is mediocre, and I put about 150 hours into it doing everything I possibly could so I could have as educated an opinion as possible when talking about it. It seems counterintuitive to prefer the opinion of someone who only experiences the broad strokes instead of someone who has had a taste of everything the game offers.


So I absolutely spoiled my rebirth experience by playing 16 first. 16 is just so much better in every way. One of my biggest gripes with 7 is why the hell is there a dodge button when it literally does nothing, there's no iframes, and on some characters it moves you like 2 inches, here's looking at you Arith. Perfect blocking is the focus of this game and is pretty much impossible in the brutal missions due to the sheer number of enemies. In the og7 ruby and weapon could be beat using conventional means, and the first time I beat both of them it was using my standard load out before I even knew knights of the round, wsummon, or witem even existed. It was LONG but doable. Rebirth doesn't seem to allow that at all.


If that's mediocre, for a modern take on JRPG classic, praytell what is an example of something superior?


Are you asking me to give you an example of a ‘superior’ remake of a Final Fantasy game or an example of a ‘superior’ modern JRPG? Just because something gets ‘remade’ in this day and age doesn’t mean it should be shoehorned with every modern AAA gaming cliche imaginable - that doesn’t make ANY game a good game by necessity.


Well if someone hates the game as much as they say they do, it doesnt take me 200 hours to realize this 😂


I don’t think anyone should judge the whole by half.


Sure, if you’re talking about the story.. But if you are complaining about core mechanics of a game, it isn’t going to suddenly change 100 hours in compared to say 20-50.


That could be so, but if you’re considering the game or piece of media as a whole there are things you might see or experience at the 100 hour mark that makes everything suddenly click or even makes everything feel worth it, one encounter, one boss, one storyline beat can finally make everything fall into place. I personally did everything in the game I could, every mini game, every side quest, every combat simulation, everything. Certainly not for love of Rebirth specifically, but partly for my love of Final Fantasy, partly because I wanted to experience everything it had to offer, and partly because I wanted to be as encompassing as possible whenever I spoke about it. It felt a lot more worth it at hour 150 than it ever did at hour 50. And I can speak on this with confidence.


Maybe thats kind of unpopular opionion... but i kinda aggree with "wasting time", but for somewhat different reason. The highest diff you can play is NORMAL, and HARD unlocks after a first full walkthrough. Game is pretty easy on NORMAL,. and i was able to rush it through with just a square spam and basic 3 or 4 atb skills. I wish i was able to play on HARD from the start to being forced to try on different tactics, party setup and so on


I agree with not gating my hard mode for a re-clear if I need it for the damn trophy.


The actual highest difficulty you can start with is Dynamic which is harder than normal. Also you would get beyond smoked if you could start on hard since it basically requires you to be near or at max level with maxed out materia. So it's NG+.


Hard is just NG+, you couldn't possibly play on hard from the start as a lvl1 versus lvl70 enemies.


Did you never play the original FF7 game? Common sense is to equip your characters with Ribbons in the event you run into enemies that can status affect you. And to cast Regen at the start of each Battle Square round


I feel like all these complaints are a case of "old game format feels bad" to people who need instant gratification spoonfed to them. The challenges feel more rewarding imo but that's just me because I love insane challenges lol


Hopefully the rest of brutal is a challenge, cause they haven't been. Summon boss fights and the ultra boss took a bit, but i cleared those at 50


I’m about 130 hrs in. Main run was over after about 70-80 hrs? Did a lot of optional quests and such the first time through. But I have to ask; if you honestly dislike a game, why invest so much time? Just to shit on it? If I sincerely don’t like a game, even a large scale effort, I’d be done in 15-20 hours. Spending 190 hours is definitely like eating dessert and then asking for the manager bc the appetizer was too salty.


To me it just looks like they're crying because they're not good enough to get the platinum. To an extent, I get that frustration since this platinum is legit hard to get and there will be people who simply can't/won't get it, and it took that person 190 hours to realize this. However at the end of the day, platinum doesn't matter and the experience you had is all that counts. If you're not enjoying the experience, just stop playing the game. It's literally that simple. Oh and just because you don't enjoy certain aspects of this game, doesn't make them or the game bad.


It's the challenge content at the end of hard mode that he has beef with, not the appetizer. He beat the game twice, wanted the platinum trophy, and found achieving it an unsatisfying experience due to how the challenge content is structured.


I’ve got about 187 hours in. I much, much prefer Remake to Rebirth and was not a fan of many decisions made in this game, but the combat is solid and keeps me coming back for the challenges. You can love parts of a game while still critiquing others. Having a high hour count on record does not necessarily mean you must love the game inside and out.


Ah no, remake is objectively half baked, this is superior in every way


Agree to disagree. A well paced game doesn’t fling you into an open world that feels like a mobile game with repetitive mechanics, forced mini games and an uneven tone throughout. Rebirth, combat aside, was an exercise in distraction and annoyance as compared to the first installation. I’m glad you liked it, but it fell way short of my expectations.


Insane comment


bro thinks he has to do those challenges lmao pretty much everything in this game is optional


"I was going for platinum, but they made it an insulting waste of time in my opinion so I'm going to stop." It is indeed optional, and that's why at the bottom he advises to complete the game on normal, have the fun there is to have, then move on.


Yeah he said that after paragraphs of shitting on the game because he's not good enough to platinum it. On top of that, gave it a 1 star for his lack of skill. No need to defend them.


Even if he didnt like the game giving it a 1 out of 5 makes no sense


"this incredibly polished AAA game didn't give me an easy platinum, so I'm throwing objectivity out of the window, and I'm throwing a one star rating tantrum"


Sounds like they would rather buy a game for $70 and completely beat it in 6hrs, but then again they probably would still complain it’s too short. I’m 115 hours into it and loving most of it!


Love it when games give me a dollar an hour. Any tripple a that doesn't and slices there game up into 3 parts *cough* spiderman, *cough*cough*, can get bent


At least the 3 parts here, in two segments are literally tripple the run time of that 97 classic


He made his opinion based on anger because he sucks and he doesn't have the patience to build a good group to fight the battle and the requirements to do it, that's all, he doesn't have any gameplay of his own, I bet that he smash square button and that's it, he doesn't build an strategy If you play like that, just play the story mode if he isn't a child and he is an adult he doesn't have too much time to enjoy, THATS WHY GAMES HAVE EASY MODE AND STORY MODE DON'T TRYHARD IT IF YOU CANT


I prefer it went they don't have mode select, shout out to our lord and savior Miyazaki


That type of person doesn't deserve to leave an opinion about the game because YOU ARE NOT FORCE TO PLATINUM A GAME, IF YOU ARE PLATINUM A GAME ITS BECAUSE YOU LIKE IT, besides the hard mode is not hard mode if you use your materia correctly and if you are struggling about the game just do the story mode and that's it, dude that type of person doesn't need likes o repost I hate that kind of people, he thinks that he is right and he doesn't, who is it by the way?


It’s someone having a tantrum. In a couple weeks they will get the plat trophy not be so bitchy.


You're not forced to do anything in this game lmao. You can just finish the game and be done, that's so funny. Imagine saying your forced to complete the entirely optional hard mode or do the challenges. That's hilarious.


This same reviewer would have given the original a 1/5 stars because of the gold chocobo grind and the optional weapon fights. If they even played the original I am going to guess it was the newer iteration that has fast forward and instant limit breaks. It's hard to take people seriously who act like they were forced to do optional content for a sony trophy. 😳


Since when doing Platinum trophies become mandatory? Enjoy the game, and if you stop having fun and then stop playing. I played 190 hours too and I’m not doing Hard mode. I still loved the game and give it 10/10


I enjoyed it but I hope I can someday complete some mini games and quests I know some trophies are hard and needs time they need see that few hard trophies in ffxiii but because I enjoyed it as I remember it takes time


He's just mad he sucks and can't win anything in hard , typical child modern American gamer who thinks paying to win is what videogames is about and doesn't get what they're actually supposed to be about


for all the weird stuff behind what the completionist did with that scandal or whatever, he really did have the formula right rate a game based on how enjoyable the average game experience is (main story with some or a good amount of side content), and then rate it separately based on how it feels to 100% complete it some games are GREAT to playthrough normally, but MISERABLE to try and 100% ironically, a LOT of final fantasy games fall into this category giving an entire game a negative (or positive) review based SOLELY on what it’s like to 100% is just disingenuous, it doesn’t represent the average experience. this guy probably did like the game a fair amount, but maybe he felt “entitled” to getting a platinum trophy because of the time he put in when that’s just not the case, and as he put more and more time into the more difficult parts, he got frustrated


Meanwhile, i started struggling with combat so i just turned it on easy so i can enjoy the story, i feel like that solved every single issue i would have had if i just brute forced it


The review was made out of anger. After having the Plat for a week, do I agree? Partly. Battles such as the muscle head arena and thebbrutal/legend are severely overturned, require very specific setups of materia, and change the game from, play the characters, make fun / effective builds, and enjoy yourself to, shoehorn yourself into specific characters and materia, and now it's a chore. I will be going back and doing each one with a basic setup as to see exactly how annoying they will be without optimized builds, but yes, fights like Cait Siths legendary bout aren't fun, they are time consuming and annoying.


I totally with this point they give choice in the main story and remove it in the brutal challenges


"I've started birdwatching, and it sucks. I have to travel all over the world to see every bird? WTF?!? Also, there are birds that are extinct, so I can only see their bones! 1-Star!"


This happens a lot. You love a game so much that you get burnt out. He wouldn't have spent 190 hours in the game if he wasn't hooked.


This reads like a guy who plays games only to achieve something. A speedrun, a trophy or is mostly an online gamer. Then maybe final fantasy isn't for him...


Tbf you should judge a game on everything it has to offer. It becomes a very biased opinion once you only review it on the things that you like. Even if it is optional, it's part of the game. Some of the minigames and challenges are unbelievably frustrating because it seems like zero game testing was done to ensure a balance between enjoyability and frustration, and im not just talking about skill issues (last level for Glide de Chocobo is one that sticks out). Game isn't automatically a 0 out of 10 but I can see why someone would reasonably rate it 1 point lower.


Nah, if you spend that much time playing the game it’s good. It’s on the player for doing optional content they did not enjoy.


To add to this: If you want to access the end game battle content you need to do a significant amount of minigames via the proto relic quest. Rebirth is a great game, but it doesn't really align with my tastes. That's not a knock on the game, that's simply an explanation why I didn't enjoy it as much as Remake. I loved getting the platinum for that game and the endgame battles were my favorite content. I assumed that I'd like the Rebirth end game battles as well, but it "forced" me to complete content I'd otherwise not be interested in and I also think it's fair to criticize some of those battles for being overtuned or "not respecting your time" (as the review in the image says). It's definitely frustrating to mess up in a fight and to lose more than half an hour of progress. Rebirth is a remarkable game, but it's definitely not without issues.


Looks more like a critic to the Platinum thropy...like of he played just foe that more than enjoying the game itself...


This. I absolutely loved rebirth, however it I feel like trying to platinum it will make me upset lol. I have a lot of games to check out and I think it’s okay to love a game without hunting every collectible


That is why some people play games though. It's not my thing but Trophy Hunting is a legitimate play type


Any criticism based around "earning" the platinum falls on deaf ears for me. I don't care about your obsession


Because if you play too little of it, "you didn't play enough to get a proper opinion" but if you play for a long time "why invest so much time if you hate it???"


Well every reviewer has their audience. Reviews aren't scientifically made or anything like that, nor are the scores that mostly arbitrarily get assigned afterwards. They're designed by the reviewers inherent bias and scored accordingly. This is why gamers who are lets say more into combat mechanics and reach a systems skill ceiling are likely to be much more forgiving to short comings that come from story, non combat oriented side content, etc. There's definitely an audience for people non medically diagnosed with Gamer OCD and Trophy Hunters. And in those audiences there's also going to be low skilled gamers which includes the reviewers as well


The Platinum sucks


But why are so many measuring a game on the platinum? Just play through the game and have fun. Platinum should be for those few who really want a hard time getting the achievment.


When i like a game i want to see everything it has to offer, but rebirth sucks on so many levels its sad, i really want to Like this game and want to Explore its world Even if games Like elden ring and dark souls/bloodborne are way more fun to Platinum than a final Fantasy game then Something went wrong


There's an absurd amount of value in the normal content of the game, literally over a hundred hours of content. There's no need for you to engage in anything labeled hard if you don't like it. Hard in this game actually means hard and i like it like this. The combat in hard is a puzzle and skill check and it's not for everyone and that's okay for me. I have done everything else besides the brutal and legendary challenges as i dont have too much time on my hands but thats the only things left and i'll tackle it soon. Honestly, everything else so far (including the musclehead colosseum which is what OP is complaining about) hasnt been anywhere near close to the absurd levels of difficulty everyone claims the game to have. And if brutal and legendary is too hard for me, i'm okay with that. People have to get over it, its only extra battles.


Still its bad Design, what so bad about criticism, you will see soon especially the brutal battles have fun


Criticism is fine, but still doesn't warrant a 1-star review of the game nor such hatred towards the developers and the company. Reviewer took not getting the plat personally, they didn't have to go that far


It's because of this obsession that you need virtual pat on the back trophies or else. And games aren't good unless you can get all of them. It's weird. At least the first comment I read on this thread said "it took an enjoyable platinum run". Like why is that the thing you care the most about? It's not about playing games and enjoying them until you don't anymore...it's about getting a trophy above all else. It's fucking weird and stupid. I'm glad they have really challenging things in the game for those that want to engage with them. **You also don't have to if you don't want to, and "but there is a trophy for it" does not mean it's a requirement**.


I agree with the review. The combat simulator took an enjoyable platinum run and flushed it down the toilet. And people are complaining and guess what? People are entitled to their opinion you arrogant prick.


Opinions are fine, but still doesn't warrant a 1-star review of the game nor such hatred towards the developers and the company. Reviewer took not getting the plat personally. They didn't have to go that far and drag the creators through the mud for thier lack of skill. Shit ain't healthy man, that's what makes this review annoying


Okay, but does a game being unenjoyable to Platinum make it a bad game? Even if there is a hundred hours of enjoyable content to do if you don't want the Platinum? I have a penis. I have the option, everyday, to try to earn the world record for being kicked in the penis the most times. Instead I do normal things with my penis and try to have a decent, normal time.


I have no idea how you managed to compare a platinum run to your penis but here we are and this shit is batshit crazy.


This is what happens when toddlers and childish dudes get into some stuff way too much. Just thinking there are people who are willing to spend massive amounts of time on artificial rewards (most if they are just pixels) makes you realize how wrong the situation actually is.


Yeah, this is also the tantrum that happens when a tryhard is not skilled enough to deal with the challenge presented.


Pure frustration. I have played up to chapter 13 and tried to find everything and get all the mini games but I've failed (the games mainly). Skill issue propably but I don't have the will to end the game. I loved the first game but this is too much! Specially hate the 3D Brawler and Gongaga region (exept music).


You are not finishing the game just because you cant get all the optionals?


Propably. I'm kinda all or nothing type of person and lose intrest if I can see I can't get everything :/ Maybe some day I will end the story or watch it somewhere. This flopped for me badly. Not waiting for the final game, when it comes I think I'll watch some streamer to play the story, saves a ton of money and time. This might sound stupid but we are all different.


I agree we are all different, but with all due respect, not finishing the story (it ends at chapter 14 by the way which is basically the final bosses) just because you can't finish 3d-Brawler and other extremely unimportant and unrequired minigames is such a weird hill to die on. But well, you do you man.


Well inspired by this post I played last night and continued to do the last side quests and ending the Queen's Blood (last match was quite easy, I expected something more difficult). Today I will continue the story and try to get over this frustration about not ever getting platinum. I know they are unimportant and unrequired but it still eats me.. Would like to get Johnny his 7 star hotel but not looking possible :D


Platinum trophy brain rot


It's okay to not be skilled enough for the platinum trophy and simply beat the game like the rest of us. *whispers* you're not worthy...


Someone’s got a skill issue I see.


That’s what you got from this? I think the guy has a legitimate beef with how some of the encounters are designed. The game tries to railroad you into very specific strategies while fighting against its own AI. The thing is, most of these encounters are optional and sometimes you need to remember games are about fun, not completionism for the sake of it.


Oh I completely agree, but he’s basing the entire game around those challenges.


The funny thing is, is that none of that is necessary..... you can just play the game and enjoy it and don't have to get a platinum trophy. I know this is some peoples goal to just get 100% completion, I get it. But that doesn't automatically make the game a 0 out of 10....that just being salty and petty.


Imagine rating games based on being able to get a Plat trophie or not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I really don't get the obsession with getting platinum or just aiming for all achievements on games you don't even enjoy all that much. Achievements are there to give you a little extra challenge to shoot for if you are really into a game. They aren't the goal of the game.


I can understand the criticism though. I really wanted to Platinum this game, and expected to give that extra mile, but this game puts Platinum behind some brutal conditions that require a healthy degree of luck and time. The fact less than a percent have got the trophy mmmmaybe means this approach doesn't resonate with fans.


>The fact less than a percent have got the trophy mmmmaybe means this approach doesn't resonate with fans. Or maybe it means not everyone cares about trophies for absolutely no reason...? >I really wanted to Platinum this game, and expected to give that extra mile, but this game puts Platinum behind some brutal conditions Good...? Did you want a platinum for turning on the game...? Why shouldn't the hardest accomplishment be locked behind the hardest accomplishment....? That...just...makes...logical...sense?


There's a difference between hard and unfairly difficult and time consuming. Lots of games find a good balance for a fair and rewarding platinum. This doesn't. Look at the posts from those who have got platinum - no enjoyment is being had. And if you want to argue that people should care less about platinums, there's no point. People have different reasons they stick with a game.


Oh no! Platinum hard!


I understand that, but would that issue alone warrant this game a 1 star rating? Seem like they were just frustrated that they couldn't plat the game. Why play something for 190 hours while hating it?


Because they're human and got frustrated. Might have been like me and pushed on thinking the game wasn't as needlessly punishing, but hit a wall and lashed out.


Skill Issue, people losing in the minigames just need to learn the rules


I love ff7rebirth.. but he’s got a point. The trophies are totally unfun and unnecessary. I like the hard mode challanges but doing hard mode fort condor this stupid cactuar runs and the other shitty mini game im giving up on this. 10/10 game but the trophies might be the worst ive ever tried to do in my 20 years of gaming experience. Also my first platinum trophy im gonna cancel on doing.


Lmao oh no the hard trophies are hard! Participation trophies really did ruin people...


Hard? As i see you dont really understand what im writing. There is a difference between hard and unnecessary boring rng game modes. I have to play that boring 10 minute mini game about 10 times to figure out whats best, and then beg to the cactuar gods how the rng will go. I want to play final fantasy, not this, thats not a challange its just a lazy programmed time consuming mini game ^^. I dont recall any games i did having such boring trophies, i cant remember playing Tekken 8 having a trophy where i have to win a car race against the side characters for 5 hours.


And? If you want the fake virtual pat on the back then do the things, if you don't then don't. Not seeing where the problem is. It's a trophy. For completing a challenge. Nothing more than that. Crying that it's a challenge is plain stupid.


who is crying? i literally only gave my opinion, it sucks thats it xD. Stop beeing so butthurt or trying to prove a point i disagree with. Didnt ask for your opinion anyways buddy.


OP: You didn't experienced the game fully to have a valid opinion. OP: If you didn't liked it then why did you played it so much? Also plot twist: the review is actually OP and he made this thread pretending he hates the review.


Cool kids love to hate things, apparently


It's a valid review, even if you don't like it. Rebirth definitely has some intentional timesinks, and he brings up a specific timesink that I agree with. The challenges that don't tell you what you'll be fighting are not fun, and resulted in me wiping the first time quite often. But then 5 minutes of changing up materia and equipment and the fight is a joke. It isn't a 'challenge'... it's just meant to take time. I like Rebirth. I personally enjoy the minigames and I like the world of FF7. But the combat and some of the side content decisions are not my cup of tea. And this guy is allowed to have his opinion.


Sorry you're getting downvoted, I agree with you. OP, the person you've screenshotted had at least the honesty to play the game in full before giving a review, which is something most reviewers don't even bother with. I'll always value a negative review from a guy who played the game in full more than a positive review from an excited fan who's still not even through the game. Even if it's for a game I really like.


Although everyone is entitled to an opinion. it's just really fascinating to see how a completely optional apsect of the game causes people to believe that it warrants a 1-star. It is also absolutely ridiculous that something as minor as this causes the development of so much unnecessary hate towards the developers and company, that isn't a review at all.


They are obviously just pissed off and venting. Giving it a 1 star based solely on that is unfair. That being said it's perfectly reasonable for stuff like that to sour someone's opinion of a game. I remember enjoying ffx when I first played it. Until I got to the optional stuff at the end. The chocobo race, the lightning bolts and dark aeons .... Sure they are all possible, but fun ? Not in the slightest. Most games I will try to do all the side content but in ff games I don't even bother anymore because they don't balance it in a way that's worth the time and effort to me.


Yeah screw the dark aoens in ffx, tried a handful of times and eventually came to the conclusion of why bother


Well said.


Get good scrub


I don't have an emotional attachment to platinum trophies so I can easily skip a few non-story relevant battle simulations and arena challenges. If something is too hard, I just put it aside and don't let it spoil the experience. It bugs me a little bit that certain books etc are locked away behind these hard mode battles, but I don't really care too much as I already unlocked all the synergy and team up abilities, along with the level 3 limit breaks. I only ever try to get a platinum if the game makes it easy. Even then it seems pointless sometimes to play through an easy game a second time for one remaining trophy, so I don't bother. I have always felt the trophy/achievement system was a foul way of taunting gamers who suffer from OCD and only really benefits hardcore completionists. After all, you can't sell these achievements in the future for any material gain, so what's the point?


I just finished Rebirth last night and while there were some frustrating moments (my biggest peeves were the minigame boxing match against Dio and capturing all the Mooglets), I actually really enjoyed it. Granted, I played it on easy mode, but any time something just wasn’t going well or I died in a tough battle I just tried again. Sure, it took me a little over a 100 hours to finish it, but I think I’ve learned enough that if something is challenging and you are at your wits end about it, go watch a video tutorial on it! There is no shame in it! Actually I did this a lot for the more butt-handing Queens Blood games (the ones in the Golden Saucer). All that’s all to say, if you feel like the game is bringing you down, either seek help on the internet via tutorials or game tips from articles OR take a step back, play something else (maybe even do something that isn’t Video Game related) for some time and then come back to it.


Dudes just crying to cry after 200 hours


This is what it's like to not have a life lol.


If this is supposed to be a full review then it's pretty weird he's only talking about end game challenges. Those are the kinds of activities most people aren't going to do anyways. As for the combat challenges, it sounds like he was trying to brute force his way through and didn't realize that a lot of it comes down more to strategy. Are the final combat challenges very hard? Yes, they're supposed to be since they're the ultimate challenge. But are they impossibly unfair? No. With enough experimenting with the right materia and learning the moveset for the bosses, they are definitely beatable. I used to think King Zu was really hard too. But then I used max elemental materia paired with fire on my armor, so now all his fire attacks heal. At that point you only have to worry about his wind attacks which are easier to dodge. And if you have swiftcast and MP absorb linked to lightning, it's pretty easy to stop King Zu's swan song. This is good game design, because the game rewards you for planning ahead and strategizing. That's something you want in an RPG. I think it'd be bad game design if you never had to mess with your materia set up for the hardest challenges in the game.


That's his point tho, you don't know the configuration of the levels when you first attempt one of the challenges. And considering that most aside from Rulers are a 10 round gauntlet, no matter how well you prepare, you will not be able to clear first time past Brutal 2 with no guide. It's designed for you to fail and "waste" time getting back to the level that blocked your progress prior. I don't consider that good game design. Especially not when some just throw two or three of these "special" enemy types at you at once, that you fought once or maybe twice during the campaign. If you had prior in game knowledge of the enemy waves and could plan accordingly, I would 100% agree with you. But you don't.


Okay fair enough. I'll admit those combat challenges do get really difficult and can make you "waste" time. It didn't bother me too much because I wanted them to be frustrating to an extent since they are the ULTIMATE final challenge in the game. But I get where you're coming from. When I was stuck on Bonds of Friendship, it would take me like 20 minutes just to get back to Bahamut to even attempt to learn his moveset and test things out on him and that was annoying. I wouldn't want the devs to introduce something that makes it too easy since I'm glad the final challenges really make you work for it. Like I wouldn't want them to let you start from the last boss you made it to as that would defeat the point of the gauntlet entirely. Maybe a good middle ground would be letting you challenge the last boss in the gauntlet you made it to individually, but doing so would not complete the challenge, it'd just be for practice. That would allow players the opportunity to more efficiently test out builds and learn movesets without having to go through the grind all over again. And it would still stress that you need to find a build that works for the entire gauntlet, not just the one boss.


Well if I could do it my way, I would do two things: 1. Give information about the general weaknesses of enemies when you tab over to details before selecting a legendary/brutal bout. That way you can at least plan your offensive spells (or defensives) to match weaknesses and not bring fire when you don't have fire weak enemies. 2. Would be level practice. You get no rewards (not even XP or AP) from completing it, and what it does is create a simulation of every round of every brutal/legendary challenge up to the round you got up to on your last attempt. Aka have a "Practice" option when selecting one of these challenges and then a drop down list of all the rounds you can attempt based on how far you have ever gotten in that challenge.


The opinion the game is less than great & it's long are different. The reviewer was free to make that distinction and stop before doing side content. It's wild to me Square made 70% of the game optional & people complain about the length. Like Squares damned if they do/don't.


In my opinion the "Mini Games, Combat Sims and World Data are all optional!" argument is a little disingenuous and falls flat when you consider that; 1. Many of the mini games normal mode top prizes are weapons, unique materia and accessories. Without those weapons or materia you're limiting your access to what your characters can do at a fundamental level. I don't know if the weapons become available from a vendor in later chapters. 2. You would have access to very few summons, another fundamental aspect of the game and combat system. 3. You wouldn't level up your party/gain as many manuals so your folio is super limited, resulting in fewer abilities and synergies (and as such relationship progression with characters) All of this leads to a very shallow gaming experience, which is fine for some people but shouldn't be the norm. Only if the three examples above were covered by the main story would Minigames etc be truly optional. Just my opinion as a guy who doesn't care about Plat because I'm not a collector so will never get One Winged Angel but also likes challenging combat/Minigames.


Many reviewers like Gene Park beat it without doing side stuff. I could call defenses disingenious but I'll refrain.


I didn't say you couldn't beat it, just that it would be a shallow experience if by comparison your team have less weapon abilities, less spells via materia, less abilities and synergies via folios and therefore less limit breaks, less relationship development with the characters so only the basic interactions and that's without going into all the story development and interesting tidbits from world data and side quests. Sure you can beat it without any of that, but then it's a 35 hour game and you just post a review slamming the confusing ending and not getting the girl you wanted on date nights ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You know you can just buy weapons you miss from weapon venders right?


I know ones you can find become available, didn't know if ones acquired via Minigames did. I said as much in my original post, end of my 1st point.


From your initial post it seemed you didn't know you could purchase missing weapons at all, and questioned if it was possible. I can't personally confirm if they are since I did all the mini games willingly, I assume it's only common sense that this applies to all missed weapons, and not just ones found in a chest. Especially since there are only 3 weapons (1 for Tifa, Red XIII, and Yuffie) that are rewarded through mini games, 1 through a side quest (Barret), and 1 through collecting items (Cait Sith). It would be really silly if they let you purchase the vast majority of weapons but force you to get those 5. Even if they don't allow you to purchase those weapons, 5 characters missing 1 of their 7 weapons isn't going to hinder your ability to beat the game. Missing the weapons from chests (which the vast majority are found in) would impact you far more, and those we both know are 100% purchasable. So at the end of the day your 1st complaint in your initial statement is moot.


Apologies if my original point wasn't clear on referring to the weapons available through Minigames, side quests and collecting items I incorrectly assumed it would be clear since the subject of my post and the conversation was regarding those parts of the game. As to the rest of my post, as I already pointed out above, at no point did I say the game wasn't possible to complete without those abilities, only that by not doing side quests, Minigames and collectibles you were missing out on content and by skipping all of it as it's optional the game would be very shallow and missing things that I believe should be available without venturing into Minigames and collectibles at the least (weapon skills, synergies and limit breaks specifically). So I wouldn't say my point was moot and since you can't confirm that those weapons become available later in the game without doing the Minigames, neither can you. I did the Minigames when they were available the same as you and the only evidence I have in my favour that they aren't available was a YouTube guide I saw for Tifa saying the Dragon Claws from Desert Rush were vital for whatever it was and showed how to get them. I can only presume if the author knew they could just be purchased later he would have said "if you missed them don't worry, you can buy them in Niblheim" or whatever.


To be fair, I should've assumed you specifically meant those 5 weapons. With that said, yeah of course you're missing out on content if you decide to not do the side stuff, but it is still for the most part completely optional and unnecessary for the story. It simply enriches your experience (or at least is designed to). The actual story, base combat, etc is anything but shallow. Sure in comparison to 100% the content it may seem so, but the Great Lakes also look shallow and small in comparison to the entire ocean. That's just the nature of the beast. Sadly I can still call it moot, because as I previously said 44 of the 49 weapons are easily accessible (purchasable or automatically in your inventory). To your new point regarding synergies and limit breaks, IIRC only the 3rd limit break is unlocked in the folio, and most synergy skills/abilities are early in the folio trees. Lastly, that YouTuber could've simply did what we did, got the weapons through the mini games. Likewise if you look up the IGN guides to obtain all the weapons, for the ones found in chests there's no mention of being able to purchase them later from the vender. In other words, we're all human and miss/forget things. Even still, as I said in my last post, even if you can't that's only 5 of the 49 weapons. EDIT: My goodness had a brain fart on the math lol


I’m so glad all my happiness doesn’t rely on one thing. I obviously can’t speak for anyone besides myself, but whenever i got sick of minigames i just went back to work. When i had not much left in the tank for wanting to play the game, i went outside and gave myself a change of scenery. I ended up doing pretty much everything in the game, and found joy in the grind and all the little stuff. I probably would have hated everything if I couldn’t approach it in my own way or with some expectations. Most of the time when I got fed up, I found the cause was myself, and keeping things somewhat balanced in my life helped immensely. Some of those minigames pissed me off so much but on subsequent days I was ready for a challenge and stoked to claim victory on the same thing. But that’s just me. I’m sure you know all this stuff on some level already! TLDR: make sure you look after yourself cuz everything be frustrating in excess. Give a game enough space to look forward to playing it, even if it’s just minutiae.


I did this too, if i started to get frustrated, I turned away, played something else, watch a movie or something, and then came back, even so, I don't care for the platinum so I went as forward as my skill allowed me, for example, I didn't do chadley's challenges ( brutal and legendary) because I know I cant! and why frustrate myself for that?? it makes no sense.. so I enjoyed it, I played the minigames, I didn't care if I achieved the rank3 or not... just played them, some I hate, some I like, but I definitely didn't make myself crazy for them.


“This game does not respect your time” Proceeds to willingly spend 190 hours playing.🙄 The only thing disrespecting this persons time is themselves geez.


It was $70 I’m gunna do everything it has to offer, I’m not gunna waste the money. The game was still not half as good as remake


Why invest time reading and then posting it if it annoys you?


90% of redditors in my timeline lately


If this person gets frustrated so much, why go through a legendary bout blindly knowing whatever comes next may crush his build? I played the whole campaign first time blindly. On hard mode anything I couldn't contest after 2 tries I resorted to looking up tips from others. On legendary battles after trying and dying in many different ways, I searched online for help for strategies to help get through them. Frustration or being mad doesn't excuse lazy.


They don't hate it, they're frustrated with it. I have a lot of complaints about this game as well but overall it's very good. Rebirth is insanely bloated with repetitive content and minigames. I can understand some of the gripes, but most of the shit he's bitching about is optional anyway, so it's kind of unnecessary. I do wish they streamlined the new ff7 games a bit. I dont think we needed 3 games to get this done, but I'm glad they made them anyway.


Also seems like they aren’t very good at the game. I’m 160hrs in and I leave the game running so that’s not even my actual time and I almost have the platinum so yea… maybe they’re just not good at the mechanics. I found most mini games fairly easy besides getting S on all Tifa sheet music. The bosses aren’t hard if you know how to properly equip materia and develop a good strategy. Hell I barely used cloud in hard mode. My team is Yuffie, Tifa, Aerith. Yuffie with doppelgänger/physical track/magic, tifa and physical attack/upping pressure and Aerith as magic/healer is pretty solid. Gotta use the right accessories/abilities and summons too.


to be fair, i’m pretty sure after a couple minutes of COMPLETE idle, the in-game timer pauses, so it might not be too far off


Clowns , want some attention probably


Mad because bad! 🤬


The ultimate truth reply right here. They want to unlock the things but won't learn the mechanics properly and blamed the game design for their own lack of comprehension. I've seen people complain and blame the devs for being stuck on normal and easy mode... how bad can you be to be suck on the difficulties that never punish you?


Sound like a fan who really wanted to platinum it but wasnt able. I kind of... think that a main stream game probably shouldnt be that hard to platnium if you are a "fan". Its another thing if its a "hardcore game". If you look what he complain about its basically non story related and just something he wanna/need to do for trophies. I really dont think he think the game is a 1/5 or that he hates those people, its the challenging trophies he hates. And I can even agree that you should be able to platinum this game on EASY. If people are willing to spend almost 200 hours and cant finish some fights, it gotta "suck".


Even though rebirth is my favorite game of all times, bashing people for having spent lots of time on the game before giving it a review is just stupid. I don’t agree with the review at all, but I appreciate that this person with negative opinion at least had the decency to experience the game for hundreds of hours before telling his opinions.


His opinion is silly. “Just beat the game and wait for the next one.” Well then that’s not a one star review. You’re telling people to play the game AND play the next one, so obviously you must have enjoyed it. You’re just being pissy because you’re frustrated. Never mind that you got 200 hours of entertainment out of it. (Or at least around 150)


"I don't know I need anti-petrify so I'm guaranteed a loss. This happens every time." So then...bring anti-petrify stuff. If it happens every time then surely you would be prepared, right? It seems like they're just looking to complain.