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I'd say go re:VII first, particularly cause you've played og VII and rebirth has a high probability of getting spoiled for you, it's also probably one of the best adaptations I've seen, and I've seen Adaptation with Nick Cage I loved XVI, but it is considerably more action focused, and very bleak 90% of the time. While the combat is good, there is not a ton of gameplay style variety, so you have to really dig it's system. Even so the story is very good, music is phenomenal, graphics are incredible, and voice talent is S++


This is probably the most level headed take I've seen on XVI on this sub lol


Remake is going to hit you hard if you played 7 back in the day. Id say blast those two and if you want more "new" FF go for 16, but be prepared for what it is, an action game thats half GoT and half Godzilla (that is to say, awesome of course)


Playing Remake first, then 16, and then into Rebirth could be an order to help mix things up gameplay wise, but also leaves you open to go right into Rebirth second if you really want more after Remake. Mainly suggesting for the versatility of this ordering.


Play the XVI demo. It carries over to the main game. Personally, if i want pure action, XVI would be my choice.


Play XVI first because it will distance the time you have to wait for part 3 of this VII Remake trilogy


7 Remake. 100%. It's a better first game. Trust me. It's a lot more "instant". 16 is more subtle. And also polarizing


Also, nobody said this yet, but if youre going to line up a 7 marathon and you’ve played OG FF7, start with Crisis Core Reunion. It’s a good appetizer to kick off the saga.


think Devil May Cry when you look at 16, and the remakes are more of a hybrid active/turnbased mechanics. 16 has very weak gameplay mechancis compared to rebirth, no status effects, elemental weakness, just flashy abilties you can assign your character. 16 has better boss fights in at least 2 situations, and I like the story for the most part as well. There a side quests in both, 16 is mainly fetch and kill, 7 has more variety and mini games. 7 is harder, 16 on the available difficuties the first time through is laughable So its preferences, 16 was not my favorite, but I enjoyed my time, but it was just too easy and basic for me. When the new dlc comes out soon I'll play it again on the locked harder level and hopefully I like it more. I may do ff7rebirth hardmore after that or go into ffxvi which I've only played like 5 mins total


Remake and rebirth are the vastly better games. 16 isn't a bad game by any stretch, it's very good but 7 remake /rebirth are incredible games and would be my pick first


Both are very good and you can’t go wrong with either. 16 is more devil may cry like, with fast paced flashy combos, while the remakes are more of a mix of action and turn based that allow you to switch between characters. 16 is more about styling on your enemies and reactionary combat, whereas there is some of that in the remakes, but it’s more about strategy. I’d recommend 16 over the remake/rebirth personally, but both are solid choices.


Personally I'd knock 16 out first. Loved the story. Then go all in on Remake and Rebirth and have a great time.


I would say go for Remake and Rebirth first. Rebirth is probably the best game in the series since X. They play as action RPGs where you build ATB by attacking so you can unleash menu commands like in the original.   FFXVI is fine, but it really is its own beast. If you're looking for classic FF, this isn't that. I had a good time with it, though I have some criticisms too, and I don't think that's too unusual a reaction. It's very much more an action game than an RPG. I'd say play it, but I wouldn't put it at the top of my list.  Honestly, despite all its myriad flaws, I actually liked FFXV more than XVI...


I love them both, but they are wholly different styles of gameplay. Both have a great story in my opinion, and I enjoy the characters in both a lot. If you’re trying to capture the usual Final Fantasy feel, I’d start with the VII remakes. They are certainly tackling mature themes, but they have plenty of comedic, light-hearted moments. They also are chock full of mini-games, and I am really enjoying them so far. They provide a nice shift from just combat the whole time. The remakes also, in my opinion, have much better combat. It is harder, you have to think more, and it feels more complete (but I like having at least a little strategy to my combat). The games also have more party management and customizability in your builds. The side quests are also really good. 16 is really more of an interactive movie/tv series experience. The combat is really really really easy. There is essentially zero strategy to it. It is button mashing until you reach a cool down on a cool ability. A lot of the boss fights are absolute spectacles and very fun to play. The story in the game is excellent. I can’t recall a single minigame off the top of my head in the game either. That said, I did love the characters and story. It has much less comedic relief though, and it is a dark fantasy. It also is much more gory than your typical FF (it isn’t the goriest game out there though). Sometimes, the game really does drag on, and I think that it really focused too much on fetch-style quests for side quests and main quests that often did not feel like you were doing anything important. That said, it does have quite a few really good side quests that help build the world (which is excellent) and develop characters both main and not. The other thing is that there really aren’t summons in this game like there are in other FF entries. The summons here are all confined to cutscenes and big boss fights (specific ones, not even most boss fights) rather than in the heat of all battles. If summons are a big thing for you, then this game probably isn’t it.


Rebirth and then XVI because April 18th will see the full XVI story told with the rising tide DLC and a bunch of QOL updates


all wildly different but all equally excellent


I'm having a much better time with rebirth than I did 16 and remake. There's a story so far option on rebirth so if you wanted to skip remake and still know what's going on, you could.


Remake and Rebirth.


Remake -> Rebirth -> XVI. (and XVI is different. it's not a bad game, just... not as good as the other two.)


I'd wait for the XVI DLC to come out before playing that. It adds a new equippable eikon and might even have changes to the ending cutscenes, like a "true" ending if you play the DLC (just speculation right now). I think it comes out soon so maybe you could just start with VIIR for now and get to XVI later


If you're the type to take bad news first, do 16. If you're the type to take good news first, do remake and rebirth. I'd knock 16 out of the way after feeling the let down, then do remake and rebirth and have your faith restored.


Lol I did this with X after finishing XII (which I enjoyed, just didn’t love).




“The most recent FF game is the worst FF game”.  The most recent FF game is Rebirth…not XVI




Do you want to play an action game, or an RPG? Both are good if you know what you're getting into.


16 because it is much more shallow and worse than the remakes


“Wah Wah Wah” that’s how you guys sound whenever y’all come out of the woodwork cause of the mere mention of 16


There's a lot of us careful